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Ambergris, :bighug2:  You might want to forego the adventures for a while and just hide out!!!  :hidingsmile:

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Ambergris, I swear if it wasn't for bad luck, you would have no luck at all. Seriously, I hope that bee sting hasn't given you any issues. And hope you are not allergic to them. Do you have an epi pen? You might want to try to get one for just in case. 


Hope the Birthday party went well. 


Right now, I am waiting for it to warm up a bit more. Kohl's is where we take returns for Amazon. I ordered a pack and play pen for GGD as I will be doing some babysitting and they sent me two of them. How they did that I don't know as I checked my order and I only ordered one. So, heading to Kohl's in an hour or two. It's up to 35* now. So, while in Harborview area, I will go to TJ Max and Michaels. Not sure where else yet. Need to pick up some Birthday cards as well. Yep, just sitting here right now and 3 fire trucks flying past on Bennett's Pasture Rd. They have stopped so must be a fire somewhere nearby. 

Temps are now up to 38* so will get off of here and head out. Not going to be that warm today anyway. So, want to get the pack and play pen to kohl's and hit a couple of other stores and then home.

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@Ambergris, how are you feeling today?  I hope, much better!

@Jeepers, please use a cleaning service!  Think of it as helping the people who clean, rather than you being lazy.  And as you haven't been well, it would be better not to stress yourself mentally or physically!  You won't be feeling depressed once you have it done!


Walked first, this morning.
Have laundry going.
Will put some stuff away in pantry and finish undecorating front porch.


You all have a good week!

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I'm better, but I definitely need to pick up stronger antihistamines, possibly to combine.  Need to consult a pharmacist about this.  My throat swelled, although not enough to endanger my breathing.

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You are right Miki. I really need to get over myself.  :blush:


I went to the house again. I got most of the downstairs bathroom all done. It's a very small half bath. But The vanity is all lined and I have cleaning supplies and personal stuff in there. I'm not really decorating. I am going to change that clear calk though. Never use that stuff because it's CLEAR and you can see every thing through it including every tiny imperfection. In my case, some pretty big ones. I keep meaning to take a picture but forget. Repeat, don't use clear calk unless what you are calking over is perfect! AND...the sink leaks underneath. Sigh. Not much but still. I'll call them when I check the sinks upstairs. 


We are in another storm warning. This time freezing rain. I do not do ice so if it happens, I'll be staying put! It's supposed to get to 40 Wednesday so it shouldn't last long. I have a few small things I want to order from Amazon but my walkway to the front door is snowed under. It's too heavy for me to shovel it. I really need some rug tape for the throw rugs at the front door and garage door entry. I don't want to chance ruining the floors. They don't lie flat and I don't want to trip on them. A couple of other really small things. Why do stores sell throw rugs folded up? There is always a hump in the middle.  :mad:



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Jeepers, let me know when you figure out why they have to roll the rugs up. They do that here as well as the longer ones they fold them over twice and leave 2 humps in there making it hard to flatten them. 


I left the house around 11:30 or so and returned the extra play pen they sent me. Then looked around through Kohl's. They never have much of anything anymore. But did find a couple of baby toys and a couple of outfits for the baby. They left there and went over to TJ Max. Yes, that store is dangerous. I can spend some money in there on the right day. Found a couple more baby outfits and some books and a couple more toys. Then looked around at other things. I found an aromatherapy essential oils and the diffuser to go with them. Been wanting one for a long time. Price wasn't bad at all. Bought a couple of pillows as mine are worn out. And now I can't find my pillows anymore. As they were the ones I could use for my neck. But hoping these will work. Picked up a few other things I needed and then left to head to Michael's. And of course, there was Ross right next to them. So, went in there and found some more baby toys and books and a couple more baby outfits. So got those. The outfits are for Easter as you can give a I think she will be 5 months old by Easter or near that. So, no basket of candy. The toys are for here when I am babysitting. I have books for her, and I can read to her and let her look at the pictures. Then I left Ross and went to Michael's I wanted to pick up some flowers that were on sale for DH's grave. Our anniversary is coming up on the 26th and I want to take flowers for the grave. We would have been married 41 years. Then I went to see how much the Tee shirts were. Jack pot $2.99 each. So, I got 9 of them. Like Jeepers, I can stain them up fast. These are all short sleave, so for warmer weather. But will pitch out some very old rough looking ones and these will replace them. 

By that time, it was about 5 o'clock so headed to hardies for dinner. Then came home. I really made a day of it, and it felt good just to get out of the house for the day. Haven't gotten out like that in over 3 years. My DD said she is missing our shopping trips together. I have to agree. I don't shop like I used to now that either DD or DH isn't going with me. I have been used to having someone going shopping with me for years. My GD works during the week, and it has been too cold to take the baby out in the cold weather. 

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Woohoo! I got 2 hours and 45 minutes sleep last night. Still was up at 4 am.
I will walk soon while it is not raining.
Have a local clinic follow up appt. at 9 am.
Hopefully getting the fingerprints done after doctor.
Walk dogs (if and when it isn't raining.
Make turkey tetrazzini for dinner.
I hope to sleep some tonight!


I wonder how Kappy and Mary are doing?

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Started early on bedroom going through a lot of stuff. GS is still asleep in his car but when he wakes up, he will be cleaning off the driveway and then helping me outside. He is off today so I am putting him to work on the heavy stuff. He is going to help me get those wood racks put together and then we will finish stacking wood if it doesn't get too cold. Weather right now is 43* and going up into the 50's starting at 1 pm and then dropping back down at 5 pm. So, we will have a small window to work in. About 4 hours if it don't rain or anything.

I have some chicken thighs to cook and thinking about cooking them in slow cooker. Not sure yet how I want to fix them for dinner yet. I also have some peanuts to cook up also. I fry those up like they did at the Bennett's Creek market. 


Break over and need to get back to the bedroom and go through a few more things while waiting for weather to warm up. 


Miki, you need to take a nap today. That was not enough sleep. 

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Well I was in bed but DH was restless.  So we were both awake too long.  Tired today tho I slept in later.  :shrug: 


We're still in our mid-January thaw.  We don't get them every winter but ..it's nice to get rid of a lot of snow before the next batch begins to fall. 


Called my mom early today cuz the usual time now lands right when I'm walking dog/putting up the birds for the night.  Then I forget.  She wasn't fully "together" today but her 'neighbor' stopped to go down with her to today's activity and she was willing to go.  :thumbs:   :pray:  


I need to lay down and just read Kindle....brain seems to be overtaxed. 


MtRider  :imoksmiley: 

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Better  sleep  last night. 5 .75 hours 

Walked  early to  avoid  rain, this morning. 

Walmart  this  afternoon and  then Dr. Appointment for  DH. 

Stop and see  VA advocate on the way home. 


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Much warmer today.  Didn't get racks put together yesterday. Weather was damp feeling and colder than I thought it would be. Thinking a wind chill factor in the 50+ weather yesterday. Today is in low 70's. Nice outside already. Got the cement blocks down for the racks. So will finish putting them together after my coffee break. Went straight outside early this morning and no coffee. Yeah, I needed some caffeine. Hoping to get all the wood stacked today, but not counting on it as GS is working this evening.  So, will only be me later this afternoon to finish stacking wood. 

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We warmed up to the 40's today. We have been getting a lot of rain this week. That's a good thing as between the temperature and the rain, the snow is melting nicely. We also had a lot of low lying fog that looked eerie. Cold rain and fog looked more like October than January.


I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and they hit the mother lode on bath stuff like bath towels and hand towels and wash cloths. The place was packed with it. Some (probably most) of it was cheap but that's what I wanted to hang up on the towel racks in the bathrooms. Made in India. I didn't check out anything else. 


Today I stopped in the Dollar Tree. They were loaded down in the health aisle. Very well stocked! I hurried on by because I don't want to buy more stuff that I have to move. But if it wasn't for that, I would have shopped for some more gauze and bandages. They had some Absorbine Jr. patches that sounded good for a backache or other aches but I passed. It would have been a good place to 'med supply stock up' today. But I needed other things. 


It seems like a few things are making a comeback since C-19. Dollar Tree was well stocked and I noticed over in the baby shampoo and stuff aisle they had Purell and GermX back on the shelf. I haven't seen either one of those brands since the lockdown. It wasn't over in the baby section but by the soaps and shampoos. 


I'm not holding my breath on anything though because I still hear a lot of people talking about the food shortages they are seeing. 

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I still hear about shortages here as well. GS said they got in a double load of food to stock up on the shelves. Don't know if they are emptying the warehouses or if the stores are ordering more.  Still a lot of shortages and a couple of stores had the sorry for the delay we are unable to get this product in at this time. 

All so when I went to Kohl's the other day the place was packed with people. Two of the cashiers were talking and said something is going on to have all these people in there like that. I did notice they were buying up clothes and especially baby clothes. I saw 2 people that had carts overflowing with clothes. I haven't heard anything about a clothing shortage. So not sure what all that was about. 

When I go to pick up my RX tomorrow at Harris Teeter, I am going to walk around the store to see how the shelves look in there. 

Today I got one of the wood racks put together and moved it next to the other ones. Then started stacking wood. No help today as GS had a doctor appt. and then off to work. Don't think he's off again till Friday. And he is getting that other promotion to team leader which is about the same as being an assistant manager. He just got moved from part time to full time with a hefty raise and now he will get another one as soon as they move him up. They have already told him he was moving up the ladder. This next raise will be more than double than the last one and that last one wasn't bad. 

Got 3 loads of clothes washed also. So, a very productive day today. But I am going to pay for all the wood stacking. Starting to get a bit sore now. But hoping to finish up tomorrow pending weather. I didn't even put a dent in that wood pile and GS said he is not sure if the two racks will be enough. They are the triple ones that each hold a cord so it should work out. If not, I will make it work.  I only have about a cord and a half left to stack. The tree company I bought the wood from was not kidding when he said he was giving me extra as I have already stacked well over a cord. I think I will use them again when I am ready. All red oak and really nicely cut to fit my wood stove. They sell it by the size you need. 

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2 hours ago, Jeepers said:

It seems like a few things are making a comeback since C-19. Dollar Tree was well stocked and I noticed over in the baby shampoo and stuff aisle they had Purell and GermX back on the shelf. I haven't seen either one of those brands since the lockdown. It wasn't over in the baby section but by the soaps and shampoos. 

 Our 99c Store and CVS pharmacy were divesting themselves of these types of products last year for pennies on the dollar. I think I have enough for a small army. But I'm sure you would have stocked up too at 25c/bottle! Even if you don't wind up using it for its intended purpose, it makes a good fire starter!

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Now I think I will make a trip to the dollar tree tomorrow when I pick up my RX's, they are right next door to each other. Hopefully I will find some things I can use. Will check the dates of the shelve stable milk also. Right now, the milk I have is good till 12/24. So, unless I can get dates going into 2025, I won't buy anymore. But will check other things out. 

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At mom and dad’s. Got here Monday morning before the freezing rain. Didn’t go anywhere yesterday for mom’s birthday as the roads were pretty slick. Mist to heavy drizzle yesterday and today, and more tomorrow. Roads were black ice this morning... mom’s HHA said she did a 180 in her car on the way here. 
Went to DGS(6) flag football game tonight. HILARIOUS!! 😂 Foggy on the way home. They have heavy fog warnings for tonight and in the morning. 
Gonna try to get mom out to visit a friend of hers for an hour or so tomorrow. She hasn’t been out of the house and went anywhere since December 14 when dad went to the hospital, then she got sick on the 16th. Dad’s had a couple of exceptionally good days... hopefully they stay that way. 🙏 

Heading home Friday evening to get some stuff done there. Then back here next Wednesday night.

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Midnightmom, I have about 4 cases of the stuff. I think I've got the GermX. I didn't check to see how much it was but I just looked at it on line. $2.00 for 8 ounces. It wasn't on sale.  I just noticed that it was available again. I heard a lot of CVS stores are going out of business and that they are pulling out of all the Target stores. They have had a rough year.   Germ-X Original Hand Sanitizer with Pump, Bottle of Hand Sanitizer, 8 fl oz - Walmart.com


Littlesister, I hope yours is as stocked up as mine was.


Necie, stay safe on those roads!  Glad to hear your dad is having some good days. 



Oops. I just noticed I said I saw it at Dollar Tree. It was Wal-Mart.  :sEm_blush:


Edited by Jeepers
Corrected my boo-boo.
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Sleep all messed up.  Woke...slept...woke too late to get to our new Women's Bible study this morning.  :(   In fact I ate breakfast and went back to bed.  Got up at 11:30am and felt much better.  :buttercup:   And...it's 11:59pm right now. 

{in another three minutes, I'll look again and it will be 2am.  Really!  That happens! }   :busted:  


Had a video conference with doctor - med check.  I'll be tapering off one of them.  A good time not to be too medicine dependent...but most can't really manage it.  I've only got one that I'm keeping till I can't - the one that fights MS fatigue.  There are ways to get stocked ahead tho.  Take advantage of the refill gaps....if your med has them.  Unfortunately, I haven't been doing that.  You slowly get a few pills ahead each refill.  Not so you can misuse them!!!!!!!!  But to make sure you've got a buffer if yours are among the back order.  All of us here know this - so why haven't I been doing this?  I "wake up" when 2 or 3 pills rattle in the bottom of the bottle - and I'm wondering if we can get into town before I'm completely out.  Sheeesh! 


Yay, Miki....nearly 6 hrs of sleep!  I feel for ya!  :hug3:  


MtRider  ....will try AGAIN to get into bed and SLEEP.

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Seems a lot of people are having sleep issues these days. I was having them for a while but after buying that infuser and using the sleepy time drops in it beside the bed, I started sleeping again. And a much deeper sleep than I have had in a long time. 


I was going to work on wood pile today, but we had rain, and it is too wet outside now. Getting ready to run to Harris Teeter in a few to pick up RX's. Then take a look around the store to see how things are and how bad the prices have gone up since I was there over a week ago. Seems everything goes up on a weekly basis and on some things biweekly. 


When I get back home if it hasn't rained anymore, I will get the other wood rack put together and moved next to the other ones.  At least I will have that much done. At least I am ready for the next cold snap. 


After I get done at Harris Teeter will run over to the Dollar Tree. Wanting to see how things are in there on stock. Will check the milk dates also.


Jeepers, I never thought about the smaller boxes of milk. I think that is a great idea as I don't use a lot of milk either. But with GS here I have been using the quarts. If I use a half gallon, neither of us use it fast enough and then it goes bad. Butter Milk is an option from it though. I haven't done that in a long while. 

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Got back from Harris Teeter and did look around. Still had areas that were empty with signs saying sorry for the inconvenience on items. Meat was not as plentiful. And very expensive. Can goods were stocked but spread out and some items were not stocked all the way to back of shelves.  The things they were low on was spices, frozen food in certain areas. But overall, not too bad. 

Dollar tree on the other hand. They were in process of stocking but lots of isles were very low. Food isles not to good. But then the only thing left in food is one isle food and drinks and the second isle is nothing but junk food. 

Medical was not much of anything. Lots of empty spaces and the hand sanitizer had none of the brands you guys listed on here. Maybe they just haven't gotten that type of stock in or they are not going to get it. Will just have to keep checking. No milk. 

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Got fingerprinted this morning. Will tell about the job if or when I get it.
Will walk in a bit when rain stops. 5" so far and more later.
Will re-pot aloe Vera that froze.
Bible study this evening.

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