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Went to doctor. She put me through the wringer. She said it's either a massive urinary tract infection or stones. She is leaning toward stones. I have a low grade fever of 99 and still have the chills every now and then. She was very sympathetic. She poked my back and my side. Yep it hurt. She gave me a shot of Toradol for inflammation. Got it in the butt. After I 'dropped trou' she said this might burn a little. She stuck the needle in and it wasn't too bad at all...the first 10 seconds. Holy Hannah, it started burning like it was on fire. She said that's why they don't give it in the arm. I gave a urine sample a she said the white cells were too high. I had to have blood work done. Then she said they'd make an appointment for me to get a CT scan. So off to the hospital I go. That was a non event. She gave me three scripts. Cipro for infection, Vicodin for pain and something with the word 'flow' in it to help the ureters relax and stay open. Hopefully one of those will help. I'm not taking the Vicodin unless I absolutely have to. If all of this doesn't work I'll have to see a urologist. I'm betting kidney stones. Won't know until results of CT scan comes in. 


OOTO, I'm so glad to hear you and the little one are feeling better! I didn't know about kidney stones and tachycardia. There are quite a few of those 24 hour Urgent Care places around me if things get bad. I think with that shot I'll be fine. 


Kappy, glad your surgery was a success. Hope Mary is doing well with you being gone.

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Everyone needs prayer for good health. :pray: Time for healing.  


Took DH to doctor for lab work this morning. Came home and was going  to do some sewing but just don't have the energy again today. Did a few things but not much.  I am learning some new tricks though. Took the ends of lettuce that I bought at store and growing new lettuce from them. Hoping it will work. I have watched them do it on U-Tube and it was on Pinerest as well. So I am giving it a try. Watched them do it with green peppers in a different way than just saving seeds from garden, celery, lettuce and other things. Thought it would be fun to try it. You never know. 

Granddaughter came into town today and will be here to spend day with us tomorrow. Glad to have that time with her before leaving for Washington State.  Put some emergency money in an envelope to give her for the trip. The Navy won't pay them back till after they have put the money for the move up front first and then you get that money back but takes forever to get it back. Daughter paid for her new tires for her car so she would not have to go into her savings. Not thrilled about them driving so far, but they have to do what they have to do. That's the military way I guess. Very concerned about the weather in middle states that get a lot of snow. Saw on TV the bad situations with that. Roads were really bad. They don't leave till the end of Feb. or first of March. So hoping good weather all the way. :pray: for a safe trip also. 

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Got us a few inches of snow, but it's been so warm that most of the roads are slushy...but will probably freeze again tonight.  Hubby worked at homestead and I hung around with my Abby-girl. 

Started changing all the passwords...boy is that a dickens of a job.  Every site wants certain combinations.  I keep a book with them written down.  I could never remember them all! 

Also got all the bills paid! :cele:Not much left to last the rest of the month...but we in the black!  Next month should be easier. :)

Edited by The WE2's
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:amen:   :balloons:   :cakeslice:   :band:  :band2:   :bev:   :balloons:   :amen:      ------------ A PARTY for Kappy's successful surgery!  Such good news!  And yes, we'll be praying as you go thru rehab.  :pray:   One can endure a lot to have a normal back again.  Go for that prize!  :cheer: 


......I had to laugh out loud at your response:   "Oh, he really resonates with you then?  Did you see the basketball game last night?"    VERY diplomatic.  Then find some common ground to focus on!  Truly, it's likely most of us have more in common than we have in opposition.  Hopefully. 



Wow, Jeepers.  Doesn't sound like you're having any fun.......BUT....all this seems to be explaining WHY you've had all this 'feeling poorly' and drastic symptoms!  :amen:    We're praying for your next hours/days till this thing has ended.  :pray:  


OK.....on Sunday we got up to 60*  B)       Then we dropped ...and rose a bit ....and DROPPED ....and barely rose ..............and then last nite we PLUMMETED!   Had to get up early to get to doctor by 10AM.  With great trepidation  ....since I'd had to get up in the night and turn the furnace UP......I peered out the window at the thermometer.  


:frozen:  :faint3::frozen:   




That was at 7AM with the sun shining thru the trees at the top of the ridge.  Hadn't gotten thru to us yet.  LOONG ago we had colder than that.  28-32* below was the coldest I've seen here in the past decades.  But in more recent times, the most we've had was 17* or 18* below.

The sun finally climbed high enough to shine on us.  By the time we left for doctor at 9:30AM, the temperature was MERELY 10* BELOW.  Our high today was a very welcome 25*.   So from Sunday afternoon til Wed early morning, we dropped ......eighty-five degrees.   How is that even possible?


MtRider  ......MAUI, HERE WE COME!  B)

Edited by Mt_Rider
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Are we all getting to be at THAT age.....where we talk about doctor appointments?  :rolleyes:   So yes, I got to mine too.  The two issues for this appointment were..... #1.....a clarification of the cough suppressant and the inhaler.  WHEN ....for WHAT symptoms....etc.  I do like this doc.  She explained what at least 3 others did not.  OK, I get it.  I really doubt I'll need to use either of them.  Possibly the inhaler cuz I have chronic bronchial stuff due to sinus.  But a few cough drops should stop the coughing at this point.  Hopefully.  If I don't start laughing which triggers coughing a lot.


Plan to use the cough drops again but won't need them constantly like that awful week.  We're passed that point.  I really am feeling much better.....except issue #2. 


I've been feeling like blacking out, vision gets sparkly, etc.  Tremors.  And the low BP.  Doc isn't sure on that and will pursue it on the next appt on 14th.  She's noted the low BP and I was having an episode right after I got down from the exam table.  Both DH and doc were helping me.  Doc is not martial-arts trained.  She offered an arm to help steady me and ......I would have pulled her over cuz I kinda LAUNCH with reflexes.  So I signaled for DH to help.  He had my bad wrist tho.  He and I can do a transfer for me like nothing.  But then....we've had the practice.  Launch and landing in my wheelchair was successful but sheeeesh.....  Then I was trembling and blinking fast.  Right there in front of the doc....showing what we're talking about.  She kept watching my R hand shaking like crazy on my knee.  [my R side is more MS affected]


Doc and I agree....that it's likely the MS.  I'm more weak than normal person due to that.  Even small things are costing me so much.....like getting ready and getting to the office.  All contributes.  So......  :lol:  ....she kept telling me to Go To Bed And REST.    Yeah, yeah....I'm doing that!  I truly am.....course I have NO choice.  ;)  


We had a bit of a discussion about neurologists again.  I did a quick explanation about what happened with 4 of them.  Lied to me.  Tried to make me "feel better" rather than be honest with me.  Dumped me when I didn't show definitively on MRI.....etc.  I finished with:  "I liked #6 a lot....but she quit medicine.  So....I'm one for six....not liking the odds."  We'll continue that discussion about me trying for Neurologist #7 next time.  :rolleyes:   She's getting to know me tho......  :unsure:   Hmm.....


MtRider  .....yeah, yeah, ....go to bed already!  :offtobed:   

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Glad you got some of your questions answered Mt. Rider. I think it's important to connect with your doctor too. At least to trust what they say...a little. It sounds like your MS is flaring its ugly head and keeping you down. I can't imagine those brutal temps. Glad you didn't have to go out and tend to animals. :hug3:


I'm feeling...not worse. That shot did help. I know because I hadn't taken any of the other meds yet because I came home, ate and fell asleep. I only got up twice in the night. I usually never get up to 'go'. She told me her husband gets kidney stones and she always gives him a shot of Toradol too. 


I'm going to try to finish up my shopping today. Sam's Club is right next to Wal-Mart so that should be doable. I only have a few things to pick up anyway. Also, the pharmacy didn't have one of my meds yesterday. The one that had the name 'flow' in it. So I'll probably have to pick it up too. I hope so because it's the one that opens the ureters to ease a stones progress. 


I know I'm old when I think more about Kidney Stones than I do about the Rolling Stones. 

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I just found out it isn't kidney stones after all. It's severe cystitis. I wrote more about it down in the basement. Looks like a urologist is in my future. Not going to be pleasant. A scope will be invilved. Sudder. Prayers appreciated. 


The word up there is "involved" 

Why won't Kindle correct my spelling but insists on changing my words. 



Edited by Jeepers
Kindle Again
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Jeepers, glad to know it is not kidney stones but cystitis can be rough as well.  Praying you will get through this and very soon. 


Granddaughter that lives in Maryland came in for the last time. At least from Maryland anyway.  They will be moving out to Washington state on the 25th.  Driving almost 3000 miles in the winter worries me with bad snows in some places they have to go. I know her and DH are starting out and trying to buy a house this time. So her mom bought her new tires and I gave her a good chunk of emergency money. She has been trying to save up for that house and it has been a struggle for them trying to get on their feet. But they are getting there. Her DH will come out of school as an E5, so that will help a lot. But she will be out of work for a while. Then her DH has to go to medical school for Navy in CA for a year. After that I think they might be back on their feet and in good shape. They are driving that 3000 miles. I know I will be worrying until I here from them then they get there. But I know her, she will be calling me at every rest stop they go to for the dogs to stretch and use bathroom.  We took her out for lunch today before she left for Maryland.  Had a good time today. 


Got results of DH's CT scan. Still haven't talked with doctor about it yet. Appt. not till the 17th. He gets the ultra sound of liver on Wed. next week. But I am not liking what I see on the CT scan. suspicious liver lesion small to moderate sized. Rt. pleural effusion. No biliary dilation and significant hepatic steatosis.  Or the above. So that is why the ultra sound. just hope it turns out the liv 52 and milk thistle will take care of what is going on.  


So nothing in house got done today.  We did have a very hard rain and it got up to 70* but to wet to do anything outside. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a lot done around here. 

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My bank in Indiana stinks. I've been banking with the same bank in Ohio for over 30 years and never once had an issue with them. I love Key bank. Bank in Indiana...not so much. If Key had a bank in Indy I would have never changed. 


The latest fiasco is they sent my tax info to my address over there and they said it was returned to them as address unknown or something like that. B.S. It's the only address I've had there in that town and it's where I got the mortgage. How can they not have my address? 


I'll bet if I default on my mortgage they would have my address! I've gotten statements from them there. I also got my tax stuff from them last year at that address. I have 3 accounts there. Mortgage, savings and direct deposit of my S.S. check. 


Here is the kicker. She sent me a form to fill out my change of address. I do not want to change my address! She said I could fill out the form for a temporary address change. No. I don't want to do that. And deal with their incompetence all over again trying to get it changed back again? I even told her the name of my loan officer and to call her to verify me.


She said, okay, just fill out the form giving my Indiana address. I got the form. When I click on it it says I have to pay a subscription fee of $4.16 a month to get an access code. Not gonna happen. I told her about it. So what did she do to correct the problem? She sent the exact same form again the next day. Every time I talk to her on the phone she says, "I'll have to talk to my supervisor." 


Tonight I sent another email saying she sent the same thing the last time with the same results. And I didn't have a problem with the electronic signatures when I was getting the mortgage. And what address have they been using up to this month? Also, they are holding up my forms so I can't file my taxes. 


If she calls tomorrow, I'm going to ask to speak to her supervisor. If she gives me any flack, I'm going to tell her that I just cashed in a matured CD (in truth, I did it just today) And I will not be depositing it in her bank nor will I be transferring my stock fund to her bank when I move over there permanently. I'm not holding back and I mean what I say. 


I'm really not in the mood for another incompetent institution.

Not today Satan, not today.

Or tomorrow either. 

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10 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Glad you didn't have to go out and tend to animals


Thanking God nearly daily for that choice this fall...hard as it was!!!!  :amen:  ......BUT....I NEED to ride "to get my legs back"!  If I can ever stop "going back to bed"  [as the good doctor told me..lol ]  I might be able to set up with a riding place around here.  We're Colorado.....we DO horses!  Even in winter! 


VERY wiped out today.  Temp has been on 25* all day.  Cloudy and NASTY WIND blowing the snow around.  I only let dog out the back door...in the back door....out the front door......in the front door......repeat.  :rolleyes:   I did not personally step one foot out there today.  :frozen:  Poor dog is bored, missing our evening walks.  DH took her to the park area to sniff and ....all the other things that dogs doo.   She liked that.


Did I say that we came home to a welcome surprise?  Plowed driveway.  There had been another 6".  S was in the area and tho he couldn't reach us, he went ahead and plowed anyway.  Yessss......the answer would have been yes!  We can pay him next time, he said.  My poor old truck is getting surrounded by snow drifts.  S is trying to clear snow close the truck....without hitting the truck.  If we get a warm day, we'll try to get it to start and excavate the thing.  Just in case DH is at work and I MUST use it! 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

Edited by Mt_Rider
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I do not know why, but every time Chainsaw Mary & I are apart, something erupts that requires executive action and has to be handled alone.  I guess we have that kind of karma...it could be worse.  So far everything has been handled, just taking time, effort, money, and screwing up our plans for a peaceful time.  I just don't get it.  :shrug:

Last night it was cold and rainy, so she made an extra trip outdoors to make sure the cats we had out there had food & knew enough to go into the car port for shelter.  THERE WAS A POSSUM IN THERE.  A big, ugly, one that was trying to eat the cat food and that had killed one of the littlest kittens to get it.  I could hear the horror in her voice (we were on the phone) as she started cussing.  Once she finally stopped long enough to tell me what was wrong, she was already running back to the house for a pistol.  Problem was, when she got back the critter had gone next to the generator and some gas cans.  No shooting.  

Here is where she impressed me no end....she picked up a metal fence post and beat the d**m thing to death!  After making sure (she hit it plenty of licks) by hitting it some more, she picked it up with a shovel and took it outside to feed the buzzards tomorrow.  (It was still raining, so no burial detail....).  We lost one small kitten but from what she said it did not suffer - one bite and he was gone - and she sat for a bit to calm the others down (and herself).  

For such a tiny person, wow! That critter looked to be full grown and well-fed....don't tell me adrenaline isn't effective....for even though she was scared to death of being attacked by those ugly teeth, she clobbered that thang!  I also had to commend her for checking her surroundings and NOT shooting automatically (like many people would have) and blowing everything sky high or starting a fire!   

We never ever discuss why we get into such things, or what next.....don't wanna know anymore....and don't wanna jinx ourselves either.

Bur heaven help our opponents if we ever have to fix bayonets.  I'm proudly standing next to HER.

Edited by kappydell
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Possum stew!  I am eagerly awaiting your full recovery Kappydell.

Wow.. cold weather, stones, liver, doctors, etc. what’s all these trials we are dealing with?

 :pray: :pray::pray::pray::pray:


We dropped to 28* this week.  Froze a few spices, and the tomato sprouts.  :sigh: Spent a day trimming the Mex. oregano & basil, to dry & save as much as possible.  Praise God, I had transplanted one of each plant into pots in the house, just before summer last year, JIC the heat fried them.  I will be starting more tomatoes and try again.  The beets, carrots, onions and cabbage seemed to enjoy the cold. 

Storm is settling in, calming down a bit, and learning our house rules.  He rarely lets me walk anywhere without being right next to me.  

Cutting & stacking all those pine branches, left my right hand knuckles & fingers swollen, arthritis bites.  Drinking  honey & vinegar twice a day, seems to be helping, a lot, to reduce the swelling & pain.  

Mowed down the weeds in the alley, and around the outside of the yard.  Bundled junk branch trimmings, and stacked up bulk junk for pickup last Wed.  Half emptied one of the mulch bins into the area turned for the tomatoes, 100’s of earth worms. :hapydancsmil:  


The hens have begun to lay again. :amen:  Figures, I bought a dozen eggs on the 3rd, for the first time in 5 years.  Lol.  

And, on the brightest side of life, the house across the street from us, that burned up, 7 years ago, has been reduced to a crushed adobe field.  No more eye sore or stink.  The young couple have a baby about a year old.  They are Canadian “snowbirds”. They bought the lot for a winter home.  Probably quiet cheaply because of the burnt house.  We watched ‘daddy’ on the tractor, dismantling walls & filling 2 large dumpsters, and, as the last piece of the wall came down, we cheered, clapped and hooted.  We, as in the whole neighborhood.  He looked up, smiled from ear to ear and waved. It’s kinda odd to see more houses in our hood now.  The house with the surveillance cameras, now has visual access to my back yard.


She came over the other day, to tell me, her motion sensor went off, on my front yard.  Why?  Because our neighbors Argentine tortoise had escaped and was happily munching the grass in the front yard.  :grinning-smiley-044:  We got it back home & secured their gate.  Yeah, you never know who’s watching...... I must keep her entertained.  :icon19:


Time to get back at it. 


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Glad all is well in your neck of the woods Annarchy.


I got a call from the urology office. He thinks my urinalysis is off because of cystitis and infection so I don't have to go in after all. That is unless there is still blood after I finish this round of antibiotics. It's been a roller coaster ride of emotions the last couple of days. 

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jeepers I have only one word....OOOOWWWWW.  Hope the antibiotics take care of things!  annarchy, your weather sounds nice for working...cool enough to keep from overheating, but not so cold as to need heavy gloves.  Mt Rider, i guess you got the stormies first - and worst!  I always LOVED the snowplow service - soooooo nice to have that done.  If we had stayed in snow country I would have insisted we get a plow for the pickup truck...many folks use it to pay for their trucks and then some.  Add a salt spreader and you can charge extra....unless the insurance wipes you out, lol.  Not too likely we will be doing anything like that now, though.  Rain is much nicer, it goes away by itself.


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Jeepers, that is great news. Now for getting over that infection.  Praying you get well quickly. 


It has been very windy here but temps not to bad. In mid 60's.  But cold weather will be coming.  Have been working on kitchen to get some things reorganized. I now have a way to keep my applances in the kitchen instead of having to run down to garage to get what I need. Put the folding table which is 5 ft. long at the height of the kitchen counter. It is on the den side of the counter. So I got the table cloth made for it and all appl. are on that table.  Out of way and where I can use them without running down to garage every time.  That was DH"s idea. I think it will work out well. 

Other than that, I really haven't had the energy to do much else.  though I did get clothes put away that I washed the other day. Yeah, a bit slow getting that done. 


Kappy, glad to see all is well for you. Possum stew. Not so sure about that. Sorry about the kitten.  Maybe there is a way to block that area off so another possum can't get to the kittens or the food. 


Ann, glad to see you are doing ok. 


I am trying something new.  Growing food from scraps.  Had some lettuce that I cut ends off and put in water for three days. When they started growing new leaves I transferred them to a pot of garden soil. Going to try it with celery when I buy more.  Hoping it will work. The idea was on Pinterest. I want to try several things like that. Will see what happens. 

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4 hours ago, kappydell said:

LOVED the snowplow service


The wonderful neighbor that used to own the property north of us here, and also the convenience store, and the ice cream shop...sold out two years ago.  Every winter he would plow our alley (where we have to enter to get to our carport to park) for us at no charge.  Sure miss him!

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Still avoiding the cold...staying inside with my Abby-girl.  It did get warm enough to start melting some of the snow.  Hubby worked at the homestead.  Has the joists are taken care of and is now drilling the holes for the pex water lines to go through.  There won't be pvc hanging across the ceiling of the basement!  It will give us more head space and be secure from possibly coming loose.  Pex is more expensive but he used it in the new bathroom and it's so much easier to put in because it's flexible and color coded ... red for hot ... blue for cold.  No guessing!

We're supposed to have some warming days ahead of us, so the snow should pretty much melt off.  Not sure if we'll get any more snow, but we usually do through February...and then March starts warming things up for spring.  I'm getting the "garden itch" ... our outside planting season begins April 16th! 

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:cele:  HOORAY FOR CHAINSAW MARY!!!  :cele:   What an awful shock to come outside to find that [sad] situation.  Bet one look at poor lil' kitty and she turned into :darthduck: Warrior Woman!  EXTRA points for not shooting near explosive items!!!  And there's nothing like fuzzy friends to cuddle your off-the-chart nerves back down to normal.  So sorry she ran into this but YEAH!  She got 'er done!  :cheer:  


28* at YOUR house, Annarchy?  Must have been the nite we were 23* below zero.  Nasty frigid front going thru our SW.  :frozen:   Sorry your garden took a hit.  Glad to hear our pal, Storm is learning the ropes.  :D    ......Hmph, I think these doorbell monitors and other surveillance cameras are bringing a whole new meaning to Reality TV.  :hidingsmile:


:pray:  (((((((Jeepers)))))))  :pray:  


:thumbs:  for MrWE2.....all joists now in place.  :thumbs:  



Well.....ANOTHER 6+ inches of snow today.  I didn't expect that.  I must have mixed up which DAYS we're targeted.  We're gonna make our snowplow guy rich this winter.  And for coming out in this frigid weather, he deserves it.  :frozen:  


I swept off steps and under the porch.  Clear snow off tarp under there.  The cold air has not set off any coughing at any time during  this siege....which I find odd.  BUT I have my left wrist wrapped again.  It gets sore when I use the snow shovel for just a little bit around the car.....very little tonite. 


But due to the MS messing up my coordination on my right side, I've found myself reaching for things with my [sprained in a fall in late Dec]   LEFT hand.  :scratchhead:  So I wrapped it and it feels better.  Gives a little support and I'm trying to remember to use R hand for heavy things or if I flip over ....like a cast iron pan.  Twisting with L is NOT a good idea.  Ow!  I don't think this has happened before....the R being SO weak/unresponsive/tremors.   :rolleyes:  .....yeah, I hear my doctor:  Go back to bed.  :offtobed:  And yes I do.


I AM MUCH BETTER!  :amen:   I can feel that I'm less sick....each day.  I am still coughing rather harshly at times.  I had 2 long phone calls with friends today.  I had to take a cough drop with those calls......so I could laugh without going into coughing fits.  But hey, it worked.  I can laugh again!  :laughkick:  That's so nice!!!


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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On 2/6/2020 at 7:30 PM, Jeepers said:

My bank in Indiana stinks. I've been banking with the same bank in Ohio for over 30 years and never once had an issue with them. I love Key bank. Bank in Indiana...not so much. If Key had a bank in Indy I would have never changed. 




We had the same problem when we moved to Indiana 18 years ago. They were such stinkers on EVERYTHING. We finally went with Teacher's Credit Union. I found an officer who was reasonable. I usually don't raise my voice, but they knew I was extremely irritated. They didn't want our money, I told them.  :laughkick:  In the end, it worked out for the good. They followed us all over the world with exchange rates and new $100 bills. It took one person and a lot of communicating to make it happen. She ended up a great friend in the end. Even when she came down with cancer, we'd take her flowers to her workplace during her chemo times. Kindness can show great rewards.  It sure worked for us, and God worked it all out for the good.   :hug3:

Edited by Homesteader
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Jeepers, I hope you can find another bank that can help you move everything there. from that bank. We are with BB&T and looking to change banks. Had several run in's with them. They got the idea when we stayed and wouldn't let them close up till they put our deposit back in our account that we had to show prove of before they would remove it from someone else's account.  They put it back once and the guy called and said it was his money. Never had to show proof or nothing, just a phone call.  That second time was the last straw. They now know when I speak they best be getting things straight.  Kept them open for another 30 minutes or so till they put a freeze on the other guy's account and they learning a lesion that when someone shows proof of a deposit not to take the word of someone that just calls and says it is their money. 

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Thanks for commiserating on my banking issues. After living in Ohio for so long, I didn't realize how few options on institutions/resources there are in Indiana. I chose a bank who could accommodate all of my needs in one place. Or so I thought. Not bashing Indiana. I'm a Hoosier through and through (there is a song in there somewhere) and so is all of my family, but come on Indy. Step it up. 


I would sort of understand if I was trying to change things over the phone. But I didn't change anything. Certainly not my mailing address. For them to want me to change my address temporarily is insane. They have my correct address. They always have. It's the one they always have used.


Then to send me the same E-form twice where I have to subscribe for $4.16 per month to use is ...insane. Not paying for your SNAFU. 


I'm really angry now because they didn't call me or email me back Friday or Saturday. If I have to make a trip over there, in the winter no less, to get my tax form it will be h3ll to pay. Film at 11:00.  (Does any one remember when the news casters used to say that? Big bank robbery in Indiana...Film at 11:00! Old woman goes berserk in bank lobby...Film at 11:00! Do they still even call them news casters? Maybe reporters. Was surprised when Shepherd Smith 'came out'. I like him. His voice soothes me. Would be nice to go over and see g-son again though. Haven't seen him since Christmas. Did I tell you Santa actually came to his house? Guess who has ADD? See how it works. No brain in my skull, just a squirrel peddling real fast in a wheel thinking she is going to Walmart. Walmart...I need to go get that Lysol I keep forgetting.) 


I remember her saying something about my bank accounts and my mortgage account being different some how. Same bank, all info on one paper statement. Same on one e-statement. She said that didn't matter. Then she said something about "DBA". Doesn't that mean "doing business as"?  I have no business account. I'm about to pull my 'Senior Card ' on their a$$es. 


I just remembered all the trouble I had getting my drivers license over there. Speaking of which, I could send them a picture of my Indiana drivers license with my INDIANA ADDRESS on it. Dang, I'm getting mad all over again. 


I have seriously thought about pulling all of my accounts from there and keeping them here in Ohio. Most things are done electronically anyway. (yeah, I'm seeing how that can work) but what if the grid goes down. My brick and mortar bank is 5 minutes away and they know me in there. 


I don't qualify for any Credit Unions. I'm not a teacher, firefighter, steel mill worker, Catholic, Hindu, Russian, Native American, student, one armed paper hanger or anything else. As soon as they open The Old Farts, I'm Not Doing Your Job For You And Not Hasseling You Credit Union, I'll be there. Early. 


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2 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Thanks for commiserating on my banking issues. After living in Ohio for so long, I didn't realize how few options on institutions/resources there are in Indiana. I chose a bank who could accommodate all of my needs in one place. Or so I thought. Not bashing Indiana. I'm a Hoosier through and through (there is a song in there somewhere) and so is all of my family, but come on Indy. Step it up. 


I would sort of understand if I was trying to change things over the phone. But I didn't change anything. Certainly not my mailing address. For them to want me to change my address temporarily is insane. They have my correct address. They always have. It's the one they always have used.


Then to send me the same E-form twice where I have to subscribe for $4.16 per month to use is ...insane. Not paying for your SNAFU. 


I'm really angry now because they didn't call me or email me back Friday or Saturday. If I have to make a trip over there, in the winter no less, to get my tax form it will be h3ll to pay. Film at 11:00.  (Does any one remember when the news casters used to say that? Big bank robbery in Indiana...Film at 11:00! Old woman goes berserk in bank lobby...Film at 11:00! Do they still even call them news casters? Maybe reporters. Was surprised when Shepherd Smith 'came out'. I like him. His voice soothes me. Would be nice to go over and see g-son again though. Haven't seen him since Christmas. Did I tell you Santa actually came to his house? Guess who has ADD? See how it works. No brain in my skull, just a squirrel peddling real fast in a wheel thinking she is going to Walmart. Walmart...I need to go get that Lysol I keep forgetting.) 


I remember her saying something about my bank accounts and my mortgage account being different some how. Same bank, all info on one paper statement. Same on one e-statement. She said that didn't matter. Then she said something about "DBA". Doesn't that mean "doing business as"?  I have no business account. I'm about to pull my 'Senior Card ' on their a$$es. 


I just remembered all the trouble I had getting my drivers license over there. Speaking of which, I could send them a picture of my Indiana drivers license with my INDIANA ADDRESS on it. Dang, I'm getting mad all over again. 


I have seriously thought about pulling all of my accounts from there and keeping them here in Ohio. Most things are done electronically anyway. (yeah, I'm seeing how that can work) but what if the grid goes down. My brick and mortar bank is 5 minutes away and they know me in there. 


I don't qualify for any Credit Unions. I'm not a teacher, firefighter, steel mill worker, Catholic, Hindu, Russian, Native American, student, one armed paper hanger or anything else. As soon as they open The Old Farts, I'm Not Doing Your Job For You And Not Hasseling You Credit Union, I'll be there. Early. 


Do you have any family that is or has been in the military.  We are members because DH's brother was in the military. Though he had gotten out after 6 years, we didn't need any prove that he was in there. They just said ok and we got in. Can't say if it will work for you but worth a try if you have anyone like brother, father, sister etc that served. 

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