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It's going to be 80 degrees today, sunny and breezy.



I'm on a laptop at the park (Our parks have wireless), we might go sailing or shopping today! The Coconut Arts festival is today along with the Boat Show. Hmmm, so many sunshiney choices, ended with a dinner at an sidewalk cafe perhaps?





Courting Danger cookie


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No, you're not courting danger Cooks, you're courting DISASTER!!! We are having a blizzard as I write. No sun, no grass, no heat, NADA!!! We won't have grass showing for at least a month more than likely AND it won't be green for at least 2 months. Water, HAH, we are the frozen tundra up here and can walk on our water. eek


So my dear, just keep gloating, I don't care!!! croc



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Well, I feel authorized to dispel any of these myths that Cookie is talking about...I lived 'there' for over 20 years so I have a right to tell the truth...lol


Let's open the door to hurricane season, getting hit with anything from a Cat 1 to a Cat 5 'cane. Let's talk about the months it takes to rebuild, and all the hassels that go through it. Let's remember how much fun it is to replace roofs year after year after year. It's an absolute blast to go without electricity, phone, etc...


Let's talk about the high electric bills from having to aircondition ones house. I went from a $565 electric bill/month to a $220 electric bill for 2 houses/month.


Oh, and that reminds me. Homeowners insurance? I saved a few pennies from having to pay $12,000/year to now having to pay $1,600/year.


Which leads us into property taxes...a measely $6000/year to $1500/year saves a few pennies also.


And if you're a people person, being in rush hour traffic in the city day after day after day from 6am till 3am is always alot of fun. Sometimes saying hello to the parked car in the middle of the highway can be a little dangerous though. It seems that looking at another person can illicit a "how dare you look at me/I'm gonna shoot you" kinda response.


You just hafta love those houses that are 3' from each other, in perfect straight lines, that house neighbors we never really talk to, or don't like.


Yeah, it's another lousy day up here in mountain paradise. It's raining, which is filling up my creeks and ponds. I discovered I have wild onions growing in my front yard...I never even knew there was such a thing as wild onions before. My bountiful trees have buds on them and in the next month or two will break out in glorious floral blooms that would make the most depressed person smile. It's rough keeping both hands on the wheel of the car as I drove and passerbys wave to me. And the time I waste, having conversations with total strangers that are the chatty sort, leaves me loving mankind a little more than I did yesterday.


Enjoy your concrete sidewalk chica...when the weather breaks I think I'll take a blanket outside and sit by the pond and enjoy a homemade sandwich.



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Well, at the current house, it has been freezing rain and now just raining on top of our 10-12 inch snow base. We had to fix frozen pipes this morning. At the new house, we visited yesterday, there was snow as deep as my knees. I'm sure it is raining there today too. The forecast for tonight is snow shrug


Regardless, I love my part of the country. Enjoy yourself, Cookie.

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It is sunny and 6 degrees and getting warmer here today, most of our unseasonable snow is gone. I think I will take the kids to the river to hunt for jade. smile

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In my neck of the woods, we have snow! We've had more snow this year than we've had for a long time. It is so deep in my yard, the snow is even with the top of the porch. The pile of snow removed from the driveway is taller than me.


I'm not jealous of your warm weather at all, cookijar. You enjoy yourself and have fun. As for me, I'll enjoy the thought that maybe this summer, our drought won't be as bad as usual.






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Well, I'll add my sunshine into the mix. It started out cold (38) and it's now a beautiful 65 degrees here. All the windows are open to air out the house and I have daffodils that have bloomed! woohoo

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snowman2whistling Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.


I think Lois is RIGHT!!!!!! Pelt her with SNOW CONES!!!!!!





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Woke up this morning and there were 37 snowflakes on the ground. In TEN minutes..it was a swirling snowglobe....could hardly see down to the barn. Phone rings. It's DH who is going straight from his night job down to the office to catch up. He's telling me that I'd better hurry and feed cuz snow is coming. Ah...too late. It's here too. Well it IS still Feb. but they DIDN'T forecast this! Said it was gonna be 39 degrees or some such. DID NOT tell us we would have 6" by noon. Hmph. Fire all our meteorologists.



Oh Stacy and cookie..... hit




MtRider frozen

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Originally Posted By: Dee
Gosh, most of you are no fun. She wants us to yell and scream at her...start throwing those snow cones Lois, Mother and Darlene.....let's get her...... outahere

*darlene tosses dee and mother some artifically sweetened blueberry flavored snowcones...*

On the count of 3...


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It is sunny here, 25*F. And a bit of a wind, about 18 mph. The wind chimes are making soft music on the screened porch. The rains of the past couple of days have stopped for now, and the world is washed clean, with a brilliant blue sky, dotted here and there with a soft little bit of white fluff. The blue jays are visiting my little pond. I was just outside pondering the garden layout for this season. It won't be too long before potato planting time. I'll head back out in a minute. This is the time of year to prune the oaks. I love the oaks, there is something so special about them. I like my country bumpkin life, I love the forest here, and the open land, and the wildlife, and the soil - this sandy loam has so much potential to be the best gardening spot of my life - wouldn't trade it for a sidewalk cafe in any city in the world.

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WHO did the rain dance? :banana2:


It's coming down in buckets.. Hurumph!


No really, it is!


and who threw all those snowcones? rofl


Okay, apparently that's what I get for being a brat?





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Originally Posted By: Mt_Rider
laughkick Uh oh.....cowgirl's taking up that age-old war... urban vs rural.


MtRider [rural preference myself....despite the 'white tornadoes' of blowing snow outside today...brrrrrr]

No, not a war, just a statement of contentment in response to an apparent assumption that we should be jealous of warm temperatures and sidewalk cafes. What is paradise to one person isn't necessarily paradise to another. I once lived in a big city, and I didn't like it - not for me. It is clearly just the thing for many people, hence the size of cities and the sprawl all around them! If what I consider to be a good place to live (the dreaded .... s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g ... *shudder* a good 20 miles away, etc.) was thought to be great by most, we'd be over-run and ... this would be a city! So I'm happy that most people view my lifestyle as too difficult, and our weather too horrible. It keeps it peaceful here, which is fine by me.

And, just so I didn't present to rosy a picture before, so we don't get an influx of folks moving here, did I mention we had 25* and wind today? rofl

It's a rough, hard life here, folks!!!

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