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In appreciation of Momo...


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You know, whenever we include more moderators to help on this website, we introduce and welcome them, and they get all this congratulatory feedback. That's wonderful, and a warm introduction is needed, because they're suddenly learning the ropes and it can be intimidating.


Because we have no constant advertising bars running on our site, we are not one who makes money. So the moderators and administrators who help this website run smoothly get no pay. What we do, we do for *you*... for free.


So I just want to take the time to "re-introduce" some of our more experienced moderators to you all. They have been plugging away, bringing you information and smiles, for years. Let's give them a well-deserved pat on the back and a hug...



Momo's introduction on our "Meet the Team" page says:


Momo lives on a mini-farm in northern Alabama with her DH and a lot of critters. She helps her hubby with the chores needed for the animals and the gardening, and knows how to live frugally. Her hobbies are fishing, knitting, sewing, genealogy and cooking (and eating, which leads to her other hobby of perpetual dieting happy02 ). Momo enjoys the antics of her "Princess" granddaughters and shares the giggles so we can join in! Find Momo in “Where the Heart Is,” “The Spa,” and “Pinching Pennies.”




Mom wisely tends to hold back a bit online... I have to say that she's the only Moderator that I don't know her "real time" name. shrug But she doesn't hold back her heart, and shares what she knows very generously here.


Her experience and knowledge about farm life and preserving pop up around the site. She knows cooking, and saving money, and making things stretch out to fit the budget. She can find the most amazing things on the internet, and brings them back to help us here. But that pales in comparison to the "real time" experience she brings.


She's quick with a warm hug for someone who's hurting, or with an encouraging word. She's the kind of friend you want by your side in good times and bad... she's been through the hard stuff.


In her post about losing her best friend from childhood, she made me long to have a friend like her... faithful, concerned, caring, and truthful enough to try to dissuade an unwise decision.


I love the stories about her granddaughter "princesses"! You can hear the pride and love in her words. smile She gets to watch these little jewels grow up, without needing to be the disciplinarian, and she's LOVING IT!!! happy02




We love you, Sweetie...







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thanks Thanks for all you do. Thanks for enduring the pleasure of our company on bad days for enjoying it on good days. LOL!



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Oh wow...I didn't know you were going to be doing several of these in one day...


Just thought mention of Momo's name, brings tears to my eyes, and she knows why.




I'm in one of those modes right now where I can't think of the words I SHOULD write...I can only write what's genuinely on my heart and mind...


You're right Cat...there's a part of Momo that she keeps very private, and that's fine by me. What she does give, is so immense that one doesn't really remember that we don't know her first name.


She's another one that for the life of me, I can't remember WHEN she came aboard...she's just seems to have always been a huge part of MrsS.


There are aspects to Momo that are incredibly tender and sensitive...aspects that I can relate to because I can be the same way. Whereas I'm usually out there on the front lines, regardless of whether or not I'm having a 'bad hair day', squealing at the top of my lungs, shouting this and that to the right and left, waging war and twirling like a ballerina all at the same time...Momo is a little more quiet about it all. It's as if she's got her eye on every single detail, taking notes on it, addressing it in a consistant, stable way, pulling more than her fair share of the weight and yet never drawing overt attention to herself. We have two unique and different styles and yet there have been those times when she's opened up and bared her heart and I've been instantly connected to it and her...we mirror each other very similarly that way.


Momo has an adorable sense of humor...so many times she's whipped out 'one liners' with me and it has absolutely cracked me up. I've had alot of fun on those occassions, playing with her cause there's an incredibly intelligent woman in the girl we know as "Momo".


She's another one that I haven't taken time out of my selfish obsession with my own life, to tell how much she means to me. There's actually very few people that occupy that spot so close to my heart, and she's one of them...even with the limitations we have here on the net. I don't know why it's like that, but it just is. Maybe because I value, respect and need her around here. I wouldn't want to go forward with this site without her being a part of it...I dunno, but that's just how I feel.


Anyway Momo, you just need to know how I, and everyone really feels. I've been slack in telling so many people here these things, so I relish this opportunity to do so now. Regardless of what the days hold in the future, it's important to me that you know how special you really are.




Gosh, writing these things about Momo and Dee are starting to make me feel emotional.

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Oh no..has someone sent my medical test results to MrsS...How long have I got? rofl


It was quite a surprise to see this here. I have been at MrsS for over 9 years and a Mod for over 5. There have been some trying times. Remember when we were wiped out and we all had to re-register and basically start over? I think Darlene has a bungee cord on all of our backs. She just doesn't want to let you go once you are a member.


AND I DO have a first name. I think 3 people here know it. Two people even have my real address! Maybe we could have a contest..guess Momo's real name and win a lifetime supply of...hmmm...canned butter! canning



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I haven't gotten to know Momo real well but I know I appreciate her posts. She's usually very gentle and diplomatic even if "the cat did do it" grin


Momo, I want you to know that yours were some of the first posts I read here at Mrs. S. They seemed to set the tone for Mrs. S and made me feel like this wass one of the good places. Thank you for all that you do here, for all that you are and for all that you give of yourself.


No, this isn't an eulogy, it's better than that. It's not having to die to find out how much you are appreciated! That has got to be good. grin


Now to the contest. I could use some canned butter so I'm going to guess your name is......Sharon.....(hey, how many guesses do we get anyway?)


Momo, thank you for all you do here. bouquet



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Momo!! I'm glad you didn't croak and die! I saw all these replies and thought, oh no! She's departed from us...and look at the touching parade of mourners...*sigh* So glad you're still here. MrsSurvival wouldn't be the same without you and more than a few others...


bighug Momo, thank you for all that you do!


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I think it is my turn now. smile


THANKYOUSOMUCH2-1.gif for being here, for helping me on a couple of the forums too. smile You see, we cover it well, you in the south and me in the north. smile


You are one great person and again, I THANKYOUGIRLANDDOG.gif . smile


Now, it would not be right for me to guess her name, as I know her name. smile I'll leave the guessing for the rest of you. smile



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How about Olivia? Momo your one of the best! There's a handful of you older (not old just been here longer) members who make this place strong. You are one of those people who make MrsS what she is.. Without you our home would not be the same.

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