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👍 Glad I could help, Jeepers.  Try the honey just plain from a spoon for ultimate healing though.  It coats the throat that way and heals as it goes down. 

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Becca Anne Glad you now have your student loans all paid off.  I know that is a great stress off your shoulders. 


Jeepers you can buy bed risers which would be much safer than using bricks. I don't think they cost very much either. They have a way that the bed post would fit into them and not slip off like they could do with bricks.  


Today I have been working on the pantry and moving canned goods from kitchen to the small bedroom. All dated, and in an organized way that I can walk in and see what I have now. Still a lot of organizing in there to get done. But most all food is now out of kitchen. It can get hot in the kitchen when using oven, dishwasher, and canning. So, the small bedroom I can control it to keep everything really cool in there. Would be much better for all the canned goods, what I have canned and the long-term foods I have packaged up. Will all be much better organized and can find things at a glance. 


Cleaned the main bathroom up as GS would not do it and he is the only one that uses that bathroom. He just will not clean up behind himself anymore. Did great when he first moved here but now, he is back to his old habits. I am going to give him till the end of this month and then he has to go. I am too old to put up with his messes, lying, etc. His mom and sister didn't tell me the whole story about him before I made the decision to bring him back from Washinton state. He was homeless for 2 weeks and now I think I should have left him there. But he is my GS, and I was really hoping I could turn him around. For a while I thought it was working. But now he will be back on street but at least this time he can get a hotel room till he saves for that apt. Just don't know what else I can do with him. His bad habits of not cleaning up behind himself and leaving messes for me to clean up is becoming very hard on me with everything else I am trying to get done. So, end of month and I am packing him up and kicking him out. I think at 21 years old in November he should have learned how to clean up behind him, but he seems to like maid service. I am over it. So, end of month and he is out. Will be letting him know it as soon as I can catch him when he gets out of bed. His working nights and sleeping during the day, I was trying to be quiet so not to wake him up. Not anymore. I just get up in mornings and start doing what I need to do, and I don't care how loud I get. So far, he hasn't started screaming at me, so I think he is getting the picture that I am done, and his days are numbered. i was his third chance and last chance for him to straighten up and do right. So, if he wants to learn the hard way then it's going to have to be by way of tough love. 

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It's been a busy couple of days and will have a couple more .  Sunday should calm down.

I've done the usual walking, walking dogs and garden chores. Adding now tearing down okra (trees) plants.
Only have 3 okra plants left, one watermelon and one jalapeno plant--all producing.
Wednesday, I saw my insurance lady to help me cancel old policy. I was told it was done, but no. Stopped at local grocery for a halfway decent sale.
Had another business meeting at Church about accepting an offer for the sale. I just think we are being pushed into it. Church hasn't been listed much over a month and this is the first offer and is for half the asking price. I think there is some deception going on but without the funds to hire a lawyer, it will probably just go through.
Yesterday, I took a friend to a doc appointment, stopped at Walmart for a few things they didn't have the last time.
Came home then had a haircut early afternoon.
not the most dramatic life, but who needs that? And it's always interesting!

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53 minutes ago, snapshotmiki said:

I think there is some deception going on but without the funds to hire a lawyer, it will probably just go through.

If possible, and if you haven’t already, perhaps you should bring that up to others.  At least create doubt.  Perhaps suggest a waiting period before the final decision is made. It is not uncommon to have a waiting period before accepting an offer on property. 1/2 the asking price is unheard of even in todays waning market. :shrug:

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On 10/4/2022 at 9:12 PM, Jeepers said:

When I start feeling faint in public I sort of think it might be low blood sugar so I get a small bottle of O.J. thinking that will help. It never does though.


When working in other countries, I carried glucose tablets. I think they were OTC in the pharmacy section. We would work too hard in the blazing sun in the antenna field and I would run short and suffer hypoglycemia. The glucose tablets worked.  :hug3:

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On 10/5/2022 at 9:23 PM, Littlesister said:

 Jeepers you can buy bed risers which would be much safer than using bricks. I don't think they cost very much either. They have a way that the bed post would fit into them and not slip off like they could do with bricks.  

Thanks Littlesister. :sSig_thankyou:   I have a set of those in the spare bedroom. I used them about 10 years ago to raise the bed for extra storage underneath. I rarely go in there and totally forgot about them. You're right, they do have a depression in the center to keep the legs from sliding off. Sigh:misc-smiley-231: 

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I ran some errands today. I went to the library and got an arm full of books. Mostly freezer cooking and casseroles and a couple of books on CD for a car trip.  Got rid of a bunch of papers at the recycle bin. Then to Lowes to get some of that Great Stuff expanding foam and some caulk. I spent the rest of the evening on Youtube watching weatherizing and mouse proofing the house. I have the steel wool over there but 'they' said to put some caulk into the steel wool before you fill a hole and then foam over it. So I got some Loc-Tite caulk and the Great Stuff that has Pestblock in it. It's supposed to have something in it that tastes bad to insects and rodents. I'll take their word for it. I only have 3 sinks to work on underneath so it shouldn't be too hard. I also started loading up the Jeep. I'm going to Indiana sometime this coming week. I'll probably be gone 7-10 days.


They also showed how to weatherize around a garage door where that rubber comes loose at the bottom on the side. There is a metal strip you can put on it. Who knew! And they showed a really nice threshold that goes on the bottom of the door that is infused with metal pieces to help keep rodents out. I've learned a lot today. I'm going to link it on a thumb drive and next summer I'm going to have a handy man watch them so he will know exactly what I want. I wouldn't know anything without Youtube  LOL.  My electric company over there is a co-op and I think I read where they will do a free home inspection to see where your house has air leaks. If so then I want that done next year. Time really slips past you when you don't feel well. Or you can't sleep properly. Or eat.  


I have a lot of work to do over there this time. Put film tint on all of the windows, put plastic over some of the windows, put those insulation pads under all of the electrical sockets, hang some curtains, put some shelves together, change the pulls on the kitchen cabinets, caulk under the sinks, go to Hobby Lobby for a kitchen stool, freeze a big pot of chili and BABYSIT! If I have time I'd like to go look at furniture. And in the next county over there is a big discount place I want to check out.  

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Put pot roast in slow cooker for dinner, added potatoes, onions and carrots with it as meat got done.  Cooked up some green beans and the last can of corn that DH and I had taken off cob and canned. Corn was gifted to us in late2019.  Made pumpkin cookies for GS's snacks. 


Worked on pantry all day. They dust from construction was on top of all the cans. So been wiping everything down and cleaning the shelves. Still got a lot to do in there but is coming along. Will try to send pictures when I am finished with everything. 

Jeepers I think you said you were planning to turn a bedroom in your new place into a pantry.  When I get the pictures, I will try to get them posted. Had trouble before but hoping I can get these over here.  Maybe it will give you some ideas. 


Packed up a lot of extra food as I had to much of some things to take to church in morning for our food ministry. Mostly canned veggies from stores. Got to keep those in need fed also. 


Took my small computer to Best Buy yesterday for repair. The internet driver went bad and that is the one I use in kitchen for recipes. They called late this afternoon and said it is ready, so will try to get there after Church tomorrow to pick it up. 


Jeepers glad you remembered you had those risers for bed. Much safer. 


Going to check into the weather stripping and stuff you mentioned also for my garage door and things. I still need to work on the windows. Need to make that Lowe's trip. That is a must do and I keep putting it off to do other things. 


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Littlesister, I am turning one of the spare bedrooms into a pantry too. It's small but it's the only place I have for storage. I still have to get the shelves put together and loaded up. I have so much to do over there. My list is long for this next trip and I keep adding to it. 


I'd love to see your pictures! Visual aids are always a help. I'll post pictures of mine too if I can ever get to that point. I see some people turn their shelves sideways so they can access both the front and back of them. Sort of like aisles. That would give more space as nothing in the back would get lost because there is no back. And rotation would be easier. But I don't think I'd have room to do it. The spare bedrooms are pretty small And I'll have to maximize my space. There is a pretty big double closet in there and the other spare bedroom has a big walk in closet. 


I found, for me, the easiest way to post a picture is to download it from the phone, then download it to my desktop by dragging it over, download it to Paint where I can resize it and hit save. At this point it is still on my desktop except smaller. Then all I do is drag and drop in a post.  The reason I send it to Paint is because they come out of the camera/phone HUGE. Basically get it on the desktop, send it to Paint to resize, hit save, drag and drop in a post. There are probably shorter ways to do it but this works for me. 


I'll post a link to the garage weatherizing videos down in the DIY section. I'm definitely doing it next summer. I just have too many other things to get done inside the house the house first. And $$$$ 

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Midnightmom, I hate to tell you this but it gets worse.  :008Laughing:


I no longer have days like that. It's my life now. I used to be able to multitask doing two things at a time. Now I can do four or five things at a time. Problem is none of those things ever get finished before I move on to something newer and shinier.  


It's being hampered by trying to go through all of my 'treasures' trying to downsize. 


The older I get the more scattered I get. And forgetful. And overwhelmed. And tired.   SQUIRREL. 


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On 10/7/2022 at 8:25 AM, Mother said:

If possible, and if you haven’t already, perhaps you should bring that up to others.  At least create doubt.  Perhaps suggest a waiting period before the final decision is made. It is not uncommon to have a waiting period before accepting an offer on property. 1/2 the asking price is unheard of even in todays waning market. :shrug:

It has been suggested, but over the past couple of years the deacons who would stand up to him have been retired (emiratus)? for being 80 or older.  Now all deacons follow the preacher blindly.


Today will be Church, then Family Dollar looking for ingredients for a chex mix for Church function on Wednesday.
Walk dogs this afternoon.
Give one or two dogs a bath.
Write one or two drafts for ebay.
Check my canned potatoes to see what I need as I have 10 pounds of free potatoes to either can or dehydrate.
I hope everyone has a good Sunday!

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I’m going to walk and then lift weights when done. Then I need to pick up my house and do a little inventory. I want to see what I need for spices and what other holes I have going on. DH and I went and shot my new little pistol yesterday. It’s a Ruger LCP Max. It’s so light weight and shoots nice. I decided I’m not going to carry at work anymore. It makes me nervous. The new powers that be there are too happy to fire those without finding out what is actually going on. IDk! I go back and forth. If something happened I would sure like to have it, but at the same time when they fence the whole place in it will be inevitable that I won’t be able to carry it into our building as we will be screened before entering. Wish they would move us off the grounds already as we don’t technically need to be right next to the prison. I just have this ominous feeling about work! The higher powers remind me of a Chinese dictatorship. But, I have 21 years in and I’m only 43. I would like to retire at 55, but I also don’t want to get fired and get walked out in shame either. This is a new regime that came in and it is not going well. 

Edited by Jayceef
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That's a tough decision Jayceef. 


Unless you are really miserable there, I believe after 21 years I'd try to wait them out. A lot can happen between now and your retirement age. As you already know, things change rapidly these days and hopefully they will change in your favor. :hug3:


Congratulations on your new 'acquisition'. 

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I will say I don’t have anything negative on my record, so I have that going for me. I just don’t think these folks care about that though. You are right though Jeepers the one position is an elected position and is all based on who the governor is, so that will most likely change in four years. Ugh! I just hate this feeling. I’m sitting at position #2 in our office and my boss is not a happy camper and has already started looking for other jobs. My only saving grace is that she makes too much money right now and needs and can’t afford the loss of income. Meaning I don’t want to take over her spot quite yet. I like where I’m at. My kids are young and I need the flexibility. 

Edited by Jayceef
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Flexible a schedule is very important when you have kids. Mine needed me to be more available as he got older. More supervision for sure and he had more after school activities needing rides to and from and sporting events he wanted me to attend. And good insurance is very important too.


Starting over someplace new can be hard and could even be a worse situation. What's that old saying...better the devil you know than the devil you don't. You will know when the time is right for you. 


You will need your retirement income when you are older. Do not rely on Social Security for your income! If it is even there at your retirement age, it will not keep up with inflation. Think of it as bonus income. If I had to rely on S.S. alone I would not be able to pay all of my monthly bills. And I'm not extravagant. 


Just throwing out ideas. Said with love and not trying to be a know-it-all.  :sEm_blush:

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Miki that is too bad about the offer being so low hopefully they will change their mind and wait a bit.

Jayceef yes flexibility with little ones is really important. It's ok though to look at other options if the management turns out to not be a good fit. I don't know of any workplace that would allow you to carry on the premises but maybe look for a new place to work that already has onsite security and not next to the jail once your kids are a little older? You might find a place to work that gives you that flexibility without the headache but only you will know what is right for you and if a job isn't working for you anymore.

Jeepers I can relate to the squirrel effect and also getting overwhelmed. I find since my move I can only focus on one thing at a time and the stuff exhausts me. Three years in a row of moving/unpacking/moving/unpacking and trying to organize has me burnt out on things. I have decided for now to just work on one room at a time until I have it the way I want it before worrying about the rest. I still have boxes in every room except one wing which has the LR and kitchen, laundry and one bathroom (which needs a total renovation at this point). There is always something more to do. This month I am focusing on outside and winterizing too. Our front door has NO weatherization and it was like a wind tunnel in our entryway. I have 6 doors to weatherize/re-weatherize as some have some weatherstripping but none of it is in good shape. Every door has 2 doors (front door is a uninsulated double door, with 2nd set inside decorative swinging doors that can't be weatherized on the vestibule), art room used to be a back porch but has a radiator has just one door, then swinging doors to the foyer that are inside doors which provide a buffer, back stairs door is one door, then inside door at top of that stairway up the stairwell that is uninsulated, and back porch door with inside door both need weatherstripping replaced. Going to be a chore but will be much warmer once I do that plus add sweeps on the bottom of all the outside doors. I will buy this week and install next weekend. Today it's going to be pulling ivy again but I am making progress! Pulled all my green tomatoes off the vine and the tomato cages will get disassembled today and the vines cut off to put on the compost pile. I got about 10 lbs green tomatoes will try to ripen some but going to try making green tomato bread with the remainder.

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1 hour ago, Jeepers said:

Flexible a schedule is very important when you have kids. Mine needed me to be more available as he got older. More supervision for sure and he had more after school activities needing rides to and from and sporting events he wanted me to attend. And good insurance is very important too.


Starting over someplace new can be hard and could even be a worse situation. What's that old saying...better the devil you know than the devil you don't. You will know when the time is right for you. 


You will need your retirement income when you are older. Do not rely on Social Security for your income! If it is even there at your retirement age, it will not keep up with inflation. Think of it as bonus income. If I had to rely on S.S. alone I would not be able to pay all of my monthly bills. And I'm not extravagant. 


Just throwing out ideas. Said with love and not trying to be a know-it-all.  :sEm_blush:

No, I appreciate the feedback. My MIL said the same thing. I have worked through really bad times there and it did get better for me when I transitioned over to the new office. I’m just a worry wart and over think things sometimes. Yep, I definitely was just intending for SS to be extra in retirement. Will see where I’m at in two years and decide on what to do with my supplemental retirement account. We have our state pension and then a supplemental account we can contribute to. I just put a little in right now, but I might really bump it up at some point. 

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Becca Anne our governor gave state employees permission to conceal carry about three years ago. We just need to adhere to any statutes regarding not carrying inside prison/jails, courthouses etc. my office sits right next to the prison, but isn’t technically inside the secure perimeter. At least not yet anyways. We are getting there and I just don’t like the way the new regime is treating staff. So, my thoughts are I’m better off just not carrying. Keeping my fingers crossed that they will move us off site and it won’t be an issue. It wouldn’t have been an issue period, but we had a couple of gals from another department run their mouths about people in our building carrying. It was at an active shooter briefing. 🙄 oh boy! That set everyone off because no one reads policies or statutes. Basically the folks giving the briefing didn’t like the fact that we might be able to handle the situation.   They just want us getting under our desks and calling 911. 

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Midnightmom. I have had lots of days like that. That was to funny but so true.


Church this morning then home to check on GS. He is now doing much better since I started charging him rent. That money goes into a special account for his savings. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Now he has no choice but to save. He has to give it to me in the form of rent. Going down Monday to put in special account for him. He was really mad over me threating to kick him out over vaping in house. That is what was making me so sick and blood pressure going up. That stuff has a very sticky residue and smells really bad. I would hate to see his lungs in a few years if he doesn't break that habit soon. But it's not in my house anymore. He is allowed to charge his pipe in garage but cannot vape in there. He has to take his butt outside to vape. Which is what he was supposed to do when he started doing it again. So, while I was at church, he emptied dishwasher and put dishes away. He hasn't done that in months. So maybe I will get him on the right track yet. He needs prayer and lots of it. Lots of growing up to do. 


Went to pick up my small computer and it was just what I said it was. The internet driver went bad and had to be replaced. So now I just have to reset some things on there and it will be all set to go again. That one is small, and I use it in kitchen for recipes, etc. Got it charging now. 


Tomorrow will be another very busy day working in the bedroom pantry. Made a big dent in it yesterday and now working on the last of the shelves getting cans and shelves wiped down. Just resting up mostly today. Just on the tired side. Think my Thyroid levels are low again. Not a good sign. So, I am guessing doctor will up my Synthroid dosage again. At least I hope that is all it is. Or working myself to dealth.

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On 10/7/2022 at 10:27 PM, Jeepers said:

And they showed a really nice threshold that goes on the bottom of the door that is infused with metal pieces to help keep rodents out.


THAT I'm going to keep in mind if a ratfink ever chews thru a considerable strip of rubber to come into what they seem to think is the MtRider's Rodent Motel.  Actually, maybe a condo!  Sheeesh.  I've been catching a few on glue boards down there but I've caught so many insects, it's time to put down new ones.  Now it's also the MtRider's Rodent Motel and Smorgasbord.  :buttercup:  


Always interesting to hear of Kappy&Mary's gardens and critters.  Miki...is your ankle ok now [I've been gone].  Sorry for your church situation.  Not looking "above board" ???  :pray:   One does not play games with the Lord's House...hope no one is doing that.   


So...I got home from the midWest ....again.  What a year!  Been on planes x3.  I'm fine with them once I'm passed security.  That's always hectic cuz I pretty much pack the limit.  And with wheelchair, seat cane, stick cane, taking wheelchair foot things off/on, oooooops -meant to dump water from my tiny, perfectly-sized water bottle in purse outside pocket - BEFORE security.  Drat!  Keeping it meant I had to drink some of the {alleged H2O liquid}..  OK...I'm thirsty anyway...and I got to keep it.  I do buy a bottle of water after security. 


Anyway, this trip was not about losing my elderlies.  A high school reunion.  Our group has kept in touch so planned to go.  One had H. Ian heading her way.  One had surgery scheduled and wasn't feeling well at all.  So we were down to 3 of 5.  Was a good time!  Got to see my "twin" friend's Scottish Wolfhound.  They're built to catch a wolf.....long body, VERY thin body sideways, and VERY tall.  He's a champion and FAST....they chase plastic bags that are pulled by a mechanism to stay ahead of eager dog.  He LOVES to run and chase that pesky thing.  Can't be in dog park with small dogs that run.....ya THINK?  He wouldn't be unfriendly.....just too much of him.


Lots of travel by car too but I had good rest and sleep.  Hand tremors were minor.  :happy0203:   But....had some nasty spasms after a long travel day [2 by air and 2 by car ]  My friend gave me some magnesium and I think that's helping.  We picked up some as I came home yesterday.  Also back on another round of steroids that doc prescribed for after I got home....having over-used energy again.  Not nearly as bad as other times in the past year and a half.  Hope that will be the last time for the meds....don't want to overuse those!!  But it does help bring down inflammation from M.S.  


MtRider .....now I'm UNpacking another set of stuff...with previous stuff still needing a permanent location in tiny house.  :faint3:

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@Mt_Rider. I believe that  magnesium  citrate is more easily  absorbed than magnesium  sulfate, if you weren't  aware. 

My knee  and ribs are doing  better. Have  follow up doc appointment  tomorrow. 

I'm glad you're home safe and  had a good time!  Now rest 😌 

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Good morning! Will walk first.
Order curtains. Yay!
Dehydrate potato slices.
Harvest what little there is and pull up another okra plant.
Follow up doc appointment. May ask for x-ray for left shoulder, neck and hip. My knee is almost completely healed and ribs too. A lot of pain in above mentioned parts that started the day after first doc appointment.
Next, make muffins and/ or cookies.

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