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Well...whatever digging and pole poking DH did yesterday really opened up the pond to flow into the tunnel.  Since we haven't been able to reach down to clear the fencing on the intake pipe, I don't think any of it is going thru there.  So when I looked down at the pond and pasture where the water was backing up---- Oh!  It's back to normal levels.  Evening feeding, I got a look at it.  That must have been a huge WHOOOOSH when the pond was free to flow again! 


DH also had chopped out a trench thru the sod to drain the driveway puddles faster to the other side.  I've done that one every year that we get standing water.  Not this year.  His back hurts today tho. 


We're getting too old for this pioneer/farmer stuff.  Hmph.  But he got it done. 


MtRider ......  :scratchhead:   I think we insulted the beavers.  Haven't seen them for 2 days.....  ?

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Up at 5:30 to pull weeds in 2 small beds before the heat hit.  Out again about 1:00 pulling some in the bigger bed.  Nope, it's 86 degrees and the flies are biting.  Only lasted 45 minutes.  Early mornings are best! :laughkick:

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Woke up chilly, rainy day.  Snuggled in with the cats, knowing I had no place to be and nothing to do except feed critters today.  This is kind of nice, once in a while.

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Becca Anne I know you don't want the time to end that you are spending with that Grandbaby.  Enjoy the rest of your trip and stay safe. 


Mt. Rider, glad the water situation is being fixed and your driveway won't be flooding. 


Jeepers, hope you get things straight with the money soon. 


Today washed sheets and then switched out summer and winter clothes.  Going through some boxes that were in closet. Looks like another trip to Goodwill is in order.  There is so much stuff in the house and sheds and I haven't even touched on the sheds yet. DH never wanted to get rid of anything because he always thought there would be a good use for it later down the line. He was right on some things but this is just more than I can handle. So now it just has to go. DD and the grandkids will never want it and with 2 grandchildren on the west coast it would be to expensive to mail anything much to them. I just want the house cleaned out and fixed to be a more manageable place for my old age. 


Depending on weather tomorrow might be working in gardens. Will try to get an early start and then see where it goes from there. 


Granddaughter that lived with me for 4 months is moving back my way. Her DH will be getting out of boot camp and he will be stationed here. They are looking now for a place to live. So looks like I will get to see a lot of the new great grandbaby. 


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Sometimes it's a real balancing act isn't it Littlesister. We want to keep things for just in case like a prepper should, but then again we become so over run and overwhelmed with stuff that no one really wants. Including ourselves. BTDT. I've pitched  a multitude of stuff that I'll never even miss. Half of it I don't even remember now. Not to quote Marie Kondo (because I don't like her method) but if something I have doesn't bring me joy (ugh, I used that word) then it goes. My craftings and my Amish stuff and books and music does bring me joy and delights my soul so they stay. My kitchen appliances and gadgets stay and all of my medical stuff stays. The rest isn't going to clutter up my house anymore. Hopefully I can follow through with that plan. But it feels good to have a plan.


And all of those empty canning jars I talked about...I made a list the other night of all the things I want to can whenever I get moved and have a real kitchen and most of them are already spoken for. I can't wait to get started filling them up. I really miss popping off a lid of home canned soup. I eat a lot of that and it saves a ton of money at the grocery store just feeding one. 


It will be so exciting for you to have a new baby to snuggle and play with. Just DO NOT let them move in on you again. That's what their parents are for if they need assistance. You are the Grandma-Great. You  have earned the fun part.

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Jeepers, I know all to well about having to much stuff.  I had to laugh when I saw the picture of all your canning jars, TP and paper towels.  I think we are about even on those items. But those are a necessity. I plan to do a lot more canning. I had to redo the small bedroom so I can put what I can in there. I have filled that room up but it is for a good cause. 

And nope no kids are moving back in with me. They can visit but need to have their own place to live. That is why I am no longer having a guest bedroom.  When they were little, they stayed with DH and I a lot. Most weekends there was always a grandchild here. Sometimes we would have them for a week or more during the summer months. We enjoyed them so much back then but we could always send them home again for a break. They are all grown now and don't need to be living with grandma any longer. Seems as soon as they found out I was working on a guest bedroom it meant they could move in. 

I want the freedom now to come and go as I wish and not have to worry with cleaning up behind them. I can sit down and watch TV or watch a DVD, play music or whatever now with no interference from kids. Time to enjoy my freedom.

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Mt Rider so glad the beaver mess is draining. Hope they decide to go somewhere else so you don't have to deal with this ongoing!

Ambergris I'm glad you had a day of downtime you have had a constant adventure in the last few weeks!

Jeepers I hope you get to fill all those jars before it's cold enough to enjoy that soup!

Littlesister I'm sure it feels good to be making some progress on your house. 

Dee glad you are able to get some cooler time to work in the garden even if it's super early! That will be me when I get home


Today was my last day visiting and both my daughter and I were in tears saying goodbye. I just don't know how I will handle not being here all the time. My heart is happy and sad. Happy I got to come and sad I'll miss so much of his life.



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Becca, it is so hard not being with them.  I have grands and great grands (like 38? Some) scattered all over the US and Facebook picts and videos has been my heart ache saver.  Just having that random picture pop up on FB makes my day.   Not quite the same as snuggles but it helps. 

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Been working on a lot of stuff and moving things around in bathroom cabinets.  We are having thunderstorms now and under a tornado watch.  Haven't heard yet if the warnings have passed yet so thinking we are still under the threat. I have a lot of sample face wash, shampoos, conditioners and such. So I gathered them all together and put them in the top drawer of the main bathroom. When kids come in to visit or stay the weekend if coming from out of town. They can use the sample stuff in there. Need to start looking for den furniture soon. Then after the stuff in living room is out of there, I will start looking for living room furniture. Both couches' will have the fold out beds. So instead of a guest room, they can sleep in living room or den when they come into town to visit. It would make it easier on me and not so comfortable for them that they try to move in again. GD and her husband will be moving back here I think by first of the month or possibly sooner. Not sure yet when her DH has to report in. 

That makes it nice they will be living close to me as I will get to see the great grandbaby a lot more. So won't have to drive to where they are to see baby for at least 4 years. Then it will depend on where the Coast Guard sends them. 


Becca Anne,  enjoy the rest of your trip and the site seeing.  I know you live to far from your daughter but hopefully there will be lots of pictures sent your way and you can visit again in a few months. And maybe she came come visit with you also. 


Mother I know what you mean about your kids living all over the country. I have one in CA one in Washington state. DD and another grandson in NC though I think that Grandson is overseas right now. He is in the Army.  And for now a GD living in NC but soon to be moving back here and the other grandson that was living with me is still living here but now has his own place. He comes here to visit every Saturday and to wash his clothes till he gets settled into his apartment. He works Monday through Friday so not working weekends any longer and said he will be coming to visit every Sat. or Sun. and help me with garden. So hopefully he is starting to learn you can treat people the way he did and expect them to take it. I wasn't the only one he was treating badly so hoping he is now learning from his mistakes. 




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Becca_Ann, Face Time or what ever it is called is a good way to keep in close contact. And it's free. There are all kinds of different platforms but I don't know anything about them or what they are called. I'll bet you do though. My D-ex does it every week with G-son so he won't forget him. Kinda sad but a good alternative for keeping up.


I was at the house yesterday. I didn't mention it because I slept the entire time I was there. My bed is there and as soon as I sit on it I'm out like a light. Odd because the mattress isn't nearly as good as the hotel one. Must be the familiarity of home.  :sigh:


I went back today and got quite a bit done. I stayed off the bed.  :D  About 85% of the dining room is cleared out of stuff. I'm leaving the table and chairs and a bench in there. The reconstruction crew can move those around when they remove the rest of the floor. About 75% of the living room is cleared out of my stuff too. Except for furniture that I don't want. 1-800-GOTJUNK can help with that. Next will be to tackle the family room. Ugh, it's a mess. Most of the stuff from the kitchen, plus a whole lot more, is in there. It became a storage area for the demo crew. It had to go somewhere I suppose. It has to be cleaned up enough for the junk guys to get the old furniture out of there.


The next will be upstairs. It isn't horrible. But I really need to get stuff together that I want the junk guys to take. 


I need to make designated piles. Junk. Keep at the house. Donate. Take to Indy. I'm not sure where to store things that are waiting to go either to the junk men or to Indy. I end up moving things from one place to another and then back again. Seems like that's all I get done doing with no real purpose. Or stand and stare at stuff. There is progress but it's often hard to see. I'm sure no one else would notice anything I've done. At least the weather is cool so I haven't had to worry about over heating and passing out. 


The final stage will be the garage. I'm storing some stuff out there so it will be easy for son to load up . You saw the canning jars and paper products. But I still need room to park the car in there and out of view of that $%%^ nosy neighbor. Not too much I can do out there right now because the demo guys parked the kitchen countertop right in front of the area that needs cleaned out. So I guess I'm going to have to call the junk guys out two different times. Which will cost me even more money. 


Oh, forgot about the garage attic. Ya know, the more room you have, the more you will fill it up. :misc-smiley-231:

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Still working on the reorganizing.  GS should be here later today or tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping he comes today.  He is going to help me move some heavy things and I need to empty the bookcase in hall and move that out of way soon so GD and her DH can get the bedroom suit out of that bedroom. I am sure DD and SIL will be here to help also. Then they will be back middle of August to help GS to move into his apartment. That will finish getting all the furniture out of house that I am giving to the kids. So the only furniture I will have left to get rid of is a couch and loveseat. But that won't go till I get new den furniture. I have a lot of bottles of shampoos and conditioners. Some left here from kids moving in and out from DD to all the Grandchildren. The closet is full of that stuff and I don't use it. So trying to figure out what to do with it all. It is taking up space in hall closet that I need for other things. I am open for any suggestions on rather to just box it up and put in garage, pitch it in trash or find someone that might want it. Which I had already tried finding a source for someone that might need it with no luck. Kids don't want it back. So I guess I am the collect all of what they don't want and that has already come to a stop. I know with things getting bad around the world and prices going way up, that maybe I should keep it but I can't use a lot of that type of shampoos and such. 

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8 hours ago, Littlesister said:

maybe I should keep it but I can't use a lot of that type of shampoos and such. 

Have you considered putting it in boxes on the drive out near the street with a big ‘free’ sign.  If it isn’t taken it will at least be boxed up for you to donate it somewhere, perhaps at a homeless shelter.  Or to trash it if you decide.  You at least tried to help someone that way.  It’s really good of you to think of others, Little Sister. 

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I had a ton of free samples from my D-ex while he had to travel. He had to travel a lot. I had a huge box of soaps, conditioners, mouth wash, lotion and shampoo etc. All the free stuff you get at hotels. I took it all to an Amish birthing center in Mt. Eaton, Ohio. I got permission from the front desk to leave it. I gave them my name, address and phone number in case they thought it was a stunt of some kind. I had a sign ready saying it was free and to help yourself. Later they sent a note thanking me for it and said it was a big hit and very much appreciated. Gave me the warm fuzzies. 


A women's shelter is a good idea too. Our church used to give a lot to them. Of course their location was a secret so the church had to deliver things. I went with the pastor one time to deliver toys at Christmas. You would never have guessed it was a battered women's shelter. From the outside it looked like a regular office building. A lot of children were there when I went.  Sigh.  I could only go to the lobby area while the pastor took the toys on back. I didn't leave there feeling so great.  :(

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Jeepers and Mother our church used to do things like the women's shelters but I am not sure since covid and the church shut down that they are still doing it. I am trying to get hold of the lady that was in charge of doing that stuff from church. Our church is just getting back on its feet from the closure and a new pastor. 


Went through some more stuff today. And then GS came over to wash clothes. Took him to get haircut and he got it all chopped off. It looks so much better.  He said he is coming out of his depression so I think I have been influencing him and it's working.  He has now stopped smoking pot.  I saw a huge difference in him today and he is even coming back over tomorrow to go to my next door neighbors birthday party. Yeah that will be interesting as his boss will be their also. He needs to get out to be around people.  He used to cut grass for my neighbor and he would let him get in the pool to cool off after cutting the grass. 

That pot really did a number on him as he was hell on wheels when he was high. So I think he has had time to think about a lot of things and how that pot made him treat people. The change is good and I hope it keeps going in that direction.  I actually saw some of my old grandson come out today and all for the good. 

Edited by Littlesister
hit the dots by accident
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Thank you Mother Yes I hope to use video chat to keep in touch. We already did one yesterday so she could show baby to her aunt's family and my DH's parents. I hope to set up a weekly chat and include everyone so we can all visit more often. Today we went to visit our 2nd child who lives in the area and went out for lunch which was nice. I only get to see them once a year or so but it's always a treat. So fitting a lot into this trip. My nieces are getting so tall and growing up and I'm glad Ben gets to spend so much time with them while I work next week. 


Littlesister glad your Grandson is learning from his experience. I hope he stays on the right track.

Jeepers I'm sure it's very overwhelming sorting through everything without a lot of say of what got put where. Makes it confusing I am sure to figure out what is left and what still needs sorted. I think it would help if you designate one room for each category but then you're moving things around a lot Working on one room at a time can help. I try to sort in categories- all the papers (gather and sort once boxed up), clothing, mementoes, books, furniture, etc . It's a bit like moving only you don't have to box up everything.

Edited by Becca_Anne
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Ugh, I hate early mornings.  We had to race to arrive for my ride at 8:30am.  Who gets up that early?  (someone without sleep issues from the night before....  )   No, I actually slept well but ....moving around getting ready.  :imoksmiley:  It's enough to make me consider coffee!  :yuk:   I was the only rider that early.  Sheesh, wrangler and I should have communicated and we both could have had more sleep.  But it sure did me some good to ride after not riding the past 2 wks.  And will be 2 wks again cuz of other stuff in the way. 


I had to take an hour nap by 1pm tho.   I'm heading for bed on time tonite.  "on time" means anything before midnight.  :shrug:  Better than 2 or 3 AM. 


My mom is doing very well right now.  She goes off to have fun/shopping/sight-seeing with her home health aide.  Her BP is finally staying in a decent range with the change of meds.  :amen: 


We have zero change of wildfires....rains every day.  No beavers so yeah, they went off in a huff with the slap of the tail.  :shrug:     I enjoyed them until they began to restructure the pond more to their liking.  :rolleyes:  Repair to all that can't begin with this much water saturation vs heavy digging equipment. 


Electric repair can't be completed until electrician is well again.  :pray:  Oh well, we've gotten used to our adaptions...


MtRider  .. :offtobed:  

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Littlesister and Jeepers, I admire you for getting organized.  I wish I could emulate you better.  I am trying but it seems like an impossible task. LIttlesister  hope your GS continues to improve. BeccaAnne I am so glad you got to spend so much time with your family. It's tough to leave the babies.


Today will be our hottest day yet but it's not that bad for this time of year.  It is supposed to cool down for the next few days so I will be turning off the a/c. Hopefully, it will help keep the electric bill down. They keep predicting rain but it is still fairly dry.  I don't have a single vegetable plant this year so nothing to water. The weeds are going great without much rain!


MtRider I get up early most days but it takes me awhile to get moving!  I putter around with internet and tea alot in the am.


Hope ya'll have a great Sunday.

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Well, GS and I was suppose to go to my next door neighbor's birthday party. She called me this morning and said she was having so many issues with her GD that she cancelled it.  She kicked her out of the house and told her she can't come back. Called her DD and told her how she was acting and to come get her.  She was so upset she said she just couldn't do the party for her DH. This Gchile is 18 years old, was kicked out of school for hitting a girl and the parents took her to court.  She has since hit another girl and is facing court charges for that one also. Seems teenagers today are so different from when we raised our kids. At least my GS didn't get in trouble with the police and tied up in court.  So I have a free day all day today. 


Went out and did some gardening earlier and then it got to hot. So will try again later to at least finish up the big garden. Otherwise it's just been a lazy day for me. Can't get myself moving to do much in house today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day with more energy. 

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I've been  too busy. Like a whirlwind!  I can see I'm not the only one, either. 

My laptop is  down and it's difficult to  text  replies  on my phone. Trying to  catch up, but i can't  do much more. 

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Momo, trust me Hun, you don't want to HAVE to get organized. I wouldn't be nearly this far along if I hadn't gotten a shove from "the epic flood"  LOL


I would like to get things into one room. It's a great idea. But every single room has major repair or the floor re-installed. I thought about one room that only needs the carpet replaced but it's upstairs in the smallest bedroom. I'm not carrying boxes upstairs that son and I will have to take back downstairs to load up. The other spare bedroom, I can't even get into because demo guys left bathroom vanities in there. They take up the entire entrance to the room. It's full of my stuff but I can't get in there. And the floor is ripped out anyway.  Every single floor in that house has to be replaced. Only one still has the carpet but it will have to go too. It's daunting 


They overnighted the check to California. It took two days to overnight it. Now I have to wait for them to do what ever they think they have to do and send it back to me so I can take it to their local bank to get signed and then to my bank to deposit it and probably wait 7-10 days while they put a hold on it.  It's all too much. That is MY money. I paid for it for 33 years worth of insurance payments. It does not belong to Bank Of America. It's mine. The check is worth more than the mortgage.


I was going to go back to BOA tomorrow and have a hissy fit but it's another made up holiday...Juneteenth and they will be closed. 


I was also going to the doctors office to find out why I haven't heard anything about a mammogram order or a tilt table test order. Did he even submit them? I don't call the switchboard any more. I go in and face them.  Jeepers serious face => :angry:

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I have a good way to organize. Get a shovel and start pitching. Just kidding. But I am loading up the car again tomorrow for Good Will. I decided if I haven't used it in a year, I'm never going to use it. So out it goes. 


Worked on garden a little bit more but still hot outside. But sun is going down a bit now. Only thing is my get up and go got up and went.  


Jeepers that is crazy what you are going through to get that check into your account so you can get the work on house started. 


Momo, I am organizing because I had everything packed up because of the construction on house. Not quite what Jeepers is going through but had to empty some closets, bedroom, both bathrooms, and kitchen cabinets and box everything up. Had things piled up in living room, front bedroom and garage. I decided that since it is just me living here now, I don't need all this stuff. 

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47 minutes ago, Littlesister said:

I have a good way to organize. Get a shovel and start pitching.  

LOL. I've seen them do that on those hoarding shows!  I'm probably not strong enough to lift a shovel full. They had those great big shovels like farmers use. Something like a grain shovel. 


I just got off the phone with son. He mentioned about coming back this next week end. I'm not really ready as far as packing stuff up and I hate for them to make that trip that soon again. He said they would come again at the end of July too. They are getting excited for me to get over there again...free babysitter  LOL.  I'm thankful for the help BUT it is so expensive for me when they come. I pay for everything, of course, because it is my responsibility. But the hotel for two nights is $375.00  and gas was $300.00. Plus eats etc. Worth every penny but I would have liked to have stretched it out a little farther apart. Not really complaining. Just thinking about it. Definitely not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Much cheaper than a moving crew too. Just wish the expense wasn't all in one month. He did have the thought about it starting to get too hot to be out there working loading up and moving boxes in the summer heat. True. Oh, and I know I'm not the draw to get back over here. It's that indoor heated pool at the hotel. Son, DIL and especially G-son LOVED it. :008Laughing: 


Guess I need to get the lead out and do more sorting and packing right away. Sigh.

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Jeepers, I have seen those hoarder shows also. I can't believe people live like that.  You are going to have a very busy week coming up. Just don't overdo it to the point you tire yourself out to much. Remember to take some breaks. 


Just got back from neighbor's house. She didn't have the party but did buy a cake for her DH's birthday and called me to come over for cake. I worry about those two. He looks really bad and she is having a lot of medical issues also. And now a GD that is really giving her a hard time.   I'm just glad I got mine GS straight. Or at least I hope so. He seems to be trying now to do better.



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It didn't rain today...  :runcirclsmiley2:  Is it the start of Wildfire Season???????   :grinning-smiley-044:  We still have rain in the forcast this week. 


Walked the dog to the flag today.  That's 4/10ths of a mile and 3/10ths back ...cuz we catch the car ride up to the house again.  DH is feeding/putting up the ducks while we walk.  This is the first time I've been able to reasonably walk that far since ....last year.  Wow...that took long enough!  Red pill vs MS.  :shrug: 


Talked to daughters.  DD2/SIL are flying with their high school senior (this fall) to prospective college event next week.  Busy! 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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