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Mr MomM

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Hi Darlene, I'm just checking to see if I'm allowed to post yet. I really enjoyed this weekend and am missing everybody too. I decided since I've now been to 2 Fall Gatherings, piggybacking on MomM's membership, I better get one of my own. I was going to come in with the screen name of MusicMan, but decided that the more appropriate name for me at this site is Mr MomM. To me, this is about a lot of strong women becoming even stronger. And I want to be there to support that effort. I learned a lot this weekend about a lot of things, but the most important thing I learned was how important this site is to helping people grow in abilities, responsibilities and character. So, it's not about me, it's what my wife has brought to our family because of this site. Thank you Darlene for your committment to this.



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Wow. We are so honored to have you join us.


Your wife is so amazing herself and to watch the two of you together is apparant that God specifically designed the two of you for each other. Y'all compliment, strengthen and support each other in a manner that is inspiring, but most of all honors Him.


I won't go into detail here, because I'm saving it for my posts I plan to write in the next few days, sharing my personal experience at the get together but I will say one thing. You and MomM touched my heart very deeply at the first gathering. I told her last weekend how I had never forgotten it. I never dreamed y'all could deepen that memory that is filled with appreciation and gratitude but you did.


I'm so happy you joined and we all look forward to reading more of what you have to share.

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((((MrMomM and MomM))))) Glad Mr. is gonna be posting too! It was wonderful to share experiences with the two of you last weekend. You both contributed so much. 'Music Man' can make a tune come out of just about anything....what was the thing where you used the depth of the water????? Ack! My brain is drawing a blank. [don't mind me, I've just gotten up]


MtRider [ days of resting and remembering.... ]

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I thank you all for such a warm welcome. I am so impressed by the quality of people that are here. I really appreciated getting to meet several at the gathering. But as I listen to MomM talk about the group, I knew that there are a lot more.


When MomM first joined the group, our family gave her a lot of grief because we felt that she was becoming an alarmist. When she started preparing for the year 2000, she got more grief. But she pressed on in spite of everyone's disbelief. But as the year 2000 approached, the problems with computers started to become more and more known. In my own job where I test computer software, it became evident that the effect on computer software could be very damaging. When this information became more available, the family tune changed. All of a sudden, many people were looking to MomM for information on how to prepare. Of course at this time, we were almost getting to the point of no return. But she just continued on her quest to help people prepare no matter what kind of grief they had given her before. I realized what a strong wife I had married. I always knew that she had moral courage, but in the past, she would just turn to me to make decisions and I would be her rock. But all of a sudden, she was willing to step out on her own on this quest, whether I was onboard or not. She was always a very non-violent person. So you can imagine the surprise when she is at the first fall gathering shooting an AK47. Then she wants us to buy a gun. We now own several. She and I both now have our concealed carry permits. So did this turn her away from being the loving, carring, compassionate, peaceful person I have always known? Not in the least. She has just prepared herself and the family to be willing and equipped to stand for and protect the environment that it takes to be in a loving, caring and compassionate world. This site just woke up my momma bear. And she is ready to protect and provide for her loved ones.


I have now been to two fall gatherings and have met personally several more momma bears. And they are all very loving, caring, compassionate individuals and they all quickly come together to support each other. New skills are shared and learned. Some skills bring us back to a time when people were able to be more self sufficent. These skills bring us freedom from our reliance on the current infastructure. They are not just liberating, but really fun and give us a sense of accomplishment. There are other skills such are firearm training that we gain confidence in our abilities, but hope that we will never need to use these skills. But that is no reason not to have these skills. And everyone should ask themselve the question, do you really want people to have firearms and no training on how to use them. Prior to taking our concealed carry course, I found myself at a shooting range with a loaded hair trigger Glock calling my son-in-law and asking him where the safety was. I could have harmed myself and others. But after the concealed carry course, I knew my weapon and although I had a very health respect for it, I was not afraid of it. And I knew of my responsibilities in owning one.


This site has taken my wife on a wonderful journey and she in turn has brought the family along with her. The site is growing people that in a time of crisis will be a part of the solution instead of part of the problem. They will be people that can give help instead of needing help. So when I chose my screen name of Mr MomM instead of MusicMan, it is to acknowledge credit where credit is due. It is not about me. It is about what this site stands for.

I am the one who is honored to be here.



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Thank you for sharing the journey of how you and your sweet wife arrived at "our" doorstep. I find your loving support and honest assessment very uplifting, and could be an encouragement to others. Your telling it reminds me of this, and why I wrote it...







She is blessed to have you, as you are blessed by her. :wub:





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Wow, that piece that you wrote expresses how I feel about the group very well. Thank you for sharing that with me.



MomM just pointed me to your article about your injuries. We will be praying for your quick recovery. She and I are part of a healing ministry at our church. Our gifts are more in the area of intercessory prayer, than in the direct laying on of hands and healed on the spot thinng. But then intercessory prayer would work best for you because we can't reach you with our hands through the screen. If I had the gift of prophecy then I could have forseen the accident and we couild have prayed for you before it happend and while we were still at the gathering. LOL

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Thank you for sharing the journey of how you and your sweet wife arrived at "our" doorstep. I find your loving support and honest assessment very uplifting, and could be an encouragement to others. Your telling it reminds me of this, and why I wrote it...







She is blessed to have you, as you are blessed by her. :wub:



Thanks Cat for pulling that up for us. You are very gifted to create something so beautiful, and we are blessed to have you here!

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