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Today is laundry day (as usual). Yesterday we went to a planting festival (about a 3 hour drive) and met up with another couple there just for grins :-) Finally found the mint starts that I wanted. You can't hardly find them this year for some reason, and the ones I had died last year (they were in ports) so I wanted to start some new, fresh ones over at the Homestead. I'm planning to put them in the front with a little picket fence around it to keep Abby-girl out of them. That's "her yard" across the front and part way down one side :-) Stopped by the garden when we got home and all the starts we planted are looking wonderful! No shock at all. After planting them in the compost we mulched with wood chips around each one and then cut the tops and bottoms off some gallon milk jugs and put them up around them to keep the "city" rabbits off them. A lady a few miles from here in another city, had one hundred 1 gallon milk jubs for free...so ew took them because we wanted a few :-( MrWE2 tied them together with some poly rope and will hang them from the rafters in his man-cave garage. If they start to deteriorate, we'll get rid of them in our cities recycle bins. Found a fella that rebuilds rider mowers, so he's rebuilding one for us and will call us when it's done. Brother is coming to pick up the one son's been using to keep the Homestead mowed (it's part of his rent). We'll just have to use some of his rent money to buy the "new-to-us" mower. Son can't do push mowers or weedeaters right now, after having the shoulder surgery. MrWE's working on a new work project. Should hopefully be done in a couple of weeks or so. He's never worked for this individual before, so we have to be careful that he doesn't run up too many hours before he gets paid. Sometimes people who don't pay their carpenters etc., can't find carpenters...sadly to say :-( But they don't care. They get the work done, jip the carpenter/painter and go on to the next person. Every time he takes on a work project for an individual we face this, but it's the nature of the beast. Found my seeds (Okra etc...open pollinated) at the planting festival (plus some others) and I'm wanting to get some of them in the ground. Saturday we unloaded 1600# of concrete blocks to re-build our 3x8 raised beds (they were wood) and when they're done we'll get our beans, okra and some other stuff planted too. Need to dig more "rings" for the squash, zucchini, cucumbers, kale and swish chard and the ones we can grow vertically, we will. Had a nice rain late yesterday afternoon so the garden will enjoy that. Still letting the back2eden section compost down, but we could plant in it if we wanted to. Scheduling a lawn party for one of our friend's birthday. Plus...we will deliver flowers again this year for Mother's Day. Bizy-bizy-bizy...some times we so far behind we think we're ahead! But sitting around is not on our agenda :-) Busy hands are happy hands? Plus...most of the time Abby-girl gets to go with us, and a tired Abby is a good Abby! LOL

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Supposed to be EZ-does-it day. :grinning-smiley-044: To keep my back from seizing up with too much laying, I wandered downstairs to start a second load of laundry/throw first into dryer, etc. :scratchhead: Zero hot water coming into the washer. Fortunately we have a hose to the laundry sink and that had hot water. So I poured hot in with the hose.


However.....Houston, we have a washing machine problem. .... :unsure: We think. We get hot water everywhere else in the house...including out of the hot water pressure hose that goes into the washer. Hmmm...



THEN PROBLEM #2 appeared. Or rather, it became apparent. Cold water all over the house [including toilet which has needed cleaning more and more often...come to think of it], is RUSTY. Accumulation in the pressure tank....needs to be bled out?



More to the point....does Problem #1 with " HOT water vs washing machine" have ANYthing to do with problem #2 .."rusty COLD water"????



And of course there is still "Internet Is SLOWER than MOLASSES" problem....


And the "Keep running outta hay cuz of snow covering the pasture" problem.... {DH & Koa went off to get a few more bales today...hoping that problem will be resolved sooooon! }



Problem #2 is owners/manager problem...and have a call into them. Off to go borrow a few 5 gallon jugs of water from neighbor-friends. I have a lot of water in smaller containers for just drinking. Tied red sock around the cold water faucets to remind us. :bev: But it will be easier to make the pasta meal I'm planning, if we get a bigger quantity. Shoots!....I wanted to refill those 5 gal. jugs just before the huge BLIZZARD and didn't get it done. So much other prep for blizzards. And have been pretty busy with snow/snow/snow/snow since then....



MtRider ....busy doing things that were definitely NOT on today's schedule... AACK!

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REorganizing our Ebags has been on my agenda lately. Still not able to bend down too well yet. But :amen: my back is recovering very quickly. :cheer: for my DH chiro and healing.


Not sure what I'm up to today. Waiting on call from property manager....see if they've figured out what the rust is coming from. Getting less clouded today but still there. Something stirred the works somewhere in the system.


MtRider B) lovin' the sunshine! :hapydancsmil:

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Team lovin it, is scheeming how to out smart Mr. Cocky Rocky, in order to get him out of the trees and back into a "safe for everyone else" environment! He is too pretty to eat and probably worth more to us at next weeks sale. There are other roosters but one fellow goes after this guy and then the fight gets ugly.

I made the mistake of buying different breeds too just because they are so pretty. Now what?

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Can you trade them out and get all the same breed? There are definite differences. If you want to reduce bother and energy drain, mebbe that would help you enjoy who you end up with.


MtRider ...chickens are magnificent colors!!

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Crimony, I heard a small bang in the kitchen last night. I didn't pay much attention to it because it was so minor. Then about 2 hours later I heard another one a little bigger. A pile of bagged beans had tumbled over. Don't think they could have done it by themselves. It's possible but...


Dear Lord, please don't let there be a mouse in my house!!!!! Or worse yet, another squirrel. :runcirclsmiley2:

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Dad took a bad fall and ended up at hospital. X-rays showed fractured L1? so they're keeping him a day or two for observation. He's 89 and it's never good to fall at that age. He was very neaseated and in a lot of pain. We made a b-line up there when his wife called and I could tell he was in a lot of pain. I'm glad they're keeping him so they can watch him. Didn't get over to the Homestead to work up any more beds etc. Son will probably be moving before too much longer. He's been approved for low-income housing and it will cut his rent in half so he's gung ho for that, and it will be good for him to have a few more dollars to spend :-) He was already whining about "I need my money to move"...but we flat told him he had responsibilities to us to give us a 30-day notice and that the housing office should recognize that...but, who knows. Apparently they already have a 1-bedroom for him??? He will enjoy not having any steps to climb. It's handicap access with wide doors too. Did my weekly baking today; a plain old yellow cake and two loaves of bread...the smaller sized. Used some pan spray that I won't use again. Made one of my loaves stick and not want to come out without some help from a butter knife :-( I'll use good old coconut oil next time...IF I use them again. They were brand new so I'm not sure if it was the spray or just them. I have some that are non-stick and one that is glass. "Someday" I'll own a couple of cast iron loaf pans LOL

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Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he heals rapidly and as painless as possible.


Good to hear your DS was approved for different housing. Sounds like a good deal all around. Will he be able to have his dogs with him?

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That's a terrible fall at that age. Sometimes they do well and other times they end in much pain. I'll be praying for the first scenario. :hug3:


Our offer on the country homestead in Wisconsin was ACCEPTED. :hapydancsmil: Our work is done and it's time to head home in retirement years to be with family and help my ailing mother. Closing is end of July and occupancy is October 1, if the owners need that extra time to pack and move. We're flexible. (After working with TSA at airports for the past 20 years with all of our suspicious-looking electronic gear, we're VERY FLEXIBLE with most situations, especially in third-world countries) :0327:


We just found out that the director of the hospital we worked at in the Congo, Africa last month is coming to our mission in August to speak. He asked if he could stay with DH and me. Oh yes!! :cele:


It's a good day! Hope yours is too!! :wave:

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Yard work this morning. Cleaned up the pile of eucalyptus leaves and removed the grass growing around the rocks lining my lawn, and watered the yard and garden. The 5 tomato plants from January have signs of flowers. I am actually getting excited, things are growing in my gardens this year.


To my surprise, I planted a handful of dried pequin peppers I got from a friends house and they are growing, and the jalapeño seeds have also sprouted. Hot, hot, hot.


Congrats on the homestead, sounds like it will be just what you want.


I really like my cast iron loaf pan and so does DH. He says the breads and cornbreads come out tasting better. Hope your Dad heals quickly, WE2's.


Jeepers, was it gravity or do you have a house guest?


The chiro told DH he might have a herniated disc and sent him home with a traction machine. He's really hurting, even after the adjustment. I'm concerned, he's not used to constant pain.

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Wow, our community is brimming over with news this morning. :reading:


Congratulations to

...Annarcy - garden :lois:

....WE2's son -- housing. Terrific solution for him and ..he's no longer your problem!

....Homesteader :cheer: Such a gracious way to allow the current owners time to resolve their issues and wow, you'll have that wonderful property soon!.



...WE2. - sorry to hear about your dad. Mine is 87 and nearly got run over/eaten by his snow blower during our recent snows. I know how fragile [and shouldn't be doing snowblowing] our dads can be by now. Praying for your dad's full recovery!!! :pray:

....Poor Jeepers. Having been rodent-free for several months now, I would be beyond frantic to relapse into infestation again. Auuugh. Hope a bean just succumbed to gravity and took the rest with it.

... :pray: for MrAnnarchy, for recovery of back issues and restored to pain-free mobility again. Pain after getting things rearranged at chiro is not uncommon any more than pain after rearranging after surgery. Might take a time or two before it feels BETTER after adjustments. Have hope!



Lets see....called our Internet provider and the ordinary guy kept throwing inane excuses as to why we have horrible service right now. He did not even make sense and ......well anyone who has met me probably knows my logical brain shreds malarkey very efficiently. I finally asked for a supervisor. Supervisor was good. We had a bad connection and once, she even had to call me back when it dropped. Went thru checking stuff we'd already done. Chatted about Louisiana flooding and CO blizzards while computer "did things". Will have a call back later cuz something was down in their office today and would hopefully be back up later today. Anyway, she was making sense!


Property manager woke me up this morning with her call....but I think I was quickly making sense explaining the 'sediment in the water' problem to her. Well guy is coming out to look after he's done with another job in this area today. :cheer: The sediment has settled a LOT but ....we need to know what is causing it. Water pressure tank or ....something down the well. Hopefully emptying the pressure tank will bleed off some sediment and fix this problem.


Hey...our lovely sunshine just succumbed to clouds. Phooey! We were really enjoying all that SHINY! :happy0203:


MtRider ....well, at least I was able to GET ON MrsS today. Could not yesterday in evening...even at midnight! :wave:

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It was a fun day watching at 'Crazy Acres' aka SDP today. At 8:00am Maude the rescue donkey gave birth to a little donklet. I don't know the proper term for it yet. Jack, Jenny, mule donkey...what ever it's called it's an adorable little girl. Maude has been on live camera for over a month while we all watched and waited and waited. :wub:


Then last week a couple of baby owls showed up on Puppy Hill sitting on the fence. They can see their mom and dad in the trees. When a camera was moved into Maude's stall, there were rats running all around at night. Then all of the sudden we noticed there were no more rats. Carlene won't allow any type of poisons on the farm. She traps rats and donates then to an animal rehab place so they know they are safe. Plus all of the dogs there. Then the owls showed up. Aha! They must be catching the rats. Win-Win.


They have a special area outside where the puppies are allowed to play on their first outings. They have to keep those 'used car flags' strung over the area because they have hawks and now owls etc. in the area and one could easily carry off a puppy. Even Great Dane size.




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Awww, babies....


Had a stressful evening. Got to bed at midnight, (I'm usually in bed at 8pm). DH has a doctor appointment today, so my day is shot. 35 miles one way....

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Ack.....got tooooo much dust yesterday when I had to sweep up [from non-vented dryer] in preparation for the water fixin' guy. Tooooo late I realized I should have a mask. DH immediately went to get two from his truck and I suppose late is better than never but... :banghead: ....I gotta remember not to take such a heavy dose of dust!


Had headache thru the night but slept pretty well. Woke too soon for a full night. Use a massager ...carefully, even on face. Around eye bones. Side of nose. Downwards under the ears. Down all the lymph passageways. Encourage the drainage not to block. Nuprin and chewing peppermint gum. Full on defense for blocked drainage/headache has worked. Nearly clear tho I'm drained and ...spacey. Means there is still pressure but not actual pain. Both ears are "whistling" LOUDLY! .......This too shall pass. :lois:


MtRider ....self-inflicted misery is ..... :sassing: STOOOPID! Ah well, hope to remember sooner next time!

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I MADE YOGURT LAST NIGHT! Yippee! As many of you know, I've been trying several different methods and recipes and they all have failed :-( So...I found one using a thermos bottle. it worked! I used my microwave to heat it to 180, then cooled to 110, and added yogurt starter. (I also used powdered milk!) I capped it and then later this morning opened the thermos and saw a tiny bit of whey and poured it out and then nothing...LOL...it was thick enough to use a wooden spoon to ladle it out into half pint jars :-) I put some freeze dried strawberries in the bottom of each jar before I added the yogurt. It's sooooo thick! Saved some for the next batch. And...I have two of the large thermos's so I could make a dozen jars :-) As for my dad....they sent him home but he's to go back Monday and they're going to glue the vertibrae back together so it doesn't deteriorate any further. Had a friend who was in a wreck and they pretty much glued her whole spine back together, and my sis has a few that are glued. What wonders they do perform? Went over and watered the garden after MrWE2 got home, and strung up some VCR tape to skeer off the birds. I've heard they think it's water and won't come in to land. Hope it works! The radishes are up, the lettuces and spinach are up, the bell peppers etc., tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli and all the other goodies are looking great. With the open-top milk jugs nothing can get in but the sun and whatever water we pour down through the top :-) We'll remove the jugs when they get strong enough. The wood chips around them help retain the moisture. We'll sprinkle some DE around also. The Petunia's are looking great and one even gave us another new bloom! As for son...yes, him moving will be a relief. He called yesterday in a tizzy because the 9.5 LED bulbs that we put in the front porch fixtures were on :-( So we went over and turned them off :-( We checked the cost and if they stayed on 24-7 for 30 days, it would have cost him $1.80 on his light bill. Guess he'd rather have his car sitting in the dark! We're going to notify him tonight that he will not be moving into any of our properties on any Section 8 program. We'll rent to somebody who can pay their own rent!

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Found out that one of my hens likes attention and will allow you to pet her and pick her up without a fuss. It is a good thing because we have been putting her in a small dog kennel and dragging her around the yard to coax the rooster in. The silly thing seems to enjoy the ride. She just stands in there looking around or contentedly picks away at treats.

We have a busy week end coming up. Graduation at our small town school, another exotic sale, dance recital, some lilies and more garden to plant, and maybe I will get to go out for a Mother's Day brunch.

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Went over and watered the garden after MrWE2 got home, and strung up some VCR tape to skeer off the birds. I've heard they think it's water and won't come in to land. Hope it works!


So we see in the WE2's garden, a confusing sight: Mallard duck and his missus tumbling head over tail until finally able to stand up. :imoksmiley: "Hey! Where's the WATER?" :scratchhead:




Hooray on successful yogurt! :cheer:


Sounds very good for your dad!!!! :amen:


Lovinit has a pet hen.....awww! They can be quite affectionate. Gonna make the mean ole rooster jealous?


Hey Lovinit, do you know anyone over in that poor Canadian town that's evacuated for fire. Having experienced too many wildfires in CO, I'm praying for that whole situation. And especially that caravan of evacuees that they'll be bringing past/thru the town starting today.....getting them to the south side of the fire.



MtRider ....not sure what I"ll be up for today. Just glad MrsS loaded and is working for me ...right now... :unsure:

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Mt. R. Our friend's son in law works in Fort McMurray and for awhile my nephew did also. Both are safe at home but Jason has been told to stay home until he is called back to work. The " not knowing" is so emotionally painful for him.

I can't imagine the trauma those that have lost everything must be going through. So happy to report there haven't been any lives lost. 80,000 people and the city wiped out. We are currently fighting 10 uncontrolled fires in Saskatchewan and most areas are under "no fire" bans. It is incredibly dry here and it hurts to know that wild life are going to have a rough time. All the sloughs and dug outs are drying up. Praying for rain and relief for the evacuees.

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The people coming south now are those that went north earlier in the week. It is an extra hit for them and they are exhausted. Still praying for no lives lost and grateful for the new fire "babies" that have been born.

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The exodus was so great, people were driving south in the north bound highway to get away. Of course there were empty gas tanks every where. No power, and the shell plant had exploded. It is so gratifying to see the help given by strangers.

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One of the RV forums that we subscribe to posted that several land owners have opened their land for RV'ers trying to get away from the danger, to come camp on their land until they can safely travel. Most people don't have any idea how many RV'ers travel into Canada, especiallty the ones on their way to Alaska.

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