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My child...got into the fridge, got 2 mini bell peppers (yellow and red about 1" and 3" respectively) and has been toting them about for 3 hours now.  DH and I are arguing over 'whose' child she is because she is doing this.  I'm insistent she is his b/c he eats raw bell pepper and I do not.  Truthfully, I'm just happy that she has been quiet and distracted for the last few hours.  The loss of 2 mini bell peppers are worth the peace.    

Edited by euphrasyne
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Euphrosyne, that is just too funny. But if it keeps her quiet and out of trouble that is a good thing. She is a cutie. 


Went to Kroger and returned that cough Syrup. Then walked around the store for a bit. So was trying to get some walking in again today. But made the mistake of taking a small shopping cart. Picked up a few sale items. Some baby clothes for GGD. She is growing like a weed. She is 4 months old today. Picked up a few sale items that I was either out of or very low on but not much of anything. Got to the checkout line and a guy came up behind me and started putting his groceries on top of mine. I pushed his stuff back so I could finish getting my things out of basket and then had to move my stuff to other side of register for her to ring me out. What was up with that. She stopped the conveyor belt on him to stop his groceries from getting mixed in with mine. All I could say is what a jerk. 


Going to put in a load of laundry in a few minutes. Won't get it all finished but at least it's a start.

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I have been stuck in the house since last Friday. My electric scooter broke and it takes forever to get repaired. It's under warranty and covered by Medicare but it still takes forever. I have a manual back up chair but it is impossible to get outside with the ramp setup I have. You would think they would have a loaner chair for these situations but they don't. Fortunately, I don't generate alot of garbage or get much mail anymore. I can't put my garbage out the backdoor because my neighbor has 6 or 7 dogs that occasionally come over here. Especially if they smell goodies.


The last few days have been nice.  In the mid 60's. We are supposed to start 3-4 days of heavy rain tonight. Better than snow or ice.


Tonight is one of the few times I wish I lived where I could get something delivered.  Pizza or wings type of stuff.  I guess I need some cheering up and sometimes junk food helps. I just had an ad pop up a few minutes ago saying it was national pizza day with a beautiful picture.  It's almost like they read my mind.



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Heck Euphrasyne, I love raw bell peppers too. Especially the red and yellow ones. The child could be mine.  :D


That was a jerk move Littlesister. Some people have no manners. I would have stopped and given him "that look" I have. It's horrifying. Just stop dead quiet and stare until you feel a blink coming on. People don't know what to do with it. And don't talk to them or move. Just stare right in eyes. They will either see the error of their ways or think you are crazy. Either way is fine. 


Sorry you are stuck inside Momo. I've been stuck in depression the past couple of weeks. I'm sure it's moving from the hotel back to the house. Changes like that seem to effect me more these days even if they are positive. Plus looking at all the stuff I still have to do. Daunting. But it will pass. I know because it always does. Hope your ride gets fixed soon! :hug3:


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Momo, I have been where you are but I have a couple back ups.  I have a travel scooter that we bought used but it was still over $700.  It can be disassembled to fit in a vehicle. It is small and low to the ground but it really helps when my wheelchair needs repairs.   I also have a very old electric scooter we bought at a flea market years ago. It’s old and not real good in the house but it’s wheels.  I keep them all charged and ready to use just in case.  I have a manual wheelchair but it belonged to my MIL and is very small, too small for me,  but I probably could use it if needed.  

I rarely leave the property but I do love to get out of the house and be able to enjoy the nice weather.  I can get to my deck with the walker and both my mobility scooters and my wheelchair can be easily used on the shallow ramp DGS built onto the deck.  I was totally house bound for weeks with the deep snow we had recently. And that was the pits!!  So am sending you hugs and hopes your wheels are repaired soon.  :hug3:

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Momo, hopefully they will get your chair fixed soon. I know that is hard being stuck in the house. Can you use door dash. My GS is hooked on that a bit too much. But it's nice to have it once in a while. 


I start babysitting on Monday. So will be setting up the playpen this weekend. I have toys and books to read to her as well. GD will be working from here instead of at home since she is still nursing. So, works out great. Seems this child loves to be entertained. So, I will only be doing things around here when she naps. 


Jeepers, you will get it all done. It just takes time.  For me it will take forever as I keep having interruptions. But the next interruption is going to be a lot of fun. Babysitting GGD. Hard to believe she is now 4 months old. She's growing up too fast. 


I washed 2 loads of clothes this evening and have the last one in dryer. So that will be out of the way.  I have been sitting here cancelling all my recurring payments for things like Disney plus and such. I never watch anything on there anymore since I cancelled the cable. So got all that done and out of the way. 

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6 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I would have stopped and given him "that look" I have. It's horrifying. Just stop dead quiet and stare until you feel a blink coming on. People don't know what to do with it. And don't talk to them or move. Just stare right in eyes. They will either see the error of their ways or think you are crazy. Either way is fine. 


:24:  You and I are too much alike, Jeepers!  I have done that very same thing!  The: I CANNOT believe you are that stupid/rude/incompetent look!  Does our 'older' looks remind them of some fierce teacher they once had?  :darthduck:


So.....we're snowing again!  Already added nearly 3" just after the snow plow left.  But if we get 4-8", it's definitely worth inviting the snow plow back. 


Now we have another problem:  One blower on the pellet stove quit working.  I MUST get into it and see if there is ash blocking it.  I keep forgetting

I seem to be REALLY distractable lately.  I'm coming off a med and I hope that's not it.  I have been able to make a decent supper the past two nites.  Thurs/Fri is when DH comes home from working with home health aide client at 7pm.  So yeah, gotta get supper.  But ....I get stuck on what to make from what's available:blink:  :scratchhead:  :sigh:    C'mon already.  I cooked for decades!  :gaah:   I'm fine once DH suggests something.  :cook:    C'mon brain!   I finally found a way to review Hawaiian language on the Duolingo program and have restarted that finally.  Supposed to be good for brain function.  :pray:


Anyway...same thing about the pellet stove.  I have to check if that's buildup of ash is merely the problem or we have to get inside there and get a part # or what??? 


AND.....we're having more snow.....piles up on the trees.....limbs break and take down power lines......and what's the only form of HEAT that can be powered for hours by our new battery power source?   The Pellet Stove.  :sigh:   At least it hasn't been below zero for several weeks.  This doesn't feel that cold but....anything below 32 is FREEZING!  :frozen:  


Hmph, not sure any of this post makes sense.  :scratchhead: 


MtRider  :offtobed:   I think I'm getting really TIRED from stuff!  But I did make brownies too.  :yum3: 

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I will take our 73 degrees today plus humidity over your cold and snow, anytime @Mt_Rider!  I'd never get anything done around here.

I'll walk first.
Make copies of some papers for taxes.
Fertilize roses and fig tree that I finally pruned, yesterday.
Clean in pantry as there was a mouse, who has left the premises.
Make Crazy Crust pizza.

You all have a good weekend with some rest for all!

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Went shopping this morning. T.J. Max had a Clearance on baby clothes and toys. I went to find a basket or something to store baby toys when the baby wasn't here. But I did good. Instead of a basket I found a much-needed ottoman. It is a smaller one, but the lid opens, and it locks so it can't fall down on you. So that will be the baby's toy box and I get a foot stool out of it. Then when GD and her DH get transferred somewhere else, then I can use it for my throws. It will go with any furniture I buy. So that will be great. 

Got play pen put together so everything is now set up for starting baby sitting on Monday. Enough toys to keep baby entertained till past age 2. By then they will probably be living in Florida next when they get transferred. 


73* today and started raining a little while ago. Was hoping when I got home and got things put away and a few other things done I could start stacking wood again. Nope not now. 

Miki, I agree with you on the snow. I to will take my 73* weather any day other than snow. 


Jeepers, and Mt. Rider, I didn't need to give that guy a nasty look. I pushed his stuff back out of my way. But then he took that space and started to put stuff on top of my stuff. But it got taken care of. 

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On 2/8/2024 at 8:58 AM, Littlesister said:

But at least she comes to me when called.

Just like my pooch. She won't come when I  call her, so I have to have a neighbor or somebody else she knows "catch" her. And, do not punish him/her when caught as it will only reinforce the idea of NOT coming to you. :(

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Well today goes down as one of the worst days in history. A dear, dear friend of mine, she is my sister by another mother - grandson took his life the weekend of 1/28. He was only 19. Today was his memorial service. To say it has been a tough day is an understatement. The memorial service was at 10 this morning then helped with the lunch for the family. Got home around 1:00, made it to about 3:30 but then I crashed and burned. I slept for 3 hours, feel like I could go back to bed and sleep the entire night. Now we are waiting for the snow to arrive. Not sure which report to believe the one that says we are expecting one inch of snow or the one saying we are expecting 6-8 inches. Who knows, I just know it is supposed cold and snow until around noon tomorrow. We are not supposed to get above freezing until Monday afternoon. Poor old achy bones are so ready for Spring. 



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Midnightmom, my neighbor's dog will come to her, but she didn't know she had left the yard. Her punishment is having to wear her shock collar for 2 days. 


Mommato3boys, I am so sorry about your friend's son. Things like that are happening way too often.  Hope you don't get more than an inch of snow. I hate snow.  Try to get some rest and have lots of energy tomorrow. 

I am winding down now myself. 


finally got a chance to talk with my next-door neighbor. She seems to be doing ok. Still having to do a lot of paperwork. And going through things but she's getting there. I do remember the paperwork and phone calls I had to make when my DH passed. Seemed like it would never end. Her DH had a DNR and the same hospital my DH was in, incubated him anyway. He also went into total renal failure. But the rest was a multitude of health issues. She had to force them to remove it. He started aspirating because of it. So, the hospital is still not very good at taking proper care of the patients. 

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Well I completely dismantled the sections of the pellet stove that can be dismantled.  Cleared out all the ash.  Those final two peices didn't really need to come out.  Hadn't done them but once a season.  Ash doesn't get back there much.  Then we tried the stove and nope.  There are 3 motors on this OLD model.  The fan that blows hot air into the room.  The motor that turns the auger to drop the pellets.  And the fan that blows a strong current of air into the tiny firebox that the pellet collect in -- forge affect for hot flame.  That last one is not working. 


J and B are out of state right now.  So I told her I'll try to stick my head into the back and see a number on THIS motor.  Just replaced a different one last year.  AND...poor J.  She's spent all today on her phone calling pellet stove places all over the country to find a part for a different renter.  She'd just found it  :hapydancsmil:  and then I called to leave a message.  :groooansmileyf:   ANOTHER OLDE PELLET STOVE ISSUE?  She called me back tho.  :D  They'll come over Tues....so I hope snowplow guy gets us dug out.  We didn't get that much but it's added to what we got ... :scratchhead:  ..uh, whatever day that was.  


MtRider  ...never a dull moment....  (and here I've been missing having goats.......)  :0327: 

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My Muffin would only come back if treats were involved. Brat. Beagle = nose activated.


Sorry to hear about your friends grandson. That is happening far too often. 19 is still just a child. IMO. :yar:


I've been hearing a lot about people not being able to find the pellets. Make sure you have enough to get you through winter. Something about them being a seasonal item and stores not reordering then in late winter. :shrug:.



And No MORE GOATS. Atleast not where you are right now. Too hard to take care of in the winter. And next winter you will be a year older. :D


:mellow: <- Jeepers giving Mt.Rider 'that' look. 



Edited by Jeepers
Changed the young man's age. Fat fingers and small keypad. Sorry.
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I guess next time I encounter someone pushing me out of the way while checking out and putting his groceries on top of mine, I will have to use that look and push his stuff back down out of my way. But the cashier knew just how to handle it by moving my things to other side of register and then stopping the belt before his stuff could get down toward the register. Then she took her sweet time bagging up my groceries and then slowly rang him out. So, I did get a good laugh out of it. 


Didn't go to church today as I got up and knee was killing me. I could hardly walk without pain. So heating pad and Advil this morning. It is the right knee so didn't want to drive with it like that. It's better now but still sore to bend it. 


Going to be working on some things in a bit. I really need to finish up in my bedroom closet. Organization takes too long to figure out what to put where and what to get rid of. But it is something that has to be done. 



Edited by Littlesister
Hit save to soon again.
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16 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Mommato3boys, I am so sorry about your friend's son. Things like that are happening way too often.  Hope you don't get more than an inch of snow. I hate snow.  Try to get some rest and have lots of energy tomorrow. 

I am winding down now myself


Well we are at an inch and a half and it is still coming down. Because we have been warm the past few days it is not sticking to the roads. HOWEVER, the roads are slick. Se we have stayed in today and watched the church service online. Miss our church family when we are not there but this is the next best thing. 


Still tired today but did sleep pretty good last night even with a 3 hour nap yesterday. Today is a do nothing day. I just don't have the energy. I do need to drag out the menu for this next week. It is the last week of our $40 a week meals. So far we have stayed on track. We down to the nitty gritty though so the meals will be interesting. This is the leftover week. 

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GS left for work a while ago. I am just worn out for some reason. Maybe weather. Cloudy and raining off and on. Just dreary outside.  I am ready for a nap but trying to fight it. 

Did get kitchen cleaned up again. GS came in 3 times during the night and made a mess. It really is getting old, and the Coast Guard needs to hurry up and get him in. This has drug on for too long. I think he is getting frustrated about it now. 

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Waiting for GD to bring GGD to me and then she will go home to disinfect her house and wash sheets and things. Her DH may have the flu though he went to work this morning.  I have sprayed my house with Lysol this morning and did some things as GS may have a cold but not sure. He is more tired than anything and his sinuses are dry to the point of some nose bleeds if he blows his nose to hard.  I gave him a saline solution to use and that seems to be helping him. But still spraying everything down really good. I don't want to take chances.

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Walked fairly early.
Set up DH's pills for the month.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Called and set appt. with accountant.
Still need to spray weeds at bottom of back porch.
Vacuum out cars.
I'm glad I am more than halfway done already!

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You have been busy Miki. 


Mommato3boys, glad that snow is melting fast. So far, we haven't had anything but rain. 

GD's DH just picked the baby up a bit ago. He seems to be feeling much better. So might have just had a 24-hour virus type thing. Now I am missing my GGD. We had fun. But there will be other times. Both grandparents are taking turns. 


Now to get back to working on bedroom closet.  Late start but well worth it. 

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