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Seems like stamps just went up. 


Jeepers, Your house will be back together before you know it now that everything is ready to go. Looks like my house after the construction was done. Den had no walls as when they took down the panelling there was no wall board. So they had to sheet rock it. Bathrooms were the same. After they took out all that tile they had to replace the sheetrock with waterproof sheetrock. 


Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July.  GS came over and we had a cookout and then later taught him how to cook raw spanish peanuts. Fixed ribs on grill, corn on cob, baked beans and garlic bread and watermelon. 

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Stamps went up!  Yikes!  Darn it….  Wow….  I use a lot…. I don’t like bill bay on line, I mail my checks & business paperwork.  Sigh…:sigh:  Last batch I got was, .60¢  forever stamps …  :tapfoot:

Glad your GS is doing well, Littlesister.

Rice cooker corn bread, Ambergris?  I don’t have one! Usually cook it in the oven…. 

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Good easy videos. When I see people bending forward while walking it makes me notice that I'm doing it too. Same when I see a woman with a dowager's hump. I don't have one but it makes me straighten up. When I was going to P.T. they said my shoulders were nearly up to my ears. I try to pay attention to that now.


The only thing wrong with the videos is that 'your' Daniel isn't demonstrating them. :D

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Jeepers, I see myself in the mirrors, in the house or the reflection, in the windows or on the vehicles.  DH is mentioning he notices.. .. :sigh:  so I’ve been acutely aware…but when I have done too much the day before…I really don’t notice…until I see my reflection,  :sigh:    Sigh…. Sucks to get old….

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Ha!  Darlene thinks I’m young.. .  Meh..what she don’t know…. Because I am still waiting for my hair to turn white…. Good grief, do I need to turn 90 before it changes?   :008Laughing:

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I hear ya. I notice it about me when I see other people bent over. I immediately straighten up. When I see my reflection, I can't believe it's me. In my mind, I don't think I look like that. I'm real purdy in my mind...but reality sucks. :D


I'm 71 and still only have a few gray hairs on the top of my head. It looks more like I have it highlighted. I'm sure people think I dye my hair. 

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Very busy, yesterday. Mostly at Church and with organizing Church stuff.


Walked first, this morning.
Going to help my friend in town for a couple of hours this morning.
Prepping carrots, sweet potatoes and hamburger meat for making dog food later this afternoon. It will cook overnight and get pressure canned tomorrow.
Need to pick jalapenos today and maybe weed at Church flower bed.

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Worked out in garage for a while this morning.  Cleaned off most of one shelving unit and moved my canning jars on one of the shelves. I think that will work much better.  

Then dusted some and cleaned floors. Moved the rest of the canned water into pantry from under bed. 

Got a text from DD today. She will be here tomorrow. Seems GD and GS are fighting over one of the dresser's I am giving to GD. I told GS he could have one of the dressers several weeks ago before I told GD she could have the bedroom suit minus one dresser. She was ok with that till they rented a house. And now GD wants both of them. I am not getting involved but DD said she told GS she would buy him a dresser. So will see what happens. 

GD will be moving into her house on Aug. 1st. So she is not getting the bedroom suit out till then. So now I have to wait a few more weeks before I can get the rest of house back together again. DD thinks GS will lose his apartment within a few months of moving into it. At the rate he is spending money right now she could be right. So she thinks both dressers should go to GD because if he gets kicked out of his apartment, they could dump his things on the street. I just hope he stops spending and saves money. Either way he will not be moving back into my house. I love him but not going through all that mess again. And I want my house back. I have housed and stored all their stuff way to long. This is not a AAA storage unit. I have stored everything from my DD to every one of 4 out of 5 grandchildren. I decided enough is enough. They all now have their own places to live and to store their own stuff they don't seem to really want but don't want to get rid of. So I have decided they will either store it in their own house or get rid of it. It's no longer coming here. I can't clean my house with all the stuff they drop off here. Getting closets cleaned out and only my things will be in them from now on. I am doing some big time down sizing of not just furniture but a lot of linen, and kitchen items I no longer use. Plus a lot more. Still need to get into the shed before it gets much hotter. Temps in the low 90's and cooler nights.  Have had rain again last night and some sprinkling a bit earlier this evening.  

Not sure yet why DD is coming in tomorrow. I thought she was coming in when GD got her house and then in August when GS gets his apartment. GS also will be here to wash clothes. Going to be a busy day with kids tomorrow. 

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Had my mammogram today. I thought about Annarchy the entire time. In a sisterly way. I know she had a tough time with hers. I couldn't believe it. I was in and out of the building in about a half an hour. She mentioned gene testing but I think I'm too old for that now. The test was so different from what I remember, which wasn't bad then. I barely felt a thing! There was a some pressure but no pinching and no squeezing. I even asked her if it was a new type of machine or if they were doing something differently. Nope. Same old, same old. As I left I told her she was awesome. And she was. The only hard part was holding my breath while she took picture. I couldn't do it. I told her I couldn't so they may know to look for it. I took a deep breath but had to let it out slowly through my mouth. It will take about two week to get results because they need to get the old ones from the other system I was in to compare them. I hate the waiting. That's the worst part for me. :pray:


I notice I have a distinct line under both arms where lymph nodes run. I'm hoping it is just from my arms not being toned. Crimony. :sigh:


Wal-Mart is right down the road so I stopped in. I added a couple more things to my medical supplies that I'm trying to build back up. Between Wal-Mart, Meijers and Amazon I just about have it. I got some RID for lice. NO, I don't have it but G-son is in school and they already had one scare. I also found something for pinworms. Don't have that either but who knows what the future may hold.  :animal0017:   I found something called SilveX wound stuff for bacteria. I already have the colloidal silver but it's very old so in the mean time I have this. And they have activated charcoal capsules so I picked up a bottle of those. As you can tell, I'm down to the weird stuff on the list. 


I went in the pet store to get some of that blood stop stuff in case you clip the dogs nails too short. I wanted the pet stuff because it has benzocaine in it for pain relief. They had a couple of other items that I found interesting. One was some sort of honey mixed with something else to use as a salve. I can't remember what it was now. And they have CBD stuff for dogs now. If I had more time I would have look at what all they had. Another time. My funds are running low. 


Swung by the Dollar Tree. I was looking for med stuff but I already have the basics. I also wanted some flavorings to add to water. They are a lot less expensive there than at the grocery store! I picked up 2 Ramen noodle bowls. I forgot about those. Easy to fix in the microwave here. I usually only eat one every other month or so but now I have two meals. They have Boost nutrition drink by the bottle there too for $1.25. I need to check out what I pay for it by the case to see which is less expensive. That store was so hot inside! I'm sure they had the air on but you couldn't tell it. It was in the low 80's today and it felt like air conditioning outside when I walked out of the store. Sheeesh. I told the cashier that I was glad they let him have a fan on himself while working. I thought he might say something about the heat in there but he didn't. I didn't want to put him on the spot by asking about it.


Insurance didn't return my call yesterday. There's a shock. They need to email BOA some more information. My new adjustor is no longer there so I'm on to number three. I figured it out. If they don't return your call, you have a new one. I went from Tim to Lucas to now Kevin. :rolleyes: 


I also talked to my Project Manager to tell him I had the junk guy out there. He said he is running the numbers by his manager to figure out the cost and how much they can allot to materials. No one can make a decision on their own. No one. Everyone has a manager they have to answer to. I'd like to know who that "manager" is to get him on the ball. He also said he has applied for permits. :0327: I forgot about permits. More wasted time I'll betcha. 

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Wow Jeepers, it never ends with those people. Wonder why the permits. I didn't need permits for anything I had done because it was all inside the house. Only time I would need a permit is when I am doing things outside the house other than the shingles on roof. Had to have one for the driveway demo. That was a mess. Did that in 2019 as my driveway caved in. 2 huge sinkholes. I have a very large driveway and then some. Maybe it is because of insurance paying for it or it is different in every state.

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A lot of it probably has to do with completely rewiring the house and replumbing it all. We do have very strict codes here. I'm glad it will be inspected though. It probably wouldn't sell very well if the new people didn't see all of the codes in place and know that there are no safety violations. I just hope there aren't the usual delays that I've heard about with permits.  :sigh:

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Lets hope all goes well with the permits.  I had my fuse box replaced a few years ago to the newer type. Had a master electrician do the job and no permit was needed and it is still under warranty. When I was having the bathrooms redone. The pipes in wall were corroded. They were cast iron. They have all been replaced with PVC pipe and still no permit was needed. All done by lic. professional plumbers and all under warranty. No permit. The company that did the remodel had an inspection before the new walls went up.  

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Walked first, this morning.
Tried to call my friend who doesn't drive, but went straight to voicemail. I went to do a welfare check and she had run out of minutes for her phone. Took her to local grocery.
I have the first run of 14 quarts of dog food in pressure canners. I may have 2 more full canners before I'm done.
Went out and picked jalapenos, dug up potato plants that looked like they were dying- not even one potato. Dug up parsley that was on it's last leg.
It's still lower to mid 90's here, so not much more outside today.

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Permitting is different depending on where you live. In some places you only have to pull permits on work done outside or that adds on space, others you have to do it for existing spaces. Here we only have to do outside work or adding square footage thankfully. 


Miki glad you were able to help your friend

Jeepers I hope they can do the project within budget with materials that help you sell your house for the best price. 

Littlesister hope you have a nice visit with your GD.


Today I went to quilt guild we had a great time. Played Christmas in July Bingo with bingo blocks we made and brought to the meeting. And my new electric pressure canner arrived so I'm excited to learn how to use it. I've never pressure canned before so this will be a great addition to my prepping

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My area is very strict in enforcing housing codes. They don't want someone's house catching on fire and taking out a neighbors house in the process. And they want to make sure Uncle Jack didn't do shoddy work on the cheap as a side gig. Also, anyone around here knows that if major work is done on a house there will be permits to prove it is up to code. It will help in the resale of the house in the long run. And I won't be held responsible if something goes wrong. I'm glad it will be professionally inspected. I just don't want it to take forever. 

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Becca Anne, once you learn to can it will be easy and you will be hooked. 


GD and SIL got here around 11 am. SIL went to check on his parents and help them with some things and took them to grocery store. GS had not gotten here yet and sent text that he would be here around 2 pm. Told DD that that means he will be here around 3:30 and that is when he showed up.  So DD and I went shopping to a couple of small shops looking for baby things and then stopped off and got some dinner. We bought that home to eat just as GS got here. So we ate and sat around just having a good old time and then GS started having bad stomach pain. It kept getting worse and DD said he was doing his drama. They left to go home and he wasn't getting any better. So took him to ER. He has a UTI, dehydrated and a kidney stone. So much for drama. But that is how DD has always been with the kids. They get sick and they get ok you will live get over it.  GS is staying with me tonight. They gave him codeine in hospital twice and before leaving they gave him IV antibiotic, a different pain med, flomax to help him go to bathroom more to pass the stone and another med. He's not hurting right now. But I had to laugh when he called and told his mother he was having a baby and it was going to be a boy. Then he told her about the kidney stone. They say they are much worse on men than women. Poor child was doubled over. When they called for him to come back into the ER he told them he wanted me in there with him. So I sat back in there with him. This child is 21 years old and wanted grandma to stay with him. That was funny. I think he was a bit scared that something really bad was wrong with him. This is bad enough. We got out of the ER a little after 10 pm and I am tired but just can't sleep. Fixed GS a light dinner and then cleaned up. Guess I just need time to wind down before going to bed. 

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I feel so bad for your G-son. Kidney stones are one of the most painful things to deal with. I've had them and D-ex has had them. It put the X on the floor from pain. Poor guy had to be hospitalized and it took a week to recover because of the meds he had to take. The med (don't remember what it was) was paralyzing his intestines. He was a mess. I was young when I had mine so who knows why. But D-ex is still athletic and is an avid jogger. He doesn't pay attention and becomes dehydrated. My UTI's are most likely from dehydration too. Anyway, I feel for him. I think it is worse for men because their 'plumbing' is longer than ours. The stone has a longer route to travel before it reaches freedom. :D 

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Yesterday, we make a 1200 mile road trip to drop off the teen for summer.  We drove to Lenoir City, TN (basically Knoxville,) traded the teen who is continuing on to Northwest Arkansas, and we turned around and came home.  We are super tired and the baby is sad about missing DD15. We will repeat the trip in about 2 months.  I am not looking forward to it.  


The plan for today is to see how lazy we can be. 

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I'm being lazy today too but I don't have any excuses.


I discovered that I can listen to the words in a Word document on the computer. I don't know how to change the voice but it doesn't matter because the one I have is pleasant. 


I gripe about AI (artificial intellengence) but I find myself using it a lot lately. First I took an old black and white photo and cleaned it up and had it auto colorized by AI. Now I'm listening to a Word document by an AI speaker.  Am I being indoctrinated? I hope not.  :(

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PocketBooks app for your phone will read aloud any book document it can open.  It is a very flat tone, but any book can now be an audiobook using pocketbooks.  It is free and I've used it for years.  

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I am so tired right now I don't know if I am coming or going. GS is still having pain and wants pain meds like clock work. Nope every 6 hours. As it is a narcotic. He can take Ibuprofen or tylenol in between.  I got him drinking a lot more water finally. Hoping right now he is settling down again. this is going to be a long week. Hope the kidney doctor calls tomorrow. 

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:runcirclsmiley2:  I'm WAY late for bed and have P.T. and Cognitive appts. tomorrow.  But I haven't been here so stopped by to say :hi:


Wow...GS and LittleSister are having harsh times.  :pray: 


Glad your exam went well, Jeepers! 


We're doing fine and my low back stuff is greatly improved.  Not doing anything in P.T. to aggravate it.  AND I get to graduate from that cuz I finally was able to do the whole Mile walking dog.  :amen:    Cognitive....likely do another round.  Don't see much progress....tho I didn't do all the pile of homework he assigned.  Couldn't sit with my low back issues.  { lol  excuses for homework at my age...} 


We are finally HOT!  :knary:   93*  today.  Glad the electric is finally fixed so the LR ceiling fan can be on.  But we do cool down drastically every evening. 


Got ears tested.  Yeah....not much hearing in the upper tones at all.  Moderate loss in medium.  Not really any loss in low tones.  Not sure how that turns out in the real world.  Yemmmini!  Hearing aids are $$$$$$.


MtRider :offtobed:   finally cooled down in house! 

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