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Awww, Ben was just trying to help mom clean up that mess she made.  :008Laughing:


Becca_Anne, sorry you had carpet issues too. I have seen carpet in houses where they cut a small strip at the doorway to piece it together. Very noticeable. It never dawned on me until now that I'm going to have to watch out when they lay carpet at the house. Alot is going to be going in there. The old carpet was nearly seamless. That was when people took pride in their work. 


Not much on my agenda for the next couple of days. I hope.  :D


Well, what a revolting development I had! I misread the tracking email from Amazon. My Stones CD is scheduled to arrive OCT. 20th. not Sept. 20th. How can that be. If I find it locally I'll buy it and cancel the order. Mick and Keith had better get their act together too!  :pout:  Like I don't have enough issues! :D

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Yesterday, walked first, then was in town more than half the day with my friend. Dealing with hospital bills and then Aldi.
Had to order dry dog food for the little girls as TSC hasn't had it for over a month. Got it ship to store so I don't have to pay extra. Then we went to lunch at Arby's. That was good, but not something I can do often.
Today, walked first, then walked dogs.
Dealt with more insurance stuff over the phone.
Next on my list is to decorate my front porch for Fall in the hopes that it will show up! Still hot and no rain, here.
Still haven't made the crockpot bread, maybe tomorrow!

Sorry about your son's carpet issues @Jeepers!

I hope you get to slow down @Becca_Anne.

And where is Mt Rider?

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Yes, Ben was just helping with the mess. 


Jeepers, hope your GS gets well soon. 


Miki, it's nice to be able to help your friend. I am sure she appreciates it. 


We are getting hit with cyclone 16. Heavy rain and wind starting today through the weekend. Went to store for a few things. Onions and fresh fruit mostly. Picked up a few things for GS till he gets his EPT card also for his lunch to take with him for work. Store was slammed packed. You would have thought it was Thanksgiving or something. Had to park way back near end of parking lot. That is unusual to have to park that far away. 

GS is staying here over weekend. He is in or very near a flood zone. He won't be able to get out of there to go to work if he stays at apartment. They will more than likely open the parking garages this weekend for free parking for all in the flood zone people that live around those areas. 

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Abby-girl is aging gracefully.  A bit slow getting up, but vet gives her a pretty good bill of health.  She's seeing, peeing, pooping, eating and drinking...weight stable...pretty good for 11 years old!

We have gotten debt free...feels so gooood! Still have 2 houses to get sold, but it will come.  We're trying to "smell the roses" as we go on with life.  This world is so full of instability.  We enjoy our church get together's on Sunday mornings.  Only a handful of us, but ... where 2 or 3 are gathered together! I'm very healthy, only needing thyroid meds and hubby's stabilized.  He's losing weight ... and I think I'm trying to find it!  Started taking a bit of Apple Cider Vinegar to help.  

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Wonderful to see you We2! Glad everything is going well for the 3 of you. Love Miss Abby-Girl. Always have.   

Congrats on getting debt free!!!  And yes, the world has gone crazy. 


Miki, I like Arby's too. They have a good turkey, bacon and ranch sandwich. It comes on thick slices of bread instead of a bun. I can hardly afford to eat out any more. I remember when a foot long subway was $5.00. "Five dollar foot long." Not any more. I about choked when I got a 6 in. sandwich and a large drink last week. Right at $11.00 it was. Two weeks ago I got a large Pappa John pepperoni pizza. $21.00! DIL hates Pappa John so when she orders pizza, which is good, but it just makes me crave real pizza sauce and cheese even more. Kinda hard right now being I have no real way to cook. I'm about burned out on microwave stuff. Sigh. Can't wait until I can can some real food next summer. 


Stay safe from the flooding Littlesister! :hug3:


I talked to my Project Manager on the phone today about paint. When we hung up I said, "Love ya"  Crimony! :misc-smiley-231:    I'm so used to saying it to D-ex, DIL, Son and G-son that it just comes out naturally. I've said it to people on the phone paying my bills, the lawn guy, the bank people and just about anyone else I talk to. Please tell me I'm not the only one. Dammit. So, I texted him and said I'm so used to saying "love ya" to my family that it's automatic and to not take it personal. He texted back saying no problem, he gets it. I didn't want to leave that out there because it will probably happen again. I can be a real beauty sometimes often. Sigh. 


Today is my baby's birthday. Happy Birthday Jeepers Jr.  :wub:



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Glad you are doing great and Abby girl is doing well also We2. I know that is a load off your shoulders to be debt free now. 


I have been going through my material as GS helped me get 2 of the boxes out of the shed. Not sure if I have more out there. But will try to get to the back of the shed soon. I have so much stuff to go through and get rid of. Old bedspreads and so much more. Books are packed up out there also that I need to go through. Not sure where I will put those books if I bring them back into the house as my bookcases are now full. So will need to figure all that out at a later date. 


Jeepers I was thinking that serve pro was still working on your house, didn't think of the contractors being a different company. 

GS is staying here for now as where he lives was all flooded out. He is on the second floor so the apartment will be fine but parking and such will be an issue for him. He will go back home after this storm is over. Where I am we have had some heavy rain, and the wind has been blowing but not really that bad yet. Will see what tonight and tomorrow will bring. 

Edited by Littlesister
Just added a couple of things to post
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ServPro were just the demolition guys. They were there for about 3 weeks this winter tearing everything out. I'm with a construction company now so they can, hopefully, put it all back together again. So far the drywall guys are doing a good job. Most of the drywall is up now. A finisher has to come in this week. I guess his job is to sand all of the spackling down smooth and get it ready to paint. I'm going cream color so they will only have to use one coat. One coat is all State Farm allotted for. Plus it will be neutral all through the house. Personally, I would have gone with a gray color but I want the thing to sell without sinking even more money into it. Subfloors are in and what a difference already. I can walk in there without the threat of falling through the floor. It was that bad.


Just talked to son. G-son is over his virus already. Whippersnappers bounce back fast. 

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Jeepers sounds like they are really making great progress on your house now. 

Littlesister hope the storm doesn't flood too badly. 

WE2 good to hear from you sounds like you're doing great!

Miki I'm with you on the porch decorating. Hoping to pick up some mums and decorative Pumpkins then next few weeks and call in fall with my decor :wub:  I am over the heat


This week flew by, garden is still producing tomatoes, peppers and now eggplant I have two that are growing nicely. I had given up on them since I have had blossoms for a month but no fruit until this week. I also harvested some celery. The stalks are very tiny but I chopped up 2 bunches and the leaves will be good for soup. I am going to let the rest go a bit longer before harvesting it. My back is feeling a lot better but still babying it a bit. I plan to read and crochet this weekend, might go to the farmers market tomorrow.

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I got my little front porch decorated for Fall yesterday, except I need 2 pumpkins.
Walked first this morning.
Went to Church and started picking up trash out of the parking lot and grounds by myself. A friend showed up and helped. We got it done in an hour. I'm so thankful for my friend!
Came home and cleaned up brush out of front yard and swept shed out.
I don't have anything else on my list except to water the roses this evening.
I'm kind of pooped!


17 hours ago, Jeepers said:

When we hung up I said, "Love ya" 

I'm guessing that you didn't say that to the landscape guy!


15 hours ago, Becca_Anne said:

Miki I'm with you on the porch decorating. Hoping to pick up some mums and decorative Pumpkins then next few weeks and call in fall with my decor :wub:  I am over the heat

Me too!  I will post a photo after I get pumpkins.


Stay safe @Littlesister

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Did a lot of work on getting things put away where I wanted this morning. The storm is over. No flooding in my area but in GS's area it was bad. He couldn't get home through all the mess over there in Norfolk so turned around and came here. He has a very early doctor's appointment on Monday, and he is going to church with me in the morning. Then we will have lunch and he will be heading back home. Hoping he will continue to go to church with me. He needs that. Seems he is calming down again now. Don't know why he acts like he does and then later acts like nothing happened. But he has found out GM is not putting up with it and he best behave. 


Got floors mopped in kitchen and den and went through what material I was able to get out of shed. Not sure if anymore is in there or not. But I do have some for Euphasyne. Will PM her in a bit. 

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20 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Subfloors are in and what a difference already. I can walk in there without the threat of falling through the floor. It was that bad.


This brings up a very bad memory for me. :blush:

We were renting a house where the homeowner (the wife) had done some repairs and finishing work by herself. The kitchen and the dining room were one long space "separated" by the sliding glass door and the step down into the family room across from it. The cabinets made an "L shape" which create the break for the room at the other end of the kitchen and terminated with a built in dishwasher near the sliding glass door. The flooring in this area consisted of 10" x "10 tiles.

There was one rather small area where the tiles kept cracking and falling apart creating a bit of a "trip hazard" and she replaced those tiles with leftover pieces that had been stored in the entry way closet. For most of the time that we lived there we did not have a very large dining room table and so that area of flooring was not "covered" by it, and it was a high traffic area.

Thing of it is, that one section of tile kept on breaking! It hadn't been "broken" when we moved in, and it broke a few times while we were living there. I was convinced that I was too heavy for the flooring and that is why it kept breaking. :( I finally decided to "just live with it" which was easier to do after my DH passed away and I used some of the insurance money to buy a larger table which covered it and necessited walking around it, thus blocking those tiles from being walked on.

Well, one day I discovered that the dishwasher had been leaking and had soaked the floor under it and out into the dining room area. The full extent of the water damaged area wasn't revealed until the plumbers got there to remove it and noticed how much of the subfloor had gotten wet and needed to be replaced.  The water damaged area extended into the part of the dining room that was closest to it - the section with the constantly breaking tile.

You'll never guess what they discovered!

Remember that the homeowner had laid the tiles for this whole area. It turn out there was no subfloor/supporting floor under the tiles, so when you walked on them the floor beneath them flexed! Had she used smaller tiles they may not have broken that way these larger tiles did. So it wasn't my (my weight) that was causing the breakage, it was the half-assed, money-saving, do-it-yourself homeowner's fault! All those years of thinking I had been the problem were finally resolved - but my "mental health/self-respect" had suffered all of those years for something that I thought was due to me, but it wasn't. :sad-smiley-012:

I moved out of there not too long after as the kids had moved out and I was empty-nesting in a house that was waaaaaaaaaaay bigger than I needed.

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Did a lot of work on getting things put away where I wanted this morning. The storm is over. No flooding in my area but in GS's area it was bad. He couldn't get home through all the mess over there in Norfolk so turned around and came here. He has a very early doctor's appointment on Monday, and he is going to church with me in the morning. Then we will have lunch and he will be heading back home. Hoping he will continue to go to church with me. He needs that. Seems he is calming down again now. Don't know why he acts like he does and then later acts like nothing happened. But he has found out GM is not putting up with it and he best behave. 


Got floors mopped in kitchen and den and went through what material I was able to get out of shed. Not sure if anymore is in there or not. But I do have some for Euphasyne. Will PM her in a bit. 

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Midnightmom, we must have been typing at the same time. Glad you found out what really happened with that floor. She should have hired a professional to do that job. And checked the plumbing as well. But glad you found out the real cause of the tiles breaking like that. 

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Midnightmom, that is a real shame. I'm sorry you thought that about yourself. I'm glad you were able to finally realize it wasn't you after all. I would have assumed the same about myself. Self-esteem can be so fragile. :hug3:


I can't even imagine not having a sub floor! That's pretty basic. :o


My floors were water damaged in a few places but what really messed them up was when the demo guys removed the linoleum they used a metal scrapper sort of like a bed edger for the yard, and dug big holes and gashes into the floor. They also used it to remove carpet. In some places I could see down into the lower level. I tried to cover it up too. Mostly as a reminder to not step on that area. All I had was cardboard. But it helped. Those plywood (Luan) sheets made a huge difference. Sort of hard to explain but it really lifted my spirits just to be able to walk on them. Little things like that can really make a difference. At least I'm pretty sure things are being done correctly. Inspections are a pain in butt but I'm glad I have them for future proof. My town doesn't play around with that. By the time it's done the city, the bank and insurance company will have inspected it numerous times. Also the walls and ceilings were open for so long there is proof that there is no mold in there. Plus they mold bombed it. I'm not 100% sure about the basement but contractor is going to paint the floor and if I have to stay there a couple of extra months, I'm going to paint the walls with that dry lock paint stuff. They said the glass block windows will make it more air tight and help control moisture. I don't know if that's true or not. 

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Well it was a good run, but COVID finally came to our house. My 22 yr old picked it up on the plane and has tested positive today. DH has a cough now and since we sleep in the same bed I'm sure I've been exposed. I tested negative today, no symptoms crossing my fingers I stay that way.


Miki I'm glad you're getting your porch decorated. I bought pumpkins at the farmer's market today and want to pick up a few more. Took photos but I need to get them off the camera so I can share. I plan to save the seeds since I don't have these varieties and then I can grow them for myself in the future.


Littlesister glad you came through the storm without major issues


Midnightmom I'm sorry that happened to you 


Jeepers glad the inspection headaches are good for something!


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38 minutes ago, Midnightmom said:

Is it available OTC? In a human formulation?

Not sure but I don’t believe so?  It is under a doctor’s prescription though.  It is used to treat parasites internally and lice and etc externally.  Some doctors will prescribe it for Covid but there is a lot of pressure to stop that as it’s off label. 


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I have been noticing Mt. Rider has not been on here for a while. Hope all is well with her, and she is just busy. 


Spend the afternoon going though clothes. Checking my winter clothes to see if I need to buy anything for cold weather. I think I am ok though. Not as many winter clothes as I have in summer clothes. 


Grandson see's the doctor in the morning early and then to work in the afternoon. He best go home after work tomorrow. He has spent his last few days here and I am getting tired of it now. Told him not to come back tonight that he's starting to spend more time here than at home. Can't wait for him to get into coast guard. I hate to say it, but I really hope they move him to another state, and he can live on base. I think living on base would be a better option for him. Hopefully he will learn something about growing up and taken responsibility for himself. 


Weather is getting cooler here now. I have a doctor's appointment with the Endocrinologist in the morning. Hope all will go well. Hoping with whatever he does about my thyroid and diabetes, that it will give me more energy. Just need to get myself back on track. 

Maybe when I come home, I can work in the yard. There are some changes I want to make in the garden area. And I need to reinforce the raised bed boxes. 

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MtRider comes dashing in with just a few spare minutes.....   :huh:  Who am I kidding.  It's just turned midnight and I TRY....REALLY TRY to be in bed by 11:30pm.  :sigh:   It hasn't been working....then it does ...then doesn't. 


Soooooooo  :busted:   I said I can't go any longer without checking in with the gals at MrsS.  I back read most of these posts.  Same issues conquered and more comin' at ya!  Well, same here.  DH pulled his back again....fault of a new client so he dropped that one.  Works only 2 eight hour days with the easiest client.  LOL  Sometimes she doesn't know who he is...or that her sister just called her an hour ago.  Not sure she's with-it enough to even be overnight alone????  But it's easy on him. 


I continue to have Cognitive Therapy but ride the senior bus.  So DH doesn't have to drive me.  When did I check in last?  Both got a cold that turned into a nasty cough.  I got meds from ER on Labor day.  Saw my doc for follow up last week and she's got me on that FOUL TASTING steriod again.  Think I have systemic inflammation tho.  MS or whatever.  You just can't get those pills down...even back middle of tongue without the yuk taste.  Chewing mint gum now to get rid of it.  4 more days on it but less pills each day. 


Saturday I got to ride....first time in 5 wks.  All sorts of barriers ...DH's schedule for one.  Yeah, felt good but wore me out.  I'm cooking supper most nights.  And real stuff - often in the InstantPot.  Finally learning to use it and it's great to save time.  Actually cooked real steak tonite.  Watched on 'Net and have several ways.  Got a bit nervous tonite trying one way but it turned out reallllly good.  Hate to waste steak.  DH needs a good meal to heal up again.  :feedme:   Steak is a favorite....behind DESSERT! 


AAACK.....THANK YOU, ANNARCHY!  For teaching me "CTRL Z" !!!!!!  I typed all this and somehow dragged my fingers and BLIP!  All gone.  :happy0203:  But I got it baaaack!  :hug3: 


MtRider  ...gotta go to bed.  Cognitive appt. tomorrow and I'm behind in "homework".  I'll try to stay more in touch.....


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