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All good news here tonite.  I'm glad.....we do need that sometimes, even in the worst of times. 


I've been a lot less worried about my mom lately.  It seems she's gotten over the shock of moving at such an older age.  They were in the house here for 35 yrs.  And with the home health aide, they go off to do what she feels like doing.  Aide is a Christian woman younger than me.  Mom says she wishes it was me and her running about....  Yeah, well....I don't do much running about and unlike the Aide, I can't really drive except places I know the streets and the speed limit isn't 60mph!  :grinning-smiley-044:  But our conversations are normal again now.  :amen:


Let's see.....we still don't have electric in the living room.  BUT....J and electrician were here all day Friday.  I'd gotten everything moved enough.  Electrician is a fairly big guy but yes, he could and did fit under the hospital bed to access the furthest outlet.  Tried replacing it and nothing worked.  {J and I kept telling him that this property is ALWAYS WEIRD! }  He's a friend of J/B's.  B is still in bed but getting slowly better.  So after investigating other outlets, a bunch of wires were stuffed into the living room one.  That kept him busy sorting for a while.  J and I were the comms......he's say turn power on.... I'd go to holler to J.  Then turn power off.....  It was a long day and we were all up and down the stairs and the goat pen hill cuz power box is in back of house. 


He finally found the problem - in a metal box in the ceiling of the basement.   :huh:  pssst!  Our "slip" was showing!  I didn't think he'd need to see the basement.  So when we had to move some stuff down there to get him on the ladder......several cases of store canned goods were visible.  J already knows about the Chaos Camouflaged back pantry room.  Oh well.  :shrug:   Anyway, the part that's broken isn't made/used anymore.  So he has to bring stuff out to get it up to code.  They'll be back........


I moved the cord to the hospital bed this morning.  Woke at 6am with a whopper of a headache.  I really don't get them much these last few years.  I usually push the button and set the bed more upright....laying down makes it much worse.  But I got up, ate PB and banana half sandwich so I could take Nuprin.  After the headache eased, I moved the cord to an outlet that does work in that room.  Got a couple more hours sleep.  Needed it!  Felt fine when I got up at 10:30. 


As has been usual lately, the day after I ride is not going to be very energetic.  Add headache...not doing much today.  We listen to a pastor from Hawai'i .  I did walk the dog tonite and got further down the road.  Not my "normal" distance yet.  After sitting on the porch resting for quite a while...oye!  I was hobbling.  Brain was not connecting to my legs.  But that went away.  Want cardio so I get more O2 to my brain!! 


MtRider  ....trying to break the 1-2AM sleeping habit ....  :busted:   ...again! 

Edited by Mt_Rider
finished electric story
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I'm so glad that you will be getting your electric woes straightened out @Mt_Rider.  Persistent problems can be stressful.

Is there a grandchild, yet @Becca_Anne?

I continue to pray for you @Littlesister!  I hope all goes well with GS today!


Will walk first.
Already have laundry started.
Next, package dried parsley.
Put onion shoots in dehydrator.  (Outside)
Vacuum seal some dates that were gifted to me.
Call a friend or two.

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GS hasn't gotten here yet but should be here in an hour or two.  

Checked the garden and I have some weeding to do. But to wet to work on it today. While I was outside I felt a few drops of rain. So might be going to get more.  It is getting humid outside now. 

Worked on that bedroom yesterday and today. Dusting the furniture and such. need to get ceiling light fixture back up. Took them down to wash. 


Mt. Rider you are right about good news. We need lots more of it these days.  I am working on getting me back to my old chipper self again. It has been a very rough almost 4 years now. First DH, then GD and her DH moving in that same year that DH passed away and then GS last year not long after GD moved out to NC then to SC. So I have had no time for myself since DH passed away. 

Hopefully now as things start to settle down I can get myself back together and enjoy life again. Family can come visit anytime they want but they will not be moving in on me again. I think GS did me in on that. But at least he is working things out. I believe he will learn and do much better living on his own. He has a lot to learn and will learn the hard way but he will learn. 


I need to get that furniture out of bedroom and into garage but need a couple of men to help me do it. That is some heavy furniture. So might need to hire a couple of guys to do that for me. Once that is done I can get the house back together and have more time for more fun things again.

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2 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

I just re-read this.  Dates for eating and cooking, not like people.  LOL

Wow. Now that's a true prepper. Putting aside some 'dates' for when things start to get rough. Who knew!

Just another gap in my preps. Did you steam them up, I mean blanch them, first?  Asking for a friend.  :P 


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GS just left about 20 minutes ago. He is going to have one long drive to and from work. He is setting up plans to move in about a year and a half to the Blue ridge mountains. He is already looking around to see what type of jobs are around the area. He has always loved the mountain area. That might be a pipe dream unless he learns how to save is money and not blow it on junk and pot. Don't think he likes living in a hotel room. He said it's not much of anything. I didn't say anything to him as I know he knows that if he behaved himself he would still be living here.  

He was tired but he was talkative for a change. Telling me about how he found people on line to help teach him about gaming design. That is what he really wants to get into for a job and start his own business. I think with how he is about school he best keep his day job. Or in his case his night job. 

I am going to settle down in a while and watch TV.  Something I haven't been able to really sit down and do much. I watched the Rifleman last night. More like binge watching it. DH watched that all the time and I guess I got hooked on it. DH loved the westerns. 


Was looking at the garden and I have a lot of weeding to do before it gets out of hand. The rain really brings out the best in weeds. Going to figure out a better solution to that as I don't like using weed killer in garden. I try to keep everything organic as much as possible. GS said we are suppose to have thunderstorms tonight. So if that is the case it may be Wed. before I can get out there to weed. The first squash I planted is in bloom and the broccoli has now come up.  As soon as it is big enough I will transplant to the garden. Tomato plants are really growing now. Getting much taller. 


I am still trying to get myself back to my old self from being yelled at and cussed at all the time. It has been nice to have my house back to a point I can do what I want when I want now. It just takes time after going through all that. Lesson learned. No more family members moving in on me.  

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No baby yet. She's in prodromal labor right now, sporadic contractions but only 8-10 min apart for the last few days but they stop and start so not quite really true labor yet. It's all good signs that it won't be too long though. I am just glad she got some rest last night so she can go into this without being exhausted. Today would have been my grandmother's birthday so I was kind of rooting for today but I think tomorrow at the earliest now since it hasn't really picked up yet. I am trying to be patient :hapydancsmil:

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Baby Watch......   :pray: 


LittleSister...  so glad to hear GS was well behaved today.  You could enjoy his company.  Keep praying for him.  :pray:


I'm rushing the clock tonite.  Need to log in my PT exercises yet.  Well, that and actually DO THEM!  :lol:  But they're helping so I do them.  I walked about a half mile tonite with the dog.  Not as much as I used to walk but big progress in the past 3 wks. 


DH and I are getting things planned out for Surgery Week.  Bumped my ride up to Thurs this week instead of Sat.  Give us the whole weekend off.  Cuz next week is going to be rough.  Dog will be stuck in boarding 4 days cuz of weekend.  No choice.  Hope J and electrician don't want to come that week...  So many appointments that week.  Pre op....surgery....recovery....


But we'll get thru it. 


MtRider  :offtobed:  

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1Praying for peace during your busy week @Mt_Rider!


Already walked.
Shortly, I will pick up friend and take her to Aldi, Walmart, day old bread store and a thrift store. We will stop at Post office on the way home.
Then, walk dogs.
Vacuum seal chives from yesterday.
Dry rosemary.
I think that's it!

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Best wishes for a smooth surgery MtRider! And hope that electricity issue is sorted out soon.

Miki love chives! I need to plant some in my garden!

Back to work today for me long weekend was lovely though! No baby yet. She's going to call the Dr today and see if they can get her in for a cervical check nervous about waiting too long at home I think. I'm going to try to get everything done this morning I have to accomplish for work this week so I can relax and just do the "nice to get done" stuff the rest of the week.

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On 5/29/2023 at 5:17 AM, snapshotmiki said:

Vacuum seal some dates that were gifted to me.


I watched this vid from Suttons Daze a while back and I wonder if Dates get dry enough (completely dry) to make it safe to vaccum seal them???


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14 minutes ago, Midnightmom said:


I watched this vid from Suttons Daze a while back and I wonder if Dates get dry enough (completely dry) to make it safe to vaccum seal them???


They are vacuum  sealed and in the  freezer. I forgot to  add that. 

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Still waiting for some baby news!  :cloud9: 

Praying that Mr. Mt. Rider's surgery next week goes without a hitch and recovery will be smooth sailing for him. :pray:



I had a busy day today. For once I went from one end of town to the other end without double backing and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. First stop was Hobby Lobby for some more (different) cross stitch material.


Then to Michaels to take some pictures in to be rematted. Lawsy, I didn't know how expensive that was going to be. :0327: But they will look nice when done. I had matted them myself years ago and believe me, they looked like it! I'm getting three of them done. I have 2 more but they will have to wait. Here is the kicker. I had the frames already that I wanted to use. But, If I bought one of their frames the end price was about half as much. Use my own frame and pay twice as much or use their frame and pay half the price. Didn't make sense but oh well. I'm using their frames and will change them out when I get them back in about 3 weeks. That savings was significant too. I also had some more 12x12 pictures I need matted too but they couldn't do them. The frames are so shallow that a mat would be too thick. I had done them myself using construction paper but wanted them to look better. So, I'm going to buy more construction paper and try it again. I got a big discount by having a Michaels reward card and by using their frames.


Then to get the Jeep emission inspected. Takes less than 10 minutes. We passed. They have a self serve bay but I didn't want to do that. We all know how that would have gone. :rolleyes:


Then to the U-Haul store for some of that plastic wrap to go around a bookcase and the small pie safe. It should keep the pie safe door closed and hopefully the glass in the bookcase from breaking. I think the bookcase is my favorite piece so I want to try to protect it as best as I can.  You just wrap it around and around like Seran wrap. I think. Will Google that first. I also picked up a couple more small boxes. They have really nice little boxes called Book Boxes. Nice size especially for heavy items or for people who can't lift heavy boxes once they are filled. That would be me.


I picked up a Subway and over to the pharmacy to pick up 2 prescriptions and some celery sticks. I've been eating a lot of celery lately. 


Over to the license bureau to get my tags. Easy Peasy when you have the documents they want. Now they will let you buy for two years if you want. I went ahead and did it. Hopefully I won't be here another two years but at any rate, I don't plan to ever have to go there again. My drivers license in Indiana expire in 2025 and now so do my Jeep tags. I plan to do it all in Indiana that year. Surly I will be living over there by then!  Their Christmas tree is still up. LOL Bet it's good and dusty by now. Same tree was still up this time last year.


Swung by the house and got more mail and checked to see if the city had put a notice on my door concerning the weeds. They hadn't...yet.


Then over to Wal-Mart to get some medium size totes to pack the books in from the bookcase. I want them better protected than just in a cardboard box. I'll always use them for something else when the books are back in the bookcase. 


Last stop was to get the Jeep's oil changed. That was all it needed but he said there is a very small leak somewhere around the oil pan. It doesn't need immediate attention but it will someday. It had better stay healthy for two more years because I just bought two years worth of tags for it. 


Went to Dunkin' Donuts for a vanilla ice coffee. I ordered a large but he handed me a small. I told him I wanted a large so he got me one. I tried to pay the difference but he said 'no charge'. Well alrighty then. A large will last me two days. 


Got back 'home' and called a guy about getting the house power washed and the trim painted. I got the answering machine but he did just text me wanting some more info. Will do that tomorrow. He is probably closed by now anyway. 


So, all in all I had a great day. The sun was shinning and it was in the low 80's. It felt really good to be out and about.


I did have a sinking spell at Michaels. Thought I was going to pass out. I get really hot and start sweating. At least I can read the warning signs now. Fortunately they had a barstool right there at the counter and I was able to sit it out. I need to get that checked out in a couple of weeks. Along with a hundred other things.  


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2 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I think the bookcase is my favorite piece so I want to try to protect it as best as I can.

When we moved our antique secretary we were told to fill the shelves inside the glass door with pillows to stabilize the glass.  Then we wrapped it like you said.  It moved twice that way with no problems.  Might be worth a try with your bookcase. 

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No baby yet and I'm not bugging my poor daughter for an update tonight. I figure it's like a watched pot:lol: I'm sure everyone is checking  in on her too much. She was 5 days late when she was born so baby seems to be taking after her and taking his sweet time so I'll have to be patient :wub:


Jeepers glad you got a lot done! Seems like car stuff is never ending. When I get back I need to go to the Toyota dealership and get my air bag recall taken care of. Meant to do that before my move but keep forgetting. DH replaced his tires right before we drove out here and whoowee they are pricy now! Twice what I expected to pay. I am starting to save up now for mine so it's not terrible when it's time to do mine. I don't drive much so my next set should last me a looong time. I wish our state would let us pay our tags ahead but they renew annually. 

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This is the first year they have offered to let us buy car tags for two years at a time. I was surprised because I didn't know anything about it. I guess they figured we only have to get the emission test done every other year so they'd go ahead and let us buy the tags every other year too. You do have a choice of one year or two. Our tags are pretty cheap compared to some states. Everyone pays the same amount. Standard tags are around $60.00 a year with all of the taxes etc. A little more if you want new plates or have vanity plates. I don't. The sin tax (tobacco) pays for our emission test. 


I had to buy all new tires two years ago. That really hurt my budget but it had to be done. They were starting to wear and I already had a flat tire in the toll road. That will get your attention! I still have a cracked bumper from where I tried to back it into the garage last winter. I missed. It's so hard to get repairs when you are alone. I could take it in but how do I get back home and how do I go pick it back up? Could Uber I suppose but I'm not sure how that works. I've taken them twice (2 different hospital stays) with a good experience but someone else did the calling for me. 


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2 hours ago, Jeepers said:

This is the first year they have offered to let us buy car tags for two years at a time. I was surprised because I didn't know anything about it. I guess they figured we only have to get the emission test done every other year so they'd go ahead and let us buy the tags every other year too. You do have a choice of one year or two. Our tags are pretty cheap compared to some states. Everyone pays the same amount. Standard tags are around $60.00 a year with all of the taxes etc. A little more if you want new plates or have vanity plates. I don't. The sin tax (tobacco) pays for our emission test.


Tags here are a percentage of the resale value of the car (or is it the age of the car?). It will cost me $122 for one year's tags, plus it has to be smogged this year too. :(

Must be done by the date assigned in the notice or there are penalties for late registration. (It would be nice if it was due by the end of the month instead of a specific date of the month, but I guess they do it that way to spread the workload out over the month instead of having a last minute end of the month rush.)

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Over here we have to have an emission test every other year. It goes by the year your car was made. If it is an even number then you have it done on an even year. My Jeep is a 2005 so on every odd number year (2023) I have to have it tested. It's a free test and it's done pretty fast. You are exempt if your car is a newer model. None of my vehicles have ever failed. Our drivers license and plates/tags are to be done by your birthday. So, it's pretty evenly spread out through the month here too.


They fine you $10.00 if you are 30+ days late getting your tags. We have a 6 month grace period for our drivers license. After those 6 months lapse then you have to take the written and driving test all over again.


I went through that when I got my Indiana drivers license. I don't want to go through that again. I passed but I had to study for the written test. I know the basic driving rules but had to remember how many feet before something or another and how much tire tread before you need to replace them etc. I did a number of free practice tests online before I went in. And I was a nervous wreck (no pun intended) when I had to do the driving test. I don't parallel park. But she had me parallel park on a side street in front of a house where there were no other cars around. I aced that test.  :D


I really value my drivers license. I think that's another reason I'm trying to get my house all prepped up. Incase I can't drive and get basic supplies like home goods and medical items. Not just for a natural disaster or EMP or illness sort of things. But if I become immobilized. Especially being in the country where public transportation is very limited. I would probably have to rely on Amazon heavily or possibly Uber. I know son and DIL will take care of my needs but I don't want to have to rely on anyone any more than I have too. I've been too independent for too long.  :shrug: 



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Walked first, this morning.
Took DH to pulmonary doc. Doc won't approve him to be knocked out for oral surgery. Saves almost $600, but rougher for DH.
Went to oral surgeon to get new date for surgery.
Went to VA clinic about ordering oxygen hoses and were sent back to pulmonary. Sigh I do get my steps in, though!
Stopped at day old bread store and got a few more loaves of my bread. $4.45 at Walmart and $2 at day old store.
Stopped at thrift store just because we went past it.

Home and have to package and vacuum seal rosemary that I dried yesterday.
Did month ending books.
Not sure if I will go to prayer meeting or not tonight.


5 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I've been too independent for too long. 

Me too!  I will be getting an antique tag this year.  Jeep is 1998.  Unless they make me wait until next year.

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Ooooh Miki, I'll bet your Jeep is a beauty.  :)

Will the Dr. approve nitrous oxide (laughing gas) for your DH? I get everything done with that stuff and don't even notice. It's good stuff. Good thing it isn't legal to buy OTC or else someone could develop a little problem. I'd be happy though.  :sEm_blush:


I went to the house and wrapped up two pieces of furniture with that plastic wrap. It isn't exactly user friendly. Especially for one person doing it. It says it clings to itself. Yes it does but not very well. Clings but not sticks. There is a plastic handle on either end. The idea is for the tube inside of them to be able to turn so you can roll the plastic on. That would be handy but they are so loose that they won't stay on the roller thing. You sort of have to push in as you are rolling or they fall off in your hand. I know they have to be loose enough to actually roll but they are too loose. And because the ends stick out so far, you can't roll to the bottom of a piece of furniture. The item looks just like a rolling pin. The handles are too long to get to the bottom of your furniture. They ride along the floor. And since there is no plastic wrap for it to stick onto, the bottom is open. Also you have to use the rolling pin sideways to wrap around and around the furniture making it very awkward. Oh, and it is so heavy too. I couldn't hold it with one hand. It's that heavy.   By the time I got the two pieces done I was a hot mess...literally. I was hot and sweat was poring off of me. Of course when I get hot I get sick and weak. I just came home. To be fair, I could have been doing something wrong and maybe it is meant for two people to handle. Or maybe I should have got the more narrow size. Don't know. But it is not easy to tame. Would I recommend it? Yeah I would but only because it will hold the doors on furniture shut. And it will be easy to remove. Cling maybe. Stick. Nope.


I did put pillows in like Mother said. I doesn't look like it but the pillows were really stuffed in there from front to back and I did straighten them out a little.  

Thank you for the tip Mother.  :hug3:   Look at that half demolished floor and junked up dinning room. I hate being over there. It's so dirty in there too.  Sigh. 


image.jpeg      image.jpeg


The pie safe didn't fare much better. At least the door will stay shut. It isn't quite a big as it looks in the picture. I might put one more wrap around the bottom. I just noticed how much is sticking out. 

image.jpeg      image.jpeg


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Jeepers that was a lot of work.  


Mt. Rider praying for your DH to get through the surgery and back home to heal fast. 


Becca Anne, I am hoping baby will be here soon. 


I have been getting my tags every 2 years now for many years. Works out better for me.  My GS said that in Washington state you can get them every 3 years. He is hoping to be able to do that here. But don't think he can.

Have had rain now for 4 days off and on. Way to wet to work in garden. Need to transplant some broccoli from the greenhouse and do some weeding. We didn't get any rain today but it poured down most of last night. So been working on the house. I have had the windows opened up now for a week or more just airing out the house. Finally got that smell from GS's smoking or whatever he was doing in that bedroom out.  Weather has been cool but didn't need to close windows or use heat nor air conditioner. Still have the windows open tonight but is again a cool night. Makes for good sleeping weather. Just hope we don't have a super hot summer. Going to load car up hopefully tomorrow for a Good Will run. Working on garage as there is a lot of stuff out there I don't use anymore and can't see any reason to keep it. So out it goes. Once it is cleaned up and I have things set up like I want. I am going to get the bedroom furniture moved out there and cover it up till GS moves to his apartment. I would prefer to get a pod but it is only just under 3 months. So I am thinking of saving the money and just doing that. I could put that money to better use. Could change my mind on that but for now just setting all his stuff in garage till moving day will work. 

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No baby yet but we all know due dates are just an estimate and could even be another week.... so I'm distracting myself with work and I went out to dinner with a friend which is lovely. We always have a good time and feels like no time at all since I saw her in December when I came to visit. We went to nursing school together and she was at Ben's birth a very good and dear friend so that was lovely to catch up.

Jeepers that wrap looks like it will do a great job of keeping the doors shut but I can see why it's challenging. Maybe put a section down on the floor and wrap under and over the top? Would have to move it over to cover but that would enclose the bottom. I am hopeless with clingwrap in general so I don't know I would have been able to do that by myself. 

Miki so sorry your DH doesn't have that as an option hope the surgery goes well with whatever they can use to numb him up.

Midnightmom that makes sense wouldn't want everyone to come at once. We can only buy 1 yr at a time in IL and it's expensive I paid $150 for my tags :(



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