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On 3/15/2024 at 9:24 PM, Mt_Rider said:

Is it a real place or just your vision?

Lake Havasu City, from their front porch.  The rendition removed, houses, cars, telephone poles, etc.  I hope they don’t mind, I wasn’t spending hours upon hours putting electrical lines, satellite dishes, and the rest of the ‘noise’ in the painting.  I used their original photo for the sky, which they definitely wanted, then, used another photograph, taken about the same time of day, at a slightly different angle, 3 steps further out, on their porch, to capture a ‘glimpse’ of the lake.


 I touched it up this morning.  Stepping back from it, I noticed a couple things.  :buttercup:  Going to get a frame today, to get it off my art desk, MIL needs to use that table, when she gets here next week.



Edited by Annarchy
ETA: Final touch-up before framing.
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Annarchy, that picture is beautiful. You did a great job. You definitely have good talent. 


Mt. Rider, time for a move to Maui, that snow is getting to be too much for the both of you. 


I haven't done much of anything other than resting. Usually, I work through it, but this cold got me down. Took Benadryl last night and it knocked me on my feet. I slept in till about 11am. That is not like me. But the Benadryl did help a lot. I don't have congestion in my head any longer but still have it in my throat. Cough is not as deep. So will take another Benadryl tonight then stop taking it. I need to get an allergy pill that doesn't make you sleepy during the daytime. 

I have a list of yardwork I need to get started on also. No thinks to my yard man who came and cut the grass and we talked about the mulch and trimming back the bushes on one side of the house, and he didn't show up to do it again. So, going to talk to the girl across the street from me. She has a friend that does her parents' house which is also right across the street from me. But I don't want any weed killer used unless it is a natural one. I think I have a recipe for making a natural one somewhere. All I can remember about it is white vinegar. Will have to look it up. I don't want Round up or anything like it in my flower beds. So, hoping next week I will be able to get back to working on yard again. GS and I was looking for the best place to put the raised beds. We both have ideas on that. So, need to put our plans together and get started on it real soon.

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9 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I have a small Amazon order to make. Among other things, I think I need some quart size canning jars for pie filling this summer. I really only like Kerr jars. A dozen wide mouth Kerr quart jars are $40.00. I wanted 3 cases. Some of the Ball jars aren't priced much better. Walmart had some Ball wide mouth quart jars for $17.00 a dozen. If they are still in stock, I'm going to bite the bullet and pick some up today. Wide mouth will make the sticky pie filling easier to dig out. In theory. I don't think they sell Kerr jars east of the Mississippi River. At least I have never been able to find them.  :shrug:

I’ll go through my jars sometime and see if I have large mouth Kerr. If I do, I’ll trade you for Ball jars if you get to the flea market this summer. I don’t have a preference. :canning: :D

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Busy day. 

Crocheted this morning. 
Made a batch of soap. 
Made a batch of lotion... then another... then another. Yup- 3 batches. I don’t think I’ve ever made 3 batches in one day. Definitely not with also making soap. :twister3: I got all the *individual bottles* made. Now I just have to make full batches of my best sellers... still have to make that list. Maybe tomorrow. And also still  need to get upstairs and work on soap. :buttercup:


:hug3:and :kissy:


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Remembering the BEAUTIFUL ocean (my favorite part) and kayaking did lift my mood while gasping for breath and heaving another shovelful of snow out from under the car. 


Today was sunny again like yesterday.  I had a very slow start but finally got it all together.  Got dressed for going down with water to take care of ducks/goose.  Snowpants over jeans.  Tank top/Tshirt with jacket.  Spare gloves in pockets - in case first pair gets wet.  Cuz... B)   snow gets soppy...  Yes! Remembered the yellow lens sunglasses and was very thankful for them.  Same 5 gallon Reliance jug set sideways rolling on the ice sled.  Ski pole to help me keep upright on the downhill of the driveway and thru the even bigger drifted snow on the berm.  Crossing that to get over to duckhouse was a bit laborious. Again, getting close to waist-high, but I could stay on the lower end of the drift to some extent.  Arrive!  Take of jacket!!!  :knary:    Hung it on the fence but put the Emergency YELLOW vest thing on over the Tshirt.  DH is watching from house/porch - but thru the bushes.  He can see the yellow.  I also have an Emergency Alert button that does work from the duck pen.  He'd hear that go off in the house - and tell the emergency people...yeah, we've got this or....better send the Fire/Rescue folks.  :shrug:  Never had to call them in the decades we've been here.  


Shoveling this dense, heavy stuff is what exhausts me.  Deep snow in front of their duckhouse door and the yard gate and inside the yard.  16" maybe.  So I'm shoveling enough room to open door and gate and maneuver.  Large drifts of snow close by but I'm not tackling them - yet.  Felt like I was working inside a cup.  Got inside finally and they had barely any water left.  Water birds.  They mess around with water!  Flies all over.  Knew I had to do this today. 


Dumped out thin ice, etc.  Grabbed disgusting food tray and dumped it out in the snow.  Snow is good for scrubbing that tray clean!  Got tray and big round water container back in.  Filled with 5 gallons.  Filled lot of feed; heavy on the seeds for oils.  More shell-grit for their grinding of food.  More straw but I'd put that pretty thick.  Put straw outside the door in the low spot that will fill with water and freeze to slick ice by tomorrow.  Straw will give traction.  Opened the sunny side window for a while but closed it before going up. 


Then had a wonderful time with the shovel.  Clear at least enough snow in the immediate area for bringing in food/water.  Opened the gate and cleared an area for them to be outside - once we can do duck-care morning and evening again.  In other words, when S clears the driveway.  Tomorrow early - before the sun begins to make the snow heavy and down-right greasy.  SO slick in a half-melt. 


I had keys to truck but I was definitely not going to wade hip deep any further.  I could see that the truck created drifts to form on either side but blocked a good route in the middle.  We could actually get out to the road (plowed already)  and go if we can't get the car out.  :)   Trudging UP that crazy driveway, I had to stop and sit on the water jug....or lean against the aspen tree half-way up that I use sometimes.  DH was still watching my progress.  Bugs him that with his back, I end up doing so much heavy stuff right now.  I'm really okay but that shoveling does exhaust me.  :imoksmiley:    That's what I looked like this morning after shoveling car loose.  Took hours to stabilize my legs today.  Then I had to do it all over again.....  I finally made it up to level ground again.  And UP 15 steps to porch.  :0327:    Steaming hot, and dripping wet from exertion.  Face red!  Had to rest before getting into shower to cool and wash off.  Even working in the Tshirt!  :knary:   


So here I am, no horse riding for a couple weeks....and doing all this....and I have a neurology appt on Monday.  :shrug:  What can I say.  I eat adrenaline for breakfast!  


Finally sat down and DH made us lunch.   Haven't done much more today, obviously.  But I'm walking ok tonite.  ....except when I looked at the Doppler Radar for our area.


:blink:   ....Whaaa....????   Went out the door to look!   :smiley_shitfan: 


MtRider  .....it's snowing  

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Wow, you're on a roll, Necie!  :thumbs:  


Glad your cold is getting better, Little Sister.  Do NOT get up and labor intensively until you're completely over this!  Think of your GGD.  ;)   A relapse wouldn't be good. 


Much better picture without all the modern do dads of wires and telephone poles, Annarchy! 


I hear ya all on Maui.  We'll be there soon .....if the April solar eclipse doesn't set off massive earthquakes in diverse places ....or nukes don't fly......or China doesn't take over Hawai'i.  ;)   I am kidding but... 




I don't think I've been in a time when any of those things don't necessarily stay in our Disaster Fiction books.  :sigh:   Kinda weird, huh?


MtRider :pray: 

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10 Year anniversary is coming up next month, so DH is doing all sorts of smallish things.  We went out for the 2nd time this week to the comedy club and saw Tim Meadows from SNL, then some live music at the bar we like.  We are old, so he got himself a saw and I need to wrap a really fancy dehydrator he bought.  


I haven't opened it yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.  I'm going to set it where my current toaster is.  The main selling points for me was that it was a toaster, air fryer, convection oven, dehydrator, and dough proofer.   But it does more.  It had really good reviews and It frees up a lot of my counter space while giving me another baking option for holidays.    

Amazon.com: Emeril Lagasse 26 QT Extra Large Air Fryer, Convection Toaster Oven with French Doors, Stainless Steel : Home & Kitchen

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Good morning, everyone!


Don't you just hate it when you know that you have something, but can't find it? I went through that yesterday. Our oldest daughter called to ask if I had some discarded materials that she could use to create a greenhouse effect for some flowerpots. I remembered that I had been gifted one of those small wire frame seed starter-type greenhouses and never used it. I was positive that I knew exactly where it was stored...and just couldn't find it.


The good news is that I managed to find one of those small seed starter trays with a lid and gave her that for the time being. The other good news is that kickstarted the cleaning of my craft room and the bedroom closet... and under my desk, too! This is the first time in years that I have had enough free time to even attempt to do this. The only bad news is that I'm not finished with any of the three areas that I mentioned and I still haven't found the mini greenhouse.


Today, I will be eating the final container of last week's soup and a few other fridge leftovers. I have already gotten in a long walk and hope to finish my closet and desk today. I need to find a better storage option for my shoe herd, though. The craft room is going to take a long-term investment of time. In addition to storing crafting supplies for crafts that I no longer make, it also houses holiday decorations and any other crap that I can push in there when I need to "clean-up" quickly because company is coming. I'm not really ready to face that right now.

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@Mt_Rider, WOW!! I do not miss winter chores!! The worst winter we had was 2013/14. It started snowing in December and didn’t quit. My BIL drives county plow truck— it would snow Thursday/Friday and he’d have to work every weekend. We ended up with one side of the driveway plowed shut cuz there wasn’t anywhere left to push it. And FRIGID! It didn’t melt off. I always moved the bucks from their summer pen out back to a winter pen up front so it was easier to feed/water them. That year, I ended up moving them into the barn to the big kid pen thinking I could move them back out before kids needed it. NOPE!! By the end of March I had 50+ goats and 2 big dogs in 5 pens in my little barn. 😳 That’s the year that all the does learned to turn around ON the stand before jumping back off. I had a doe that kidded on March 14 and lost her the next day to a ruptured uterus (inside out kid— schistosoma reflexus). We couldn’t get her out back, let alone get her buried, so we pulled her into the bucks winter pen (that they weren’t in) and buried her in snow until it melted enough to get her out back. I do miss the goats... but not the snow and cold, and the MUD in the spring. 

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Dang Euphrasyne, that appliance looks like one stop shopping. Awesome.  :thumbs:


TMC, you are singing my song about not being able to find stuff. Mine is scattered between Ohio and Indiana. Whatever I need is guaranteed to be at the other place. 


I got errands run today. Went to Walmart and got my quart jars.  Incase you're interested, I  looked on line and 2 of our WM's didn't have them but the one closet to me did. They weren't in the canning aisle but in the big center aisle. Two big pallets of wide mouth quarts and two pallets of regular mouth pints. I got 3 boxes of quarts that Necie could possibly end up with. LOL. Depends if I get them filled this summer. They were just under $17.00 a case of 12. Probably should have bought 4 cases. 


Walmart was very well stocked. I didn't go up and down all of the food aisles but I did look down them and all the shelves were full. Could've been faced though? But it looked good. I'm hearing about a lot of food shortages, but my area is still looking pretty good. Especially for a Sunday afternoon. 


I got my ambien filled. I have to jump through hoops to get it. I'm good with that though. I only need it occasionally. A week on and a couple of weeks off. It will be good to get regulated so I can get more stuff done. My hours are crazy if left to my own devices. My inner clock is set to night owl mode. 


I got some window blinds. They aren't wide enough. I had a feeling but took a chance. They will go back. Darn it. I just want some cheap plastic roller type to leave behind. 


Went to Dollar Tree. Their med aisle still looks great. But they don't carry Curad bandaids. Neither did Walmart. Maybe Meijers?


Filled up the gas tank. $3.15 a gallon. 


Came home and got curtains hung at the livingroom window. It's a huge window but most of the old curtains fit it. All except the bottom row but I can make those myself. It would have cost a lot to have replaced them so I'm glad I could still use the old ones. Just cheap Priscilla curtains that were here when I moved in nearly 35 years ago. But they still look nice. I still have to figure out the tie backs. Hopefully I'll have the same luck with the diningroom window as it's kinda one big room and the old curtains I had for it matched the living room window. 


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Feeling much better today and my energy is starting to come back. Got everything together for taxes to be done. Finally got the last thing in on Sat. after I threatened them with the IRS and BBB. Seemed to have worked but took forever.  Went to store this morning to pick up a few things I was out of and for things for GS for fast heat up meals for when he gets home from work. I didn't make up anything for him for this week with not feeling well. He has been craving orange juice lately. So got two big bottles of orange juice also. Figure the vit. C will be good for him. 

Working on the rain barrels as the guys will be here tomorrow to put in the new gutters. They are way past due to be replaced. 

Cooking steak tonight with fried potatoes and salad. GS wants mashed potatoes and gravy and fried potatoes. Not so sure about that. But then I can't get him to eat a salad. 

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Got dinner finished and kitchen cleaned up.  They come tomorrow to put the new gutters in and set up the rain barrels. GS helped me get those into place and the hoses and things hooked up. So will be good to go on the next rains. They hold 50 gallons each. So enough to water pots and things on each end of the house.  Also babysitting tomorrow but she won't be here till 1pm and then her DH will pick her up at 4pm. so short day tomorrow for babysitting. GD said the baby is not in a good mood. Between teething and a growing spirt she's not a happy camper. I will just keep her interested in her books and toys. That usually quiets her down. Yeah, we have a bumble ball, and she loves it as well as a walking turtle that plays music and has lights. Those toys will entertain her for hours. 

Going to be a busy day tomorrow. But at least my energy is coming back. Didn't take the chance of going to church this morning as the whole church either has the flu, upper raspatory infection, or covid. Don't think my immune system is back up to par to fight off all that right now. 

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LittleSister, I hope you are feeing better soon!  We also entertained a baby with books.   We liked the board books by Sandra Boynton when DD was a baby.  Those were the only board books I could find that were made in the USA.    It is funny that years later we still have some of them memorized.  


MtRider, I hope you didn't end up with much more snow.  Take care of yourself that you don't overdo things too much.   :hug3: You can always send some snow this way!   We were only able to get DD's sled out once in the past 2 winters. 


Happy Anniversary, Euphrasyne and Mr. Euphrasyne!


Jeepers, I appreciate your updates on stores and shopping!   DH doesn't seem to notice things unless it is something I specifically put on the shopping list.


TMC, my problem is that after I organize, I can't find anything. 


Ann, your painting is amazing!

Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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OOTO, I am in process of building up a collection of books for the baby. So will check into those books you mention above also. All the books I had for both my DD and 5 Grandchildren got pretty worn out. So, went into a yard sale. So now starting over again for Greatgrandchildren. 


Gas has gone up here to 3.49. It is jumping at 10 to 15 cents at a time now. 


GS has gone to bed so now have the house to myself. He has been tired the last couple of days. I hope he's not coming down with this mess also. I have been spraying everything down with Lysol and cleaning. So, hoping that will keep him from getting it and he is just tired from working. He had to go to his other grandparents' house to fix their TV. All they did was push a wrong button and knocked it off the stations. So, nothing serious. They both have dementia, and it is getting worse. When he got back home, he said they were in bad shape. 

GS said his grandfather asked him if he would just bill him. Sort of caught him off guard. He said no charge it's free. He thought grandson was a repair man. That disease is so sad. 

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I. Am. POOPED!!! :pc_coffee:


I actually slept in this morning. Didn’t wake up til 8:45... BUT... That’s cuz I was woken up just after 5 by this *WOOP-WOOP-WOOP*. As soon as I opened my eyes, I see red/blue flashing lights reflecting off the bedroom door (shining through the living room window by the driveway). Sat my butt straight up in bed!!! First thought: “HOLY CRAP!-IS THE HOUSE ON FIRE???” Jumped out of bed and out to living room... Those lights reflecting were so bright that I’d thought they were in the driveway outside the window, but it was just a cop had someone pulled over. The way he was parked though, headlights and flashing lights shining right straight in the window. So I lowered the blinds and closed them... but obviously not enough, cuz when I got back in bed I could still see the d@mn things! I finally fell back to sleep, but DH stayed up. He said they were out there over an hour... waiting for the tow truck. Someone must’ve either been drunk or had a warrant. 

Crocheted this morning.

At noon I went upstairs and stacked soap. 
Then to the basement and cut soap.

Back upstairs to stack that soap. 
Back to basement and made more soap. 

Then I did soap/lotion inventory...

Counted inventory for flea market and farmer’s market. Took farmer’s market inventory to van. 
Counted wrapped/labeled inventory on porch... added that. 
Counted unlabeled lotions in basement... added that.

Counted unwrapped soaps upstairs... added that. 

I have over 100 different soaps (some are temporary *limited edition*) and over 50 different lotions. Each one gets their own count. Unwrapped soaps upstairs alone, I have 21 boxes that hold 120 bars each (I consolidated as I counted— emptied 8 boxes).


 I got done at 8:00, called Mom, made me a peanut butter sandwich.

 I. Am. POOPED!!

Oh... and did I mention... I HATE STAIRS!!! :STAIRS:


Back at it tomorrow... gotta cut soap and make another batch. When I cut that batch, my shelves will be full until Friday... so can make another batch on Thursday. Might fit making a batch or 2 of lotion in between. I might just be ready for markets before they start. 😃


:hug3:and :kissy:




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10 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Filled up the gas tank. $3.15 a gallon. 

Ours is $3.69 right now. DH filled up my van the other day... $48. :gaah: I have no idea what’s going on with pricing lately... it’ll jump .30-.50c and then slowly go back down over a couple weeks and then jump back up again. Crazy!!

@Littlesister, glad you are feeling better. There’s some kind of stomach bug going around here. The kids were supposed to come over Saturday for dinner, but DS2, DDIL and all 3 kids were sick, so we postponed til this next Saturday. Mom was going to have Sunday dinner today (corned beef and cabbage), but DSIS4 is sick and DSIS6 has sick kids/grandkids and she’s *sniffling*, so she canceled. Another niece and her DH and 2 boys didn’t get the message though and showed up. Mom said it was a good visit and nice to be able to be more *one on one*. :wub:
Give your DGS an extra “Grandma hug”. It’s so hard for kids to watch their grandparents slip away... especially mentally. I remember my Great Grandma being so confused. I went to visit her with my 2 boys when they were little (before DD was born) and she thought I was my mom... but couldn’t figure out whose boys I had (my mom had 4 girls). After that I went by myself and she always thought I was my mom... but was disappointed that I didn’t bring *the girls*. 





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Martian, I envy your ambition to get everything organized now that you've got more time.  I've got time but ...energy keeps getting bled out by....all sorts of things.  Doesn't take much. 


Necie...you make me tired just reading about up and down and make this and cut that and..... Jealous!  That's all.  :lol: 


Glad to hear you're getting better, Little Sister.  Don't have a relapse tho.  Kinda glad we're not out in the community much in these days of colds, flu, etc. 


Happy Anniversary, Euphrasyne and dh.   Nice device.  Thot it looked like what Annarchy has.  All-in-one ...good in our small space.  I like IntantPot for that multipurpose too. 


Praying you have Happy Dreams, Jeepers.  Finally, huh? 


3 hours ago, out_of_the_ordinary said:

TMC, my problem is that after I organize, I can't find anything. 


OOTO.... I can relate to that!  When it's been in a pile by the door, yeah I know where it is.  After putting it away in a drawer - out of sight/out of mind.   Better to leave it in plain sight, right?   That's my story and I'm sticking with it.  Obviously, from the look of my tiny house.  :rolleyes:  


We're still stuck at the top of our driveway.  I'm finding out that the dog and the DH get stir-crazy when they can't get out and ....just. get. out.  Hmm.....  I'm so used to it, as long as we have power, I haven't noticed.  Except for the extra labor and paying attention when I go down for the ducks/goose.  That's been heavy labor and sketchy footing.  My folks were always like that too.  HAD to get in truck and go "to town"  ..tho they lived in the town but not the center where stores are. EVERY day but Sunday.  My mom is still going buggy cuz she can't.  Didn't know DH had that but yeah, he's always going to get library stuff exchanged for new stuff.  Or to do this or that.  He and dog jump in car and go and DO.  Since we're stuck at the top of the hill, can't even walk dog on road.  Did let her just run for a few minutes.  That dog can run thru this deep stuff in the woods.  Came back in 5 minutes - and plows into the house for a drink of water!  LOL 


They have cleared our road....and left an insurmountable pile of snow at the top of our lane.  Counting on S to arrive in the morning and clear that mound on his way into our driveway.  We need to leave by noon.  If he doesn't wake us up roaring up with his truck and plow blade, I'll give him a call.  We really have a lot of snow all over these parts of CO.  Even by OUR standards.  4 FEET in some places not far from here!  All sorts of things going on. 


In fact, pray for a woman from our church.  Her house caught on fire today....and her road hadn't been plowed yet!  She called me to put it on the Prayer Request.  Well, YEAH!  Fortunately, it started under the porch and they saved the house.  Mostly.  She was running out of charge in her cell so I didn't get the details when she called back to say:  Fire is out.  House is damaged but ok.  No electricity cuz she has solar and.....dunno.  She's not going to motel but will rely on the fireplace for heat.  But the whole church heard about it when I put the word out.  Someone was going over with a genny tonite and women's group will make some hot meals for her.  We've got another older woman with a recent fall ( this snow!!)  and a non-related neck surgery coming up.  I was busy on the Prayer Requests today.  :pray:  ....but her road did get plowed with the fire trucks just behind the plow!  :)  


My day gets busy without leaving my chair! 

MtRider  :offtobed:   ....gonna be a looong day tomorrow! 

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I'm always surprised by how much more expensive gas is in Indiana compared to Ohio. You'd think over in northwest Indy it would be cheaper because of the huge refinery in Whiting. Nope. 


Littlesister, glad you are feeling better and getting your strength back. :hug3: 


Mt.Rider, best of luck with your appointment tomorrow and prayers for your neighbors.  :pray:

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You all are so busy, it makes my head spin!  


Will walk in a few minutes.
Already washed rugs and have sheets in the washer.
Next dog blankets.
Later, will re-arrange bedrooms for incoming family.
They will be here tomorrow!

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Mt. Rider, sorry to hear about your neighbor's house fire. But glad it was not too bad. But then any fire is bad when it comes to your house. Prayers that she will do fine in this weather and be able to get the repairs done easily. Hope all is well with your appointment.


Necie, you have been really busy getting the soaps and lotions ready for the flea market. Hope it all sells out for you. The Biden administration has been selling off the oil from the refineries on the East Coast causing the gas prices to go up. I keep hearing rumors that the prices are going way up this time around.  Makes me wonder if my 36 gals. I have is going to help much as I at some point will have to refill the cans. 


The gutter guys will be here around 9am. this morning. So just waiting on them and then the baby will be here at 1pm.

washing clothes right now so that job will be done before the baby comes. 


Need to make a couple of phone calls this morning but they don't open till 9am. So will wait till after the gutter guys are here so I can answer any questions they might have and then come in and make my calls. My bank and I are about to have it out. I have my dental insurance on auto pay. They didn't pay it in January, put paid in February and now it is past due for March because the bank didn't pay it again. Might have to do something different for payment. So will talk to the dental insurance people first to see what happened this time and then will be going to the bank as soon as I get some free time. Baby goes home at 4pm today so will go right after they leave if the gutter guys are gone by then. 


Euphrosyne, Happy Anniversary to the both of you. I know you are having a great time. 





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I'm waiting to see if I'm going to make my neurology appt or not.  I have a call in to them saying I'm still stuck with deep snow in our long driveway.  Told S that I have an appt I had to wait 6 months for....but due to the Snowmaggedon here, his cell mailbox is full and I haven't heard from him since Thurs.  He's probably brain-dead due to snowplowing all hours of the day ...and night if the place has lights.  He has to plow here in the morning cuz the sun hits in the afternoon.  It makes the driveway (which has an end-over-end car tumble if you slide off one side)  way too slick to plow.  Am I repeating myself?  Don't know what I've said to who....  Called neurologist office and left message about not being plowed out yet but expecting at any time....maybe.  Doc wanted to see me in 3 months at the Oct appt.  6 months was soonest on her calendar.  Today.  Hmph!


DH and I will probably both go down to see to the ducks and WADE over to the top of the driveway near the road.  Not sure we can shovel what the road snowplow left up there.  Yards of sprayed snow usually PACKED TIGHT.  2 swipes for the blade on a truck.  A "thousand hours of sweat" for a shovel wielded by an old person .  :sigh:    And....I might miss a different med. appt tomorrow too.  We may or may not miss a class we're signed up for tonite.  DH is supposed to work with his new (former) client Wed/Thurs.  Next week is nearly a clear calendar. 


:shrug:     Well, hey.  At least we didn't have a house fire like my friend did yesterday.  Haven't heard an update on her today.  Church folks were getting over there to help with generator, etc yesterday.


Very thankful we had no power outage.  The second snowfall was just under an inch - no big deal.  Thankfully. 


MtRider  :pray:   ...don't think we'll be moving to Alaska any time soon.  :shakinghead:

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MtRider, :pray:



12 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I'm always surprised by how much more expensive gas is in Indiana compared to Ohio. You'd think over in northwest Indy it would be cheaper because of the huge refinery in Whiting. Nope. 


Is it Indy's taxes on gas?   PA has very high state taxes on gas.

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Gas is taxed in both Ohio and Indiana. I didn't know how much so I looked it up. 


Indiana is 34 cents a gallon

Ohio is 38.5 cents a gallon. 


The Whiting refinery is the largest in the Midwest and B.P.'s largest in the world. It's only one county away from ours. :shrug:



Got a call from the place where the cardiologist office is. They want me to wear a heart monitor before I see the doctor on April 25th.... For a month! Crimony. Just shoot me now. 


I have to go tomorrow to get it installed. I packed/moved/donated all of my button front shirts so I have to go buy one in the morning because all of my blouses are where? Indiana. :sigh:


Did I even mention about a cardiologist? I'm like Mt. Rider, I can't remember who I told;


Monitor tomorrow

Blood Pressure nurse. March 29th.

Electrocardiogram.  Apr 2nd.

Cardiologist.  Apr. 25th.

Regular doctor check up. May 14th.

Ear doctor July 23rd.  


But hey, my house is dry and l have heat...today. Subject to change as it's snowing like crazy right now. 


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