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May 27, 2009

Thanks to Wormie's help, I think I'm doing the blog correctly now. Yesterday, was DH and my 36th anniversary. Where have the years gone? We have been so blessed, and we still love each other as much, if not more as we did 36 years ago. Mark took the day off, and we just went and had fun. We got an oil change on the car, then headed toward Cumberland Gap, TN. We stopped at 2 quilt shops and bought some fabric (Mark has a quilt in his mind,that he wants to make for the dulcimer club retreat in N



My first blog entry

I am finally getting brave enough to try and blog. (I know, I'm a very slow learner). lol I've been trying to determine the format and contents and finally decided to just start. So this will start out as a rambling blog. It may not help that I'm also fighting a severe sinus headache, but I'm determined to go ahead and start. Today, I went to quilting and showed the ladies the child's quilt I just finished, a baby quilt top and another child's quilt top. The baby quilt is for my first



Day 3

Today I did errands and some groceries, and the laundry, and cleaned the house (including scrubbing the floors - it's been 2 weeks). But, tonight I'm so tired and even though I had hopes of working on the quilt, I may just do nothing. I did buy a mailing envelope today, so as soon as I finish the quilt I can mail it. We had a pretty impressive rain storm come through, but we didn't lose power. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a more energy filled day. Take care.



4th entry

DH and I had a busy and satisfying weekend. We finally started the garden. Since we both are getting arthritis and bending over to garden is hard on our backs and joints, we decided to have raised beds. Instead of making them out of lumber, we bought 2- 35 gal. pond liners. We mounted them on concrete bricks (that DH first leveled and then anchored), also drilled drainage holes in them. We put weed cloth on the bottom, then mixed garden soil and peat moss together and filled them. Between them,



Sunday, May 24th

This has been a long, tiring day, but DH and I accomplished a lot. He worked on the front yard. He edged the sidewalk, with a hoe as the weedeater won't work; then laid down a rubber mulch border (that comes in 10 ft long rolls). He also put the mulch border around the flower beds and then mowed the yard. It really looks nice. Needless to say, he is very tired tonight. He was already worn out from yesterday. He loaded up all the sound equipment into the corolla, and drove to Harrison Bay State P



Deja'vu - or it is View?

I have lived this day before I think. Last year sometime.   [/color]Visting teaching was canceled. Between my busy schdule and my partners, we just didn't have enough time between us to get it done.   Tomorrow is the DENTIST I have about 3k+ worth of work that needs to be done, tomorrow I will be getting the BAD news about what exactly needs to be done. I know a bridge is needed, possible 3 cavities, and I know I need a root canal done. None of it will be done tomorrow but the xrays --




It's Memorial Day, that long almost-summer weekend where we remember and honor veterans lost, and those family we too have lost. Some of you may know I lost my father this year...I wrote the following about a year or so before he died. My goal today when we went to the range to shoot, was to be sure to take the Enfield. My dad, I miss him.   The Enfield. I read somewhere that it was a ‘sultry Saturday’ yesterday, and they were right. It was warm in the low 90’s, overcast, and humid



In the garden this month (May)

We finished installing the raised beds and we had a load of topsoil/compost delivered. This was the most costly part of building the raised bed garden. I debated a long time before making this decision. Topsoil is non existent here, but it seemed ridiculous to pay for it. For a gal from a state where great soil is a given, this seemed so extravagant. I calculated the amount of trips it would take to fill all the beds, and the time involved. (Not to mention the hassle of dragging along the tots)



Haven't posted in a while...

i haven't been on mrs. s for a while. only 2 more days of school! just a friday and then a tuesday (because of memorial day). The year has gone waaaay too fast. it's such a relief to have a break off of school. it's been stressful. saturday i'm selling nelson's chicken for a church fundraiser and then a little after noon were gunna leave go to visit my grandparents 2 hours away. Then the next week we're going somewhere for vacation.   gotta go to bed!



Preparing for...

I like doing things 'right'. One of the things I am trying to do 'right' is get my affairs in order in case something dire happens when I go under on Friday.   Yesterday, I wrote my will out with the help of a Will Writing program.   Put together a Living Trust: Put together a Power of Attorney.   Today I go to get them notorized.   My house is clean, well ordered and ready for anyone to walk in and find the documents that they need to 'take care of business'. I have put a binde



Groomed by a Chicken

We now have two types of chickens at our house; the Big Girls (the 3 Buff Orpingtons named Minerva, Golda, and Shira), and the Little Girls (one White Rock named Tikva, one Black Australorp named Hannah, one Barred Rock named Sarah, and one Spotted Sussex named Havalah.) The Big Girls are now almost 10 weeks old and the Little Girls are almost 4 weeks.   Since our 'miracle' this weekend of the Littlest Girl, Havalah, (the spotted sussex) surviving severe dehydration, the other three Little



Sjogren's Awareness...yeah. I am aware.

April was Sjogren's Syndrome Awareness month and I didn't write about it as I thought I would. I guess that's because I'm already all too aware of this disease. I have it. Believe me, I'm aware. But I didn't write about it because I was angry at the community here. I've cooled down now and I know the anger wasn't really about anyone here. It was all mine. And the disease I have was part of it.   Around four million Americans have this autoimmune disease. More than 90 percent of them a



We survive our first prom...

I'll say it here, right out loud. I never went to my prom. Neither did my husband. We, two self-proclaimed geeks, have a social butterfly daughter. Pretty, athletic, smart and funny, this girl has always easily made friends, won sporting events, and has gone through her life embracing everyone and everything with a caring heart. There's an easy explanation for this. She's adopted. She didn't get the double geek genes from her parents. Lucky escape.   So it was some months back that



Another Week at the Bayou LeBlanc Homestead

I will tell ya, Murphy lives with us ! Sometimes it's just one step forward and two steps back.   Our simple plan to set up four 55 gal drums to collect rain water has turned into a major deal, sigh!   First we must install gutters on this old country home- $700.00. Ok, so we bite the bullet and decide to have it done. We have needed gutters for a while as water tends to go under our house when it rains and that is not good.   Our 2 story home has what I call a "barn roof" meaning tha



Get it together!!

I had a dream...and I don't dream much lately. It was so vivid that I can't stop thinking about it. When I woke up from it (or in the midst of it) I was distressed, trying to catch my breath and had to go and wash my face with some cold water before I could think clearly.   Before I tell you about this oddity, I want to give a disclaimer - I am in no way trying to say this is a prophetic dream, a hidden message or anything to but me and me alone. But, it sure got my attention and I thought



If Life is a bush of cherries...(pics added!)

then why did I plant six of them?? Yes folks, about 4 yrs ago I decided to plant 6 Nanking Bush cherries. Despite the best efforts of both Texas weather & the Monkeys, all 6 survived. The first year they fruited, the Monkeys picked most of them whilst still too green, the next year the mockingbirds ate them all. Last year, we got a goodly number and the Monkeys enjoyed eating them. These are small, marble sized fruits with a pit of course, and they tend on the tart side, unless you w



Miss me?

So I know Stephanie noticed I was gone... did anyone else?   I don't quite know what happened... my password was working fine, and then suddenly it didn't. And it was RIGHT in the middle of getting the garden planted, so I wasn't online much anyway, so I decided I'd get back to it when I had time... yeah. You know how *that* goes.   SO... a nice long update, since my last blog entry was when Philip graduated which was a million years ago (or at least it seems like it!)   The garden is



Mothers Day Picnic and Snowball Battle

Today after church, we headed for the mountains. A quick stop at Subway made an instant picnic with no prep work for Mom. It was a lovely day, clear and sunny and temps that were just right. We had our lunch at a picnic area, then drove to the trail head that leads to a lake.     DFD#2 rode on DH shoulders for awhile, Morning Star carried the backpack.     After hiking nearly a mile, we arrived at the lake.     Nearby we spied a patch of snow. Here is DH and our "current



Many things going on recently...

Haven't kept up with this little blog for a while, as there have been lots of things going on around here. We have some apples on our two little apple trees! A lot more got pollinated than the little things can support, so I noticed they have been self-culling. Saves me the mental anguish of culling them myself I guess. I hate thinning plants or culling fruit!   We (DH & I) also successfully taught Monkey1 how to ride a bicycle! This was a major goal, as DH & I both love to ride,




15% off at Harmony House foods - having a stash of commercially dried and sealed in a plastic jug vegetables, freeze dried fruit or precooked beans is a wonderful thing.   In everyday life, the 'pantry stuffer' is amazingly convenient. If you happen to be out of celery - no problem! rehydrate some. Recipe call for shallots? or leeks? You've got it covered! I love it. Having a jug of jalapenos has also been convenient for my heat loving teenage sons <g>   The free shipping is ni




Hi everyone. I've kind of dropped the 'blog ball' here lately. Actually, haven't been posting much even on the board. I feel a bit disconnected.   I think this started with my 9 day trip to Arkansas. I was there with only one of my children and he is 13, so able to take care of himself for the most part. I ran the roads with my mom and sister, shopping, taking mom to therapy, visiting my grandmother. I was a free spirit. I had no time constraints to speak of, no one pulling on my skirt



Homestead Series Chainsaw Part 3

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