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Got the rest of the fencing done! Hoorah! Then son called and said one of his dogs pushed through the gate we put up so he had to drive a metal stake between the fence and gate/latch :-( He's been approved for disabled/subsidized housing and is trying everything he can to avoid taking it and wanting to stay in our apartment at the Homestead until we renovate this place, and then rent it to him and his new "fiance". Not happening. told him to move. We will not be rushed into renovating this place...period. His new "squeeze" is from England "someplace" and is coming over here for a "visit"...and then they'll probably want to marry. We'll see...we been through this stuff about four times :-( But anyway...the fencing is up and we'll be able to start putting out some plants. Looked around at Lowe's, Menards, Ace Hardware and of course...WM. Gotta put out all the plants we can because of getting such a late start :-( MrWE2 starts a new work project in the morning but it shouldn't take too awefully long. We've got a friend in another city that wants him to do some work for them, and he wants to try to schedule that sometime in June...when it's not so hot and rainy.

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Hope you're feeling better Ambergris! And Abby too!


I worked today and people came to look at our chicken coop and run this afternoon. Hope they buy it! Getting a tow package on dh's car tomorrow. Hoping for an uneventful day tomorrow!

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Car shopping, mowing when the grass gets dry, may transplant some tomatoes.


Bobcat will mate with house cats.....


The last bobcat I saw crossed the road in front of me, tawny, bobtail without curl, black tufts in ears. They can be different sizes from fairly large to small.

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My border collie killed a bob cat about 2 weeks ago. I couldn't believe it, but I saw the corpse with my own eyes. This one was about a third to one half the size of my fat collie. Hopefully it's the last one we find around here!

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Coyotes can climb fences here. So can alligators.



:blink: ...... :unsure: ......well don't let out that secret skill to the CO coyotes, please!!!!!


As for alligators....I think they'd scare me as bad as mt.lions. I'm fully wary and on alert about all our wildlife but mt.lions scare the willies outta me! :runcirclsmiley2:


Ahem....and NO....that is NOT how to react externally in an encounter with mt. lion - or bear. INTERNALLY tho, I'm sure that would be my reaction. Never have seen one..........................................................doesn't mean they haven't seen me! :behindsofa:



No further wildlife sightings. Koa didn't get to "go to town" today cuz she has to stay home and guard me for chores tonite. Lots of extra neighborhood barking. I alerted nearby friend with miniature schnauzers. She'd noted extra barking and assume they saw deer. Very glad for my warning.


Glad your dog came out the winner, Momo! Mine probably would...even with this huge bob- kitty. But I certainly wouldn't want her full of scratches. Cat claws have bad germs. Taking extra precautions with animals and self.


CO and our region is in the cross-hairs of yet another big snowstorm. No wind to speak of [at this time] so if it's gonna drop a lot of snow on us, at least it's not a Screaming Blizzard like the last one. So far verrrry low hanging clouds carelessly dribbling out a bit of snow from time to time. Not sure our immediate neighborhood is slated for "that much". :lol: OK, "that much" is being defined by the recent FEET of snow. So 6-12" doesn't seem like "that much" ....even if it is nearly May. :shrug: Just God watering our pasture again. :)



MtRider ....wildlife and weather are our top occupations recently.... :darth duck: :lois::frozen:

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Knee deep in mortgage preapproval paperwork! Had forgotten how much feds are involved in our lives these days. ;)


We're heading to Wisconsin tomorrow to look at a home that just went up for sale. Looks interesting. We don't need the pond but would like all the land for gardens and orchard. I can see an 8-foot electric fence in our lives once more. Definitely deer country around there. :0327:


post-35-0-27089500-1461890096_thumb.jpg post-35-0-97308400-1461890109_thumb.jpg

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I know we said we wouldn't...but...we're probably going to let son stay in the apartment for the time being. He's got his two dogs and they're about 12 years old so he (and they) are attached. He'd never be able to find them a good home. He also has a Harley motorcycle and it would have to sit outside in the complexes. We'll be talking to him more.. Guess one could call it "grace"?

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Baked another batch of cookies so MrWE2 would have some sweets for his lunches. He's started a painting job in our county but it's too far to come home for lunch, so I pack him a lunch :-( The weather was beautiful today and I have thought about cranking out my trike and riding to the Homestead to do some garden work. I'm totally homebound with Miss B not running :-( until MrWE2 gets home. I pulled a back/sciatica muscle Monday, bending over to pull up a sagging sock :-( so today is the first day that I've not worn the back/tummy support brace (they gave it to me at the hospital after the surgery awhile ago) so probably riding my bike/trike right now might not be a wise choice. Besides...I'm trying to figure out how I could trot Abby-girl along with me and have her drag me off in a ditch or something! LOL

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Lots of dogs learn to run safely along side bikes......or horses. I've done both. Initially you might have some....excitement? Go slow so as not to run over toes but it's a grand way to go a bit faster as dogs are eager to do. IF your roadway or path is safe from other vehicles.


NICE, Homesteader. Y'know, in a Post-Hooey world, I've learned that ground water supply is a VERY good commodity! And besides, I'm so much a water person. Not swimming at all but love to just look at water. LOVE our duck pond...gaze at it often every day. Makes free-ranging ducks even possible up here in the wild lands.



MtRider ...at least kitties [of any size] do not like water. :darth duck:

Edited by Mt_Rider
fixing Darth smilie
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:hi: Morning!


Getting ready to get back at all the work on my todo list. A lot of yard work this year with weeds. Trying to accomplish tasks I have ignored. :grinning-smiley-044:


DH is beginning to feel better, he's irritated the Dr. and I both told him "...not to do any lifting... and just rest..." So, it has been an interesting week, to say the least.


Just popped in to say "HI!"


Gorgeous land Homesteader. It's GREEN! :happy0203:

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I took a turn for the better yesterday and today :) Best guess is that when I fell, landed on my one hand, I broke the graft where my neck was fused, and it'll have to heal together again. It didn't hurt that much at first because all the seized up muscles held things in place. As some of them relaxed, and others gave in to the inflammation, the damage got noticeable. Still, though, it's just a setback.

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Worked our tails off! Got an early start in the garden area and cleaned out three more square beds & put new compost (we use 4 different kinds in each bed) in each bed. Then transplanted some of the blackberry bushes from creeping against a raised bed, to the fence line where we want them. Then headed for a vendor that was selling some seedlings for $1 for 4 plants. Bought some cabbage, some broccoli (sp?), some marigolds, some yellow bell peppers, some red bell peppers, some sweet mini-peppers and something else (can't remember right now) but $7 worth. Then went to Lowe's and found my Roma and ....something Girl tomatoes (they're smaller). I don't like the huge tomatoes and then bought several Petunia plants (six to a flat), a bundle of sweet onions and got them planted (pretty blooms already!) for the honey bees and humming birds :-) Everything's planted in the new compost, watered and then wood chips around (leaving a small ring around them for right now) and cages around the tomatoe plants. We did the "ring around" planting for the Petunia's...ie: dig a hole, fill it with compost, plant the seedling, water & then ring it with wood chips. Fetched some of the seeds we bought last fall so check to see if we have what we want. Plenty of bush beans, Okra, Butternut Squash, Yellow Squash, Parsnips, canteloupe, zuchini and cucumbers, and some other goodies. We'll have to open our bucket (it's been sealed for a couple of years +) to dig out some turnips who knows what! Anyway...it's lookin' good! We'll not plant in the back-to-eden section this year. We want to keep composting it by layering wood chips, leaves and compost until we have a nice 4 or 5 inches of "soil". Hopefully next planting season. The leaves are already composting down very fast! Figure we've got some hungry wormies doing their job! We found an awefully lot of wormies in the raised beds so we're confident the growing medium is good :-) Anyway...Abby girl had to stay in "her yard" to the front of the property and watch us dig in the dirt...and she can't! LOL Son's dogs were out a little bit in "their yard" while he sat in his lawn chair under the back patio and watched us work. He just had constructive surgery about a month ago on his right shoulder so he's not able to do much with that arm. We set about 8 buckets out around the beds to see if we can catch some rain water (if it rains tonight or tomorrow) and put one of the 55 gallon barrels under one of he drain spouts with a large funnel in the opening. We won't be able to use anything it collects right now, but we're hoping to get some rain water in it so we can put some Dawn and bleach in it, put the cap on and roll it around the yard to wash it out etc. It had some sort of liquid vitamin stuff in it (food grade). If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we plant some of our seeds (which I'm praying it doesn't) in the beds we've finished and perhaps work up the two remaining 3x8 beds. Then sometime in the next week or so we'll visit our local cabinet shop that gives us free sawdust and we'll put that down between all the plantings to create a walkway and keep grass from growing. The last walkway we put down really keep the grass & weeds from growing (we put newspaper down over the grass and then the sawdust). So...goodnight! Gonna grab me the book I've just started reading ... "Alas Babylon"...so far very good!

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We are on our way to an exotic animal sale. It is always fun to see and we are thinking of getting a few chickens. I want a baby goat but dh wouldn't bring the kennel.


I always tell him it would be akin to me taking him to a food buffet and not allowing him to eat!

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:lol: Lovinit! Tell him about Nigerian DWARF milking goats!!! Only knee high so lots less trouble with housing/fencing. Still hooligan goats, of course.


Need to do another sort-thru on my E-bags. Things get shifted....then jumbled...then :gaah:



MtRider ...we're at the :gaah: stage.....

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Worked on an offer today for the property in Wisconsin. We're dealing with an older couple with health problems who have to leave the homestead. They have no idea where they will go as this was home for 40 years. We decided to delay closing till the end of July and give them free rent on the place until Oct 1 so they can find a new place to live. We lowered the asking price a bit so that they would accept the offer. :hug3:



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:laughkick: Way to go, Lovinit. Bait and switch? Go for the goat and settle for The Ladies? :lol:


$600..... yikes!


So today.....yeah, still spittin' snow at us. Not much. Heavily overcast but I thot I saw a tear in the clouds once. Blue sky does exist somewhere up there. :rolleyes: Since it seeeeems to be letting up on the white stuff, I was shoveling a bit of a path to the goat yard. There isn't that much on the ground cuz it's melting. But paths hurry the melting along. On one shovelful, I felt {I think I even HEARD} a "clunk" in my left hip. :unsure: Uh, oh! I hope that was a "clunk back in place" and not a "clunk out of place". In trying to straighten up.....no, it was not a clunk INTO place.


:sigh: It was not even any extraordinary move. Not a lot on the shovel. Just precisely WRONG move, apparently. DH was at work and is now coming home. He can get it back into place but this has been a rough day. OW! Not piercing pain but just very stiff and ACHE-can't-move pain. If that makes any sense. Felt better after I took a long walk with dog on flat road. Bending over during chores was NOT good. Stumbling over frozen, round, "road apples" hidden under the snow....was definitely NOT good either. I didn't do certain things that can wait til tomorrow.


On a good note, I'd tried a different [not insulated] horse blanket on the old gal for this last snow. It works. She's swishing around with it and it keeps her dry. Not wearing it half draped around her front legs. Thank YOU, God for that idea. I thot it was too big for her but it's more adjustable. She'd have been wet for FOUR days now if she wasn't wearing that. :cheer:


MtRider ....waitin' for my chiropractor!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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I'll bet you are extremely grateful for an in-house chiro, Mt_Rider. DH has had to go all last week. He's got a bad one out between his shoulders. (Welcome to my world). At least he can get the help he needs, they won't touch my back - too high risk, too much damage.


Today, we are going free-diving for the first time this year. Unfortunately, I have forgotten where my shortie wet suit is and I know the water will be in the 60's. I did find my full wet suit, but I have not tried it on in over 10 years. I'm going to see if it fits, then get our gear ready. If it doesn't fit, I will be diving without it. Brrrr. LOL My curiosity is too great for me to go and not get to see what is under the water. I also like to see where the fish are. Call it cheating, if you will.


I am hoping the cold water and the hot sun will help with DH's back. I know how it helps me.


Congrats on the hens, lovinit.


Wow, WE2's, you sound busy, hope your garden is prosperous.


Beautiful pond, Homesteader. I want.... the desert doesn't have natural water ponds....

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Definitely grateful, Annarchy. He adjusted my hips by putting S.O.T. blocks under hips in certain places. It's how he's been adjusting himself too. By the time he got home, I nearly coudn't get down to the floor. Getting up was worse. After about an hour, soooo much better tho I carried the 'reacher' around so I didn't bend down. Slept WELL!


Getting into hospital bed was a bit tricky. I got the bed free cuz a gal needed additional feature of the height to raise/lower with push of button instead of end-of-the-bed-manual-crank. First time that missing feature would have been handy. Love the head and/or knee raise features!!!! :amen::amen:


DH adjusted again when I got up LATE this morning. Whole process much easier. Will take a walk on flat road again today. That helps the hips and felt good yesterday. Hope this goes away real fast. :pray:



In other news........WE HAVE SHINY STUFF ALL OVER OUTSIDE. :unsure: And blue stuff up above us. :shakinghead: DH looked it up on Google and the shiny stuff is called: SUNSHINE! :cele::hapydancsmil::happy0203: Oh yeah......now we remember that stuff! ;)



Hey Annarchy. You might want to research a chiropractic technique called Network Spinal Analysis. It's a finger-touch method only. Teaches body to "adjust" itself ....but not like the shove technique. They are right! Some folks can't be adjusted with the more forceful techniques. DH has studied a lot of methods since his graduation {many moons ago}. He uses S.O.T. blocks ...as I mentioned. Just set the wedges in certain places on both sides of hips...and pt. lays there waiting for gravity to shift things. No shove...which is why he can self-adjust that way. And Network technique. And a few others. Just depends on the person. Fragile people tend to do ok with Network cuz the body is created to know ...with a little prompting...how to unwind things. It's most similar to a morning stretch that our bodies do automatically.


MtRider B)

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