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Thank you Littlesister. I'll look them up! I need to clean the Jeep out a little first  LOL.   I have nothing to lose. :hug3:


Amish made furniture is top quality and very heavy. It might cost a little more but around here, not much more that a good furniture store. Many of them ship for free if you find something online. I have a house full of it but as I told my DIL, I bought it one piece at a time over many many years. If you look closely you can see the different shades of stain. I think the only time I bought two pieces at a time was the two end tables in the living room. All of it brought home in the Jeep or a car. Not counting my bedroom suite. That was a set. 

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Wonder what shipping would cost. That could be an issue for me unless I can find an Amish store somewhere near here. When I am ready to get a new living room suit and den furniture, I will be buying tables and such also. I would be looking for some good quality things and Amish does have some really nice things. 

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A little preview so far.


Entryway. Doors will get painted.  Half bathroom door, coat closet and around the corner is a double pantry. There is another utility closet across the hall from the pantry. Then on out to the garage. Walls will be painted a cream color.  Lots of storge there just meant more stuff to store. :rolleyes:  That hallway isn't nearly as wide as it looks though. My phone camera shows strange effects.




The kitchen so far. Along the two walls was a fake dark brown brick wall. I guess it was thick particle board. It was as ugly as it sounds. I'm glad it's gone because I was going to try to paint it white.  Looking into the dining room I forgot I had some wallpaper on the bottom of the chair rail. I'm not removing it. It isn't very much and I hate stripping wall paper. 




This is across the room from where the sink will be. It's where the fridge and some cabinets will go. I did redesign it a little bit. Before, the fridge was right against the wall on  the left. I had a smaller side by side fridge. Every time I opened the freezer side door it would bang against the wall. It also stuck out about an inch or two into that doorway. The new fridge is a little bigger yet. I asked her if we could put the fridge more in the center away from the wall. She said she could put a small pantry thing on the wall side and a small cabinet on the other side. I think that will work. The fridge will stick out in the floor space but it's better than sticking out in the doorway. I think. I'm always second guessing myself. Oh, and that fake brick wall was around that area too.



So far so good.

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Hello ladies!   Been catching up on things (where DOES the time go??)  Not too happy to read about everyone's medical & contractor & life issues, BUT glad to see that I am not the only one living an "interesting" life.  I like boring better it gives me time to do things other than "rasslin' alligators" as we call it.  (From a description I heard as a child about how "when you are up to your ass in alligators its easy to forget that your original mission was to drain the swamp!")  


Our garden is somewhat cleaned up and fall veggies are in.  Catfish are biting again, they like the cooler weather.  I clean them & freeze until I have enough to can.  It does taste like tuna, so why not save a few sheckels.  The chickens are doing well.  Our three legged baby is living in the Banty-chicken Palace;  the full size birds kept picking on her.  She is bigger than the banties so they leave her alone.  She is a peaceable bird so its all good.  The bigger birds are maturing.  The roosters are chasing the hens around and fighting over ownership of the hens,  Those 7 chicks we got at Tractor Supply for $1 each turned out to be ALL males.  (They dont sell sexed birds.)  Mary says "no butchering the chickens!!" even the males.  So we will try moving the Banty females in with the full size females, and putting the bachelors together.  Will they fight?  Cant say,  But they are running the ladies ragged.  Can't have that.


The pit bulls came back again, but before the animal control people came over with traps, another caller got video of them attacking her dog in its own fenced yard.  They were able to find the owners and issued a BIG fat ticket.  He has to go to court.  So glad we didnt have to shoot the dogs.  I hate shooting varmints, even the coons & possums.  But I do what needs doing to protect my animals.  


The good thing is that when animal control was out they were introduced to the goats and said our having them as pets was no problem.  Lil' Luigi charmed them all again.   He's our cutest ambassador.  We have 2 more mixed breed pups, both from same mother but clearly "sisters from different  misters"   as one is a black lab & dachshund mix and the other a golden lab-springer spaniel mix.  Momma musta partied hard. After a couple got her from the Humane Society she blessed them with EIGHT puppies.  We took two for free.


Going to see docs this month to find out if I can get help with my left hand.  Eyes are apparently OK.  Still doing drops but vision is not bad except under low light.  My 2nd back surgery is done and PT is sloooow.  I still can't use left hand for much (no grip or finger function) but its slowing improving,  

I still cant stand straight.  Been told I probably never will.  Grrr.  But the bad hand & shoulder are the real nuisance.  Everything takes MICH longer to do.

I can't play any of my musical instruments any more.  Not a one.  That hurts.  


I contacted some lawyers about the back.  I've been told yes, I have a malpractice case (X rays clearly show broken rods after 1st surgery that nobody told me about - for years - while I kept getting PT & pain pills)   BUT in this state you have to prove you are worse off than you otherwise would be and they say it is hard to prove at my age (expletives deleted)  so the lawyers seem to be leery of taking the case, and keep referring me to other lawyers.  

Guess I will have to keep looking...there must be+ a hungry lawyer somewhere.



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Kappydell, Glad to see you posting again. And all the chickens and goats and such are all doing well also.  Hope you can find a lawyer that will take your case soon. And that your hand will gain more strength. I know how that can be. My left hand is now starting to show signs of arthritis. Getting harder to make a fist without pain. 

Hopefully the physical therapy will help you improve, and you will be able to move around and do more with no issues. 


Working on house this morning and just taking a break now. Deep cleaning my bedroom and hoping to finish getting the furniture I am moving from bedroom to the living room. My house is a hot mess and having first DGD and her DH living here and then DGS living here and then moving to his apartment but coming here to stay every morning till he went to work in evening has really slowed me down getting a lot of things done. I kept putting a lot of things off and now it is catch up time. GS has an interview this afternoon. It is with Best Buy and not a good place for him to work as I know where his pay will be going instead of rent. He has done nothing but talk about a new gaming computer to the tune of over $4000. He doesn't need that. He needs to pay off his bills as I told him flat out, I will not pay anymore of his bills. His phone bill is due on the 11th, and he has his last paycheck from his last job coming on the 6th. And he has to pay over $300 in overdraft, or they will freeze his account on the 12th. You would think he would have learned by now that eating out and buying your wants instead of paying your bills will get you in trouble every time. But as they say stupid is as stupid does or something like that. Wish the military would hurry up and send him for his Phy. and test and ship him off to bootcamp before I give him the full boot out and away from my house. 


I need to wash blinds and hang curtains and still haven't gone to buy new curtain rods for bathroom. Need to do that soon. I almost have the office/sewing room/craft room finished. Just going through a few more things and getting that set up and then washing windows, blinds and hanging curtains back up. I am really getting tired, but all this must get done. I am tired of the messed-up house. I look at what I am dealing with from my construction and yes Jeepers I can feel for you as you have it much worse having to live in a hotel for months while all that is going on. But it looks like things are really starting to come together now. Yet still a lot to get done. Hoping the house sells as soon as you get it on the market so you can move to Indy and enjoy your grandson and new house. 

DGD wants me to help her plant a garden next spring. Her DH will do most of the work and I will just be showing them what to do to help them get started. They are renting a two-story house, and I sure don't miss those steps. Jeepers you won't miss those steps either once you move to Indy. 

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I pray that you continue to improve @kappydell!  I'm glad that your Fall garden and animals are all doing well.  I'm guessing that you are working on decoration plans, already!


Already walked.
Next will walk dogs.
Make a couple of business calls
Put away pressure canned jars of food.
Maybe make those 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies- some for Church potluck on Sunday.


You all have a good day!

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Got living room totally empty and cleaning the floors now. I am putting the finisher on the hardwood floor now but have to wait 45 minutes between coats. And as usual, I had to drop everything again to take GS his spare key as he locked them in his car. So that was a good 2 hours out of my day. He is here now, and he ate, and I put his tail to work weeding out the flower beds. If he's going to keep coming here to eat and just sit around while I work all day, he is sadly mistaking. I am shoving that boot future up his butt and making him earn his keep. I think this time he is getting the message not to mess with me. I am handing his crap back to him full force right down to how he is not paying his bills and trying to save money. I just hope the Coast Guard calls him in fast. He needs to get those orders before he gets evicted. If he has the orders, then they will let him out of his lease. Just praying for that to happen. And yes, I hate going to Norfolk and GS had my transponder for tunnel. But I can call them, and they will fix it, so I won't pay the full price. He had the interview with Best Buy this afternoon. He has to go through. 2 more of them before he knows if he has the job. I suggested he keep looking just in case. It is full time but a minimum wage job. he can't live in that apartment on minimum wage. He couldn't make it at $18 an hour. So that should say something about this economy. Kids really can't make it now with everything going so far up in price. But then my GS just doesn't try to stretch a dollar either. He has been eating out on overdraft just like I thought he was doing. I told him he cannot be over drafting and taking out early pay each payday and expect to be able to have money to pay his bills. It doesn't work that way. But he says he knows what he is doing. Yep, it shows he's in debt up to his eyeballs and can't pay rent or anything else. He's so smart when it comes to money. We should all take a lesson from him.  NOT!

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46 minutes ago, Littlesister said:

He has been eating out on overdraft just like I thought he was doing. I told him he cannot be over drafting and taking out early pay each payday and expect to be able to have money to pay his bills. It doesn't work that way.

Not that he would "want" to, BUT, the bank can set his checking account to NOT ALLOW overdrafting to take place. So, the next time he goes out to eat his purchase will be DENIED! Maybe a little bit of embarassment will help to cure him. :rolleyes:

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Good to see you Kappy. Rasslin' Alligators is a good description. Glad your animals are doing well and good for the law fining the guy with the dogs. After all of the attacks they have provoked, I'm surprised they didn't order it 'put down'. Too bad but it's the owners fault not the dogs. Sorry about your medical issues too. Don't give up!  It's true about lawsuits and our age. They just stall around trying to wait us out until we are gone.  :sigh:

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MidnightMom, GS uses that overdraft as if it's a credit card. The account is in his name only so I can't do anything about it. But his time is about to run out. If he doesn't pay the overdraft by the 12th, they are going to freeze his account. So, we will see what happens then. He had his interview but 2 more of them with Best Buy to go. His hours would be from 7pm till 3am. But he doesn't know yet if he will have the job. He's not putting in anywhere else yet. 


GS came here and ate both lunch and dinner. He did get one of the flower beds cleaned out. I flat out told him if he wants to eat, he best be doing yard work and work for food. He just left to go home a few minutes ago. He took some apples and his Asmat book home to study. I hope he will study for it. He needs to get a good score. I got him the one for dummies. Maybe he can understand that one better. I looked through it and it was interesting to say the least.  He also told me he called his mother and cussed her out and then hung-up on her. I didn't even ask why. He has some serious issues. 


But on a good note. I got the furniture moved from bedroom and chair and table from den to the living room and boy is my bedroom dusty. It was so much furniture in there I could not clean it up. So, moving things around will help a lot. Now hopefully I can get my bedroom cleaned up and get that dust out of there. It's a huge hot mess. Will run to store tomorrow to pick up a couple of things and then home to work on house some more. With GS out of the house I get so much more done. But a lot of it was from moving things around and out of the way for construction. 


Kappy, I really hope to see you on here more, but I know you have been really busy.  Just glad your health is better, and all the animals are doing well. And that dog hopefully will be taken care of to not get out and attack the animals. I hope the neighbor gets the idea this time that he can and will lose the dog if he doesn't contain it. Though it is not the dogs fought but the fought of the owner. The dog will be put down if it keeps up. 


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Y'all are so busy!  Just stay safe.  Tomorrow is the big 'whatever' when the govt tries out it's new?? emergency broadcast system.  :scratchhead:  Never really got a straight story on that. 


DH and I managed to get the A/C unit out of the window today.  It was blowing cold air down the back of my neck from my chair.  I got it all prepped to move while he was at the library.  Then we also got some other things like big dogfood bags arranged - first in/first out.  Couple of those are seriously HEAVY for either of us.  I do use the luggage sized 2-wheel dolly...even on the stairs.  That's how the A/C unit goes up and down in Spring and Fall......{with NO falling!!!} 


Seems like we just got that thing in and now we're cold.  :frozen:   Was in low 30*s this morning.  Several nites have frosted. 


Ladies' Bible study tomorrow.  Ride on Saturday.  That's gonna be a normal week...unlike last week.  :0327:


Sorry to hear about your back, Kappy.  It was doing so well until.....things started breaking!  And your hand too!   :(   :pray:  


It's hard to imagine what your house looked like when you went back to Ohio after Christmas, Jeepers.  What a horror ...and you so sick already!  :pray:  that nothing like that ever happens to Jeepers again!  :pray:   Once is more than enough!


MtRider   ....need to walk my mile...  :pc_coffee:

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We are having cooler nights now, but now the sun has come out and the temps are heating up into high 70's and low 80's. I can handle that. Still have the air conditioning on but it only comes on a couple to 3 times a day for a few minutes and then cuts off. Furnace is lit and ready for use. I just need to get the firewood in place on patio for when the time comes. Never did get more firewood but I still have a cord and I don't need it every day as long as we have those warmer days like last year during the winter months. Next year I will be getting at least 4 cords if I can find it on the cheap. Otherwise, it might not be more than 2 cords. 

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1 hour ago, Littlesister said:

 He also told me he called his mother and cussed her out and then hung-up on her. I didn't even ask why. He has some serious issues.

Just another reason why she won't help him. I don't blame her one bit. He would treat me like that one time... And it sounds like he has a history of it.


Mt. Rider I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's very dim but I'm seeing it.  Pray it isn't another train.  :grinning-smiley-044:



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On 10/2/2023 at 5:08 PM, Jeepers said:

Amish made furniture is top quality and very heavy. It might cost a little more but around here, not much more that a good furniture store.

We have Amish made bookcases.   They're awesome and very sturdy....the only bookcases in the house without bowed shelves.     Bookcases here are filled with books.  :)   


Also, with my chemical sensitivities, I can't have the particle board type furniture due to offgassing.

Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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I was surprised when I got a flat top table. They installed a metal rail down the center underneath. It is there to prevent buckling or warping incase of any humidity or moisture. I didn't even know they were doing that. The craftsman also signed his work. I don't remember what I paid for that table right now, but I can tell you that it was not any more expensive than a table from a good furniture store, of the same size, and it was custom made. I know because if it was that much more expensive I wouldn't have bought it!  I don't know if it matters or not, but the place I bought from is around 30 miles from my house so I get free shipping. It is all Amish made furniture but the store isn't in Amish country. In other words, there are a number of shops who sell Amish made furniture that aren't in Amish country so you might be able to find one near you online. 


I made my own bookcase once. It was STURDY! After a couple of decades I gave it to a friend. It turned out great but a little too big for my liking. Realizing I'm not that handy with tools but... I went to the lumber yard and bought 2 solid oak boards for the sides. Then 4 shorter, narrower boards for the shelves. I had measured, they cut. Then I took a round router and routed the inside of the two side boards where the shelves would go. Sideways, not up and down. Measuring very carefully as to not go up too far in the front because the shelves were narrower than the sides. I routed one of the boards on the wrong side so back to the lumber yard for another board. :sEm_blush:  Then I used the same router to put a rounded edge on the front of the shelves. They slid into the routed sides. Very tightly. I used a little wood glue too. I messed up on the top too. I bought the same size board as the shelves and it was too narrow. It should have been a little wider so it would hang over a little. I went back to the lumber yard and got a board about 2-3 inches wide and glued it onto the board I had and clamped it on. I put a routed edge on the front edge and two sides of the top too. By the time I finished sanding and staining it you really couldn't tell. I just glued and clamped the top on. By that time I was over it. I nailed a very thin piece of plywood onto the back with brads. My first piece of woodworking. My only piece. In hindsight I could have used a square router bit and not rounded the shelves on the front. But the rounded edges looked really nice. I was so proud of that bookcase that I went to that store in the mall that engraves everything and bought a little name tag with my name and date on it.  :008Laughing:

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Jeepers, that is great that you could do that.  I am going to need more bookcases but instead of bookcases I want to have a built-in bookcase going over the top of the door frame in living room and down each side. I have seen them on Pinterest, and they really look nice. And should hold a lot of books. That is just another area of wasted space like it was in my bedroom that made me able to have a linen closet in my cracker box master bath. That worked out great. And now I don't have to keep running down the hall for things I need or even use the main bathroom for doing my hair and stuff as now I have a place for everything. So, a bookcase over that door in living room should work out fine and I can then have a place for the books I have stored in shed. I want to get those out so I can read them. Some are cookbooks so those will go into the bookcase in den. 

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Still cleaning up house and going through things. GS will be here shortly to eat and then I will put him to work outside. If he wants to keep coming here to eat and sit around all day while I am working on house, then he needs to work as well. I am not cleaning up behind him or around him anymore. My take is work for food and then go home or help out around here. 

Getting ready to rearrange my bedroom. Got all the furniture that was in that room in the way. So now I can get that room straight and cleaned. Things I hope are starting to shape up now. 

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Walked first.
Took friend to Walmart and local grocery.
Came home and made VA calls for DH.
Oreo, the big previously abused dog has injured himself and attacked DH twice. Have a vet coming out tomorrow, hopefully to see options. There is no putting him in the car to go anywhere anymore.

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Miki, I hope Oreo is ok. But it sounds like something is wrong. Hope the vet can figure it out and get him straight. Hope he didn't Hurt your DH. Dog bites and such can be nasty. Hopefully he hasn't injured himself to bad. 


GS showed up for breakfast around 10:30 this morning. This is going to get old fast. I understand he has no money for food and though he has a freezer full of food he refuses to call Maintenace to fix the stove or oven. So, he can't cook anything. But that's on him and he does have a microwave. I sent orange juice and apples and cookies home with him tonight. He left at 7:30. I told him there was more flower beds to be weeded out and he said he was tired and wouldn't help with anything. So, no dinner. Yep, I refused to cook. So, he went home with what I gave him. Hope he enjoys the apples and orange juice. As well as the cookies. Told him not to come over tomorrow morning. So will see what happens. Euphrasyne is coming over in morning and I don't want GS here not knowing how his altitude will be. So, he best not show up. I don't think he will though. I hope Euphrosyne and her daughter can use the material. I am sure they will come up with something really pretty to make with it. 

Didn't get as much done on house today as I hoped but It's also a lot of time-consuming stuff that slows me down also. Filling up trash bags now to go to Goodwill as I have run out of boxes. Need to catch the stores on stock day. 

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:pray: for Oreo, MrMiki and Miki..... :(   OW!


Hold your stance, Little Sister.  It's working better than before!  :pray:   for GS to come in to his late maturity! 


I'm TIRED!  Got to sleep but kept waking up and up and up.  Can't really tell how much sleep I got.  That's an unusual problem for me.  But when the alarm went off at 7am, I ignored it.  Woke at quarter to 8 and then decided I'd go to Women's Bible Study.  Got into my clothes, gulped down cereal and ABOUT FROZE in the car.  We'd been below 30* last nite/morning.  Had to drive car with DH's gloves on.  :frozen:  


Bible study was nice.....time to chat with people I've know a long time.....and half that I'm just getting to know.  I'm not able to handle crowds so this is about my limit.  So all the newer [like that last 15 yrs] members haven't met me until I started going to the Bible Studies again.  Still trying to remember names.   AND I forgot to put in my hearing aids.  They really make a difference! 


Came home very tired and didn't even stop to pick more mullein.  :grinning-smiley-044:  Just get home and eat something more.  Didn't do much else except crawled out to walk dog on road this evening.  She was zipping thru all the dead whatever that's grown in the ditch.  All gone to fluff and seed.  She was covered and I wiped her down before letting her into the car.  DH drove down and he takes care of birds for the night while we walk.  My gait never did straighten out....R leg barely going forward.  Not a lot of good walking like that but the dog enjoyed it.  DH cooked tonite.  :cook: 


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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Didn't do a lot in house today. Spent some time with Euphrasyne and River. Yes, she is cuter than her pictures. I think River liked the material so Euphrasyne and her older daughter will be busy with sewing. Very enjoyable morning. Hoping we can get together again sometime. 

Went to Walmart this afternoon and made GS go with me. He is very moody these past couple of days. No coffee pots worth bringing out of that store. Mine died yesterday. So found the same one I have now on Amazon. Was hoping to find it at Walmart cheaper. That one lasted me well over 14 years and it gets used daily. So, hoping this one will last as long. Was hoping to find a single top sheet since the one for my white sheet set went with DH in the ambulance. Seems they don't sell them that way anymore. But I think Roses sells them Singley so will try there next time I am in Churchland.  But I did get the curtain rods for bathroom. So not a total loss. 


Miki I hope you can get your laptop going again. They are getting expensive. I need to buy a new laptop and printer. I am now using the small one. And it is not good for a lot of things. Not enough room for things I want to do. 

Edited by Littlesister
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I visited with Littlesister yesterday.  River tried to touch ALL THE THINGS and nestled down in the fabric Littlesister generously gave me.   I thought she might take a nap, but she rallied with the flower she pilfered from the front yard when left and did coloring and math for the rest of the day.   Apparently the flower is the BEST THING EVER and she would not go to sleep until I moved the vase into her room.  The teen is thrilled with the fabric and we have plans to make several things.  After the visit and seeing some of the organization, I have an idea for a rolling cart with bins to preplan meals.  I may need to wait until River is slightly bigger since she tends to move things around at the moment.  


Today is bill paying and cleaning: Dishes, Laundry, Floors. 

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Euphrasyne, my cart has wheel locks on it. Look for one with the wheel locks. 

Glad River loved that flower.  And glad your teen loved the material. I really enjoyed our visit.  I am sure your teen will come up with all kinds of things to make. Wish I had half of her talent. From the pictures I have seen of things she made and what you had said, she has a natural talent. I think that is great. 


GS sent me a text he is on the way here. Never ask if he can come over. Just text he's on the way. So there goes my day. But I am going to be working in office/sewing room today and force his butt outside to work in flower beds or no dinner tonight.  Wish the Coast Guard would hurry up and call him in, but it could take up to a month or two for that to happen. 

I have a closet in foyer full of craft things that I need to go through as soon as I finish cleaning off table and things in sewing room. My shelving unit is mostly full of sewing material and other things I need to organize better as the bottom two shelves I want for craft things. 


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I got up this morning and watered roses and walked first.
My laptop came on like nothing happened. I cleared cookies, etc before I shut it down.
We did not get any rain after the big predictions. It just went around us.
I cooked burger and bacon to put in Cowboy Beans for Sunday.
Have to go clean up a little again at Church. Workers working in bathrooms and making a mess on the floors after I mopped them yesterday.  May do that tomorrow.

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