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Can also eat trombocino green as summer squash.  You can do that with most winter squash, but trombocino is bred for it.  

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I hope today goes smoothly @Becca_Anne!

Praying for you both @Mt_Rider.  Big week for you two!

My DH's dental surgery is tomorrow afternoon.  He doesn't have to fast or anything, since he will be awake.


Up at 4 am as dogs woke me up. Walked at 6:30.
Made dehydrated sweet potato slices for dogs.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Set up DH's meds for the next month.
Pried up some bamboo roots with my big pick axe. That was rough! More to go, but not today.
Have to take DH's car to have oil sensor something put in.
I'm about done.


Still can't get my salt rising bread starter to work.  This was the fourth or fifth time.  I think I need different cornmeal.  Maybe.  If anyone here has experience with salt rising bread, please help!  My grandma used to make it, so I am trying it myself.

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For Miki's DH for all to go well at the dentist tomorrow.  :hug3::pray:


For Becca Anne's DD that delivery will go very well and an easy delivery. :hug3:


For Mt. Rider's DH that all the pre op goes well and then for surgery on Friday to be a success. :pray::hug3:


For Jeepers that the construction will get started soon and glad your family got back home safe and sound. Sorry to hear about your DIL's dad but praying he is doing ok.  I know how going through things can be.  But you will get there. And hopefully moved out before end of summer. :hug3:


I have been working in garage all day.  Took another load of stuff to Goodwill. Went through all the plastic containers and sent those to Goodwill and packed a few up for GS's when he gets his apartment. It's just me and I just don't need all that plastic ware now. I only kept the freezer containers and a couple of plastic bowls. Found an old set of measuring cups and spoons for GS. So I seem to have quite a bit of things to help him with. Once he is in his own place I will no longer be holding on to things for the kids. Time to let it all go. Mommy can now help them out instead of just throwing away things they could have used while getting started on their own. GS is the fourth child I have set up in housekeeping. So I am now done. After I have packed up everything he can use. The rest gets dumped. I have so much cleaning stuff that I no longer use and I am just dumping it in trash. DH had a lot of things for whatever that I don't know what it is but some for van we don't have any longer, a truck we no longer have and things like that. So it's all going out. I did find 2 oil filters and 2 half gals. of oil for the car I have now. That I keep. Hopefully my garage will be just about emptied when I am done.  Need to buy a new cooler as I have two in shed that have falling apart. Only one in good shape. Need those for when I am cleaning out the freezers.  Organizing is tiresome. But a must to get done. I think my brain is fried. 

Fixed dinner for both tonight and leftovers for tomorrow. Kitchen is now cleaned up and it is nice to get up in the morning to a clean kitchen that was clean before I went to bed. 

Time to relax and tomorrow is another day. I want to have the whole house and sheds cleaned out before end of year. Will only be taking a break for canning when garden comes in. I already have tiny green peppers. Blueberries should be ripe within another week or so. Strawberry plants have flowers on them. Squash also has flowers so won't be long before canning begins. Maybe in about 3 to 4 weeks or so. 



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Prayers for all of the above too!!!


Littlesister, It's nice that you gave your G-kids a good head start. That's just because you love them and want to help them. I would have done the same thing. In fact I did do that for my son. The problem was when they moved in. They didn't move in with you. They moved in on you. Oh well, lesson learned and you did your best. I'm happy you are getting your house in order the way you want it. 


Whenever I get the first check (probably 10 days from now) I have to take it to the mortgage company to have it co-signed. Then to my bank to deposit it. Will probably have to wait a certain period (another 10 days?) to be able to withdraw it. Hurry up and wait. The whole amount will go to the contractor right away. None of it is really mine. It's already spent. Along with the other amounts they send. I'll be rich...for a day.  LOL.  I'm sure I'll have to dip into my own money for curtains and things like that. I reminded son that as soon as I get a working kitchen and bathroom I will be kicked out of the hotel and living back in the house even with construction going on. That is a good thing but I had to remember to save back cleaning supplies and toiletries, linen and some kitchenware. I sent some things to Indy that I'm probably going to have to bring back over here. I forgot that I still need to live here until it sells. 


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For unknown reason, I felt awful today.  Like all the fatigue was back.  I was late taking the first red pill.....but did follow up with the second pill.  Just no get-up-&-go!  :0327:


I did walk the dog but it was like before....barely made it to the first driveway with her pulling me along.  Did not climb back up the hill - we hitched a ride in car with DH (who was shutting up the birds for the night.)  


Soooo...we decided I'm not going with him tomorrow - it's just a pre-op appointment for the plastic surgeon.  I do have to start putting things into a suitcase.  But we'll be bringing food down too.  Kichenette in room and a whole kitchen - dining area to use.  Have to figure out what he'll want to eat when he comes back from surgery.  All day w/o food.  He pretty much has an iron gut.  Eats KimChee soup when he's sick.  Lots of garlic for fever, etc. 


Save energy for the end of week. 


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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Sorry you are having a set back, Mt.Rider. It could be because of stress? I'm sure your body is feeling it. Stress and worry really plays havoc with our system. I'm sure you know all of that all too well though.   :hug3:


Know that we are all pulling for the both of you and praying daily and sending love your way. 

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Dogs woke me up at 3 am. Sigh Peanut Butter is not feeling well this morning.
Will walk first.
Walk dogs.
Pry up some more bamboo roots.
Take DH to oral surgeon this afternoon.


I'm sorry you aren't feeling well today @Mt_Rider!  I hope you feel better soon!

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Sigh.  The cats continue their pattern of one disappearing when the other turns up.  For a couple of days, the little cat was staying in the barn, in a stall where we'd piled all the boxes from the move.  Problem is, she's not come out for food or to get pettings for three days now, as far as I can tell.  I've been leaving a door open for her, and a window open for her, when I'm home in the daylight, but the house is shut up tight when I'm not home and most of the time after dark.  Which has been most of the past three days.  I saw her through the screen window of the barn day before yesterday, but I have been in that stall in and out all morning (five hours) and neither seen nor smelled any sign of her.  I have opened cans of food today and yesterday, with no response.  She's not that interested in canned food, but she does like to lick the fluid off it, and she is a pig for affection. 

I know she doesn't like being shut up in the house, but I really just don's see how she would choose to become a full-time barn cat instead.

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Ambergris hope kitty decides to come back into house soon. Could just be the new surroundings and she wants to explore. 


Mt. Rider, I hope you will be back to par soon. Could be like Jeepers said. Stress and worry over your DH. You are in prayer from all of us here for your DH. Try to rest and relax as much as possible. 

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Went to Food Lion this morning for some fresh fruit and veggies. Still waiting for garden to come in so I won't need to keep buying fresh veggies at store. needed lettuce, celery, apples, and blueberries for my oatmeal.  I have blueberry plants but they are not ready yet. 

Came back home and put everything away then started back on the garage. So much to go through that takes time to figure out if it should stay or go. Most is on the to go list. I have some things that should be in the garden shed. So gathering that all together to take to the shed.  Otherwise not much going on.


Wonder is Becca Anne's daughter has delivered baby yet? I know she is excited. 

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I have black eyed peas on the stove, my first try at dried peas at this elevation (6000 feet).  I'm using a traditional clay pot I bought from a women's pottery co-op northwest of here.   Don't plan to start the cornbread for a good long while, but they already smell good.  They soaked all day yesterday and all night.

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I stopped by the house today to get the mail and pick up a script. Turns out I already picked it up a couple of days ago. I really need to delete the text message as soon as I pick up the meds. Another reason I hate having all of these meds scattered out with so many due dates. I can't keep track. :sEm_blush:


I also stopped by the doctors office to see if they can find a closer place to do that tilt table test. I explained the situation about driving downtown in that area. Navigating the interstates, parking and trying to find the correct building...alone. She totally agreed. She said the Metro campus is bigger and more confusing than the Cleveland Clinic campus. She said, "Geesh, you already have high blood pressure!" LOL. So hopefully I'll hear something back from them this week. 


I got most of the canning jars out of the dinning room and into the garage. That will make them more convenient to load up. I need to make more room in the garage to store packed up boxes next. There goes my parking space out there. I'm going to have to clear out the dinning room to make room for the contractor...whenever. They need to tear out the remaining floor in the living room and the dinning room. It's sort of one big area. When I get that cleared out I can finish up the family room and call in the junk man. 


It's hard to work in there alone. Things just go so much easier and faster when you have someone to talk to. Plus it's so dirty in there. Today I forgot to take my shorts and I over heated. I'm still resting up from last weekend. I don't bounce back as easily as I used to.  :rolleyes:

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Miki, so glad the surgery went well. Now for the healing. 


Jeepers, I don't think any of us old folks bounce back like they used to. I know I don't.  Went to get gas for car and filled up the 2 gas cans. Ouch. $89 to fill them all up. That will teach me to let car go down to almost empty. But I needed to put the gas treatment in tank and it needed to be almost empty. So good for a long time. Put the stabilizer in both the gas cans and have them in the garden shed. So back up to 3 full cans of gas again. That gives me 16 extra gals of gas when prices spike way up again. 

Started working on garage again but the sun came around back and it got to hot. So came in and worked on pantry. With GS here he went in there and really made a mess looking for things he wanted instead of asking where it was. So cleaning up and doing some much needed organizing in there. Hoping it will be easier to find things.  Tomorrow is another day, so garage in morning and when it gets hot in afternoon I will work in house. Watered the gardens a little while ago. Everything is looking good. But seems the cold weather has stunted the growth on a lot of things. It got up to 86* today. So hoping the warmer weather will help.  

I still have not turned on my air conditioner. Going to see how long I can go without it. For 86* today it was hot but not that bad. I haven't used heat or air now for almost 3 months. Loving the low utility bills. But it won't last. 

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Well, to day was better but still got the shakes when I was up and doing....  :sigh:  But I dug out the suitcase I'll use.  and it's getting full.  Did load of clothes to have certain things I'll need.  DH traveled for over an hour and half total....for a 10 minute pre-op appointment with the plastic surgeon.  Marked on his face where the main surgeon would likely cut.  He's gonna be sore for a while!  The doc does need to get it allll.


Oregon baby must have arrived cuz we're not hearing from the Grandma.....  :wub: 


MtRider....  :offtobed:  

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You might be right Mt. Rider.  Baby must have arrived. I'm sure grandma will be back to tell us about it after she cuddles with the baby a lot. :welcome4:  the new baby from all of us. Lots of spoiling to get done. 


Mt. Rider I hope you are feeling much better today. :pray: for the surgeon to get all of it and he recovers quickly.  Try to relax and take it easy for the trip to hospital Friday. :hug3:


Had light rain this morning so no working outside. But then things got worse. Air quality is way down due to the Canada fires. There is a smoky haze all over the place. So staying indoors today.  Gave kitchen a thorough cleaning this morning and getting things together to start canning. It feels good to have my kitchen back now that GS is living on his own. He really kept that kitchen in one huge mess. Hope he learns and does better at cleaning behind himself after he cooks. Not to mention his dirty and clean clothes all over the floor all mixed up. He will be here Sat. to wash his clothes. So that will be an every Sat. thing till he gets his apartment in August. I'm ok with that as if I have something that needs to be done he can help me with it. Just hope he is learning from his mistakes. 


Will be going back to work in pantry after my break. Guess old folks need an afternoon break these days. Ate lunch and just having a drink right now. 



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DH is doing fine with his dental work! Yay!
Walked first, of course.
Chauffeured my friend around our little town as we aren't going to the bigger one this week.
That's it. Taking it easier today!


We got 3" rain yesterday in about an hour.  It was much needed!  

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Miki,  I'm glad your DH is doing well from his dental surgery. 


Prayers still going out for Mt. Rider and her DH for his surgery on Friday for all to go well. 


Jeepers you have managed to get alot done at the house.  


I have been working on my pantry all day today. Took a couple of breaks. I haven't had a chance to get in there and really go through things and GS didn't help that situation. He had moved so much around looking for what he wanted that I am having to take almost everything off shelves and double check that oldest dates are in front and new dates are in back. Moving things around as well to make it easier for me to find things. Much better organized than before.  Checked the lids on all my canned goods and only found one jar of pickles that had popped. So not bad for only being one jar. Good reason to not keep the rings on canned food. I have put so much on the back burner the past 3 or 4 years that I need to get my seal a meal out and start jaring some things up. All are in date so will be good. Just have to either use mylar bags or the seal a meal for longer term. I am moving the canning jars out of pantry and on the shelves in garage. Once I start canning from the garden and freezers again I will need those shelves for the new jars of food. I have a different place to put those till the older food is used up. Then I can move all of the newer food to the shelving units. Just trying to get a hold on everything now from not doing it the past 3 or 4 years. I think they call that catch up time. I am going to have to slow down on canning after this year as the kids all used to come do their grocery shopping at my house and then bring the jars back. But now they are all in different states except for GS and the only thing for him would be the meat, peanut butter and jelly some mac and cheese and I think that would be about it for him. He is a very picky eater and will not touch a vegetable. Only lettuce, onions. And potatoes and rice.  He's  junk food addict.

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Glad MrMiki is doing well with dental!  :amen:   Little Sister you wear me out just reading all you get done in a day.  :dishes:  :shopping:  :dusting:...but it's great to havve your house back, right?  :amen:  


Well....until I got the suitcase packed and other things in order, I was having a nervous fit.  Inward....not bad outward except shaking hands.   I have that anyway but I knew this was just  ....wehavetogotomorrow...amIgoingtobeready?  :buttercup:  I always do that but this had more push to it.....cuz we ain't goin' on vacation.  :grinning-smiley-044:  God helped!  :amen:  


So tonite....we're pretty well set.  Dog stuff is gathered.  When we leave her here (rarely)  we leave a certain small dog rope/chew and a certain bone-like treat.  So we'll do that when we leave her tomorrow.  If the staff follows it, she'll get her teeth-cleaning "alligator" before bed  [ or whenever the staff leaves]  Some routines still in place.  {we're coming back for you...REALLY!}  :sigh:  


DH and I concur.  We'll be glad to see the backside of this one!!!  Certainly not as bad as it could be..... :amen: 


MtRider .... THANKS SO MUCH for prayers!  Hospitality House has WIFI so maybe I'll give progress reports...??

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Thank you everyone! Baby and Mama are doing well but wow what an ordeal to get there. Last weekend DD was having contractions 8-10 min apart and already at 2 cm so we all thought this might go smoothly. She had off and on contraction all week but still no baby so they set the induction date for 6/5 at 9 pm. We got to the hospital an she was still about the same as at her apt when they started the medication to ripen her cervix more. That started some nice contractions and then they added pitocin a few hours later and she got an epidural before that. My DD is deathly afraid of needles and her partner supported her beautifully through that part and then we had several hours of nice progress where she got to 9 cm at 11 in the morning. And that's when things started to get odd. She had a small cervical lip that just didn't want to budge so we tried all kinds of positions to get it to dilate. Baby seemed to be doing well, but was posterior (back to mama's back) and that can cause slower progress so we just thought that was the reason. It took her until 5 pm to get to be completely dilated and ready to push. Baby was still looking good and we tried everything but my poor daughter pushed 4 hours without being able to move baby past the pelvic bone so we made the call at 8:30 to do a c-section. She wanted me in the room instead of baby's dad so we went off to the OR and I got the birth on video for Dad. Baby was born at 9:09 pm 6/6 and healthy and cried right away which was a huge relief. I was up since 7 am on the 5th other than a few short cat naps of about 45 min total over the whole time.  So we were all very exhausted. I got them back to recovery and settled in and then went back to the hotel to sleep for 10 hrs. Back to the hospital today to meet baby. He's beautiful very alert and calm and nursing well. 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. 




Edited by Becca_Anne
Picture was blurry
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I’m sorry you all had to go through that difficult time but that little cutie is so worth it.  Congratulations to you ALL! 

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Congratulations @Becca_Anne!  New baby in the world!


Praying for you both @Mt_Rider!


And @Jeepers, Happy Happy Belated Birthday!!!


Will walk first.
Walk dogs.
Shovel out rain gutter across the street from storm a day ago. City doesn't get to it and I don't want overflow in my yard.
Find some hot sauce and jelly to take with when I get haircut at 1.
Bible study this evening.

Edited by snapshotmiki
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