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Sometimes I feel sooooo *kuntryyyyy*


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I really hope that I'm not the only one who does or has done this. Between my two kids, me & hubby who are both major klutzes, and my dad who has a hard time holding things due to his Parkinson's we go through alot of kitchen glasses. It seems like they are always getting broke. So, in addition to purchasing some plastic "Coke" glasses any time I am through with a jelly jar or just about any glass jar that came from the grocery store w/ food in it, I stick that sucker in the dishwasher and then it goes into the glass cabinet! It doesn't really matter when these get dropped and broke. It's not like they are part of a matching set or anything.


I seriously hope I'm not the only one......

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You're not the only one! I could break conrete! But I'll never admit that anywhere else! No one in this house is exactly graceful!



Our glasses are all plastic (some from fast food places many years ago). Some are blue, some have flowers and some are just ads. But all are well used!


We use those Corelle plates too. You can drop them and they just make areally loud noise. I've never broken one!


Thrift stoes usually have a good assortment of plastic cups too.

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One of my favorite drinking glasses are my quart canning jars.


I buy glasses all the time and they mysteriously disappear...even the nice plastic ones disappear. We'll see what happens when the children all grow up and move out...lol

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That's what my mother used to think Darlene. Once these kids are grown we'll have nice glasses that will last. She found out it didn't change a thing. She still had no glasses even when it was just she and Dad.

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I only once bought corelle, the first time a piece was dropped it smashed into a million pieces! The plate only droppped from a toodlers hand to the floor so 18 inches? I never used it again



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You aren't alone in using jars for glasses. As a matter of fact, at the Taystee bread thrift store they sell really good preserves in glass mugs. They look like a small canning jar with a handle. LOL I have a whole set of these mugs and the jelly, jams and preserves are great. They cost $1.99 which is less that you pay at the grocery for the same amount of preserves. Now if a company has the smarts to know that a lot of people use food jars for drinking glasses and actually puts a handle on them for you it should tell you that you sure aren't all alone with using food jars for drinking glasses

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I have a set of Correlle dishes that are more than 30 years old and the only thing that has ever broken was a bowl that chipped along the rim. We kept using it anyway, and I guess it just weakened over time, because one day it fell on the rim and broke in half.


We still have Lion King jelly jars that we drink from, and my daughter is 16 now, lol. I think I need to clean out that cabinet...0073.gif

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LOL! I have started keeping our cans from soups and stuff and giving those to the kids to drink out of. They are constantly breaking glass and plastic, and leave things in the yard. A once a week yard cleanup in the summer will yield AT LEAST one full load of dishes! (even if we haven't eaten outside! I don't know how they do it!) My biggest problem is spoons and forks. Must be the silverware goblin!

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I have not drunk from a jelly jar since I was a child, nor have I had a matching set of glasses in years. I think I will hit the local thrift store for a few next week. Thanks for the memories and idea!


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I have finally sunk to the level of using metal insulated cups for everyone in the house...and we haven't broken one yet!!! Got the idea when camping. I do still have my red glasses that I use for holidays.


I have also broken corelle dishes...and one of my bowls has mysteriously disappeared this week...ummmm!!!!


When my flatware kept disappearing (the boys were learning to do the dishes), I bought cheap chopsticks and we ate with them for about a month before I bought new flatware...and I'm still using that set...the boys were not happy with chopsticks, but they can eat with them now.


Post TEOTWAWKI, it's metal camping dishes all around, they seem to hang in there really well, haven't had one break yet. I need to get some bowls to go with them. The metal cups are okay for cool drinks, but not for hot stuff, you really need an insulated cup for them. That an one big spoon for everybody and we'll be living high on the kuntryyy side.


Bandanas make wonderful napkins...talk about kuntryyy kool!!!



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I am soooo not touching that subject. Feeling bear jokes coming...trying to hold them in...may IM-plod.

I can bearly contain my...doh!


Hey, I love my corelle! I do find it's funny that I usually never *see* it broken, just notice one day that I'm short a plate or such.

(Picture family looking innocent )

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OK, Grubby, first of all, ya gotta read ALL the posts...(see Daily Diary)


This morning I spent some less than charming time picking up MY trash, that the bear (I live in the mountains, will have bear "issues" till late Oct), scattered hither and yon. As I was doing so, I found a fork. So he STOLE it...after one of the kids threw it away.


Hey, CJ, my family looked just like that when I mentioned the fork at dinner time!



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Now...if picking up bear poo, picking up the trash the bear scattered all over the yard and the road, and finding one of your forks in the process ain't kuntry, then I don't know what is!


*sigh* If only we had a few vehicles up on blocks in the yard.



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They aren't dangerous if you're in the house.


Most of the time, they are out late at night, so safety isn't an issue. This one turned up around 1 am from what I heard.


DOW is out here nightly, especially if we have them early, like we did this year. They started coming in July, and with that beign summer, kids were out, so DOW were here in force. As long as no one is complaining, the policy here is to live and let live until about mid October. Then they try to get them to go back into the mountains before Halloween.


WE haven't had any reports of bears going after people or pets in the last several years. Most of the time they will stay out of a yard that a dog is in. One of our (not mine, the town strays, we get lots of animals dumped out here)strays did tangle with a bear, we think, but he was OK. The bears started coming about 3 years ago when the drought got bad and now that the drought has lessened, they are habituated-trash cans, gardens, and apple trees are easier pickings than berry plants.


Living here, we are in THEIR territory, and we know it, which is why most people just don't complain unless there is a safety issue. The only time we've called DOW is because there was a cub and mama in one of our trees and the cub was hanging on by front paws only and we were afraid he's be hurt. By the time DOW got there he was OK.


The coolest part is sitting at your window watching them, cause they will come up to the window and look at you and you feel like you are the one in the zoo.



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