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Prayers for son again..


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A few months ago I asked for prayers for my son Charles.. He had to have a breast lump removed.. Now I come to you all asking for prayers again..

He has been accepted to attend a Military Academy.. The program lasts for 5 months.. He will live at the academy until he gradutes in December.. This program looks very tough as it is a military atmosphere. SO please help me pray that this is the path God has in mind for him and for his strength to finish the program.. They are going to help him earn his GED while he is there as well.. He is very excited at this point and a little scared too.. Here is the web address if any of you would like to see what I am talking about....

Lincoln's Challenge Academy


Thanks and love to all


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praying me too buttercup. I think he'll do fine but prayers never hurt.


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You know as Mom I might need a little prayer too.. First time for him to leave home for a long period of time.. He's pretty much my right hand here.. With Mowing and splitting wood among other things.. So it's gonna be a little rough without him.. But I am sure it's a fact that every mama hen has to go through when one of their chicks leaves the nest!

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thGR5FGirly5FHugs.jpg Buttercup, you are so right, as a mother, you need prayer too. It is hard when you have your kids leave home. Been there done that.


When our DD left home for the first time, she was headed to S.C. to college and we wouldn't get to see her for about 4 months. When our oldest DS left home it was for the Air Force, that was really hard. When our youngest left home it was for college too, but he was only going to Fargo, about 98 miles away. We would be able to see him more.


So, yes, I do agree, anyone with a child leaving home for the first time, or any time, it is really hard on the Mothers. I feel it is harder on us moms than it is on the dads, but we carried them with us for 9 months before we saw them. We have a special connection with our children.


You know what, it is still hard to see them leave after being here for a visit even.


So, thprayingforyouGIRLANDHAT.gif too.

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I feel really sick to my stomach today.. The days are just racing by now.. My last full day with my son is on Friday.. I am not going to handle this empty nest thing very well..

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Don't forget to look at him with pride. It's a wonderous young man 'in the making', you have Buttercup.


I know you feel he is unfinished; but he wouldn't be eager to leave if he wasn't ready inside. He is standing on the threshold of becoming a man.


It is our duty as a mother not to interfer with that process.


I have stood where you are standing; I'm sending hugs your way.

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I haven't shown any emotional distress in front of him.. I am not taking him to the bus for that reason.. It would be harder on the both of us for me to do so. It's almost as if he has already just quit on me here. Can hardly get him off the couch! I have been trying not to get angry at him. But geesh..

I am not saying I don't want him to go.. I am ready for him to go and grow up.. But I am also ready for him to get done with the school and come home a man.. Hoping life will be easier to cope with once he returns..

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How are you doing, Buttercup??

I will continue to keep

thBiblepurpleshlPopplpraying66.jpg .



It is hard enough on us moms who have grown children leave home, but your DS isn't that old. I remember when Jerry left for the Air Force, it really hurt but I knew that was what he wanted to do.


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  • 3 weeks later...

It is never easy watching your kids leave. I first had to deal with my son leaving for Basic and AIT. Then while he was finishing up AIT his unit got called up to go to Iraq. When we picked him up from his graduation I thought we would only have him home for a couple of weeks, so I prepared myself for that. Then it got pushed off for a month, and then finally I had him home for 4 months before he left.

It was the hardest thing I have ever done. Yes I cried at his send off, and I cried once again when I had to leave him at the airport when he came home on R&R.

The one thing that kept me going was knowing that this was something he wanted to do, and he knew no matter what we would support his decisions. I will do it again since he is talking of doing a second tour already. As I tell him I may not like it, but I will support him 100%.

He also knows I can't fault him for wanting to do this, since his father and I would go back into the military in a heart beat if they would take us.

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bighug Buttercup I remember driving my oldest son to Montgomery to the induction center. It is about an hour and half from Birmingham to Montgomery I cried all the way back. Good thing hubby was driving. Oh shoot the tears are flowing just remembering that night.


My heart goes out to you hon and I will be praying for you and your son. Sorry I didn't see this sooner.

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