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I know what you mean about the Clearence for the canner. I don't have a microwave above my stove but do have the vent hood. My canner just has enough room that I can get the jars out of the canner very carefully without hitting the edge of the range hood. But at least I can use it. 

Picked a few more butterbeans and green beans late last night. Still have to check the green peppers as I am sure some are ready to pick. Only one squash this time. Not enough to can but will be freezing these.  I will have more time next year for a much better and bigger garden than I have this year. Really wasn't able to tend it like I really needed. But it is now producing, and the carrots are now starting to come up. :hapydancsmil:This is the second time I have planted them, and I didn't think they would come up this last time either as I replanted over a month ago. 

Looking at the wood pile that fell over. I still need to get the new log holder put together and the old one taken apart to paint and put back together with new carriage bolts. Then I will have 2 8 ft. ones and the one 4 ft. one. Will be ordering more firewood this fall. Want to get as much as I can just in case something happens, and I can't get it any longer. 

I don't see grandson as much as I would like with him sleeping during the day and working all night. He is off on Friday and Sat. But does not get home from work till around 3 or 4 in the morning on Friday, so he sleeps most of the day. We do get to have dinner together on those 2 days though. He helps me on those days after he gets up in the late afternoon. I don't know how a 20-year-old does it. He has no life to speak of. All he does is work and sleep. Hasn't gone out of house to do anything. Not even a walk in the parks around here that he used to love. Used to go hiking but hasn't done that in 2 or 3 years now. 

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My days are being ruled my the tremors in my hands.  If the right [in particular] begins to tremor.... :offtobed:    :sigh:      I see grief counselor tomorrow.  Weekly right now as events are mounting up.  Losses.  It's been helpful so I'm glad I chose to start early...anticipating this time period.  Anyway, people with my "push till you drop" type of personality should have an accountability person in their corner.  I think I'm doing better than I would have. 


Anyway, my body will rather quickly shut me down if I don't rest/lay down when my hands tremble.  Or if my eyesight gets ....dunno but I start blinking rapidly.  I've had that and of course the wide variance on how my legs work...or not. 


OTOH.....months of stair climbing and descending.....hauling/packing/lifting heavy boxes has put me in the best physical shape I've been in for years.  :woohoo:  Seriously, I walked up my steeeep driveway with no effort!  :amen:    Now.....how do I keep that?  Part of it will be creating/building new storage space in this tiny cabin!!!!  While resting I look around the crowded rooms and envision new storage.  I'm not a carpenter but I'll create with shelving units and sturdy boxes.


But first.....after sorting out most things I really NEED to find to live here again.....DH and I must tackle the horror of the collapsed ceiling panels in the garage/basement area.  [ stupid rat stored his/her goods up there.....]  :sigh:  A couple days ago, I caught TWO mice on one glue board down there!  Different breeds....one small grey and one larger brown with white belly.  Dead!  :happy0203:   More glue boards ....and rodent poison.....and "bucket-o-death" are still down there too.  Need to have some of that done before winter cuz much will have to be hauled outside to sort or sanitize.  ICK!!!  Hazmat suits!  :darthduck:

But....a few more weeks of REST and mild labor.....sorting out the things DH hauled home from mom's and dropped anywhere he could find.  He's not gifted with ANY organizational genes what-so-ever!  :grinning-smiley-044:    And truthfully, except for ICKY FOUL RATFINK stuff, I enjoy it.  Get so caught up in it, I forget to stop.  :0327:  Yeah, hand tremors and blinking eyes will stop me. 


MtRider  ....didn't even open my laptop until I'd been home 2 wks.  Had to FIND essentials first...  :sassing:

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Ugh, I hate meeses to peeses.


When I bought the other house I saw a lot of 'evidence' of mice. I sort of panicked a little bit. I've never seen that before. I had the air vents and carpet cleaned this year because I'm on the floor a lot of the time and I know g-son will be too. Mice dribble urine whenever they move. They move a lot. 


I put out those glue traps all around the baseboards. I know they aren't the most humane but I didn't really care. It was war! I even bought one of those claw reaching things to pick them up for when I caught one. I never caught one mouse and never saw traces of them again. I guess they realized Big Mamma was moving in so they high tailed it out of there. 


I know all about the clean up. I scrubbed everything with Lysol that I could get my hands on and what I couldn't reach, I sprayed. I feel for you girl.  BTDT. :hug3:


But don't over do it. 

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Mice..  terrible creatures.  A couple made it into the shed, poison stopped them.  We have tons of Jonny rats, they have so many name around here… Bare tailed squirrels, desert squirrels, etc.  We have 3 vacant lots around our house plus the desert…. Arg!!!   I put poison pellets, 3-4 down each holes, buzzards try to find them.  But with the dogs, I can’t chance they will get the poison.  Our neighbor shoots them, told him to pop any he sees in our yard. Our ‘shot’ radius, would hit a neighbors house, so we can’t do that.  Nasty little buggers… multiply by the dozens…. Seriously, each litter, is 10-12!  

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Inside the shed & house, snap traps with peanut-butter, chocolate, or bird seeds… If the rats/mice are eating the bird seed, my rat traps, usually capture them…. Unless they are too small & escape through the mesh.  Then, I fatten, feeding them enough to get fat & they can’t escape..  lol. BTDT…:008Laughing:

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((((Mt Rider)))) So good to see you posting again! Glad you know to listen to your body and quit before it gets bad. Ugh about the mice hope you can eliminate them all and the mess gets resolved soon. I hate rodents! Glad I have cats who are good mousers.


Not much going on here today. Still waiting for electricians to come back, the foreman who got COVID's mother died this weekend, so understandable they aren't up to working yet. I feel so bad for them. 


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MtRider I sympathize with your health issues.  I wish there was something I could do to help. I am falling apart too.


Finally got measurable rain this morning!  I am thrilled  It's the first real rain in over a month.  Of course it will make my grass grow and so far my mower isn't fixed .  I will have a jungle soon.


I made my monthly trip to the grocery store yesterday  They have 3 scooters which I need to shop. I cannot walk at all.  Anyway all 3 of them are broken.  I talked to the manager about it and he said they cannot get anyone to fix them.  Even with a scooter company contract no one will pick them up to work on them. I wasted an hour of my time and precious gas for nothing. 


My robocalls for the Amazon 999$ Apple phone have resumed.  They quit for about a week but are back with a vengeance.  They called over 10 times yesterday and clog up my answer machine with their fake spiel.


I think this will be a good time to take a nap.  I can get unfrustrated and enjoy the raindrops! 


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Mt. Rider, glad to see you back and hope your health problems get much better. :pray: Those prayers still going out for your mom as well.  Seems we all need prayer these days. 


Momo, sorry you weren't able to get your shopping done because of the cart issue. I know that can be frustrating. Glad you got rain. It's going to be really hot in 90's here all this week so I am back to watering the garden again. 


Put up squash for freezer this morning. Went outside and checked the garden. Got a few peppers and tomatoes, but still nothing for canning. Blanched green beans last night for freezer and will be checking the butterbeans again this evening before getting those ready for freezer. Not a lot of those. The birds have been picking my cherry tomatoes and fighting over them. It has been funny watching them. About 5 birds competing for tomatoes. If it keeps them away from my Roma tomatoes, they can fight over the cherry ones. I have really got to come up with some better plans for this yard and garden. Right now, it is a big mess. 


Momo, a nap sounds really good right now. But just too much to get done to be napping. Still trying to get house put back together and the chimney people were supposed to come today and now it will be tomorrow. Told owner I will not be here Friday and I am not changing my Dr. appt. again for them as they are becoming a huge inconvenience now. They keep changing the dates of when they are coming, and I can't make plans, or I have to cancel plans. This has gotten really old. But nothing I can do about it. At least I am down to just the fireplace now. But when the rest of house needs painting and other small things done, they will not be the ones doing it. Not because his workers didn't do a good job because they did that. But because of the owner's inability to not let them finish up on something before sending them off to finish up or start at another house. He is doing this to all his clients. Yes, the contractors doing the work are complaining about it. So, I know everything that is going on. Just wish I knew this before I hired him for this job. Now into 7 months and still not totally done. 

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Good to see you Mt> Rider!  I don't have mice.  I have a rat that has eaten 2/3 of my tomatoes and all but 3 eggplants.  And my two watermelons.

littlesister, I sure hope you can get your house finished soon!  I know it has been a source of ongoing stress.


Full day, today!
Walked first, then fed and walked dogs.
Pulled old tomato plants out of lick tubs and put everything away.
Harvested in garden.
Called Social Security to confirm some filing info.
Unloaded stuff from totes back under sinks with new faucets.
Called all my peeps from our Church senior club to remind them about an event on Thursday. I can't go, but need to remind others about it.
That's enough!

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Momo, a nap sounds good. My sciatica is still flaring up. It usually goes away in a day or two but not this time. Dang. It's a real pain in the butt...literally. I'm falling apart at the seams too. Sorry they couldn't provide you with a scooter! It seems like simple things we took for granted just a couple of years ago no longer exist. I do believe them about not being able to get them fixed though. That is happening everywhere. It's either no parts available or no one to work. And I get those blasted robo calls all the time too. Today I got a call on my cell phone from a woman speaking Chinese. I was 'indisposed' and rushed to answer the phone and that's what it was. I deleted it but I can't seem to find the block button on that phone. Really made me mad. 


Since I'm on a tear, what has happened to customer service these days? I'm not the prissy entitled type but just common things. I had a freezer delivered and they were on time and were nice but all they did was unbox it and put it in the garage. No taking the packing out of it or any instructions. They didn't even untape the door to see if anything was broken or missing. No huge deal but they didn't explain about the wheels or if I can lock them. As it is, because the door has a tight seal, it's hard to open it because when I pull on it, I pull it clear across the garage floor. Surely there is some sort of wheel locking mechanism on it. Would be nice if they would have told me. Guess I'll have to read the book when I go back over. Sigh. At least they took the box with them.


The worst was the garage door opener guy. It is a loooong story with him. Shortened version...He showed up without calling. Luckily I was there. He said I got the wrong opener plus I needed an 8 foot extension because my door is 8 ft. tall. I went back to Home Depot and it took them over 2 hours to do a refund. Reason was my receipt said it was delivered to me as a special order. No it wasn't. I took it off of the shelf and took it home with me. Over 2 hours. I bought the one the installer suggested and the 8 foot pole. And I waited for a call from the installer guy. For 4 days. I go back to H.D. and raise a little cane and explain, again, that my time in Indiana was limited and I need to return home and NO ONE WILL RETURN MY NUMEROUS CALLS. If they don't install it in 1-2 days I want a total refund and will go across the parking lot to Menards. Install guy was there the next morning. Well, my garage door is the standard 7 foot and I didn't need the extension bar after all and the first opener would have worked fine. That was the first part of the p*ss off. He left all of the packaging and didn't offer the option of removing the old door opener. I know there is usually a fee for that but not with this guy. He told me to set it on the curb. I don't have trash pick up out there yet. I'm not there often enough to generate trash. He left it in the middle of my garage. Where my car parks. I had to drag it out to the driveway where it still sits. BTW, they are very heavy. And full of grease. The final blow... he asked me if I had any WD-40. I'm sure I  do SOMEWHERE. He told me to spray some on the track and the spring. What kind of door service man doesn't carry WD-40 when he knows it's needed! I guess it's common for a 70 year old woman to climb up on a ladder and spray a track half the length of the garage, over a cement floor with a slippery silicon spray. Two tracks. One on each side. I just thought of that. He noticed the other garage has an overhead door too. And if I need any one to install a new one.... :008Laughing: D-ex said just put the door down and spray the wheels while they are in the down position.  Crap, I didn't think of that. I hate when that happens. Or just get son to do it. But still...


I will say the opener is a thing of beauty. The other one was on it's last leg and sounded dangerous. When it worked. I got a keyless entry outside so I'll never get locked out and hid a key inside the garage for the interior door going into the house. It was a fear of mine getting locked out and not being able to call son for help. Now I feel secure out there in that situation. It also has a battery backup. If the power goes out the door will still work. But it was an ordeal getting it there. 



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1 hour ago, Momo said:

These days normal things become an ordeal so easily.


Ain't that the truth, Momo. 


DH took Happy Dog to the vet for permanent rabies shot and a look-over.  Was the old vet and he loved her.  Said her weight and coat was perfect.  Teeth are improving from when we got her.  Keep doing what you're doing!  :happy0203:    She also met with our uphill neighbor's goldendoodle today.  I was up the hill a bit talking to M & D.  DH came out with dog.  We all decided to see how a Meet/Greet would go.  Welllllll... okay.  GoldenD is a happy, sappy dog.  Wants to play and roll all over another dog.  Our dog told her knock it off after a bit.....by making "Arrr Arrr Arrr" with teeth open.  Not closing mouth.  So we both pulled our dogs apart.  M&D said same thing happens at dog park....theirs is just a floppity Raggedy Ann and is overly eager.   Shows no fear or hurt feelings.  Just goes back for more "play".  Other dogs are not afraid or aggressive but want her to cool it a bit.  .....well THAT was exciting.  I had a good case of the shakes for a while after that, even after determining that no one was biting anyone else.  Just warning noise.  :shrug:  


This current dog is SOOOOO different from Koa and our former Big Dog.  Guardian breeds don't play much.  Neither would run after a ball.  :shrug:  Anyway, glad for her good vet report.  Now have full-vaxx rabies tag dangling from her collar.  New I.D. tags are ordered since both came off and got lost.


MtRider   .....resting now. 

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Hope you can catch up on some rest, Mt Rider!  not sure your pup is on the same program as you.


I walked first, of course.

Then went thrift shops.

Dollar tree for a couple of items.

Dollar General for a couple more.

Walmart for 15 minutes which translated to $50.  Sigh.  They did seem fairly well stocked.

Went to Church to make tea for tomorrow's senior event.

Came home and set up DH's meds for a month.

Called VA and pulmonary doc trying to get a prescription straightened out--maybe done.

Going to make a salad and watch something with DH this evening.

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Jeepers so very sorry about your friend's fiance :hug3:and how irritating about the garage door installation! It seems half the time the people in the stores that sell this stuff don't even know anything about it, sigh.

Momo so happy you got rain but how annoying that the stores can't get that fixed. Do they have grocery pick up from the parking lot available?  

Littlesister I am sure you are over this project and probably wish you'd never started at this point! I relate. Hugs

Miki you are really good about getting your regular walks. I need to follow your example! I take the pup into the yard but not much else. I have a membership to the local rec center with an indoor walking track I really should take advantage of it

 MtRider glad your pup is doing well, always a toss up if they will get along well with other dogs. I haven't really taken Ruby to meet any dogs as I don't know anyone with any and she's so little I don't want to risk it on a dog I don't know. No local puppy classes so I haven't really done a good job of socializing her but with people she doesn't know she's really great. 


I have very good news my IL RN license finally got processed so I am officially licensed in the state I live in! This is a huge weight off my shoulders as I worried if my remote position fell through I needed that to feel I can be employed where I live. And the cabinet maker informed me that the cabinets should hopefully be ready to install sometime next week. So I'm really happy about that too. So good day for once!

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Great news about your license Becca_Anne! I'm sure it is a weight off of your shoulders. A wonderful backup security plan.  :thumbs:


We are having storms today and my back is still out. It usually doesn't last this long. Advil helps short term though. And I have my trusty heating pad, in this 90 degree weather. Ugh. If someone had to come in and rescue me from...something, they'd find me sprawled out on the bed with a heating pad on one end and a fan blowing full force on the other end. Probably confirming some of their suspicions. :cheeky-smiley-067:


I finally broke down and ordered some dehydrated carrots. The ones I did previously didn't turn out well. Unless you want black carrots. I didn't. Plus I can no longer find the crinkle cut frozen ones that I like. I'm tired of waiting for something I may not get for a long while. I ordered a gallon jug of them and will transfer them into two 1/2 gallon canning jars and call it done.  Probably should have done it months ago but I held out hope. 


I ordered from Harmony House. I have always had good luck with them and they ship fast. I ordered yesterday and got an email today saying that they shipped. One thing some people may not like about them is their packaging. They ship in plastic jugs and not cans. That doesn't bother me as I transfer to glass jars and store in the dark. I'm thinking it probably helps keep the cost down too. Aluminum cans are becoming scarce these days. And they usually have a coupon code. I got $5.00 off of my order. Sometimes they have free shipping. 


I've been watching a lot of neat shows on the computer while I've been sidelined. Will report on that later when I have more time.

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Going to walk in a few minutes.
Take DH to doc appt 40 miles away.
Hit salvage grocery on the way back.
Harvest in garden once home.
Bible study this evening.


@Becca_Anne,  the key for regular walks for me is do it first and don't let DH talk me into doing something else first!

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Jeepers sometimes that is really the best just to order it. I haven't tried setting up my dehydrator here but then I also only put in tomatoes so nothing really to process this year.


Miki hope your trip to your husband's Dr apt went smoothly today.


My day was pretty slow but an older friend of mine is in the hospital so I'm feeling sad about that. She developed kidney failure. Life can change so fast so I'm reminding myself today do the things now while you're healthy and energetic enough to enjoy them!

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I'm sorry about your friend Becca_Anne. I went through that with my dear cousin a few years ago. Dialysis gave her many good years though. :sigh:  Getting our house in order while we are able is very important. Mentally, physically, spiritually and in all ways. Speaking of which, I've been wracking my brain and making a long list of everything I want to get stored up in the freezer. I'm easily entertained. 


I agree about the dehydrated food. I did a boat load of it this winter but the carrots just didn't work out for me. Really no reason to think I'll have better the next time. And an awful lot of waste in time, electricity and money.  Plus it's awfully hot to be running a dehydrator for hours on end. I was so surprised today when I looked on the porch. Harmony House package had already been delivered! I ordered one day, got a shipping email the next day and today it was here. That was something like 3 maybe 4 days coming from North Carolina to Ohio. That is nothing unusual for them. They have always shipped fast. I'm not affiliated with them in any way.

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Hope your back is returning to normal, Jeepers!  :pray: 


Happy to say that when I talk to my mom [recently moved from CO to VA] she's sounding more and more "like herself".  I think I'm getting there too but haven't yet begun daily walks with dog.  Still "draggin' anchor" too much. 


Have been delighted to have rain daily.  This used to be normal for CO but not in recent decade. 


Just getting by yet but hope to begin sorting and organizing soon.  Gotta call in for my horse ride this week.


MtRider  ....no real news is good news!  :amen: 

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Thanks Mt. Rider. The back coming along slowly but surely. I don't remember it ever taking this long to feel better. As bad as it gets, I'm always thankful I can stay home and be simi comfortable. I clearly remember the days when I had to go out and work through backaches, migraines, cramps and what ever was thrown my way. Good old days, huh. 


I wonder if part of the positive change in your mother is because she is out of the high altitude and breathing better oxygen? Just a random thought. What ever the reason, I'm glad for her and or you too. :hug3:

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Walked first this morning.
Ran to the bank for senior club.
Walked dogs.
And now PEPPER PALOOZA begins!
Will cut jalapenos to make Cowboy Candy tomorrow.
Then chop habaneros (I have about 90) to make Light my fire flaming habanero sauce and Pineapple habanero jelly. 4 recipes of each.
Also roast turkey carcass and veggies to make stock to can tomorrow (along with the jalapenos).
Big day in the kitchen!

14 hours ago, Becca_Anne said:

Life can change so fast so I'm reminding myself today do the things now while you're healthy and energetic enough to enjoy them!

That's what keeps me moving along!  My mom was only 47 years old when she passed away.  I do what I can today and will sit and do nothing (or very little) when that is the only option!  And yes, DH's appointment went well yesterday.  Thanks!

Jeepers, I hope your back is still coming along and feeling better now.

Mt. Rider---just rest and recuperate!

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11 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

-just rest and recuperate!


.... :rolleyes:  ......  I keep thinking I'm gonna get a PRODUCTIVE DAY!  :(   I LIKE productive days a lot better than "rest and recuperate" days.  I laughed when I read that tho, Miki....and everyone else.  My own better self keeps saying it too.  My Git-Up-and-GO self....not too happy about it tho.  Hmph! 


MtRider  ....  :offtobed:     

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Already walked and getting ready to feed dogs.
Will make Pineapple Habanero jelly first and then Candied jalapenos.
Next, maybe roast the turkey carcass for broth.
Didn't get as far yesterday as I hoped. Those habaneros were a lot to deal with. I kept losing my breath when close to them. I did get the hot sauce made (14 half pints) and the habaneros prepped and de-seeded for today's jelly.
Will harvest okra and peppers later today.
Then rest and keep hands away from eyes!

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Slept pretty well but DH could not get me awake and going this morning.  As a result, I was dashing about...taking gulps of the 'egg mcmuffin' he'd made; shower; find horse riding stuff, etc.  Made it.  Good ride...early enough to avoid full heat...and the thunderstorm.  :thumbs:  Needed the therapeutic ride too. 


But had to lay down after unloading groceries DH gets while I ride.  Ate and collapsed for quite a while.  Able to do laundry...DH and I moving it whenever one of us was downstairs.  Tried some practice with defensive items but...it was raining and the object in question wasn't operating at normal specs.  Still, it was a little bit.  Been a long time and I needed a refresher on which end is which....so to speak.


Then I collapsed in front of computer for a while.  Talked to mom.  DH and I made a fast fajita supper.  Bed is calling...


Oh...and a bee came in the window and stung my back when I leaned back in the car seat.  OW...WHAT???   Fortunately it was small but DH pulled over to scratch the stinger off for me - if it was still there.  [with my ever-present SAK, of course]  AND I was able to apply ice immediately cuz I carry ice & gel pack summer and winter.  Esp when going riding.  Boy Scout Preparedness rules again.  :cheer:    That hurt tho! 


MtRider  :offtobed:  

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