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What's in your flu box


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I'm starting over with my flu box and am thinking about what I need.


peppermint candy-helps tummies

phyisium husk/soluble fiber-got this from C4C helps with diarrhea

chamomile tea


lipbalm- ALDI"S had them for .50 last year

Charman tp-ultra soft



toothbrushes- change after being sick


thermometers/ covers- each kid has thier own

disenfectant spray

small trash bags-I use Walmart bags, great size for used tissue and can tie handles together to toss out

caugh drops-DH likes Halls

Theraflu cold and sore throat-used this for the 1st time a few weeks ago and I liked it.DH can't use because of meds.



What should I add?

Edited by gofish
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Well Gofish, by the look of things I'll come to your house to have flu next time. You have more in the flu box then we have and I'm taking notes here.

Peppermint candy, nice one. We use the ginger syrup, mixed with water and lemon juice makes a great anti-nausea drink. Peppermint might open up those sinuses as well.


Maybe it's a tangent but lately I have this craving for Vit C tablets. The kind that dissolve with bubbles.

Normally I wouldn't touch it with a 3foot pole but since a month now my body seems to crave that stuff.

We don't drink carbonated drinks but this is something like a physical yearn.

Maybe add a few tubes of that to the box as a Vit C boost in case of flu.

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Good list Gofish!


I realized this past week that I need to make DS2 a general first aid kit with cold and flu items in it. I can't believe I haven't already done it! :whistling: I know there is a clinic on campus where he can go but he may not feel up to the walk. This way he can take care of himself in his dorm.


Thanks for the additional ideas!













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A good bottle of some Vit D3 ... and some good Vit C will serve much better then any drug.


I also keep Garlic, Echinachea, Olive leaf, Elderberry... and a few others around at all times.


Personally I would drop that Thera-Flu it just has too many risks for me.


I also keep a variety of teas, mostly formulated for colds & respiratory issues, as well as chamomile and peppermint.


As for electrolytes, some good unrefined salt (such as Celtic salt) is what I use for that.


Distilled (white) vinegar will clean as well as any "disinfectant spray" and is totally safe to have around (as well as cheaper).


Don't really have a "kit" just for flu, but would take large doses of the Vit D3 and treat symptoms. Up to 10,000 units per day will kill off ANY flu much better then any drug on the market. It can also be used (at 2,000-5,000 units per day) as prevention. Its fairly cheap, and your body needs it for many functions.



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I'm starting over with my flu box and am thinking about what I need.


peppermint candy-helps tummies

phyisium husk/soluble fiber-got this from C4C helps with diarrhea

chamomile tea


lipbalm- ALDI"S had them for .50 last year

Charman tp-ultra soft



toothbrushes- change after being sick


thermometers/ covers- each kid has thier own

disenfectant spray

small trash bags-I use Walmart bags, great size for used tissue and can tie handles together to toss out

caugh drops-DH likes Halls

Theraflu cold and sore throat-used this for the 1st time a few weeks ago and I liked it.DH can't use because of meds.



What should I add?


Well I'm finishing mine now but i put:



Cold Calm

Flu Care

AM & PM Cough Syrup (homeopathic)





Vicks Rub

Hand Sanitizer

Antibiotic Ointment

Anti Bacterial Wipes

AntiBacterial hand wash

Honey/Lemon cough drops

Citrus Cough Drops

Baby Wipes



Anti Bacterial Soap

Disinfectant Spray

Trash Bags

And I make sure I have lots of soup or things like that so if I'm sick I don't have to worry.


I'm sure there's other things, but right now that's all i can think of.

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I'm going to add Simply Saline- nasal mist.http://www.simplysaline.com/

Maybe a netti pot for each person.


I can go from a sinus infection/ head cold to bronchitis that trigers my asthma in less than 24 hours. With threats of being put in the hospital I have to balance using OTC meds for a day or two with a month of asthma meds and the HATED Albuterol. As long as I keep it out of my chest I don't need asthma meds. 2 of my babies are the same way.


Christy I have used ginger in the past, forgot about that.

Vineger and hydrogen peroxide for cleaning would work for me.

Electrolytes- as long as I can get them to drink it. When Son was sick last time he would not drink Gatorade ,said it hurt .

We do have and use vitamins every day.Will get more vit c.

Edited by gofish
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  • 3 weeks later...

good list............................

may I just add that hand sanitizers are really needing at his time But-

Remember to wash your hands (and remind the kids) as many times a day as you can.

Germs are out there and the fastest way to get sick is hand to month germs.


I use blackberry tea for diarrhea


Drink water, drink water, drink water.


you can nEVER have too much garlic at this time of year as well.


**saltines and gingerale soda (pop)- remember your Mom doing this wehen you were a kid? It works when nothing else will stay down.

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great list thanks for all the ideas


Oscillococcinum (this stuff works great )




thermometers/ and ear one

disenfectant spray

caugh drops/ vitamin c drops

cough meds

Vicks Rub

Hand Sanitizer



I need to get the crackers, soup and soda then hide them from the kids. Lol

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My problem with hand sanitizers is that I HATE the feel and smell of them. They just feel so ICKY.


I love blackberry tea, and saltines and Pepsi is what I used for morning sickness.


Has anyone used sweet oil for earaches?


I have used Similisan earache drops and they work very well. They are in the baby section, but I have used them on myself.


I know someone said thermometers/covers, I want to make a plug for those thermometer strips that you just put on a forehead and take the temp. When my kids were really sick last year I was able to take their temperature without waking them up. I went online and bought a dozen of them lol.. They really were helpful when I didnt want to disturb a sleeping child.

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  • 1 year later...

I have added the following:


some apple juice (tiny plastic jugs)

instant cup-o-noodle soup (chicken and ramen)

diet 7-up (cans)

Some OTC, herbal & homeopathic supplements: nux vomica (for nausea); advill, meclazine (if the homeopathic doens't work), activated charcoal (for the really grumbly gut - warning - your stools will be dark for a few days!),

water-soluble fiber

Liners for the trash cans (for throwing up)

Some tea & sweetener

I always keep some yogurt starter around (I make my own) so I can cook up a batch of yogurt to re-populate the gut bacteria

Thermometers (and covers if needed)

Know where an extra sweater, blankie, comforter, or wool socks are

Ear wash (I mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide, cider vinegar and water and drop it in the ear to ward off infections) and swab out


I also have a set of antibiotics on hand in case of secondary infections...it's been valuable more than once.


Also, some soup-in-the-can or freezer items that are pre-made or fast is essential.

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From personal experience and THEN research-- If you are prone to kidney stones, be careful taking large doses of Vit D3 for any time period. Kidney stones can be a side effect for those prone to them.



It maybe be because many of us are deficient in magnesium and don't know it. Research from as far back as the 60's has supported this. Here's a couple articles on it (kidney stones are toward the bottom).








The thing I'd add to the flu kit is the Kleenex with menthol in them. They are the only ones my daughter likes and they do smell good and help open you up a little. They are getting harder and harder to find though.

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Hi snapshotmiki! Looks like you already knew of magnesium's benefits. I'm glad you brought up kidney stones. Thinking about the magnesium reminded me I haven't been taking mine and that may be why I have been having trouble going to sleep.



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I have most of the stuff up there too. I also have some of those Breath Right strips. I put one on when I'm trying to sleep. It helps a little. I live alone so I usually have to fend for myself. I want something I can open quick, heat up and eat.


Along with meds I just make sure I have some;

Canned chicken & rice soup

Canned homestyle chicken noodle soup


Gator Ade

Dr. Pepper



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  • 3 months later...

A few things I haven't seen here yet:


Honey. It's good to add to hot tea to help soothe a sore throat.


Anyone else use a Vaporizer? We have one and I make sure we have the solution stuff for it. We have a small humidifier, but I like the warmth of the Vaporizer. That and Vicks VapoRub seem to help me the most when I'm all stuffed up.


I can't have regular decongestants (hypothyroid), so I use Marshmellow Root capsules. Although it works much better for DH than me. I recently found that although I can't have DayQuil, there are NyQuil capsules that are safe for me (no decongestants in them).


Lots of extra tissues. Extra tissues with lotion in them. We were both sick with bad colds a few weeks ago. In one weekend, we went through over 5 boxes of tissues.


Vaseline (to apply to your nose after using so many tissues!)


Go fish, I use sweet oil for ear aches. It helps!


Since I think there's a few other celiacs or people on gluten-free diets here, I want to add that I recently re-checked and all Vicks products are gluten-free.

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  • 6 months later...

Ughhhhhh...it is that season isn't it!? Oh well, we were pleasantly surprised when we were nosing about in our local Dollar Tree (everything is $1.00) and found ZiCam of all things. We've used this stuff at the first hint of a cold or ??? and it works wonders. Bought ourselves a generous supply, not just for this year! We'll go ahead and take the flu shot (we're over 60) and have ZiCam on hand for if we can't get vaccinations. Also found mentholatum rub...$1 a jar (WM is 3x that!) so stocked up on that also. EVERYBODY'S RICH AT THE DOLLAR TREE STORE!!!

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A few things I haven't seen here yet:


Honey. It's good to add to hot tea to help soothe a sore throat.


Anyone else use a Vaporizer? We have one and I make sure we have the solution stuff for it. We have a small humidifier, but I like the warmth of the Vaporizer. That and Vicks VapoRub seem to help me the most when I'm all stuffed up.


I can't have regular decongestants (hypothyroid), so I use Marshmellow Root capsules. Although it works much better for DH than me. I recently found that although I can't have DayQuil, there are NyQuil capsules that are safe for me (no decongestants in them).


Lots of extra tissues. Extra tissues with lotion in them. We were both sick with bad colds a few weeks ago. In one weekend, we went through over 5 boxes of tissues.


Vaseline (to apply to your nose after using so many tissues!)


Go fish, I use sweet oil for ear aches. It helps!


Since I think there's a few other celiacs or people on gluten-free diets here, I want to add that I recently re-checked and all Vicks products are gluten-free.

I wouldn't survive without the Vicks vaporub. We depend on it so much that my daughter and I each have our own bottle as well as one in the medicine box. I didn't think of the vaseline, that would help not only with the irritated nose from too many tissues, but also for dry nasal passages. We apply that to the nares of several of our residents where I work every night, especially during the winter months. It helps to cut down on nosebleeds related to dry nasal passages.


We make sure we have Puffs Plus during cold and flu season. We will start out with regular tissues, but as soon as we start going through a lot of tissues, we break out the Puffs Plus because they really do seem to irritate less than regular tissues.

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