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Finished getting all of GS's things packed and into the foyer out of the way. Have one box so far for DD. Everything else in that room will be going to GD on the 5th. I can't wait to get that room painted and my living room back together. It's been a long slow process but I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Went out to garden this morning. Picked Okra, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and green peppers. Will be watering after the sun is off of the garden. It has been a very hot day today. Heat index is 112 for both today and tomorrow. I have 2 watermelon that is not yet ready to pick. But are getting to a good size. eggplant is growing good and okra is still going. Not sure about the broccoli yet. I had to use the seven dust on them. But nothing has developed yet. 

Need to go through my paint charts and pick a color for the front bedroom. Going to just paint that closet white as it will reflect light better that way. No light in the closet and it is a good size one. Still thinking about just removing those doors. But then I would have to store them somewhere. So thinking about that one. GS wants pizza tonight when he gets home from work so will make pizza for dinner. 


Just got a text that 2 more tropical storms in Atlantic. One near Florida. It has really been busy in the Atlantic this summer. Just hope none of them turn into a bad hurricane. 

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:offtobed:    but I caught up reading about y'all.  So envious of gardens!  :sigh:  Someday...we will garden again.  :lois:


Been HOT but our monsoon season arrived which means clouds and rain...thunder/lightning in afternoons.  Clears up before dark. 


Keep missing rides.....  Gotta rearrange since DH is now working weekends.  Will need to get ride (horse) and then ride (the senior van) to the horse. 


More but promised myself I'd get to bed before 2AM.....  Back to that.  Got up at noon today!  Sheeeesh.  Good sleep but reallly?  :grinning-smiley-044:


MtRider ....haven't forgotten you want more of my story...  :hidingsmile:..and I see stories I want to read too.  :pc_coffee:


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This has been a day with trying to get on my e-mail.  My account was locked due to what they said was wrong password. Nope it was they couldn't handle that my old computer finally gave up and quit on me. And then I pulled out the apple computer which is a pain to use. They didn't like the fact I am on different computer and changing my internet service. I had to set up a new e mail account. So have now changed it on here. I need to notify people now that I need e-mail for and get them changed as well. This is so disgusting. Just a bunch of work I don't have time for. But google and their stupid over reaction of passwords and other stuff to get back on is stupid. They have gone a bit overboard on the security issues. They locked me out of my back up e-mail that I never use as well. I think I got that one back but not sure yet. Will check that later as my brain is fried from working on this most of the morning. 


Otherwise took GS to get a pair of tennis shoes that he badly needed. I had kohl's cash of $50 and if I used it today I got an extra 20% off. So got him a pair of nice tennis shoes for $2.65. The shoes were on sale for $65. So couldn't beat that. 


Now I just need to unwind and get my brain to function again if that is a thing. Spent 4 hours trying to get google to unlock that account. No such luck. But we will see in 48 hours. Go figure.

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I forgot to say I did get it changed on here but with apple computer that I really can't seem to get the hang of yet. Makes it hard to move back and forth from one thing to another. But I got it figured out. So one down and a few more to go. 

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I only have one thing for Apple Mac. I hate it for a lot of things I am used to doing on a Windows computer. I really need to get a new computer. It is now on my list of things I need to buy. Only issue is it will be a Windows 11 and I never really liked windows 10

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I got the Jeep U-Haul ready yesterday. I probably won't use it but it's ready in case I do. I took my Kindle tablet to read a book while I waited. Turned out I have all of my books loaded on it but not downloaded in. I could have probably downloaded one using their internet but I didn't want to add more internet options on it. So today I'm going through all of my ebooks and downloading them into the tablet. Over 1600 of them. I'm also going to read some of the shorter ones to delete some of them out of there. That's all I have planned for the weekend. 


I'm anxious about the hotel reservation again. Every month it's the same thing. I got a text the 25th. telling me I need to be out on the 31st. I called my adjustor on the 26th. telling him to extend me. Still no response. I texted the person who does the reserving on the 27th. She said she would let me know when she can get ahold of my adjustor. Still haven't heard from her either. I need to check out tomorrow, Monday by 11:00am. Sigh. The last time this happened I told the hotel to put extra days on my charge card to keep from getting locked out..again. That actually happened to me two months ago. I know I will get reserved again but I really don't want the added stress of putting more money on my card and waiting for the insurance company to reimburse me.  I'm getting weary. 

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Just talked on the phone for and hour.....life-long Missouri friend. We can never stop and she called late.  So far the earliest I've gotten IN bed was 1am last nite.  But couldn't drop off to sleep til 2am...again.  But I got up at 10am....8 hrs.  Felt pretty good. 


DH worked in town with new client 8 hrs.  So I need to get supper.  After not having energy and brain for 6 months, I'm pleased but nervous about being able to hold up the house while he's making $  {hearing aids are SO expensive.} 


So I did 2 loads of laundry...that means HOW many times up/down our 15 exterior stairs.  Storms threatened, arrived, were noisy/wet, left....and I go down and switch to dryer and load the next one.  Wasn't hot today tho. Got the birds in for the night and walked dog quickly between Weather! I also fried up meat/veggies.  DH called and said he'd pick up tortillas [no, not making homemade...tho I have] so I got the insides chopped and fried.  I also cleaned and chopped up the rhubarb he'd picked several nights ago.  So...after we ate, I made rhubarb crisp.  :happy0203:  


He's got the same 8 hrs tomorrow so .... :cook:    I haven't been doing any cooking until this recent recovery-back-to-almost-MY-normal.  It feels good and DH certainly can't do the hours he's doing if I can't cook for us....and other things like laundry.  I don't know how he kept up while I was not able.  :wub:  


Both hearing aids have been in all day.  Right ear is fine now.  Computer key boards certainly do clackety-clack, don't they?  Lots of little sounds now, that I've not been hearing for years.  I have to keep investigating --  hmmm, what is THAT noise? 


Anyway...I'm going to bed....almost.  Couple more things.... 


MtRider  .....stay cool and stay safe in the weather fronts/ thunderstorms that are crossing the country. 



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I'm using a magnifying glass with my distance glasses and typing one-handed.  My reading glasses, which are what--two months old?  a month and a half?  have disappeared.  They were the last thing I took off before bed.  I know because I went to bed early with my phone in my hand, talking to a friend, and put them on the chair/table beside the bed, then had to take my shoes away from the puppy and put those on the same bed, then put the phone on top of the shoes and worried about the glasses getting knocked off in the shuffle.  Well, the shoes and phone were there this morning.  Glasses, not.  Housekeeper spent an hour and a half combing the house from one end to the other, including moving every item of furniture in the living room and emptying my purse and both backpacks, but --nada.

Current theory is that the puppy took them, and they went down the hill like her toys tend to do.

She's a baby, after all.

Edited by Ambergris
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Guess you need to check puppy toys down the hill. Little bear needs lots more toys and to learn the words don't touch.  But yes, she is a puppy and still learning. Hope you find your glasses Ambergris.


Taking GS to T-Mobile this afternoon to turn in his phone. Since we are going to the one near the mall. We might just mess around out that way for a while. I want to see what all the new stores are that are supposed to be coming soon into the old stores that have close down.


Didn't do church this morning as I am just so tired from working on the computer and still not done. I still have to go into Amazon account and change email on that one as well. Computers can be a lot of work when things break down. And to think I will be getting a new one after things settle down here and I have more money saved up for it. It was not in my plans to buy this soon. But then again, I might just put up with the apple computer for a while longer. Though with a large screen like it is makes it hard to do some things on.  Right now, I pulled out the small chrome book to use but for typing on here and a few other things it's not as easy. But it is a windows computer. So will deal with it. I got this one only to use in kitchen for recipes and different things I want to watch on U-Tube.  But it is what it is. I'm just thankful that I still had backups. 

Swept the floors this morning, GS goes in and outside so much he keeps tracking in. 

He was talking to his mother yesterday evening, and she has talked him into getting another apartment closer to work or to me. I am afraid that if he does it, he will lose his deposit on the apartment he has secured for Aug. 25th. it is dangerous over there in Norfolk where he got the apartment but now the one close to work is just as dangerous for crime also. He could ride a bike to work as he would be closer to work, but it would be either stolen or someone will knock him out for it. And he comes home from work at 1:30 in the morning. Either way it will be a worry on me to know that he is home safe or not. So will be having him text me every night to make sure he got home ok. I don't care if it is at 1:30 am. At least I could breathe easier knowing he's home in the apartment. He said his mother has been hounding him over this apartment issue. Maybe she should come into town to help him out with it. He can only afford so much on one. So that limits his options. 

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That part of the hill is too steep and rough and overgrown for me.  Part of it is maybe a seventy degree angle.  Or maybe it's just close to sixty degrees, because those angles would be all the same to me.  The street below is a good three stories down, maybe more.  What goes down is just gone.  Housekeeper has tied some of his chew toys to trees to keep them in reach, but only one has not been removed (or destroyed) already.  The tennis ball was destroyed (skinned and torn in half) in a few days.

Edited by Ambergris
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Ambergris so sorry about your glasses! I lost a pair to one of my dogs years ago. I woke up and she had gotten out of the crate sometime in the night and got them off my end table. After that they went in a drawer at night. I am totally blind without mine so it was a pain for 2 weeks while I waited for a new pair and using an old prescription that really didn't work well for me.


We had a big windstorm knock out the power over the weekend and it happened right in the middle of my huge freezer cooking session! I had a roast in the pressure cooker, a brisket in the crock pot and had just started making enchiladas. Thankfully my big freezer everything stayed frozen. DH got ice and 2 more coolers and we were able to put all the food I was making and the contents of the fridge in those and then also put ice in the fridge and freezer. I didn't lose too much just the top of my small freezer some things defrosted but we can still eat them just will plan meals tomorrow (mostly buns and bread) we can use for sandwiches. I was hot and miserable and very grateful the water was still running (found out we still have hot water without electricity) and was able to fill the bathtub with cold water and use that to soak my hot feet in. 

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Becca Anne, glad you didn't lose all your food. That would have been a disaster.  With the price of food what is cost now would be a huge expense to have to replace it. Glad everyone did ok during the storms. Seems weather has been crazy this summer. 


Took GS to T-Mobile to turn in his phone. I had been thinking about changing mine as it pops up saying I am running out of room or something, Meaning I can't take anymore pictures on it. I was going to download all the pictures from phone to computer till the computer crashed and now I have to figure things out. So, since my phone is at least 4 years old, I decided to trade in for a new one. That turned out to be a great decision. I had just gotten the T-Mobile internet a few days ago for $50 a month and saved money from the switch from Spectrum internet. Saved $54 from that switch up. Because I had bundled my phone and internet with T-Mobile when I got that they dropped that price down to $30 a month. My phone will now be $47 instead of $50 dollars.  So turned out to be a great thing. Savings in my pocket for sure. I like the idea of internet being $30. I am on the senior plan for all of it and the prices never go up. With the world in a tailspin and not knowing what will happen next, I seem to be finding all kinds of ways to save money. 


Mt. Rider, you really need to try to get to bed earlier. I am going through the same thing right now. Just a lot on my mind and can't sleep. Guess I am so close to getting my house back together after a long 2 years of construction and 2 grandchildren moving in and out of the house that I have been living in a nightmare. I had moved my living room suit into the den when I got rid of the den furniture as it was not in good shape. But a couch and loveseat are too much in there so GS is taking the loveseat. With the wood stove I can't have both couch and loveseat in the den. So, problem there is solved as soon as he moves out. 


Ambergris, I do hope you find your glasses somewhere and puppy didn't take them. But puppies will be puppies. 


Grandson told his mother yesterday that he has been off the pot now for 3 weeks. There is the biggest difference in his altitude now and he talks to people now. It is like night and day with him. I am so glad that PA in ER scared you know what out of him with that and getting kidney stones. I really hope he will stay away from it now that he can see how it was affecting him both mentally and physically. Now if we can get him to quit vaping. He also told her he is coming to the baby shower. It is going to be coed. So, both men and women going. He even has a gift for the baby. That is a huge change in him. 




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I hope your power is back on Becca Anne!  That's no fun!

I'm happy about your glasses Ambergris!  It's a pain to not have them as well as expensive.

Glad your GS is coming around Littlesister.  That has to be a relief!


Already walked and walked dogs.
Went to Courthouse for sample ballot for primaries next week.
Did laundry.
Did month ending books.
Still have to set up DH's pills for the month and clean microwave.
Then figure out how to email photos of accordians (dad's) that were received as a text.
It's still too hot for me!

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Becca_Anne, glad you came through the power outage sort of unscathed. Still a pain in the butt. Not a good time for it to out either. :hug3:


Littlesister glad you got a great deal! I need to look into 'plans' for Indiana. Trouble is a lot of them don't work where I'll be. So glad to hear your g-son is doing better too!


Ambergris, glad the little thief saw the error of her ways and returned the loot.  :grinning-smiley-044:


Well, I had a craptastic day. Today was moving out of the hotel AGAIN day. They do month by month. Adjustor never returned any of my 3 phone calls to get me signed up for another month. He wouldn't even return a call to the lady who does the scheduling. We tried for nearly a week to get ahold of him. I had no other alternative than to go to the agents office. I detest that guy. He doesn't like me any better. The adjustor wouldn't even take a call from the agents office! Oh boy, we got into it bad. The best thing I can say is I didn't cuss. Miracle. At one point he pointed to the door. Well, that went nowhere fast. I wouldn't go until I got some numbers and a promised phone call from his secretary. I'm telling you it got U-G-L-Y. 


Funny but if the hotel doesn't get paid they disarm your door card. I told the agent I had no where to go. I was locked out of my room because State Farm didn't pay the bill. It was all true. I was locked out...AGAIN. Second time that has happened. I asked him what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to go. The dirty @#$%^&* actually told me to go to Senior Services for assistance! My attitude degraded even further. I told him the only senior advocate I will seek is from my lawyer. My mouth was on fire. I finally huffed out. 


I came back to the hotel and put a day on my own credit card so I could get back in and told them I'd pay by the day until State Farm decides to get their head out of their a$$. They are cool here and know my situation. She told me as soon as S.F. pays they will remove it from my card. I finally got a call from my long lost adjustor saying I am reserved here until Aug. 30. A-hole doesn't realize there are 31 days in Aug. I'll fight that battle later. I'm not fit for human consumption right now. 


I would get a lawyer, I know a couple personally and one handles senior law. But I don't want to have to pay them and have them take a percentage of my reconstruction money. Yanno. I've fought for seven months for every nickel of that money. I want so bad to fire that agent but I'm afraid I will have to start all over again with someone new. I'm not walking on egg shells by any stretch of the imagination but I don't want to rock the boat either. Holy crap, I can't remember the last time I was this ugly mad. 


I am starting to calm down now. But not one more thing had better go wrong today. I'm going to go to bed early tonight to get this day behind me...Satan. 







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I fought for two years and then wrote off over $40k just in personal property...not counting the roof, which was another story.  And you wouldn't believe the shortcuts they started taking with the construction there at the end.

I sincerely regret not getting a lawyer.

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It's awful isn't it!   :hug3:


I'm still keeping my lawyer options open. And I will hire one as a last resort. I only hesitate because I don't want to have to pay one. I would probably do things a little differently if I was staying here. But I no longer have any emotional ties to that house. I want it gone and a fresh start.

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Quick update.. I will try to catch up on posts tomorrow…. Busy day…


We got a flyer from Sam’s, an Ereml Lagasse air fryer was $140., delivered.  I looked online, most places ask $300!  Mine was a cheap WM brand, $50.,  the plastic outer casing was cracked in several places and the door didn’t fit right.  And it leaked oil, a lot, no matter how much I tried to clean it. But, I’ve had it for 5+ years…. 
So, tonight I am trying out the new one with hot wings and tater tots.  We shall see how it works…

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Jeepers,  schedule a consultation appointment with a lawyer.  Maybe a couple.  Usually consultation appointments have a set fee and a set amount of time.   At least you could see what your options are.   It might not be a thing where the lawyer gets a cut of your reconstruction money, but they will do x, y and hopefully it doesn't get to z, for either a set fee or hourly rate or whatever.  Sometimes someone just getting a letter from a lawyer with that lawyer's fancy letterhead on the top or making a couple phone calls is enough to get things moving.   The insurance knows they can screw you around, not so much when you have a lawyer.



Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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All I can sayJeepers is Wow! You have a bad agent with State Farm. He's trying to save money for his bonus at Christmas. by not getting your hotel room straight. Sounds like he isn't even keeping up with what's going on. You could try calling corporate and tell them what is happening and what that agent told you to do. Maybe you can get a different agent that will work with you.  How far have they gotten on the house or are they working on it much? You could just sell as is and pocket what money you can get out of State Farm but that would be at a loss more than likely. It really does sound like you are going to need a good lawyer for this. But I would try corporate office first and let them know what is going on with your agent to see if you can get this mess straight and your house finished. 


Becca Anne, that really was the worst time possible to lose current. Glad all worked out though. 


Ambergris, glad the pup bought your glasses back in one piece. 


I cooked up food from the garden today and I am tired, and my upper back is killing me right now. Peeled and fried part of about 4lbs of potatoes and then cut up some for-potato salad that I will make tomorrow. Have those in fridge in water for in the morning. GS is at work, but his dinner is in fridge to heat up. Fried up okra also along with some steak I had in freezer. I hate frying food as I make a huge mess when I do that. I stopped frying foods years ago because I can't eat fried with my heart burn, but GS loves fried food so here I am frying up food. At least I have a clean kitchen now as I had to really give it a good cleaning after frying all that up. Grease makes a mess when you are frying it up on stove. I don't have a deep fat fryer. 

Edited by Mt_Rider
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OOTO, that's what my D-ex said to do. Hire by the hour! 


Littlesister, the only thing that has been done, that I can think of, is a new circuit breaker box. It's nice and huge but there still isn't any electricity in the main level. Just upstairs, basement and garage. 


If I sold it right now then State Farm wouldn't give me the rest of my money for reconstruction. So far they have given me around $60,000. They will give me the other $45,000.+  as construction progresses. The total amount came out to just over $107,000. If I would sell now, I'd lose the remaining $45,000 for reconstruction plus the $14,000 that BOA is still holding. So I'd lose about $60,000 right off of the top. Money that belongs to me that they would get to keep. Not going to happen. If I die before completion, son is on as TOD and takes up right where I leave off. All he needs is my death certificate. When the house is done (please Lord, let it get done) It should be worth around $300,000 - 350,000. So no way am I walking away from it. 


Also, everything in it will be brand new including all, appliances, kitchen cabinets, furnace, water heater, water softener, light fixtures all new flooring and painting through the entire house. Also all new plumbing and electricity. Plus I'm paying out of my own pocket to get the outside fixed up. So, I have to see it through to the end. 


Whatever money I make from this house will go to pay off the mortgage I still owe and toward the mortgage on the Indy house. I owe a lot. :( 

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