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55 minutes ago, Littlesister said:

I know there will be heavy surf rather it hits us or not.

When the water gets all roiled up like that does the Navy send ships out to sea or does it leave them anchored?

Just wondering because when hurrican Hilary blew through southern Calif the Navy sent lots of ships out to sea.

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Productive day today. Worked on tidying up back porch and entry in the front. Ordered a coat tree with umbrella stand as well. Going to put that in the vestibule so everyone can keep the outdoor items out of then nice spaces. Vacuumed the entry mat, and moved the boot tray into the vestibule. So my foyer is now shoe free :wub: I also moved the bag of potting soil down to the basement and the garden tools to the back porch. I want my front entrance to feel more normal which it does now. I need to source some antique matching square blue tiles to repair the tile in there, but until I can get that done the mat covers the broken/missing tiles. 


Also got outside and weeded/lopped off weed trees in one area of the yard when I went out to water the apple trees. They are holding up really nicely didn't lose any leaves so I think they are going to make it since we are out of the worst of the heat :hapydancsmil:

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Feeling a bit better each day.  Still have the cough occasionally.  Doesn't seem as far down in the chest...bronchial.  :amen:


We're still getting occasional rain.  I have to look at Doppler before dog and I go out in the evening for walk and put the birds in.  Today was lightly raining so a raincoat was in order. 


So while I haven't done the whole stack of worksheets during my August break from cognitive rehab,  I have made a lot of progress with making suppers again.  And I'm no longer intimidated by the InstaPot.  I made flank stead today in 20 minutes.  Should have been 19 minutes....4 minutes of steam cook, not 5 minutes.  LOL  And able to stay up and focused to finish the kitchen.  This is what I did for decades and lost temporarily.  :amen:   So I see cognitive guy tomorrow.  Wonder what we do next?  Still have mush for memory. 


Jeepers, we all save things that remind us of times or just we like..... I collect rocks.  Yeah, business cards would be more practical than rocks!  :laughkick: 


MtRider  ....bedtime is good.  Sleeping long ....good for what ails us. 


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Walked first.
Waiting to go to regular doc appt. in a few minutes.
Stop at Family Dollar on the way back--walking to appt.
Have second load of laundry washing.
Have a couple of things to look for (in the house).
Cook something for dinner.


10 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

. I collect rocks. 

I collect canning jars and recipes.  They take up a bit of room!


Sounds like you had a very productive weekend @Becca_Anne!

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Mt. Rider glad you are feeling much better. And you are doing better getting things done. That is great. If you collect rocks, you will have a field day at my house. I have river rock all the way around my patio. I have been thinking about getting rid of most of it and making the area a raised garden bed. I have those landscape bricks all the way around with the rocks inside that. I would have to get the garden soil to fill in though. That is going to be a lot of garden soil and work. But would give me more garden room. 


Becca Anne you have been busy. I have been thinking about getting both a boot tray and a coat/umbrella rack but would be in garage as my garage is attached to house. So, when I come in house through garage I come straight into kitchen. So not sure yet how I would set it up out there. But that has been put on back burner as is a lot of things these days due to GS not being able to get his finances together. 


Yes, GS is milking the cow dry. Or at least trying to. He got his mother to help with rent this month. But he will be in same situation next month and she is not going to help him again. He just told me a while ago he has over drafted to pay phone bill. He keeps getting pay from his paychecks early so when he gets paid there is nothing left to pay other bills. Plus, I asked him if he needed gas and he said he had a full tank that he filled up a couple of days ago. Nope, he texted me this morning saying he needs gas. So, I don't know if he's lying about his money situation so he can spend his money on his wants and getting his mother and I to pay his bills or what. But The cow is about to have a nice talk with him about his finances. Enough is enough. He will get evicted at some point. I don't want him on the street again, but he can't live with me either. I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Not sure what to do later down the line with him. He has come such a long way otherwise and I don't want him to revert back into that place again. I don't have a bedroom for him now. And he can't sleep on my couch all day till time to go to work either. His night work and me up during day was killing me before he got the apartment. So, I just can't have him living here again. 

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Becca_Anne, sounds like you had a very productive day! You mentioned a boot tray. This is something I am going to do in my garage. The rocks help keep the boots up out of the water so they can drain and dry faster. Also helps keep the tray from moving around. I didn't have access to any good size rocks so I had to buy some at Michaels. My tray is so shallow that it won't take too many. I think I bought 6 containers. I haven't got it set up over there yet. I might put a little seat beside it so I can sit down and put on/remove the boots.


I also want to get some small pea size rocks (pea gravel?) to make some boot stuffers to keep mice out of the boots while sitting out in the garage. Nice warm fuzzy lined boots would make a nice mouse house I fear. I can't imagine sticking my unsuspecting foot into that. UGH. I've seen them made from corn or rice but I figure that is mouse food. I'm going to be sticking with rocks. My boots are like the one in the first picture. Snow boots. So they aren't tall and won't need as many rocks to fill. I think the ones in the second picture are more 'boot shapers' but I think they will work for what I want too. 


               Speaking of rocks...    Not My Picture.                                                                  

image.jpeg.f75c5f2fea9c258b56a1259fa0e89           image.jpeg



This room is not set up for picture taking. Very low light even with the blind up and the desk light on. OR, user error. :D

Anyway, I sort of underestimated the number of business cards I have. PA.179.  IN.144  OH.193. Total (gulp) 516. I'm assuming the card boxes hold 200 cards each as the OH. one is all but full. BUT, the boxes stack nicely with rubber feet so I'm keeping them. Rocks.  Actually, I did save some rocks from Greece/Turkey but I didn't label them properly and forgot where I got them. I can't be trusted with a box of rocks. I have nice containers (quilted canning jars) of Amish dirt from three fields. OH. PA. IN. But I labeled them. I display them. Box of rocks, pile of dirt, free business cards...I'm a cheap souvenir hunter.  :rolleyes:


image.jpeg     image.jpeg


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Jeepers, I like the way you did the business cards. All sorted by each state. 


I now have both bookcases moved out of the living room and books sorted and put back in them. So that is done. Now to go through boxes if GS will leave me alone. He is supposed to be a work and just over an hour in he keeps texting me about trying to get out of his apartment. This has been an all-day thing. So not answering the phone now. Told him to talk to his mother. 

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15 hours ago, Jeepers said:


               Speaking of rocks...    Not My Picture.       

No picture! 

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>Access Denied</Message>


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I have my lifeline screening later this morning. Then will come home and try to finish getting things sorted and put away. Going through craft things that was boxed up in living room but still need to get what is in closet in foyer out and moved to office. Then go through all of that. Things are starting to come together some now. But still a long way to go. More things for Goodwill going out later today as well. Knee still sore but not hurting as much right now. Hope it stays that way. 

Can't wait to get the stuff out of living room and finished up so I can start making the curtains for the 2 bathrooms and get those up. And to get a bit cooler so I can get to those boxes of material from shed. Been so long now, I can't even remember what type of material is in there. Yesterday felt like 100% humidity. It was really bad outside. 

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Got my lifeline screening done and was back by 11:30. Started back sorting through craft and office stuff and here comes GS. He has called in sick from work and it seems he is trying to get evicted from his apartment. He has been saying that now for a while. I have reinstated that he will not be moving back in with me. I don't think he is listening so waiting on his mother to have a chat with him. He has curled up on my couch and gone to sleep. Time to make a lot of noise. I might need to Vaccuum the den and keep him awake and force him out of my house. This is not going to be easy. Yes, I forgot to get the garage door opener from him, so he just walks in. I now have that so he can't just come in now. 


So, I am now working on craft and office stuff and getting it all organized and put away. You never realize how much stuff you have till you have to pack it up for construction and then unpack it and start going through it. But then downsizing is a good thing, isn't it?  Less mess to deal with. Got car almost loaded for Goodwill. Will be dropping that off later today. 

I decided to make Swiss steak for my dinner tonight. Guess GS will starve because I am not fixing anything extra just for him. He can go home and soon.

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I had my doctor appointment today too. All was well as far as I know, Will wait for blood and urine tests to come back. Assuming all is well, I don't have to go back until March assuming I'm still here. He mentioned a sleep study doctor. I forgot to ask about an allergist. I can schedule that online if I want. The office was completely empty again. Until an older (than me) woman came in. No one was at the reception desk but there were signs all over saying be seated and someone will be with you. She started making noise to get attention. Someone came out and talked to her. They told her they were in a staff meeting and would be finished before the next appointment. Then she came over and sat right next to me. Social distance be damned. She was complaining the whole time. Then she went back up to the desk and started in again. I heard her say something about she had other things to do and she'd give them 2 more minutes and she was out of there. They talked to her some more and it turned out she was there on the wrong day. LOL. Not to mention we both were about 10 minutes early. She huffed out and said, "Well, it's a good thing I'm not sick." Dementia? She was there by her self. Cantankerous? I just smiled and kept my mouth shut...for once. 


A few things changed for me in the exam room. They asked about abuse and if I needed a chaperone with the doctor. Usual stuff. But then she asked me to remember three items. Panic time. You know my memory! But I aced them. Answers are apple, penny and table incase you want to study up now. I kept repeating them to myself. I didn't figure I'd pass that one. Then I had to draw a clock and show 1:25. I wonder how this digital generation will pass that one? They are also pushing a Living Will hard. They do that every time I go in there. I'm almost to the point of lying just to get them to shut up about it. I know I need one. I'll do it when I can think straight. Now is not a good time for me to be making final decisions.  :rolleyes:


My project manager asked a favor if we could meet half way between the house and his office to discuss a couple of things. It isn't a problem for me. Anything to speed things along. Turns out it is at a favorite shopping district that I like to go to so it is really no problem. Can't think of anything I need but will probably nose around Michaels and Hobby Lobby. The Hobby Lobby there is the biggest one I've ever seen. 


Littlesister, I can't wait to start sewing too. I also have curtains to make. Just for the garage but they need to be done especially now that I have stuff sitting out there. I also want to make some family cloths. I have the material bought and washed. I just need to be in Indiana long enough to get it done. 

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6 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Midnightmom, Isn't the picture of the boots, setting on some rocks, on a tray showing up? I see them. It isn't a link but an actual picture.  :scratchhead:

Do you see a picture of 3 boots with a purple and white insert?    

I see 3 pair of high top boots w/ a checkerboard bag in them that I assume is filled with rocks. But next to that is a link to another picture. The picture is not showing in the post so I followed to link to see the image. What you see is what I saw! :D (and it wasn't boots!)

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Well dang. It isn't uploading from the drag and drop or the 'choose files' areas either. It shows up when I see it though. 


Yes, the three  high top boots are for the rodent protection. 


Picture it... two blue snow boots sitting on some nice river rocks on a shallow tray.  :D  

I'll see if I can find a different picture online. It really is a good idea. 



Do you see the one with two pair of green boots? Or the one with two work boots. Lawsy, were you able to view all of my picture stashes in my downloads? If so ignore all of those Rolling Stones ones. I don't know how they got in there. But ain't Mick and Keith purdy.  :24:


image.jpeg     image.jpeg


Edited by Jeepers
Added Visual Aids
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I would love to see it Jeepers. I am going to finish cleaning out garage as soon as it cools down a bit. I also have the material to make garage curtains. But that will wait a bit. I have some material that I bought for a new top for the outdoor swing, but the poles had fallen apart, and DH was starting to take a nosedive health wise, so I put it all on hold. Now I am going to use it to make garage curtains instead of a new canopy for that swing. The swing is old and rusting now so it's getting time for a new one. 

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7 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

A few things changed for me in the exam room. They asked about abuse and if I needed a chaperone with the doctor. Usual stuff. But then she asked me to remember three items. Panic time. You know my memory! But I aced them. Answers are apple, penny and table incase you want to study up now. I kept repeating them to myself. I didn't figure I'd pass that one. Then I had to draw a clock and show 1:25. I wonder how this digital generation will pass that one? 


I am in a program that requires an anual in-home visit. I got the same questions you did, but I had a bit of "fun" with her.

  • I remember being asked, "What state are we in?" I replied, "A state of confusion" or something similar. Then I told her the name of my state.
  • Then there was a "story" about 2 or 3 people with questions following. I had "fun" with those anwers too - before I gave her the "correct" answers.
  • Yes, I had to draw the correct time on the face of a clock - though not the same time as you did. Maybe they don't want us old folk to share the correct answers with each other so we can "pass" this test??? :scratchhead::24:
  • There was also a square, a circle, and a triangle at the bottom of the page. I had to mark two of the them the way she told me, but I also drew something on the third one saying, "I don't want it to feel left out."

I'm not sure I did myself any favors, although I did "pass" the "test."  :rolleyes::whistling:


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MM, maybe you got a pity pass Hon!  Bless your heart...said in my best southern drawl. :24:


Today mine was a yearly wellness checkup for Social Security. He explained the importance of hand rails and the perils of throw rugs. I think I've got that one figured out. Wonder how long it will be before they mandate we have an 'EXIT' sign above our front door.  :grinning-smiley-044:

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Jeepers, those ‘dementia’ tests are the same one they give to DH who DOES have dementia but can pass them each time.  What they are looking for is the score.  They give him the same tests each time he goes and look to see if he is getting worse.  He is but can still pass that dumb test. At each of them they ask him to spell ‘world’ backwards and he does it with ease but don’t ask him to spell it frontwards for he has memorized it backwards.

 I don’t believe they have the right to give someone that test simply because they are older.  It used to be that that test was only done if the doctor found just cause or if they were asked to by a family member. Even then they usually ask your permission to do the test. The test is subject to the tester’s opinion or a person could just be having a bad day.  My question is,,,,what do they do if they believe you DIDN’T pass it?   Do they call your next of kin?  Call the police?  Does the result go into your records? Yes, it does.  I know it does in DH’s case.  

Like the depression questionnaire they give at appointments.  Their interpretation of your answers is very different than your understanding of the questions. Those results also goes into your records.  After the first one I refused to fill out another stating I would tell the doctor if I felt I was having trouble with depression, not the government because it was the government who causes most depression. I also have DH refuse to fill them out as he totally does not understand the questions even if they are read to him.  He TAKES antidepressants but only his doctor should know that.  Well, and now you guys LOL!  

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I figured that was what it was for. And yes, because of my age. Sigh. He did seem to spend a lot of time with me today. Maybe because S.S. was involved. He asked me about depression. I told him I wasn't depressed...just pissed off. He knows about my housing situation. He always asks me about it. I don't believe he remembers. It's probably in the 'small talk' section of my chart.


I believe everything goes in your record. Part of our "permanent record".  I got threatened with that all through school. :D  Probably why some of us older folks don't open up to our doctor like we should. And you are also right about it being subjective. I do get depressed from time to time. Who doesn't these days. But I'm not clinically depressed. I think they ask a lot of those questions to CYA. If you don't report it then they can say it's the patients fault for not mentioning it. There are some things they should already be alert to. 


Half of the time when I do mention something, it isn't even acknowledged. Today I mentioned my sciatic nerve was acting up pretty badly. Crickets. Taste bud and eating issues. More crickets. I think if they don't know what to do they just ignore you.


Good question about who will they call if we fail the test? I was surprised I remembered the three words. My short term memory is shot. I kept repeating them in my mind. I'll tell you one thing though, if they ask me any questions with numbers in it, I will fail! I've seen where they ask people to count backwards by 7's and I couldn't do the first one. Seriously. Maybe by 5's if I try hard enough. My brain will not do numbers. But it never has.


Hanging in there hugs to both you and your dear husband!  :hug3:

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Big day here the chickens went back out to the coop/run. It has been secured as well as we can get it. I'll wait until spring to replace the lost chickens and hope for the best. I am a bit concerned with only 3 that they won't be able to stay warm enough this winter. I wanted to wait until I'm really sure before adding any new chickens and thought I'd get some more chicks in the spring to replace the ones I've lost but if I need to get more to keep them all warm I should get them now so they will be fully feathered to go out before it gets super cold.


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Becca Anne I really hope the chicken coop is secured enough this time to keep all varmints out. That is so sad to lose chickens like that. 


Jeepers, I haven't been asked any of those questions as of yet by my doctor. I hope they don't. I just feel like I am there for a reason and those questions are not it. But will see what happens when I see the new doctor. 


Turns out GS was really sick. He is still here laying on the couch. Took him to doctor this morning and she could see where he had a sore throat last week. Seems the signs of it was still there. I knew he had that last week, but the sore throat went away and both he and I thought he was fine. Turns out he has swollen lymph nodes and is extremely tired. They did a strep test which was negative. Then they did labs and a culture to find out what is going on. So should find out Friday what the results are. Culture will take about 48 hours to see what grows. I am laughing because I am hoping his manhood will grow up. She gave him an antibiotic and a work note to keep him out of work till the 18th. He can't afford to stay out that long as he won't get paid for lost time. He has not been there long enough yet to get sick leave built up and what he did have he used up with the kidney stone. What I hate is that when he gets sick it has always been grandma, I don't feel good. Though He is going to try to push his way in to move back if he loses the apartment which I am sure he will. But I am standing my ground on moving back here. I need to figure out something he can eat that will stay down. He's so picky that I am not sure what to fix. 

Now that I know he is sick, I feel bad for not believing him fully. But then when you lie about things so much you do tend to not believe what he says. All I got was he was really tired but nothing else. But then last night he started. throwing up. 


I am going to fix him something to eat after I have had my coffee. Which right now I am very much enjoying. I's cool here today and I am cold. Had to pull out a sweater. Good day to work in yard but I am not pressing my luck with my knee. But I am going to go out to shed and try to get to all that material. When emptying out boxes yesterday, I found a bunch of baby blankets that I had made a long time ago. I had forgotten about those. Since I have already given a bunch of the ones, I made a while back to GD for the GGB. I will put these on top shelf of my shelving unit for bartering. I am sure people with babies will need blankets. I always made blankets for baby gifts, and this must be some from all of that or the ones I made when I was making them to sell in a craft fair. But either way, bartering should be good for them. 

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2 photos of Peanut Butter. The one that she is white in is before taking milk thistle in May. The darker color is now.
She has made such an amazing recovery from her liver disease!  I thank God for the extra time with her!


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Wow, what a big difference in Peanut Butter's appearance! That's awesome. Bless her fuzzy little butt.

Hard to believe that sweet little face can be so vicious to her doctors. She looks so innocent.  :24:

Thank you for being such a good momma to both of your dogs!  :hug3:


 I met with the Project Manager this morning. He gave me the wrong directions to Starbucks, of course, so he had to do some driving around to get to me.  It went well and we seem to be on the same page with picking out materials. Cheap. I had to change the flooring because there is a big issue with what we originally picked out. Manufacturers defect. I'm glad he caught in time but I had a very difficult time choosing something else in my budget.  i'm kinda stuck with a wood finish and there were too many to choose from. Hope I made the right choice but I'm really doubting myself. Budget is tight. Fortunately I don't have expensive taste. Example is State Farm only allotted $14.00 for a light over a bathroom vanity. The only one the PM saw in that range was butt ugly. So I'm going to have to chip in to upgrade a little. It will all even out in the long run because I'm saving in a few other places like trading wall paper for paint. I asked for an approximate finish date. He said approximately 2 more months. UGH. As suspected, there is a delay in some shipping supplies and the kitchen cabinets will probably take that long to make. I think the cabinets will be the major hold up. I'm also trying to reconfigure them a little differently so the fridge door doesn't bang into the side wall. That house wasn't made for the larger refrigerators we have now days. If they can they can. I'm not going to hold up the works over that.


Doctor called. Surprise surprise. I have more infection in my urine. E COLI. Crimony, I didn't see that one coming.. So he wants me to try Keflex. I'm allergic to it but I only have to take it for a week. It is the best one to knock this thing out. Sigh. I'll give it one week. If I can tolerate it I'll order some from my fish doctor to have on hand incase they start to come down with it too.  That stuff probably spreads like wildfire. :D  Keflex makes my muscles week and tingly and spasm. At least it did a couple of decades ago. We'll see. If my demise suddenly happens, y'all will know what took me out.  Keflex.


I forgot to mention that he suggested people my age should get the RSV vaccine. It used to be just for babies but now it is hitting the elderly pretty hard. I'll have to think about that one. I don't have any lung issues. My second shingle shot is due too. I had no reaction to the first one at all. Just a little soreness at the injection site when I touched it. I've heard the second one isn't as forgiving. We'll see on that one too. :sigh:   He mentioned the flu shot. I told him I'm not getting it. He just smiled knowingly. I went to the house today to take a measurement and cut my palm on a piece of metal. Honestly, the first thing I thought of was thank goodness I have my tetanus shot up to date. That one I do highly recommend. 


I didn't do any shopping in the shopping district while at the meeting. Mostly because it was raining. Didn't even order a Starbucks.  :pout:

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