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I'm in the hospital


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I wanted to let everyone know that I am in the hospital. My water broke 12:30 on Tues evening but I am not in labor. I'm 32 wks along and they are trying to get Ben's lungs mature enough that if I go into labor he will have a better chance. I got the second steroid shot this morning so in 24 hrs he will have gotten the most benefit from that. If I have not delivered by Apr 9 they will induce me because that is the point the benefit of staying in is outweighed by the complications that could develop. I am on antibiotics to stave off infection. U/S yesterday shows he's 4 lb 7 oz and doing well and his strips on the monitor are reassuring. I am doing o.k. I have a lot of support from my fellow nursing students and I am on bed rest in the unit where I do my clinicals so I have the benefit of the nurses knowing me and I feel comfortable here and well supported. The level 3 NICU is just down the hall. I have my computer at the hospital so I am can keep everyone updated. If I don't post here and someone sees my updates on Facebook it's o.k. to post them here <3

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Sweetie, I will be praying furiously for you and Ben -- especially that his lungs will have time to be assisted by the medication. Praying for a healthy, though tiny, sweet boy! :)


Please let us know if you want us to pray for anything specifically, okay?

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I wanted to let everyone know that I am in the hospital. My water broke 12:30 on Tues evening but I am not in labor. I'm 32 wks along and they are trying to get Ben's lungs mature enough that if I go into labor he will have a better chance. I got the second steroid shot this morning so in 24 hrs he will have gotten the most benefit from that. If I have not delivered by Apr 9 they will induce me because that is the point the benefit of staying in is outweighed by the complications that could develop. I am on antibiotics to stave off infection. U/S yesterday shows he's 4 lb 7 oz and doing well and his strips on the monitor are reassuring. I am doing o.k. I have a lot of support from my fellow nursing students and I am on bed rest in the unit where I do my clinicals so I have the benefit of the nurses knowing me and I feel comfortable here and well supported. The level 3 NICU is just down the hall. I have my computer at the hospital so I am can keep everyone updated. If I don't post here and someone sees my updates on Facebook it's o.k. to post them here <3


Bless you and the baby..... I hope all goes very very well here for you. I am so glad you are with those who can do their very best for you and truly care about you as a colleague and friend as well. :bouquet: :bouquet:

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Becca, you're in my thoughts and heart. Wishing you and baby all the best and please keep us posted if you can.

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**Joining the prayer circle**


Also prayers for the family at home. I know your kids are probably responsible enough for the most part, but Moms are the oil that helps everything run more smoothly. Strength and patience for Dad, too!



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Geezzzz what is going on are the planets out of alignment or the moon and sun switch places? We have a dear friend undergo an emergency c-section on Monday. Her baby was born 10 weeks early weighing 2lbs 2oz and 14 1/2 inches long. Baby Abby is doing great, the doctors said she is a normal baby just tiny.


Becca-Anne we are praying that all goes well for you and little Ben.

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