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@Mt_Rider, I don't know how I missed about you all going to Maui, but I did.  Have a great time!  Looking at the list of disasters you have been around, I am dubbing you the Jim Cantori of ecological disasters!  LOL  


Will walk, soon.
Walk dogs.
Clean in shed.
Going to a musical program at the college with a friend tonight.

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Whew, it was blustry at my house last night too. Last I heard winds were over 60 MPH. Lots of big trees down in my area. Nothing happened at my house unless my wobbly chimney cap blew off. Will have to check on that later today. I didn't lose power but it did blink once. A lot of people are still without power around me yet. 


Mt. Rider, it would be dangerous for your dog with those three dogs vying for her attention. Especially if she doesn't want it. Can you check out the newspapers or online for a dog sitter? Or maybe ask your vet for some safe recommendations? 


I made a huge vat of pasta salad yesterday and have been eating it non stop. I really missed not being able to make it at the hotel. No stove to boil the pasta. I'm making up for lost time with that and fried eggs. This is the time I miss my TV. I'd like to sit down in the recliner and watch a show with my pasta. No TV and no recliner. I've been eating most of my meals in a bed for a year and a half.  I'll be glad to get back in the real/normal world. 


I just got my daily alert that I have four more days on this heart monitor. I'll be glad to get rid of it. My skin is pretty compromise around where the two sticky electrodes are attached. There is a gummy ring around where they are attached. Like that sticky black stuff left from an old bandaid. It isn't coming off in the bath tub. Goo gone...alcohol...time? But in the whole scheme of things, it wasn't a bad experience at all. Most of the time I forgot I had it on. Just annoying at night when I lay on my side and making sure throughout the night that it still stayed attached. It always did. 



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Jeepers, you will make through the monitor yet. 4 days left. It will be done and over before you know it. 

We also have had this blustery wind.  No issues other than the trashcans are empty and they were getting blown over. 

Mt. Rider, I hope you can find a dog sitter for the pup. I wouldn't want to put her with the Pitbull's either. You never know they might get along and then again might not. Hope you will be able to find someone to take care of her. 


Went back to the furniture store today and got the bookcase and the dresser. Both are Amish made. The dresser is solid oak and heavy. That will be what my craft and some sewing things will be in. All together in one place finally. My GD and GLIL helped met me there and put it on his truck and got a friend to meet him at my house to help get them into the house. Then we had lunch. And they went back home.  Baby needed a nap. She was all giggles this morning. She's starting to stand up holding on to things. So, I need to hurry up and get the house in order. GSIL and GD got all the Christmas boxes out of the dining room and up in loft in shed. So, all of that is out of the way now. Dining room feels empty now. So just dusting and cleaning up. Will have the dresser in the dining room even though the dining room furniture hasn't sold yet. That is the room it will be in anyway so just sitting in there for now. Just can't place it where I want it yet in that room yet. 

Resting my knee now as I did a bit too much today on it.  I am beginning to feel like there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just trying to get organized and get things in its place. Still a lot of things to get rid of but it's getting there. 


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Jeepers, try removing that with olive oil, but you might want to wait until the monitor is off in case it messes with the adhesive altogether.   Baby oil or vegetable oil would probably work, too.   I used olive oil though, as that is the oil I am not allergic to.  


It is very windy here.  Lots of rain and some flooding (not my house, but nearby).   Everyone is thankful it is not raining today.  The wind has me concerned as the ground is so saturated...not great for trees staying upright.   :pray:


Miki, congratulations on the new pup.


LittleSister, I hope you are feeling better.   That is great that your family helped!


Becca,  does magnesium help with your tachycardia?    I saw good results using it.


MtRider, I hope you are able to find a good solution for your pup during your vacation. 

Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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Thanks OOTO.  I didn't even think about olive oil. That I have. Will try it next week after I ship the monitor off.


I have Tachycardia too. It's the T in POTS. Hopefully the cardiologist will have some answers in a few weeks. 


Littlesister, glad you got some help. Sure makes a difference, huh. 


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After my GD and her DH gets moved into the new house, they will be much closer to me. She wants us to start back doing what we did when they were living in the apartment near me. We picked Friday and alternated eating at each other's house for dinner.  She wants us to start back doing that again. So, think that just might happen.  We both enjoyed doing that and it gave each of us a day off with no cooking.  Her DH did the dishes at both our houses on that day. Can't beat that.  Did get a few more things out of the living room this afternoon but still a bit more to go. I have a lot of empty plastic tubs I need to maybe just put in attic for the time being just to move them out of the house. They are containers that I have already gone through and got rid of stuff from and now piled up down a wall in that living room. 


Jeepers, I really hope and pray that all goes well with that test.  Good results are in order. 

Edited by Littlesister
Don't even ask how I manage to hit save
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Outoftheordinary unfortunately it's not the kind of arrhythmia that is caused by an electrolyte imbalance, I have a condition called Brugada Syndrome that can cause sudden cardiac death, so I have an implanted defibrillator. Luckily it's more a precaution I've never had a true ventricular tachycardia episode that wasn't triggered by the testing (they induced it on purpose to test the device when it was implanted). Once in a great while I get a run of tachycardia and feel lightheaded but it won't shock me unless my HR gets up to 180 beats per minute and luckily that didn't happen. But I was closer than I'd like this time. Have a suspicion bending over too long caused this one, so I'll get a rolling stool to sit on while I weed so I can keep my head above my heart. All this was discovered 7 yrs ago when I went to the ER for stomach pain and they did an EKG that came back abnormal. I just feel lucky I have the insurance policy in my body of the ICD so it can help if I have a lethal episode. It's hard though since I want to live my life normally and then this kind of thing happens and I'm reminded that while I can do things I have to remember I might have to adapt my plans around what my body will tolerate. I admit I cried yesterday more out of frustration than anything feeling like my dreams of making this place into a real garden and food forest for my family might be more than I can do and my family isn't really on the same page so I have to work hard to get help around here even for the most basic things. They aren't really preparedness minded except my mom and she's 82 and just had a stroke so not much in the way of capacity to help with the garden. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself though and just do what I can and give myself grace if I can't dig all the holes in time for the plants to make it. The things that live will be better than nothing.

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Becca Anne, I know where you are coming from.  My family isn't on board either. But I think my GD and her DH are to a point.  My GSIL said something about the water barrels and things and how the situation with war and this economy is going. He is in the Coast Guard, and they do a lot of talking. They did buy a small freezer and filled it with meat. I am hoping after my GD gets settled in the new house that she will take an interest in learning how to can.  My GD in Washington State has been wanting to learn but I can't teach her being over 2000 miles away and she doesn't always follow the process. She will skip on things and that makes me leery to try to teach her. But she does other things like forging and dehydrating. 

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Busy day with the grandkids. Went to the park and just mostly messed around outside all day. I did manage to dig up a WM bag full of dandelion greens while we were outside this evening after dinner. Hoping there’s 2 qts to put in the freezer. Got them boiling now. 

Kids are supposed to be picked up sometime tomorrow morning. Then will get the house straightened up 😂 and back to canning peppers. 

:hug3:and :kissy:


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Becca-Anne, you aren't feeling sorry for yourself. Just assessing your strengths and weaknesses. You can still make your dream come true. Just not today. Slow and steady will win the race. I think we are all tortoises here. 

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Becca Anne, I have AFIB and other heart rhythm abnormalities and have a pacemaker (which will probably need replacing in a year or so).  It really does give one peace of mind knowing those devices are able to help.  :hug3:

Jeepers, if the olive oil doesn’t help, try mayonnaise.  I’ve had a month long monitor several times and that always works for me afterwards. 

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Didn't go to Church today. Overdid it with my knee. Woke up with it very swollen and sore. So decided not to drive today. So church was from home. I can watch the service on FB. Going to watch Jimmy Evans preaching later today also. 


Getting ready to can hamburger in a bit. Just getting things together that I forgot to do yesterday with everything going on.  Knee is on ice and heating pad in between. Swelling is starting to go down some. 


Becca Anne, never give up hope on what you can and can't do. Just learn what triggers an episode and take it from there. If bending over for too long can cause that, you are already on it by getting a rolling seat for weeding the garden. You can also get the grandchildren to help with weeding when they are there. It would teach them about gardening also. Something all children should learn to do in this day and age. 

My DH had both a deliberator and pacemaker for years. He learned his limits and managed some days to work past those limits on his better days. Though his reason for having them was for a different reason, he managed to learn his limitations and move on. You will figure it all out.  You will get your homestead up and running like you want, it just might take a little longer, but you will get there. 

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Not giving up just have to figure out workarounds and resign myself that things will take me longer and may have attrition of a few things that won't survive due to being delayed in being planted. I did manage to plant the Honeycrisp apple tree and one Stuart Pecan tree today. The trees were several feet tall, so I have a head start. I have one more Pecan tree I need to plant but I first have to find another appropriate spot that isn't fill/brick/gravel. The 2 lots we own next  to us used to have houses on them and I think that most of the area that's open has old house fill under it so probably tough to find a spot for more trees. I will try to find another spot tomorrow for the remaining pecan tree, have two more of another variety on the way so crossing my fingers I can get the spots I need. These are the only trees I have space to plant and still preserve the areas I want to put the raised beds and and greenhouse. Seedlings in the basement are doing well. Pecan tree on the left, apple on the right. I will get some wood chips to put around the trees and after the photos I put the white trunk protectors around them to keep them from getting eaten.





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Becca Anne everything is looking great.  


Cleaned kitchen after all the canning was done. Jars are still sitting on counter to be labeled and put away tomorrow morning. 


Sat down for a bit and watched TV with the heating pad on my knee. I forgot to sign out earlier. I do that sometimes. 

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I woke up with a migraine starting. It's been a long time since I've had one. I used to get them all the time but since menopause, they have eased up a lot. Hormone triggered I suspect. 


I did go to the dumpster and dropped off two stinky bags of trash. Wal-Mart was right there so I went in to get some onion soup mix that I wanted. Mistake. It was a madhouse. I'm starting to really resent those great big carts the employees push around who are shopping for others. They are so big and in the way and block half of the aisle. I saw one actually bump into a lady once because the shopper couldn't see around it. I hate em. 


Now if I ran the world... here we go... they would only do shopping during certain hours once or twice a day. And, the greeters wouldn't be just standing there looking at their phone. Their job would be to to unstick those carts so all a person has to do is go in and grab a single cart without trying to wrestle one out of a whole line of mangled carts that are all stuck together. One more thing, piercing is a personal choice. I'm fine with them. But when I go through a drive-thru I don't want to see a nose piercing hanging down like their nose is running. Take it out while you are serving food. I only got a sweet tea but it looked gross. And I'm sick of everyone backing into a parking spot. It's thanks to the backup cameras in all the cars now. You pull up behind a car and all at once they want to back up half a mile so they can try to back into a parking spot. Or if you are walking in the parking lot, they nearly run you over because they aren't looking where they are going. They are staring at a camera screen. Just pull your car in so we all know where you are trying to go. You're going to have problems loading up your groceries with the trunk jammed up against the trunk of the car that backed in behind you anyway. It's very doubtful you are going to have to make a quick getaway. Unless you are shoplifting. In that case get a buddy to park close to the door for you. Crimony. I got in line next to a guy whose butt crack was half out because his pajamas were falling down. He was over weight. So am I but I don't wear my loose fitting jammies to the grocery store. He was in his 60's and should know better. And he smelled pretty bad too. I ususlly don't pick that up. So he must have been pretty bad. I wasn't in the mood. Summer is coming on so I guess we'll be seeing halter tops and short shorts before long. Bellies and thighs galore. People are beginning to annoy me. And autocorrect...if I type one single letter 'i' you know it is supposed to be capitalized. There is no single lower case i. <-- And you do know what a contraction is, right? Do your job. 


I feel so much better now. I've been holding it in for so long. Om. 🕉 



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DS2 and DDIL picked up the kids at about 10. We had a nice but short visit. They were heading home to plant more flats in their greenhouse. As they were pulling out, I was pulling the two bowls of chopped peppers out of the garage fridge to get busy canning. Canned another 27 half pints and put 11 half pints (in baggies) in the freezer (giving those to DS1 for his chili and fried potatoes... when he runs out, I’ll give him canned ones 😉).
I hit the freezers hard trying to make more room. Pulled out stuff to start a batch of venison/veggie soup and got 7 qts in the canner after getting the peppers out. There was maybe 3-4 qts left in the pan, so I pulled more stuff out of the freezer and added it to the pan for another batch. Gonna start canning that in the morning and keep going. I think there’s enough venison still in the freezer for 3 more batches. 
I also pulled out a gallon bag of bananas and squeezed them out into pint bags... 4 bananas each... and back into freezer. Took up less space and they’re ready to use. 
I did get 2 qts of boiled dandelions and put those in the freezer. Found 3 qts still in there that were *lost* from last year, so I don’t think I’m going to dig anymore this year. Also found a qt bag of fish and took that out to the garage fridge/freezer. 

That’s about it for today. Back at it tomorrow. 

:hug3:and :kissy:






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Jeepers, you just won't do. That was so funny.  And yes, we will be seeing more butt cracks and shorts that don't cover much. Summer is around the corner and no telling what else we will be seeing. I'm over the men that can't keep their pants up where they belong. 

I remember a guy coming into the Bennett's Creek market and DH's cousin interviewed him. Went through the whole spill with this guy and then asked him how he was going to carry hot food and other things as it takes two hands to do the job. And from the looks of him he needed one hand to hold up his pants and the other one to work and this job takes both hands. And then told him he couldn't use him. 


Necie, that soup looks really good. Maybe I should be picking dandelions. They are growing all over my yard and flower beds this year. 

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On 4/13/2024 at 7:02 AM, snapshotmiki said:

I don't know how I missed about you all going to Maui, but I did.  Have a great time!  Looking at the list of disasters you have been around, I am dubbing you the Jim Cantori of ecological disasters!  LOL  

:lol:    Well fortunately, none of the earthquakes were damaging ones.  Just the shimmy and shake or JOLT!  And then done.  Snowmageddon - Now some of those got very real if we'd have had an emergency that needed a hospital or something.  :amen:  Everyone in Iowa is familiar with spring flooding (especially the Mississippi) and tornadoes.  :shrug:   Doesn't everyone have these experiences?  I did have to look up Jim Cantori ...cuz don't have TV.  Just Internet. 


We're just lucky that our family isn't the type for breaking bones and such.  A very few car accidents in our history - Mom's broken hip x2 and such.  Yet it does seem like SOMETHING is always going on.  


Yeah....doggie dear is gonna cost us!  Unless a different option comes up, we're going to see a woman fairly close to here.  It's literally going to cost us as much as both of our (reallllllly GOOD deal ) airline tickets.   To board a dog....for 18 days.  :o   :0327:    And there just aren't that many choices.  So glad 'I' & T are going to take care of the birds so  they came over tonite to learn what to do.  Went home with the fresh egg that one of the ducks laid today.  'I' is one of the ....might be the ONLY long-term person I know out here.  Even her first husband has died.   Where'd everybody go?   .....to lower altitude, to care homes, move closer to family as they were aging, passed on.........  Well, yeah.  This altitude and winter are kinda tough.  :shrug:   'Spose it will come to that for us too.    ANYway, we're going to go see the woman about the dog on Tues.  Check it out with dog with us.


Then we have to run around to do other things Tues.  Stop and get a certain license after taking the class.  I have afternoon appt at the medical center.  :scratchhead:   What ELSE am I forgetting?  The week after that, we're going to TRY to attend a CERT training.  3 evenings and part of a Saturday.  I was feeling so poorly these last few days, I was beginning to wonder.  But tonite I'm okay.  {now what's up?}   MIGHT be....tho it's only happened once that I recall....it's the same kind of odd fatigue attack I get in the fall.  Some with MS get it in spring or fall.  :shrug:   We'll have to play the CERT class 'by ear'....??  It will help if it's not a large class.  :twister3:    Tooo much!  And I've already got certification for 1st Aid/CPR/AED.  


 ....have to gather the suitcases too.  Some are still in storage...cuz DH went there without me and ....brought back one.  :rolleyes:   Details!  He just does not comprehend details! 


MtRider  ....now I reallllly have to shift sleep schedule earlier.  But Maui is 3-4hrs behind us.  I'll be great there.  :happy0203:  

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Sorry to hear of your heart issues, Becca Anne.  Mother.  So many of us have to alter our lives for some non-standard-issue body part.  Jeepers too.  OOTO has challenges.  And our family members:  Miki....Mother ....Almost all of us are facing AGING!  :buttercup:  


So "preparing" certainly included these more annoying and/or threatening parts of our lives too.  We all have to take these into account.  Make sure to have all the meds and alternative products lined up.  All the adaptive equipment which can be of great assistance.  I love my adaptive equipment!  Allows me to still GO and DO!!  :amen: 


Make sure to include spare parts for any of those adaptive things.  Cane tips.  Strips for blood sugar or .... ?  Batteries for thermometers.  Tires for wheelchairs - thankfully mine are now solid.  Don't have to let a bit of air out when I travel from HI - sea level ...to CO - 8500 ft.  --- The air expands as you got up!  Bag of chips POPPED in back seat when DH was driving up.  Scared him nearly off the road!  :lol: 


Anyway, just another encouragement to seek out new adaptions : ways and means and devices!  :darthduck:   Fight for what we'll need if things blow 'south'. 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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That was a very thoughtful post Mt. Rider. I think it describes most of us very well. Non-standard-issue body parts indeed!  :D



Auto correct got me again. Its getting worse. It's making up words now. I don't think it likes me any more.  :angry:


Edited by Jeepers
Auto correct issues.
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17 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Now if I ran the world... here we go... they would only do shopping during certain hours once or twice a day. And, the greeters wouldn't be just standing there looking at their phone. Their job would be to to unstick those carts so all a person has to do is go in and grab a single cart without trying to wrestle one out of a whole line of mangled carts that are all stuck together.


One more thing, piercing is a personal choice. I'm fine with them. But when I go through a drive-thru I don't want to see a nose piercing hanging down like their nose is running. Take it out while you are serving food. I only got a sweet tea but it looked gross.


I got in line next to a guy whose butt crack was half out because his pajamas were falling down. He was over weight. So am I but I don't wear my loose fitting jammies to the grocery store. He was in his 60's and should know better. And he smelled pretty bad too. I ususlly don't pick that up. So he must have been pretty bad. I wasn't in the mood. Summer is coming on so I guess we'll be seeing halter tops and short shorts before long. Bellies and thighs galore.


People are beginning to annoy me. And autocorrect...if I type one single letter 'i' you know it is supposed to be capitalized. There is no single lower case i. <-- And you do know what a contraction is, right? Do your job. 


Let it all out, Jeeps! :24:

(Color coded responses follow..............)


I like your idea about the employee shopping for online orders being limited to certain hours. They are usually shopping for at least 6 people at one time so those "carts" are huge. The only advantage I see to them is that there are so many of them (at least in the grocery section) that if you need help with a price or getting an item from a top shelf you can usually corral one of them into helping instead of picking on a random shopper who is taller than you are! :D


Anyone who works around food should not be allowed to wear their facial piercings around oral cavities while working! :yuk:


Some overweight people try to fool themselves that they aren't as big as they are by wearing ill fitting clothes. I notice this mostly in men who buy pants that fit around the "waist;" the waist BELOW their abdomen so that sometimes you can see their belly fat hanging over their belt because their shirt isn't long enough to cover it! Then there are those skinny people who have no butt to hold their pants up and the only reason they don't drop to the floor is because their "equipment" holds the pants up. :shakinghead:


You're right, "autocorrect" isn't always correct. I hate typing responses into my cell phone! And "talk to text" isn't much smarter because it doesn't know how to pick the correct homophone based on context. I see "flower" instead of "flour" about 99% of the time! :tapfoot:






Edited by Midnightmom
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Mt. Rider, it's getting closer for you and your DH to head to Maui. Hope you can find someone to care for the pup. I remember those days well. Going on vacation back in the day and had to board or get someone to take care of 2 cats and 2 dog.  It's definitely not cheap. 


I have canes, wheelchair, bedside commode, and a lot of other things from my DH's dilemma. I also have a pull up bar with a seat on wheels to move a person around. 


Cleaned up kitchen from all the canning yesterday. Working on boxes again. Need to get the plastic containers I have emptied into the attic for the time being. They are in the way, and I need to empty the living room to move the furniture from den back to the living room. Then move the dining room table into the den.  Holding off on buying anymore furniture due to the economy. Possible collapse of the dollar. But at least I will have the rooms set up in the areas I need them to be. Just stuck with the China hutch still in the dining room as it is too tall for the den. without covering up my pictures. But I can work around that. 


GS is off tomorrow, so will have him either working on the wood pile or helping me with moving things into attic or both depending on what time he gets up tomorrow. He has been really tired as he has been stocking mainly by himself for the whole store all week. Not much in the line of help and one that either calls in, or when he does come in, he stays in bathroom or disappears outside, and GS has to put his stock up. They are assigned isles to do. GS has his 2 which are the can goods and boxed cereals and such but ends up doing at least 4 isles a night. The one guy is getting ready to get fired. Seems people only want a paycheck but not do the work. 

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MidnightMom, I think we were typing at the same time. 


All that is so funny but so true.  And I am getting really mad at Alexa. I would be watching TV and tell Alexa to put a movie on and no answer. So, I would say Alexa wake up 2 or 3 times before I get a response. It's nighttime but I get good morning, how is your day. She needs to get off her cell phone and look at a clock. :24:

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Midnightmom, you are welcome to move into my new kingdom. Where we kick a$$ and take names. :hug3:


My DIL's father does that with his belt too. Butt crack and belly hanging out but by golly his waist is belted in tightly. Embarrasses them too no end. 


I've been relegated to typing on a cell phone and it's rough. Not only does autocrap misspell,  it adds letters to the beginning of some of my words. In the post up above it added 'go' to the word thoughtful. gothoughtful? Auto didn't even correct it just now. Nor capitalized it. 


Never mind what I type these days. Just go by what I mean. :D


My granny used to say that. "Don't go by what I say. Go by what I mean" I have turned into my grandmother. :sSig_help2:

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