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Sheri! Up here(waves)


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Up here Sheri!


You posted a cool hello in another part of our forums and I wanted you to bring it up here!

This is where people come to relax, say hello and get welcomed.

See! It's a nice big wide porch. (stamps on the wooden boards twice).


Anyone else want to come out here and visit? Your welcome here.



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OK! I am here! Still don't know how to drag that other post here! Here's the long and short of it. I started prepping/stashing about two years ago after some German freinds told me about their fears of the bird flu and how they were stocking up and protecting their poultry. I am a city kid so the poultry didn't concern me but their stocking up practices did. My hubby got tired of making shelves for my stash and threatened to have me committed - we have two institutions for that right here in town, - by the way. I had to come up with an idea to continue prepping because my gut and heart feeling says so. I pulled out his Mom's pressure canner and went to town canning. He is thrilled about that and I have not heard a word about my commitment hearing since!!

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This is what Sheri wrote in the other post:




Brand new here! Hi, folks! Hope I am doing this properly. Fairly new to posting, too.


I have had a strong feeling for a couple years, now, that things might get iffy. Went to Germany at that time and so many people were nervous about the bird flu.


Came home and found prepping information and sites. Stumbled on this very pleasant and informative site looking for canning ideas.


My dearly beloved husband thinks I am nuts and said if I brought one more can of food or one more battery into the house he would take steps to have me committed. But, the compulsion to fill the larder is too strong.


I brought out his mother's old pressure canner one day, got the gauge calibrated and started canning. Guess what, now, he can't wait for me to get to the Farmers' Markets around here to buy stuff to home can!! I keep hearing "What are you going to can today?"


I am prepping my little heart out and he is not complaining! (Included in my stash are 42 1/2 pints of jam - way more than we could use in a year!) Just need to figure out how to get around the doubters, I guess! But, the urge is so strong. I pray to God we have the strength to endure whatever is in store! Hugs to all.







You're using HIS MOM'S canner... sweet memories of all the good stuff he remembers. happy02


Welcome, Sheri...






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Thanks all for the hearty welcome! Yes, his Mom's canner! His sisters got the diamonds and jewelry (and rightfully so) but, I got the best thing of all - the pressure canner! For years, I canned when the kids were little - now I have a 4-year-old grandson. He is following in his Daddy's footsteps and loves to chop veggies with the food chopper to help me. So, canning brings back fond memories for me, too! Many a night was spent with my 3 kids harvesting from the garden, scrubbing and chopping veggies and such and canning. Now, I understand why my Mom and Grandma were so delighted to teach me this skill!

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Hi Shari!


can't eat jewelry! when my husband and I got married he wanted to buy me diamonds... I told him no thank you.. I am too rough on jewelry but can I have this goat instead? and that goat and this goat and see them their turkeys?.. and I need a barn, LOL! he thought he was getting off cheaply! little did he know!


Welcome! oh and the jam? thumb print cookies, the grandson can make the print with his thumb.



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Again - many thanks to all for the warm welcome notes. Thumb print cookies - what a great idea! I have enough flour stocked to make enough for all of us! Guess what else I am doing to prepare for the 'adventure'? I go to an exercise class five times a week! That's another thing I learned in my travels abroad. We were in the mountains and everything was uphill! No kidding. I couldn't breathe fast enough for all that walking and 'climbing'! Took me two years to get up the nerve - kept thinking I would do it on my own, and I am not any Barbie Doll, mind you. Been going for four weeks now and even have energy to clean during this canning season!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear HennyPenny, Welcome to the bunch! An easy way to accumulate jam - buy beets at the Farmers' Market (even better if you have grown your own) - we live in the city surrounded by a gravel parking lot - so no garden space. Peel the beets before you cook them and you have lots of clean beet juice for jelly making. Just add a pack of your favorite flavor of kool aid type drink mix - we like black cherry - and away you go making jelly easily. And, you still have beets to can or pickle or eat right away. I feel like I am getting something for free when I can get more than one thing out of it! Hugs! Shari

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Originally Posted By: Shari
Yes, his Mom's canner! His sisters got the diamonds and jewelry (and rightfully so) but, I got the best thing of all - the pressure canner!

You know your an addict when.....you prefer a canner over diamonds and jewelry!! See she fits right in already!!

Welcome to the group!

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Originally Posted By: Shari
Peel the beets before you cook them and you have lots of clean beet juice for jelly making. Just add a pack of your favorite flavor of kool aid type drink mix - we like black cherry - and away you go making jelly easily. And, you still have beets to can or pickle or eat right away. I feel like I am getting something for free when I can get more than one thing out of it! Hugs! Shari

What is the beet juice for? Doesn't your jelly taste like beets?
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I started a new whatever you call it just for this beet jelly topic. I guess the most important contribution from the beet juice is the beautiful dark red color. And it is the vehicle for the Sure Jell and sugar that makes it jelly. The jelly takes on the flavor of whatever flavor of Kool-Aid you use. I pack up a jar of this and a box of muffin mix to give as a gift. Looks good, tastes good!

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