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Mommato3boys, I hope it works for me, but I already have my doubts. But will give it a try. If it keeps my A1C down that would be something. I was put on Trulicity about 3 years ago and that caused me to both gain weight and my thyroid levels went off the chart because of it. So, I was put on 2 different meds, one from the Endo doctor and one from the heart doctor. Both made my feet and legs swell up and with the B/P med. I started getting dizzy and other issues. The Actos never did much for the diabetics. The heart doctor took me off of it and put me on the Farxiga so will find out how the Endo doctor fills about that when I see him next month.  I am going to make a few changes on my diet even though I follow a mediterranean diet. I don't eat much beef. Only about once or twice every two weeks. But do eat more chicken and fish. Though fish is starting to get high priced. But I do have plenty in freezer and that when on sell, I buy it. I don't really care for brown rice and do eat white rice about once a week. So just some minor changes. But will see what Farxiga does after a month or so. 


Mommato3boys, you are doing great with your freezer meals. It all sounds good.

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2 hours ago, Littlesister said:

I don't really care for brown rice and do eat white rice about once a week

I am not a fan of brown rice either; however, I do like Quinoa (pronounced in suthern - Ken-wa) I bounce between Quinoa and Cauliflower rice. Hubby doesn't care for white rice but will eat parboiled. He had rather have brown rice. 

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I would rather have Quinoa than brown rice. I do have some Quinoa but not much of it. With what you found out about prices going up in the grocery challenge, I might pick up a few things when they call me to pick up my RX's.  It's at Harris Teeter and Dollar Tree is right next to it. So will look around at the sales and pick up a few things. I would rather pay the price of it now than to wait and it goes up again. I want to pick up a few frozen veggies anyway. So now would be a good time. I also have a $10 coupon off for the total on groceries. Harris Teeter mails those out once a month. So, I can save $20 a month off total grocery bill. Then when I go on Thursday, I get the senior discount on top of that. 



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I don't like any rice.  I'm not much of a carb eater which is good since I am diabetic.  I do like Chinese style fried rice though.


The roads are finally starting to thaw a bit since Monday's snow and ice.  I can't get out my door though. I have an aluminum ramp that is still covered in ice. I just want to try to start my car and get my mail and take out garbage. It sleeted last night  and  it will probably stay frozen frozen until Sunday or Monday. Grrr. At least I have power so I'm not freezing. Tomorrow's high is predicted to be around 20 with it feeling worse than that with the wind chill. Our WalMart quit their pickup service last Sunday and it's been shut down all week. I guess they knew how bad it was gonna get before the local weather service did.


Stay warm ya'll.

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Momo, please be careful if you have to go out on that metal ramp. Those things are very slick with ice and snow on them. And you can't see the ice with snow on top. Don't want you to be falling down and getting injured. 


I know we have had cold weather like this before, but don't remember it lasting this long. I wish it would just hurry up and move out of here. 

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My plans for today have changed.  DD is coming in to town by 11:00 today and we are all going to DGD's house for a while. DD is going to babysit the GGD this evening and they are staying till tomorrow. So, I will be at DGD house for a while today.  

Sunday is church and then home in which case DD and SIL will be coming here before leaving to head back to NC. 

My list of things I need to get done around the house is growing.  Painting, new storm doors, all the lights replaced outside, garage sink which will be done as soon as my plumber can get here. But right now, it has a very slow drip which is good in this weather. So far nothing has frozen. Running electric to the one shed, replace some ceiling lights in house, etc. So much to get done and to many interruptions. But it will get done. Just hoping sooner than later. 

Told GS to sleep in house tonight and he said he sleeps better in car. It is freezing outside. He will get his car really hot while he is in the car. And then turn the engine off and crawl in back seat and go to sleep. He does have 3 really warm blankets but still that's cold. I think he likes that back seat car mattress I got him. Told his mother to get him to stay in house as I was afraid, he would get sick again.  She texted him and told him he needed to stay in house in these temps and he said no. He liked to sleep in car. She told him his p---s get frostbite and fall off. I couldn't believe she told him that.  No wonder the kid is like he is. She says all kinds of things to him she shouldn't be doing. She did it with the girls, but they put a stop to her.  He will sometimes play along with her or ignore her. So, she still keeps doing it. I am just afraid he will get sick again and then give his mess to me. I got lucky this last time. Only a slight cold but then I was using Lysol everywhere. He doesn't wash his hands unless you stand there and tell him to wash them. And that spreads germ. 

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Our main carb is rice, rice noodles, and rice flour.  We eat it all sorts of ways.  I used to do mostly bread, but it doesn't sit well since my GI surgery.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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Mostly been sitting in my recliner this morning and smoking 🚬 my brains out. :24: When I left my mom’s, I told her “I just wanna go home, sit in my recliner for 3 days, and smoke 18 packs of cigarettes.” :008Laughing: After 11 days of reduced nicotine, I was starting to have panic attacks. 😬 Nicotine is a horrible thing... tell your kids!! 
I did get bills made out— only 1 is late. 
Gotta get some laundry done and repack my BOBs before going back to mom’s on Monday. 
Need to make a batch of lotion for a customer. 
Those are the only HAVE TO do’s for the weekend. 

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21 minutes ago, Necie said:

Mostly been sitting in my recliner this morning and smoking 🚬 my brains out. :24: When I left my mom’s, I told her “I just wanna go home, sit in my recliner for 3 days, and smoke 18 packs of cigarettes.” :008Laughing: After 11 days of reduced nicotine, I was starting to have panic attacks. 😬 Nicotine is a horrible thing... tell your kids!! 
I did get bills made out— only 1 is late. 
Gotta get some laundry done and repack my BOBs before going back to mom’s on Monday. 
Need to make a batch of lotion for a customer. 
Those are the only HAVE TO do’s for the weekend. 


Your post made me realize something, Necie! Some smokers might want to stock up on a few nicotine patches to get them through times when they have limited access to cigarettes. It might take the edge off and most insurance will pay for the patches. My dad was a smoker in the 60s. When the Blizzard of 66 struck, he only had a few cigarettes. He tried to make them last, but the family was stuck in the house for a week. He dug in every ashtray in the car and house for stray cigarette butts and collected the tobacco to smoke in a pipe. He was a BEAR to deal with!!! I hadn't been born yet, so I have no first-hand knowledge. My family always told stories about how miserable he was, while everyone else had a blast being home from work/school.

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Niacin tablets too.  Make sure the label says "nicotinic acid," although B3 or tryptophan might work in a pinch.

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My GS is the same way.  He switches from cigarettes to vaping. Right now, he is on vaping again. You don't want to be around him when he can't get his nicotine.  I won't let him smoke in house. He has to take his butt outside to smoke. He knows that is what his father has to do as his mother won't let him smoke in house either. So, I have never had a problem with that.


Got most of the bathroom cleaned before leaving for GD's house. Baby was fussy when I got there. But quieted down.  I will be doing a lot of babysitting in the next few weeks as her DH is now on a 3 week leave and takes care of the baby while she works. So, when he goes back to work, I will be keeping the baby for her and alternating with her DH's mother. 

I went ahead and ordered a play pen to keep here at the house. Been meaning to buy one and kept putting it off. So now that is done and will be here on Sunday. 


Now I am just tired and ready for a nap but need to finish the bathroom.

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Hubby is finally vaping only now. He had quit smoking for 16 years but 2000 was a horrible no good year for us. With all the stress he was under he started smoking again. Then when my mother passed away in 2014 he started vaping and has been vaping ever since. Yes we stock up on vape juice for him. His favorite online source closed up shop and now we have to buy local and it is so much more expensive. The only draw back to vaping is he can vape in the car and it doesn't bother me. Smoking is not allowed in my car or my house so he would take smoke breaks when we travel. Now he jokes he only gets 100 miles per potty break from me :24:

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My GS is not allowed to vape or smoke in my house. He had one pipe that leaked everywhere, and I made him keep it in garage on newspaper. He goes through those pipes like crazy. Had one blow up on him. And yes, they are expensive. 

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Poor Necie. I feel your pain girl. I laid in the bed all day and...ate. After I did that, I ate some more. I watched the computer and I watched the snow fall. I started to read the Kindle book I started but fell asleep. Food coma. 


I can not be trusted with extra food around. I will eat it all every time. Every. Single. Time.  I'm okay with pantry stored food because it looks nice on the shelves. But when I buy food in anticipation of a storm, I eat it all within two days. Right now I'm full to the brim with Pizza, Ho-Ho's, Popcorn, two ice cream sandwiches (all I had left)  and Panera broccoli cheese soup. There was a tomato, green onion, cucumber salad-ish mix in there this morning. I'm looking at a left over Olive Garden bread stick. Yesterday they gave me an extra little cup of meat sauce just perfect for bread dipping. I'm a hog left to my own devices. 

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I’ll give y’all a good giggle... 🤭 


DH and I both smoke... in the house, vehicles, garage, etc. 

My mom has never smoked, but it doesn’t bother her. We always take my van... so I can smoke.

My dad is a *reformed* smoker. He quit 45 yrs ago. NO SMOKING ALOUD!! Not in the house, not in the vehicles, not in the garage or his big-@$$ pole barn! 
Well, when it was going to get really cold, my mom told me “You don’t have to go outside to smoke when it’s frigid... just go to the garage or basement. He’ll never know.” (Sad, but true.) So I did. Then once it started getting back up to about 20*, I started going outside again. Well... Thursday we started him on a new painkiller. My sister came over to spend the night so I could go home Friday. Thursday evening I went outside for a smoke break. On the way back in, I walk past his bed to where I sit in the living room and I stopped to ask him “how ya doing?/need anything?”... 

Dad: No. Where ya been?

Me: Out having a cigarette. See how cold it is out... <I slid a couple fingers in his hand.>
Dad: It’s too cold out... <then in a very low *secretive* voice>... you can just smoke in here. 
Me: <shocked, low, secretive voice... with half a snort that made my mom and sister look up> where?!?!
Dad: <whispering> In the corner. 
Me: <practically laughing> wheeere??

Dad: <still whispering> Oh, just in the kitchen. 
Me: <lost it and started cracking up> YOU are f—-ing HIGHER THAN A KITE!! :24: (New painkillers, remember?)

Mom and sis look like WTH? So I relay the whole convo to them and we’re all cracking up! I can now brag that I’m the only one that Dad has given permission to smoke in his house!! :008Laughing:(Never, EVER, in a million years would I.) 

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Didn't make it to Church this morning. Shoulder blade was killing me.  I forgot to take a muscle relaxer last night. So here I am in pain today. This is the left shoulder blade. My heart doctor checked it out and said it was muscular. He pressed on the very spot that hurt the most. So, he said muscle relaxers and Advil or Aleve. I was already taking the Aleve but not muscle relaxers. I am so tired of having to take meds and now having to add a muscle relaxer.  But at least it wasn't my regular meds I forgot to take. 

Once the pain eases off, I will get a few more things done in bedroom, but not going to lift any heavy boxes. That might how I strained the shoulder blade. My other shoulder and knee have been doing much better the past 3 or 4 days. Don't like to take muscle relaxers during the day as they make me sleepy, and I don't get anything done. But right now, it is very tempting to take one. It's hurting that bad. 

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Hi All I'm too far behind to catch up but sounds like everyone is doing ok. Jeepers I like the way you have set up your new house I hope you get to move there permanently soon. 

I got my flu shot yesterday finally arm is sore but feeling great otherwise. Took down the Christmas wreath and lights and swept the porch and steps even though it's cold. Felt good to get something done I've been very lax lately on accomplishing my to do list. I feel like I don't have any energy this winter.

Stepdad still in the geri psych hospital he hasn't been sleeping so they are keeping him there a bit longer, plan for now is to send him to the new place Tues. We'll see. I'm going to be so relieved when he gets moved to the new place. 

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My  DH was the same. He had quit smoking but 2020 was the year of day drinking and he started vaping then.  We joke about 2020 often as the year of day drinking.  Mentioning Wuhan and Day-drinking can bring laughter to us frequently.

Edited by euphrasyne
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Becca Anne, I hope they can get him moved soon. I know it will be a load off of your shoulders. 


I gave the kitchen a deep cleaning earlier instead of working on stuff in my bedroom. But that is about to get started again.  I just don't like a dirty kitchen or bathrooms. My bathroom got a deep clean yesterday and finished it when I got back from GD's house. Looked at the Main bath that GS uses and walked out. I won't go there. But his next day off will be cleaning up the bathroom. I will still have too deep clean in there, but the worst of his mess will be out of there. Just taken a break right now. Needed something to drink. My GD got me started on those Bubbly drinks and there are a couple of other brands. They are fruit-based flavors. No sugar and no salt. All natural. So, have been drinking those. I try to get them when they have a good sale on them. I like them because they are nothing but water with fruit flavor in them. 


Almost forgot that Food Lion had some fresh fruit on sale. So, went to Food Lion to pick some up. Blueberries, grapes and cherries.  I looked around and found some canned ham that I had never seen in the store before. I was very familiar with the brand, so I bought one. It's the Danish Crown fully cooked ham and ready to eat. Sodium was low for ham 580mg. It is a product of Denmark. and is a 4lb. can. It has a best by date of 10/26/28. So will last a bit longer than that. Will put it in my longer-term foods for a while. 

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I spent the day at the house again. It's so dirty in there it's really disheartening. D-ex told me to hire a cleaning company. Easy for him to say. I guess like Merry Maids or something. I don't want to because I'd feel lazy and I don't want to pay someone else to do my work. But after looking around today, I think I might have too. I start working and then start coughing. I'm just not sure if I'm up to doing it all or not. I'm going to give it til the first of February and see how I'm progressing. I need a vacuum cleaner to suck up some of the dirt too. 


I'm going through all the bedroom closets and getting each room cleared out one by one. I want to get everything left upstairs, into one room. Not counting the bathrooms. I can't believe how many clothes I still have. That's the first thing I'm going to do. Go through them all and make two piles. One keep and one to donate. I did that a few months ago but I'm not sure where all of these came from. I thought I was done with that. But I saw bags and bags of them in one closet. I'd didn't even look in the other closets. Time to get ruthless again. I did find a couple of blankets so I don't have to buy another one now. 


I think I got the fridge door units figured out. Now I have an extra shelf. If I use all of them then they are too close together. And there were two plastic stick like things that I have no idea what they are for. At first I thought they were some sort of a divider for the door shelves but they don't fit inside those. Anyway, I have an extra shelf and two long plastic things. I still haven't tried the ice maker. I still need to line some of the drawers. I got side tracked with those darn clothes. 


I got a notice at the hotel that the hot water will be off from 9:00am til 4:00pm for maintenance. Seems like a long time. Maybe they had pipe issues too? It won't bother me though. I'll shower tonight. I plan to go to the house again in the morning anyway. If it was my hotel, I'd hire maintenance to do the work in the middle of the night when most people are asleep. But for some reason they didn't consult me.   :grinning-smiley-044:


It's only 14* here. I thought we were going to warm up today. My bones are cold. I can't get warm. I think it is causing my sciatic nerve to scream. At least Advil and a heating pad helps so I am very thankful for that! 

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Went to a one-year-old's birthday party.  Wow.  I don't know what that clown got paid, but I bet she's underpaid.  Then got home and got stabbed in the throat by a wasp.  Am now on three Benadryl and not noticeably swelling.  Going to bed.

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