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I like meat. But only the actual flesh. I love ham and beans. And chicken veggie soup. But only with shreds of meat visible. No skin, bones nor fat. 


I'm terrified of fish. It's a real phobia. If one touched me I'd probably pass out. Or die. I can't even touch a picture of one. :sigh:

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I'm allergic to fish and shellfish so I can confirm the phobia.  I want to live.  DH goes out to lunch with his buddies to fulfil his desire then comes home and brushes his teeth before talking to me.  

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I'm not allergic to fish. They just freak me out. I used to lie and say I was allergic to avoid confrontation and explanations. But I grew up and now I just admit I'm afraid of them. I don’t mind being teased about it. It is ridiculous. But I didn't want anyone to know in case they thought it would be fun to tease me with a real or fake fish. 


So telling a fib was easier...and safer. 


I can enjoy an aquarium though. But if someone (G-son or son) touches the water then they have to scrub their hands before I'll even talk with them. Just incase they forget to wash their hands and touch me. 


To me a cooked fish smells like a live fish. Ugh. 


But other than that, I'm fairly sane. :cheeky-smiley-067:

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I love fish. DH used to go deep sea fishing and we had fresh tuna, tilapia, and a couple of other fish. canned tuna can't hold a candle to fresh tuna. We either made a salad or grilled it on the grill. That was some good eating back in the day. 


I am so tired right now. It's like something just zapped my energy. And my knee is killing me. All I did was drive GS to gas station and we tried again to jump the battery and still nothing. Called the tow truck so car is in shop. The guy on tow truck checked the battery and that is good. He thinks it is the starter, but we will hopefully know tomorrow. In the meantime, I will just let him use my car to go to work till he gets his back. I could drive him there and pick him up, but he has days he might not get off till 2am. I'm not picking him up in the middle of the night. It's only temporary and we will get through this. Can't say much for his bank account as this isn't going to be cheap. Tow truck and the repair. 


GD got laid off work and now she wants me to keep the baby twice a week so she can clean her house. So, after keeping the baby 5 days a week. When do I get to clean my house? She said she is not going to get another job, which her plan was to be a stay-at-home mom. That is good. But since she is staying home and not working, I need the time to get my stuff done. I still have all the Christmas boxes sitting in the dining room and they have to go. I need time to do things I need to get done. Sometimes I feel like I am being taken advantage of. No offers of any help yet either. So, I am on my own. GS helps on his days off with outside work and if I need help with something in the house, he will help me with that. Despite all the issues he has put me through, he will help around here a little bit. 

DD wants me to come visit During Easter, but with my knee and shoulder it is not happening. Just driving to the garage with GS to give them the keys and such started my knee hurting as well as my shoulder. I'm staying home for Easter. 

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GD, offer to trade her a half-day of childcare for a day of heavy labor in your house, and see how she responds.  Put it in writing (like a text message) for extra laughs.


A phobia is not ridiculous.  It's real.  It doesn't have to be logical to be real.

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49 minutes ago, Annarchy said:

Safe in TX. Amen

Amen 🙏

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We are getting some snow and wind in NY today. I have been racking up the hours for one client and creating materials for others.  I haven't felt this good in years. I've been sleeping in most days and staying up pretty late. Being able to sleep on a schedule that aligns with my Seasonal Affective Disorder has made me more productive...and creative.


I did manage to do some cleaning and straightening over the past few days and downsized my shoe collection a bit.  I need to do the same with the clothes in my closet. I have far too many items, including items that no longer fit. It is so difficult to get rid of "aspirational weight-loss clothing." I have also boxed up a lot of my book collection. I own a lot of books, but I'm only attached to certain ones. We intend to buy another house, and I want them packed up and ready to go. I've already read them all, but I have to have books in any house that I live in!


We have begun planning our next trip to Florida, so I have been packing items that need to be relocated there.


Tomorrow will be colder and I have to get Dad to a doctor appointment and maybe do a bit of grocery shopping. We have plenty of food and nothing that I want to cook.


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Annarchy, glad you made it to Texas safe and sound and :pray: for safe return back home again. 


Ambergris, that is a good idea. She can help me with the inside heavy things. GS if not at work would be happy to get the Christmas stuff back onto the loft in shed as soon as I can get the garden stuff out of the way.  With my knee, GD can clean under beds and do bathrooms also. But I won't get my hopes up. 


We ended up towing GS's car to the shop. It might be the starter but still not sure. We will know more tomorrow when they call. In the meantime, he is using my car. So, I just need to do my stuff in the mornings so car will be free for him to go to work.


Spent early this evening doing work on computer. Cleaning out the E-mail junk is a joke. For everything I unsubscribe to even though most of it I never subscribed to I end up with more junk mail. But will see. I think I need to get an add blocker again. That did help but when the other computer started having issues and I started using the small one, I never put one on this computer. So will maybe get that done tomorrow. And since GS was using my computer to do his taxes, now I get junk from Turbo Tax. I swear they all have eyes on you and send you junk they think pertains to your interest.  My computer needs blindfolders over their eyes.

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Necie sounds like you had a relaxing day. That's a good thing.


This morning, I took care of the Real Estate tax and got that out of the way. It's not due till June but I rather just get it paid now than wait till June. Now I don't have to worry about that till Dec. 

After unsubscribing from all the junk in my E-mail, so far, I only had one advertising I had never heard of. So that just went into the spam. Computer is now working much better than before. 

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Already walked and stopped for my doctor appt. on the way, so two things done.
Will take my daughter to Walmart for a phone card and a couple of other stores.
Will walk Aninja when I get home.
Not much else happening today.


I'm glad that you are safely in TX, @Annarchy!

And that you had a more relaxing day @Necie!

I hope your GS's car gets fixed quickly and affordably @Littlesister!

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GS got his car back in time to go to work.  It was the starter.  I like that place I told him to take it. I heard a lot of good things about it. They are honest and the price for the starter was cheaper than all the other places we checked out.  I am going to start going there for my oil changes and inspections. They got his car fixed fast. 


Got my bedroom cleaned up, dusting and mopping floor, changed sheets and remade bed. So that job is done. Then took GS to pick up his car. Came home and straightened up the kitchen a bit. 

Edited by Littlesister
hit save by mistake
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Finally, after two dropped calls and one call that they never answered, I got my cable TV cut off from ATT. Only took an hour. What a hassle. Then they want me to sign up for all kinds of stuff. I'm old, not stupid. No means no the first time. Crimony. I hate to feel badgered. Now all I have is internet that I still can't get connected to. I'd cancel that too except I expect to have to use it with selling the house transactions. Since I unbundled, the internet price dropped by $30.00. Odd. I still have to send in my cable boxes. I think I have three of them...somewhere. I wish I could just take them in to an ATT store. That would be too easy I guess. Free shipping to mail the units back but I'll have to scrounge up a box big enough. I'll work on the internet when I'm in a better frame of mind. I know it will involve another call to India for assistance. I can barely understand them. Last time they told me to "Try harder". I understood that.  :mad:  


When I rolled over my CD I told the banker that I was not interested in a financial advisor. I'm doing just fine. I don't want to be bothered. I don't need them. Both of my dollars are safe thank you very much. :D   So guess who called today? I was rude to him. Don't care. Every time I do inside banking or do a money withdrawal from my stock company, I get calls wanting to delve into my money and offers that I don't want. I tell them no one time. If they persist, I become very rude. Don't care. P*sses me off to no end when they ask why. None of their business. And I tell them so. "None. Of. Your. Business." *crickets*.  I get questioned about why I have this amount in this account and why I have that amount in that account and why don't WE roll it it over to whatever. I have zero interest in bonds or treasury notes and I really have no interest in a meet up. I probably should make an appointment with them just to waste their time after I've already told them no. 


I'm really grumpy today. Bet my heart monitor is really going off. And that's another thing, they call me every day just to tell me what day I'm on. Today is day 3. Yeah me. Only 27 more phone calls from them. 


A prescription is due to be picked up. I'm laying low though. I'm not fit to be in public today. Maybe tomorrow after I get my heart monitor robo call. Or maybe early in the morning before some other poor soul crosses my path. 


I'm carbing out in a huge plate of spaghetti for supper.  Don't care. 




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On 3/20/2024 at 10:50 AM, Jeepers said:


I'm terrified of fish. It's a real phobia. If one touched me I'd probably pass out. Or die. I can't even touch a picture of one. :sigh:



On 3/20/2024 at 1:29 PM, Jeepers said:

I'm not allergic to fish. They just freak me out. I used to lie and say I was allergic to avoid confrontation and explanations. But I grew up and now I just admit I'm afraid of them. I don’t mind being teased about it. It is ridiculous. But I didn't want anyone to know in case they thought it would be fun to tease me with a real or fake fish. 


So telling a fib was easier...and safer. 


I can enjoy an aquarium though. But if someone (G-son or son) touches the water then they have to scrub their hands before I'll even talk with them. Just incase they forget to wash their hands and touch me. 


To me a cooked fish smells like a live fish. Ugh. 


But other than that, I'm fairly sane. :cheeky-smiley-067:

Ummm... Jeepers?? I don’t think we can be friends. :wacko:

JUST KIDDING!!! :laughkick: :hug3:

We all have fears. But, sheesh, I LOVE FISH. And FISHING!!! And I feel so bad about all the fish pictures I posted!! I probably gave you the heeby-jeebies! :runcirclsmiley2: When DH and I start fishing, I will start a whole separate post for it— “Fishing 2024”. That way you don’t have to look at the things if you don’t want to. :thumbs:


My biggest fear is falling. I used to think it was heights. But I figured out that as long as I feel secure, actual heights don’t bother me. I can be nervous about falling on flat ground. :imoksmiley: And some of those high mountain edge pictures that people post on FB make me scroll by them really fast. :0327:


Do pics of cooked fish bother you? Cuz, just a warning... I’m gonna go post one in “What’s Cooking?” in The Kitchen. :happy0203:

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11 hours ago, Littlesister said:


Necie sounds like you had a relaxing day. That's a good thing


Not really. :( I was in a *mood*. :pout: Kinda feeling sorry for myself. Yesterday is not my favorite day... anymore. So, I guess I punished myself by sitting and doing *nothing*. Although crocheting is work for flea market. I’m still much happier when I’m UP and MOVING doing something. 

Yesterday I finished crocheting my stack of towels. So I got another tote of towels out this morning and poked holes in them and stacked ready to crochet. 
Worked in the kitchen a bit.

Then DH wanted to go to the bait store to get our fishing licenses for this year. When we got in the truck, I had a big ole grin on my face... he said “What?? This doesn’t mean we’re going fishing yet.” I said “No... I get to RIDE!!” He said “You’re always running around going for a ride.” Me: “NOOOO.... I always have to DRIVE!! I get to RIDE and not watch the road and get to look around at the scenery and all that $hit!!”. :happy0203: Fishing licenses went from $17 to $23, but he got a senior lifetime this year for the same amount. He also got a bobber and I got 2 bobbers and a package of hooks. 

Probably work more in the kitchen tomorrow. Kids are coming down Saturday. :wub:


:hug3:and :kissy:


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CoC meeting was at a restaurant mom loves to go to every time I visit.  However, the speaker…he talked for 2 hours….about the shelters, they are building/fixing/and restoring, for homeless people, “migrants”, veterans, women, children, etc.  including saying he is a professional begged for $$$.  In the past 5 or 6 years, the Woman’s Dept, of the CoC, has visited several of those facilities and donated a LOT of time, donations and $$$. They gave him another check today.


2 groups of over 600 “migrants” stormed, broke down the fences, and trampled the Ntl. Guard and BP officers yesterday & today…videos from both sides of the border hit the net & news.  

Sorry, I have no compassion for them.  May God forgive me.  They are not good people.  Drugs, cartels, and terrorist…. Yes, I completely understand the “families” fleeing the “hard” lifestyle in their countries, however, if they really cared, they could change their own countries, instead of running away.  Getting free housing, debit cards with $5,000, free transportation anywhere they want to go in the USA.  

We are having trouble of gangs, breaking into homes, robbing, killing people, stealing cars and anything of value they can find.  Going into stores, filling their carts and walking out without paying.  And NO ONE is trying to stop them.  It’s sickening.  

I worked hard, years of having nothing, barely even a meal a day to get where we are today…..  


Forgive my rant, my anger, and furiousness, from what I am seeing first hand.  They are welcome, IMHO, ONLY if they did it legally!  Even the legal “migrants” are upset.

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Necie, don't you dare feel bad about fish pictures! I love seeing your darling granddaughter out there fishing. I was thinking about how brave she is to actually....fish.   :D   I can overlook a fish in the background. Close up...not so much. 


Nope, cooked fish don't bother me. Post away! Unless it still has the head on. People actually eat whole fish with heads and eyes and fins and skin and bones... I always wonder if they are even gutted.  :0327:  It happened to me once in Taiwan a big flat kind if fish on a platter. Whole. Then they brought out a whole duck. Complete with head and feet. And there was the octopus with their little suction cup tentacles. Eel soup complete with the bones. Fifty years later I can still see it all. I was a guest so when in Rome. Had diarrhea for a week. Seriously. It was the Dragon Boat Festival. At least I didn't have to eat a dragon.  LOL. 


About once every 2-3 years I will actually eat a Long John Silvers fish smothered in ketchup. I try.  


We can still be buds. I just won't go fishing with ya. And I won't knock you over. :D   Sounds like you might have some sort of vertigo?



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Don't feel bad Annarchy. I'm right there with you. I don't understand how this is being allowed to happen. I've seen the violence too. When they beat up the cops, and walked out of the jail laughing and giving the camera the finger, my head nearly exploded. And our food and med shortages is no mystery. Don't get me started...


I wondered what all you would see down there so close to the border. 

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10 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I know it will involve another call to India for assistance. I can barely understand them.  

I tell them to slow down and enunciate better. And I have to say it multiple times for the same sentence! So annoying!!!  :tapfoot:


Do you remember these being popular???


Edited by Midnightmom
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This morning, I will walk when it stops raining.
Have a doc appt at 10 am about 20 miles away.
Stop at salvage grocery on the way back.
Go to lunch with visiting family members at the tiny cafe I help out at.
Walk Aninja, when I get home.
Soak some beans overnight for tomorrow.

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Darn you Midnightmom. I had to touch the screen to scroll up away from it. I almost had to touch that fish. The struggle is real girlfriend. The struggle is real. 


See. That there is why I used to lie and say I was allergic to fish. And yes I remember that terrifying commercial.

Thanks for the reminder.  :fryingpan:


Moving on....

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Public Service Announcement:


I got some useless "window blinds" from Amazon the other day. They said they were the roller kind but they weren't. You had to Velcro the top of them to the window frame. Also cut the side of them off to the width you want. They came folded up. Basically a piece of folded plastic you velcroed to the top of your window frame. I should have known by the price. Too good to be true. I bought...8. :rolleyes:


Anyway, I've never returned anything to Amazon but I wasn't going to keep all 8 of them. I went on their site to see about returning them. Boy was it easy! I filled out a short form saying why i wanted to return them and they told me where I could go locally to return them. UPS store, Whole Foods, Kohls and some other place. Maybe Staples. UPS is right up the street. Amazon emailed me one of those q code things. I took the stuff to the UPS store and they scanned the code, gave me a receipt and that was it. Amazon emailed me back and said they received the notice from UPS and will refund my card as soon as it arrives to them. 


Just mentioning it incase anyone else gets a dud and wants to return something to Amazon. I thought I  would have to go to the post office and pay to send them back. Glad I wasn't stuck with them and glad it was so easy to return. I'm not big on returning stuff but there were 8 of them. 


Everyone else beside me probably already knew all of this.  :sEm_blush: 

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Jeepers, when I get someone that can't speak good English, I tell them to give me a person that speaks English. Most of the time it works. 


Midnightmom, we used to have a couple of those motion activated fish. Had lots of fun with them. GD2 took them. She wore those out.  

We loved going fishing. Still do. Just not in a boat any longer. 


Annarchy, I have seen so much of what you are witnessing with the illegals. But it has only been on TV.  It is really bad, and I fear it will get worse.  Stay safe while you and your MIL are there. 


Went and got taxes done.  IRS got me good. So, I'm dishing out money that I don't want to give to the IRS. But it is what it is. But my tax lady gave me some very good tips to stop that for next year.  So got some paperwork to do. Just what I need more business to take care of. 


Will be working in yard in a bit. Suppose to be getting rain at some point soon, so house can wait till I can get a couple of things done before the rain comes. 

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