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Watcha doing today?

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I hope your tilt table test goes well, @Jeepers.  That is pretty fast to get an appt. set.

Glad your GS set up the last wood rack for you @Littlesister.  Another chore completed (soon).


Today, Bo and I will walk after his breakfast.
I will thaw and dehydrate figs. Gotta get started on the freezers again.
Nothing else planned.


The welcome home party was fun last night!  Way too much food.  That's what happens when Baptist women throw a party!

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Was up before 6am and stacking wood. It is all done now, and I didn't need another rack. So was glad of that. Money can be used for other things now. GS is working this afternoon, evening. We are learning he can't eat certain foods. He woke up early sick to his stomach. Seems he has acid indigestion if he eats things like sausage or fried foods. He got pasta from Domino's pizza that was full of sausage. And it didn't sit well with him. I gave him a Prilolec, and he is starting to feel better now. 


Jeepers, glad you were able to get a ride for that tilt table test and get the appointment as fast as you did. Hope and pray all will go well and they find out what is going on. 


Going to be working in the house going through things and maybe go up in the attic to put some empty storage containers up there for the time being. At least they will be out of my living room floor. 

Need to go to Lowe's also for some much-needed topsoil. Hopefully on GS's next day off we can do that. I need him to load it up for me, and then unload when we get back home. He might be a skinny thing, but he is very strong.  

GD and her DH will be now closing on the 10th instead of the 8th. Not sure why the date was changed.  They are packing up what they can now.  And her DH wants the ladder that was hooked to the fence, so that issue is taken care of. It now has a new home. 

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Miki. I know all about the Baptist's. Personally. :wub:. Nearly all of my family are Baptist. I was raised Baptist. We also have a lot of Methodist's. Or should I say, had. 


So glad you got the wood stacked Littlesister! Also glad it's done before the summer heat sets in. I'll bet it's a beautiful sight. Sorry your DS was sick. Similar thing happened to me last night too. About 1:00am I fried an egg sandwich and ate a Ho-Ho. I swear I don't know what possessed me. But I was up the rest of the night with a stomach ache and acid reflux. After some trips to the potty,  I'm still feeling it. Ugh. I knew better but I really wanted that egg and ketchup sandwich. My stomach feels like it has lead in it. Lesson learned. Probably. 


Not much planned today. I'm getting Necie's left over rain after all. I assume the guy will still come look at the lawn. I haven't heard. If it's raining just a little we can stand on the porch. His call. He isn't due until 5:00.


After that I might go check out the potatoes at the store. I'm going to want to get my sausage and potatoe mix canned up next week. I need to start peeling the taters now to be able to have them ready. Between my back, legs, hands and dizziness...peeling potatoes is not going to be fun. The end product will be worth it though. I really miss my kitchen stool. I'll see if Ollie's has a cheap wooden bar stool.  Or Big Lots. I just thought of that. It could be used at the Indy house in the garage I suppose. I'm not spending big bucks for one I'll never use again though. 


That pretty little bird was back at my window yesterday and again today. It's an Eastern Bluebird. He doesn't fling himself at the glass. Just sits on the window sill and looks in. I'd love to feed him but I'm afraid it will attract those blasted woodpeckers. I'm not taking that chance!  :angry:

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4 hours ago, Jeepers said:

. Between my back, legs, hands and dizziness...peeling potatoes is not going to be fun. The end product will be worth it though. I really miss my kitchen stool. I'll see if Ollie's has a cheap wooden bar stool.  Or Big Lots. I just thought of that. It could be used at the Indy house in the garage I suppose. I'm not spending big bucks for one I'll never use again though. 


A camp chair, Jeepers. A CAMP CHAIR!! :happy0203:


I peel 5 gallon buckets of potatoes sitting in my camp chair. One year I did it while having a garage sale and have done it that way ever since. Comfy, comfy!! 

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My family and I are also Baptist.  We do know how to eat. We can put out a great spread of food at the church. 

The yard man came this afternoon and cut grass. He also trimmed some much-needed trees. So that got done.  Just need to put some old boards on street also for bulk pickup.


Didn't make it into the attic today.  I made the mistake of sitting on the couch. Yep, I fell asleep.  Not tired anymore though.  

We are having a cold spell after yesterday's 86* It was so hot yesterday and right now it is cold. But a feels good cold. 


Jeepers, I know what you mean about peeling potatoes. It's like that Boston Butt. Just about killed my hands. I might dehydrate some potatoes for hash browns at a later date. It might wait till after GD moves into the new house. I will be babysitting at least a couple of days while they move in, and DD and her DH will be here in a week and the weekend after. So going to be a busy month with the kids. 


Yesterday when GD and the baby was here. The baby did much better with GS. Usually, she cries every time she sees him but this time she was laughing at him. I got him to finally talk to her and play with her. Though she thought his climbing the tree we were sitting under was the funniest thing. She couldn't stop laughing. He really doesn't know how to act around a baby. 



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6 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I'd love to feed him but I'm afraid it will attract those blasted woodpeckers.

You probably would because Eastern .blue Birds eat primarily insects.  Also favorites with woodpeckers.  You have a special visitor in that little bird. Take a picture.  They are rarely on windowsills.  I suspect he is seeing himself in the window or perhaps he sees the reflexion of plants or the lawn that makes it look like a field in the window and is trying to figure out where the insects are.  Their normal perch is at the edge of an open field, on power lines or fences over a nice open area so they can find insects easily.            Their favorite nest!!!!  Is old wood pecker holes!!!!!  

You are special to be visited by a bluebird.  This is what Birds and Bloom says about them. 

Bluebird Meaning and Symbolism

Some believe the bluebird is a symbol of joy and hope; others, that good news will be arriving soon. Others still think that bluebirds represent a connection between the living and those who have passed away.


Birds are so cool, even when they are being a nuisance.  

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So happy for you Littlesister nice to have that wood all done and put your energy elsewhere. 

Jeepers hope you find something comfortable to get off your feet while you are canning. Necie's idea to use a camp chair might be perfect since you can fold it up and take it with you. I want to get one of those kitchen stools with the built in stepladders for my kitchen. I think Costco sells them.

Mother thanks for sharing the meaning of the bluebird :wub:


My big accomplishment for the day is that the chairs for the basement arrived. My son helped unpack them. My tornado kit is mostly done just need to put the cat supplies downstairs. I have a big tote full of supplies, and a flat of water down there. I also want to put some extra blankets and pillows in a container right by the stairs to grab and bring down, can't keep them down there due to the mildew (old house basement). Feels good to have that in place and know that we  have water, something to eat, light, a weather radio, emergency blankets to stay warm, a place to put the dogs (I put a crate down there), and a place to sit while we wait it out.

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Becca Anne, it sounds like you are getting a good plan together. Don't forget extra batteries also. 

I think we are going to get some bad weather soon. Something about rain and wind and cooler weather. Will be working around the weather to get the flower beds finished now that the wood pile is stacked and over with. Hopefully for at least 3 years. I just need to put the tarps over the wood but will wait till GS is off to help me get that done. 

Just walked outside and there is a heavy due in the air and ground.  Not sure if we are getting rain tonight or not yet. But the weather report is just saying 70* tomorrow and cloudy. So maybe I can work on the flower beds in the morning. 

After the flower beds are done, I will then start working on the raised beds. I have a list of things I need from Lowes and working on one for the feed and seed. I also have a blueberry bush to get into the ground. It is still in the pot and has blueberries on it but they are not ripe yet. I have strawberry plants coming up from last year, but I don't expect to get any berries from them. I didn't think they would come up again. 

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We are at our place in Florida. There are a couple of small projects that we are trying to finish up. I am hoping to make this place a little more resilient on this trip. The place is all-electric and has no yard to speak of. Storms aren't really a big deal here in the North Central part of the state, but I'd like to have a few more things stocked up. This morning, we shopped for food and some construction supplies for the kitchen reno. We relaxed all afternoon. :cele:Tomorrow, I will be looking for things to add to the preparedness. 

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Went to the farm today. Took me awhile to get there... yard saling. :happy0203: Well, first I stopped at a discount bin place. It was $6 day. I got one of those cute little fans to sit on the cute little wood stove in the cabin. And one of those air mattress inflators— it runs on regular electric or can be plugged into the vehicle outlet (not sure what those are called anymore... used to be cigarette lighters, but they don’t have the lighter part anymore... wish they did). Anyhow, keeping it in the van for my air mattress and grandkids lake/pond/river tubes. I do keep the Bluetti in the van now, but it’s an extra option. 
Then stopped at an estate sale.:faint3:Ended up with 3 boxes of stuff for flea market. For me— 3 sleeping bags, small white fencing, breadbox for cabin, 2 ammo boxes (for DH), and FOUR tackle boxes!! I’ll keep some of the stuff out of the tackle boxes, use one to do up a box for the cabin, and then sell the rest at flea market. 
Got to the farm and got baskets out to put rhubarb in. DS1 and niece didn’t come. DS because he still didn’t feel good. And niece because she didn’t want her/kids to catch anything— they’re getting ready to go on vacation. So it was just mom, aunt/uncle and myself. We got 6-8 half bushel baskets picked and it started to rain. Mom will take most of the rhubarb to farmer’s market tomorrow morning. Mom headed home and I went back to the farm house and unloaded stuff into the garden/camping/garage and camper. Closed everything up and went to mom’s. Unloaded stuff into cabin. Then up to her house and unloaded towels that I got at Dollar Tree last week, 2 anchor holders for DS1’s new boat and a pie plate that I’d picked up at yard sales last week— she’s always sending leftover pie home with grandkids and doesn’t get her pie plates back sometimes. Then loaded up 3 more boxes of *junk* to take to market— 2 out of barn and 1 out of trailer. 
Then went to DS2’s to give DGS(7) hugs and smooches for his birthday, drop off some rhubarb and pick up a couple dozen eggs. Didn’t stay long as they were headed out for DGS’s birthday dinner. 
Got home and gave DH his ammo boxes. He said I did good. 😀 $1 for both. Then we pulled out the tackle boxes and picked through them a bit. Fun fun!! DH took a few things for the garage (scaler/knife sharpener/etc) and a few things for his tackle box. I’ll go through them again later and do the box for the cabin. 
Busy day, but overall pretty relaxing.. except the part buying for flea market— it gets overwhelming— headache and sweating means it’s time to stop. 

Tomorrow is farmer’s market in the morning, then going to DD’s house to spend the night with the grand puppies. 🐶 🐕 She’s still in Europe and DSIL is going on an overnight outing with his parents— Derby day at a *local* track, I think. 

:hug3:and :kissy:



pic of mom, me and uncle picking rhubarb (aunt took pic)



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Cool about what it says about the little bluebirds. Hope it's all true for me too. I think it must be a male because it is so pretty. I did get a couple of pictures of it through the window. Will post when I can. At first I thought it was a baby robin because of his red (orange) breast. Then he turned his head and it was blue.  :wub:  I like to hear the woodpeckers in my woods. But not on my house! Maybe they moved out and the little Bluebird took over their nest. Let's hope. I have an owl back there too. I hear it hooting at night sometime. Hoot hoot hoo hoo. 


I did see a camp chair at Wal-Mart a week or so ago. They were $70.00 :(But they rocked. :)  I was thinking with a stool I could be up close to the sink and running water. In Indy I just have a galley type kitchen so I had to go small. But I got one of those gray metal chairs with a small back that looks distressed (even before I sit on it :D) that I got at Hobby Lobby. It fits my rustic decor. 


Your basement sounds great Becca-Anne. That must really ease your mind a lot. Usually during a big disaster you won't have to be down there for long. Tornados usually blow through fast. Wind storms will be longer though. 


My lawn dude came and discussed about landscaping. He said he could make it look nice doing it minimally. That's the look I'm going for. Minimal = cheap-er. I don't have the estimate yet. Will depend on the cost of plants. They also mow my yard so I already like them. I asked about how to pay. They charge 3% if I use a card. Nothing if I pay cash or check. I'm going with either cash or check. It's all the same to me. I know I'm going to hire them. I'm not wasting time looking around for different people to maybe save a buck, or maybe not. 


I went to GFS and got another bag of long green beans. They are very nice. Wal-Mart is right there so I went in for some potatoes. I wanted Yukon Gold to can. They had red, yellow and white potatoes :wacko: packaged that way. Not sure which of those to get to can with my smokie links. I chose the white? Hope they aren't too starchy. I found a couple of dresses :008Laughing:The lady at the testing place recommended loose fitting clothing and especially dresses. I didn't have any. These are like tee shirts that are tiered with cap sleeves. They weren't very long like most of Wal-Mart stuff. It's nothing I would buy normally but I think I can manage this one. At least it will be comfy around the house. And I'll probably never see those people again so...:pout:  I checked out the scrub pants. When did they start being silky instead of cotton??? I'm not sure about the ones I saw tonight. 


Went to Meijers looking for the Yukon Golds. No luck there either. But I found two nice patriotic tee shirts that I can wear to a couple of GS shindigs coming up. His birthday is the 4th of July so they will be nice. I wasn't looking for them but they sort of jumped in my cart. 


Driving home I got dizzy and almost had to pull over. Never happened while sitting down. Hope my heart monitor recorded it. Luckily I live about 3 miles or less from Meijers  Sigh. 


Sorry this is long.  :sEm_blush:

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Themartianchick and Necie and I were posting at the same time.


TMC glad you made it to FL safely. It sounds like you and hubby had a nice relaxing time. But yeah, you do need some emergency supplies stocked up in this crazy world.


What a whirlwind day you had Necie. Whew. Wish I had half of your energy. I used to a long long time ago. At least you did have some help in the rhubarb patch. Thanks for the picture. I was looking at that cloud though. I got your last rain so I'll probably get this one tomorrow too.

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Necie, that is a nice garden.  Like the picture. 


Jeepers, getting dizzy is not allowed and with driving even more so. But glad you got home safe and sound.  Hope you found a chair that will work for you. 


Becca Anne, it sounds like you have that basement set up for comfort on those days you and family have to stay down there. It does make for keeping your nerves in order during those storms. 


I am debating going out and working on the flower beds. No rain but turned cold. Right now, it is looking like we are about to get a downpour. Might work on one of the beds in a couple of hours. Just been messing around in the house this morning and going through a few things and trying to figure out some organization on a few things also. 


Might ride out to the feed and seed today if I don't work in flower beds. Will see how things go. 

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I'm not doing anything today. That great idea of eating an egg sandwich and Ho Ho at 1:00am TWO nights ago is still haunting me. Yesterday I got some pepto and generic Prilosec but they aren't helping. Ugh. And I still can't stay out of the bathroom :sEm_blush:. Guess I'm too old to eat anything I want whenever I want. I'm sort of thinking the eggs might have been bad. There was never any throwing up even though my stomach still hurts.  The results are mostly intestinal. I wouldn't think there is anything left in me to hurt. If I was vomiting I would suspect food poisoning from the eggs. So I'm sticking close to the house today. And since I feel so lousy. I probably won't accomplish anything. Poor, poor pitiful me. :fever:

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Hope you feel better soon Jeepers hopefully just a bug.

I got half my hardened off transplants planted today- Cosmos, Statice, Sweet Peas mostly. And planted a bunch more seeds- 4 varieties Pumpkin, 2 types of Watermelon, Holy Basil, Culinary basil, Yellow Squash, Pink Banana Squash, Black Beauty Zucchini, Italian Striped Zucchini, Butternut Squash, and I'm forgetting what else but I feel really good about my progress.

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That is a lot of progress @Becca_Anneand especially with the basement!

I surely hope you feel better soon @Jeepers.  Glad you have someone do take care of your yard!

Glad you got all your wood put up @Littlesister.  Now on to the attic?


Ceftazadine is what DH is on for 3 weeks. Twice a day/ in a large syringe instead of a plastic ball. Much faster!

Home health was here at 8 am for first visit.
Walked this morning.
Went to store for DH- yogurt.
Next, I will slice some thawed figs in half and dehydrate them.  Back to working on cleaning freezers.

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Miki, Glad your DH is finally getting the antibiotic now. Hopefully there will be much improvement very soon. The figs sound good. I would love to get hold of some fresh ones


Jeepers, it is possible you may have a bug and the eggs were just a coincidence. Just happened at the time you ate. 


Becca Anne, you are doing great with your garden this year. If all of that comes in at once, you are going to be one very busy lady.


I didn't do much of anything today. just no energy. So didn't go up in the attic nor clean out flower beds. It was cold compared to the past 2 days. Don't know if that had anything to do with it. Just walked around the yard trying to figure out where I could plant a couple of fruit trees. They have them at Food Lion for sale. No fig trees but they do have plum and peach trees. Something to think about. 


GS was being funny today. Said he was going in early so he could get off early. It would only be an hour or two early. He told me not to get into trouble. He just didn't say what kind of trouble. Maybe I need to make up a good story for him just to see his reaction. He is off on Monday, so off to Lowes then. I really need that topsoil to fill in a few holes and ruts in the yard. Then off to the feed and seed and that is where I will get into trouble. They have all kinds of neat stuff other than plants and yard stuff. 

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What a FREAKING day!!! :faint3:


Pretty uneventful up until the end. Got up, had my coffee, headed to farmer’s market early hoping to find a couple yard sales on the way. Nada. 
Only made $40 at farmer’s market. Not unusual. I hate farmer’s market... mom loves it. She goes early and sets up. She gets to sit around and visit with the other vendors and regular customers. I usually get there at 11, check out who’s there and what’s going on. We pack up at noon.

Then headed to DD’s to stay with the grandpups. Did find a few yard sales on the way. Nothing major. Best find was a Coleman stove— one that looks like a lantern on the bottom. For $5!! Stopped and got Mexican carry out— shrimp fajita quesadilla, 2 tamales and chips and guacamole (large). :feedme: Stopped at farm store and got some garden row markers — those things are hard to find and they weren’t cheap. 😔 Got to DD’s at 4, let the dogs out and played awhile. Ate dinner. 
At 6:00, phone rings. DDIL. 
DDIL: “We got a 4 wheeler today.”

Me: ”Yeah?” (Thinking: WHY???... so the kids can run over each other??)

DDIL: “He’s fine. Don’t freak out. He’s gonna be fine. He’s in the ER— broken collarbone and maybe rib(s). They’re doing a scan.”

Me: “What hospital?” (I knew she was talking about DS2, cuz DGS is at his dad’s this weekend.)


Me: “I’m in CW!! At DD’s. Watching the dogs.” 
DDIL: “Oh yeah. I’m headed back there now. We left so fast we forgot our phones, so I had to come back home to get them and bring DGD(13) and her friend home.”

Me: “I’ll meet ya there!!”

Got to the hospital. What a mess. Broken collarbone and 4 ribs. Had him on morphine. Doc was AWESOME!! Already had him set to contact orthopedic on Monday. Was giving him a narcotic script and DS2 was all worried about it. Doc said: “Don’t worry about it. You’re an otherwise very healthy guy. If you had kidney or liver problems, we’d worry about it. But you’re a very healthy guy with a lot of pain, so we’re gonna get rid of as much of the pain as we can.” No cast. No wrap. Just a sling and seeing the orthopedic surgeon. It was rough for him getting out of bed and getting the sling on and into the car. 
I’m going to stop over there after I leave DD’s tomorrow morning. He said something about needing pig/chicken feed picked up Monday and something else... I said we’d figure it out tomorrow. And DDIL has surgery (tubal) on the 15th. So they’ll need some help for a few days after that. DGD(13) will have to step up a bit, and my mom said she’d help out with cleaning/meals or driving or whatever. Oh— yeah— they couldn’t get the scripts filled. The doc called it in to a pharmacy that was open... but the pharmacist had left. :buttercup: So they went to mom’s and got some painkillers that she still had from dad til DDIL can get back to the pharmacy in the morning. 
Dogs are sleeping and I’m not far behind them. 

:hug3:and :kissy:


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Storm rolling in... so, of course, I can’t sleep. 
First pic is now. Second is in 45 minutes. <sigh>





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On 5/3/2024 at 9:32 PM, Jeepers said:

but they sort of jumped in my cart. 

 :lol:   ( I wouldn't know anything about this 'jumping into cart' business ...)   :pray:  that you're feeling better, friend!!  


Oh wow, Necie!  I guess that's the flip-side of having big families.  Someone is always doing someTHING!    :pray:  for healing and pain relief.  Ribs are not fun.  Have you been told what EXACTLY your grown up son was attempting when this little incident occurred???  Sheesh, "boys" and their toys! 


Miki... :pray:  your dh will feel a lot better now with meds. 


I rode horse today....dressed WARM cuz it was WINTER at our house.  Cold, solid overcast.  NOT gonna freeze like last time on horse.  Arrived at the ranch and SUNSHINE!   :motz_6:  I'm not wining the Guess-Colorado's-Weather game.  Took off some of my layers and had a good ride.  Still a bit chilly so I didn't shed all layers.  Stopped to buy a clock with a 24hr alarm setting.  So I can have a reminder to call Mom.  I canNOT get used to the summer long sun and the time change.  So I set the alarm and went to bed for a nap.  Didn't wake up.  It didn't go off.  Didn't call mom in time for her two-hours-earlier-time she goes to bed.  :sigh:    DH figured out I hadn't paid attention to the 24hr setting ....so it would have gone off at 5:30AM:blink:  Quickly fixed that! 


Didn't get much packing/sorting done.  Long nap and DH sent the dog up to porch....wet!  Guess who's a water dog and likes to TRY chasing "Fred and Wilma" across the pond?  :buttercup:   F and W are any pair of Canadian geese who light down on our water each year.  Sometimes we host Barney and Betty too.  That distinguishes them from our geese.  Goose.  Only one left this go-'round.  Dog wasn't bothering our birds and the Canadians were laughing at her.  Being a good part Lab, she swims well but not like water fowl.   She had fun but I had to towel her off....then sequestered on a horse blanket so she doesn't get the carpet wet.  The pond isn't muddy so that's good.  She was quite pleased with her adventure.  The Chase; the Swim; and good Lovin' with towel.   :rolleyes:   


I need to get to sleep again.  Nap went too long so I'll be getting to bed by...2am.  :shrug:   Tomorrow, got no where to go; nuthin' to do when I get there....


MtRider   :offtobed: 

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Necie :pray: for your son's fast recovery.  And yes, boys will be boys even the grown-up type. 


Miki :pray: for these antibiotics to work and your DH to start feeling better soon. 


Mt. Rider, seems it is getting very close to be boarding that plane.  You will get there with the packing.  Glad your ride went well. 


Going to do some things around the house this morning and then maybe work in flowerbeds. 

After getting the flower beds done, I will start working on the raised beds. Figured there is no big hurry on that since I am not planting a garden this year. Just having it all ready for next year will be a huge relieve off of me. Everything will be done and all I will need to do is plant. 

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I'm starting to feel better. Nothing left inside of me so I'm safe to go do errands...locally. I suppose it could have been a bug that started it all off. No fever or chills. Stomach ache like a ton of bricks in there and the 'other' end. They don't call it the runs for nothing. One little twinge and I was off and running. 


Wow Necie. I'm sorry all of that is going on! Boys and their toys is exactly right. :hug3:  I got your rain Friday and Saturday and it looks like more is coming my way today. You can stop now.  :D


A few hours later....

Went to Wal-Mart to exchange two skorts. I got them thinking I might wear one to the test If the dress doesn't pan out.  This is the way I always get when I had to go places with DH. What to wear. :rolleyes:  Anyway, they are cute denim. I didn't even know they were skorts until I took one off and noticed the shorts underneath. The were too little and I just wanted to exchange them for a size up. They told me they don't do exchanges any more. They credit the money back and you can purchase them again. Whatever. So now I have two clunky dresses and two cute skorts. My clothing allowance for the next five years is spent. I'm obviously not a clothes horse. Oh, and the two tees from Meijers. 


I looked at the lawn chair a Wally World again. I couldn't justify the $70.00. I have four really nice poly rocking recliners in Indy. I don't need any more outside chairs and this chair was very big and heavy. And if I had one, I'd want a set. Sigh. So, I went to Ollies. 


They had a bar type stool that will reach the sink. It was ugly but only $19.99. If I want to move it to Indy I can, if room allows. Or I can leave it here for the other people. Last resort I can set it on the curb and someone will want it. It's only $20.00. It's sitting in my garage. 


I got the estimate for the landscaping. :0327:I knew it would be high. That stuff is so expensive. Plus labor. But in my situation, what can I do. It was a thousand dollars less than the last Ya-Hoo. I e-signed the contract. It had to be done. People wouldn't even stop the way it looks now. Or low ball me. I'm just going to tack it onto the price of the house. I think I might have two hanging baskets and a couple of little chairs in the garage to set out there. And I need to paint the little house numbers on the light post in the yard. Maybe all of that will help detract from the crumbling driveway. :rolleyes:. This house had better sell well! Feds are talking about another interest rate drop this summer. That will help a lot. I'm just thankful that I already have a house over there and don't have to go through house hunting and buying again. 


Heart monitor comes off in four days...again. Good thing because my skin is getting raw from the non-irritating allergy free adhesive.  :grinning-smiley-044:


Necie's rain is pouring down here by the bucket full now. Nice napping weather.  :sleep1:

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Got the driveway cleared off and swept up where some of that wood pile was. Now GS can park his car all the way up the driveway.  He's off tomorrow so going with me to Lowes for topsoil.  Where the truck drove up the driveway and one wheel into the ground left a crater to fill in. I knew that would happen as that was a very heavy truck load of wood. 


Worked on house some today and now thinking about going up into the attic. I still need to get those empty plastic totes up there for the time being. My DD wants them but I'm not giving them to her till I am sure I won't need any of them. 


Jeepers glad you are feeling much better now. Sounds like the stomach issue may have been starting and eating that Ho Ho and sandwich just took it on its course. 


Necie, I hope your son has good news when he goes to the doctor and doesn't need any surgery or anything. It's hard to say when it's a shoulder involved.  Hopefully they can just set it and take it from there. 



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Posted (edited)

MtRider hope it starts being spring there soon for you!

Necie so sorry to hear about your son's accident hope he heals up ok. 4 wheelers make me so nervous. 

Littlesister nice job getting that driveway cleared! You must feel great having the wood all put up. 

Jeepers I hope the house can get on the market soon. I wouldn't sink too much $$ into it just nice grass and small shrubs/flowers so it's not bare. Not too much as no one is into maintenance these days. Some pretty hanging baskets to add some annual color. 

I got my sunflowers planted today, just randomly throughout the garden and hoping they sprout and don't get eaten by critters. Whatever I get will be great. We had a storm blow through last night some plants look a little wilted that I put out yesterday but I think they will bounce back. The dahlias look like they grew overnight! Next up is to dig the holes for the bush cherries, blueberries and plum trees. I need to pick up some straw too. But that's for another day I'm tired. The electric co is bringing me wood chips next month so if I get everything in place, put down landscape fabric and cardboard around them should keep the weeds/grass down before I can get the wood chips.

Edited by Becca_Anne
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That's right Becca-Anne. The biggest thing will be clearing out all of the  weeds (over 2 feet tall thistles already filling the beds) and mulching. And some nice shrubs. I have large decorative areas around the house. Front of the house, a pensula and a walkway. There was also an island but I got rid of that years ago. And, of course, all of my neighbors yards are beautiful and professionally done. I'm only doing one side of the house. The good neighbors side. He is just going to put some hostas in there spaced out. I told him very low maintenance. A short row of shrubs along the front porch will also help detract from the very badly cracked front porch. I have to put my best foot forward in this neighborhood. I know the competition will be stiff. 

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