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Glad you made it back home Jeepers. The new house is coming along nicely. You have been a busy girl. 

Was going to finish weeding garden but it rained. But on the bright side. We got rain and I didn't have to water garden. Rainwater is so much better that using city water. Yes, that well is on my list. I did find out it will cost between $3000 to $5000 to get new pump and repairs. Not too bad but still a lot of money after all the money I put out for the remodel.

Speaking of remodel, no one coming at all this week, and we talked a month ago about the fireplace and picked out the fireproof mat. Found out today he hasn't ordered that either. So, he is back to stretching this job out again. This job started in Jan and here it is June. Job could have been done 2 months ago if he didn't keep dragging his feet on getting things ordered. This isn't because of not being able to get things but because he waits till the last minute to order things. And the fact he is working on too many houses at once and not enough help. He needs to stop taken on more work till he gets what he has done. 5 clients are complaining now. The contractors said they have had enough of his pulling them off one job when they have started tiling or something to do another job and then don't get back to the tiling for a customer for another 2 or 3 weeks. That is what happened with my kitchen. And now the bathroom and still waiting for them to start the fireplace. I am so over this. Now he says he wants me to start using the main bathroom to make sure there are no leaking pipes. The way I see that is if I have a pipe that they replaced leaking then he needs a new plumber that can do it right. I have already checked for leaks, and I don't need to use the shower, toilet or sink to see that. This man is a joke, though the contractors are doing a great job, they have to do what the boss tells them, but they are getting tired of it. Yes, they do complain about stuff. They are tired of not being able to leave their tools here as they don't know from day to day where they will be sent. So, they get here, and it takes a good hour to get tools back out and then have to pack tools back up before leaving. This also cuts into the time they actually work on the house each day. 

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Littlesister, that's a shame how he is doing his workers and you too! I know it was a huge plus when I let the workers leave everything out when I had the painters in. There was no setting up or tearing down every day. All they had to do was clean their rollers and brushes at the end of the day and the next day they could start right in. The contract said they were to do a clean up every day but I didn't care. Of course it was a jumble of equipment but I was the only one there and pretty much stayed in one room anyway. It was well worth it though because they painted the whole house in 6 days including ceilings.


I told them to help themselves to the fridge and microwave and play their radio all they wanted. And I stayed completely out of their way in my bedroom. They took down towel bars etc. for me and repaired some minor nail holes for free. And replaced some light bulbs in the 16 ft. ceiling while they were up there. We had a good working relationship. 

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Great progress! Bit by bit you'll get there Jeepers!


The electricians did come today and were able to wire the switch that had been making them scratch their heads. So hopefully it will be smoother going forward. They brought the old house specialist today. Tomorrow my freezer and dishwasher will get delivered. Talked to the cabinet guy and he's still waiting for the upper cabinet doors to arrive and some end pieces. So will just have to be patient. No sense in stressing myself out over something I don't have any control over. I keep reminding myself that by next summer this will all be a memory. My tomato plants are all still alive and some have blossoms so that's something to celebrate :happy0203:

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12 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Speaking of remodel, no one coming at all this week, and we talked a month ago about the fireplace and picked out the fireproof mat. Found out today he hasn't ordered that either.


I am hearing this same story from many of our friends/family. SIL waited three months for appliances in their new home. The used their camping gear in their half-million dollar house. :0327:


We have a standing order with our carpenter friend. If he's out of work, he can come over and pick up where he left off last year. Time and material. So far, he's swamped as he's a perfectionist and works alone. Great guy. Good thing DH has the electrical and plumbing skills we need.  :hug3:


We do need some repair parts for our Champion engine on our woodsplitter. DH spent yesterday searching for ANY KIND OF PARTS. Seems Champion is made in China and parts are impossible to get right now. I told him to buy a Briggs and Strattan and put it on the shelf.  It will cost $500 but we will have wood heat for the next 10 years. Electric was $370 the first January we were here. Never again. We'll invest in the engine. I'd better keep that guy fed and happy. He's my blessing in a world that's falling apart.   :thumbs:

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It's hot, here! And humid!
Watered garden.
Walked first, anyway.
Spent an hour and a half on the phone getting my online bookkeeping switched over.
Made an appointment for haircut at a new place. My usual lady is having health issues and may be retiring.
Weeded in potato patch.
Still have 3 VA related calls to make after 1:30 or so.
Bible study this evening.
Water garden. Seems like I will have to water a couple of time a day for a few weeks. It's very dry right now and hot!

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This week I have been freezing strawberries from our patch. Started about 4 years ago with 3 plants and this year we have harvested over 4 gallons so far!

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Miki that's a lot of watering hope you get some rain soon

Homey that sounds so worth the $. It's so aggravating when you can't get spare parts.

That's great Franksgirl! None of the ones I planted this year made it but I have lots of wild ones in the grass so I'm hoping if I put new plants in a bed they will do well next year.


My freezer and dishwasher came today :hapydancsmil:So now I can go order 1/4 cow and get some chicken and make ice in my fridge freezer. I'm also going out to pick some mulberries from my tree to freeze before they are all gone.I can't use the DW yet because new kitchen cabinets aren't in but I have it for when it's time and it won't be backordered on a ship somewhere like my cabinet doors. 

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:woohoo:  Congrats on getting your appliances! 

I agree about getting things ordered and delivered before you actually need them. Things are getting even harder to come by. Reminds me of a couple of old sayings. Strike while the iron is hot. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. :sEm_blush:   Or my favorite, Gettem while they Gottem. :happy0203:


Farm Report:

I forgot to mention that while in Indiana I saw that all of the fields in my area were planted and little green shoots were starting to poke their heads up. I noticed mostly corn. The others could be soy beans but it's a little early to see them yet. A couple of farmers were cutting and baling what I assumed was hay. It didn't look like wheat. Anyway, it was nice to see farmers out there trying. Pray the weather is on their side this summer. 


Also, I really miss Mt. Rider. Hope she and her family are doing well.

I know she is without internet, but I still worry about her. :hug3:   :pray:   :hug3:

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It is officially, HOT!  107°F in the shade… car said….  117°. Down town… 113°. 

Watering daily, filling the water dishes daily, watching things wither….  Typical AZ. 

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20 hours ago, Jeepers said:


Also, I really miss Mt. Rider. Hope she and her family are doing well

I’m concerned too, Jeepers.  I hope everything is okay. :hug3:

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I too am missing Mt. Rider. Hope both she and her mother are doing ok. 


Went out at 5:30 this morning to water garden. I think we are going to have rain tomorrow so won't water till I see if that happens. Right now, it says 40% chance of rain and storms. If not, then I will water tomorrow night. 

Those are some hot temp's you guys are having. We have been in high 80's so far. But the heat is coming. Most everything is now in bloom. So should start producing soon. 

Going on shortly and pull-out chicken to can. Been so busy unpacking what boxes I can and getting that put away. Have done about all I can do for now till they get the shoe molding put in so I can get things back in the 3 closets. Dust is awful. Having to dust down everything as I go. Got all the spices gone through and put away. Only had 3 almost empty ones that had hardened up and I couldn't break it loose, so I tossed those. But I have backups so good to go.

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The garden is officially starting to produce.  We are fighting vine borers in the squash and pumpkins but so far we are holding damages down.  Our cucumbers went crazy on the greenhouse trellises, and we are picking & picking.  We gave a bunch to a neighbor today to make cucumber salad and fridge pickles, and we are still dealing with bunches of them.  The green beans are coming on strong, we are also picking those like mad until the weathers makes them shut down.  Meanwhile they are delicious!  I am picking blackberries, and planning on dragging out the canner to can some berries for serving in various ways.  I understand they are very high in anthocyanins, so much the better.   I am considering making pickles (again) but not too eagerly as mine are always un-crisp.  I have to figure out what I am doing wrong before I can any, but refrigerator pickles will work for me.  As soon as I make (a little) room in the freezer I might try some freezer pickles, they were OK last time I made them.  So those cukes will not go to waste.


Today Mary pulled up all the Prunella plants in the orchard plot....I made her save it so I can dehydrate it, as it is a well known medicinal that goes by the name of "All Heal".  It grows wild around here, so more will come up later.  In the past she has not always understood about the medicinal "weeds" in her lawn, but she is learning to leave some of the plants alone.  The pennyroyal patch, for example, she can mow, but not poison....it is a flea repellent.  

I am still having trouble with her dislike of dandelions, but there are a few secret patches in our "wild" area.  And she has agreed not to mow down ALL the wild blackberries, just mow enough to keep it in its designated borders, and a path for me to get to the center of the patch.  (So I will make her some jelly, for her help.)


We are hearing more and more about upcoming SHTF shortages, around september or so.  (I woud not be surprised to hear it is orchestrated for that time for political purposes....legislating by emergency order is so much easier than making congress pass unpopular/extreme/controversial laws.)  My nieghbors are beginning to speak openly of prepping, which is interesting.  Better late than never, I guess.  


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5 hours ago, kappydell said:

 I am considering making pickles (again) but not too eagerly as mine are always un-crisp.  I have to figure out what I am doing wrong before I can any, but refrigerator pickles will work for me.


Try these recipes. :cook:



A personal tip: 

I didn't have any jelly jars, BUT, I did have the squat jars that diced garlic is sold in. They fit into the wide mouth canning jars as well.


ETA: Questions and replies from the comments section of the first video:


(Just in case you have "heat" issues in your part of the country--)

Q:  Really enjoyed the video. I have a question on the temperature when fermenting. Our kitchen here in the Southwest can be 85 to 90 degrees, will this harm the fermentation process? I was told 65 to 72 degrees is best. Thank you

A:  Hi Don, Thanks so much for visiting. Yes, you were told correctly. You can maybe get away with up to 75 degrees but much warmer allows for the proliferation of bad bacteria instead of yeast and lactobacillus (the good bacteria). Do you have a cooler area? Maybe in a dark pantry on a tile floor?

Q:  Hi Mary , I am new to your channel and I love the easy instructions you provide.  I followed the recipe but my  pickles were soft and had a terrible taste and the had some white floating stuff when I opened them up.  I left them to ferment for 5 days ( too long?) or maybe too much sun from leaving them on the kitchen counter?  Would love your feedback on possible mistakes I may have made.

Q: Wondering if all these fermented veggies can they be stored on a shelf stable, or they need to put them in fridge?

A:  Eventually they do need to be refrigerated. Otherwise they will continue to ferment and potentially become too soft and/or open up the possibility for some rancidity. Ferments generally like to be kept at 40°F which is the top shelf of your refrigerator or in a celler and/or root cellar. 





A:  All great questions.  Sorry they didn’t turn out for you.  Sounds like they were too warm during the fermentation process. If ferments are too warm, mold and bad bacteria take over before the good bacteria can get a foothold. The white stuff floating on top may have been mold. Was it fuzzy? If it was web like it was probably kahm yeast which is not problematic. You can just remove that. But from what you’re describing to me it sounds like your pickles developed mold. Discard them. You can try again, but summertime isn’t always the best time to ferment because it is warm in most areas. You may want to wait to the fall which was the typical time traditional cultures would ferment.


Q:  Is the cucumber a special type for making pickles or is it a standard cucumber?

A:  Generally, the best cucumbers for making pickles are called "pickling cucumbers".  They are short and stubby and usually not too tasty to eat raw but are great for fermenting.

Q: Can you tell me if the process would work if I was to use cukes that have been treated with the food grade wax so common at the grocery store? Would washing them remove the needed bacteria?

A:  ... that is a great question.  Generally what you want to look for are "pickling" cucumbers that are generally in season in the spring and summer - depending on where you live - and are not waxed.  They ferment the best.  Regular wax cucumbers do not always do very well in ferments because . . . the wax prevents them from absorbing the brine - so even if they are sliced, the skin side will not ferment well.  Yes, you can try and give them a scrub to remove the wax - but yes, it will remove a lot of the naturally occurring yeast - so that create other problems.  Some folks have tried it and said they came out ok, so if you want to experiment, it's worth a try.  But I think you will be most pleased when you can use pickling cucumbers. 

Q: I prefer whole pickles. Would you make any changes in the procedure, or ingredients for whole pickles?

A: Yes, you can definitely make this with whole pickles.  Keep in mind that with any ferment, initially it will be a little salty when you taste the brine/pickles as they are fermenting but once refrigerated the pickles will absorb more of the brine increasing their flavor and the brine will become less salty.  This whole process may take a bit longer with a whole pickle but it will work very well.


Q:  Can you use too much salt?

A:  Yes, you can use too much salt. Also, temperature plays a role. As Ferments ferment, they like to be between 68F and 72F but it can also handle as cool as 65F. But the upper limits of the warmer end really shouldn’t go any higher than 78F. The reason is, as the temperature gets warmer it’s easier for the bad bacteria to take a foothold than good bacteria. In the cooler temperatures it’s easier for the good bacteria to get a foothold. But getting back to your main point, yes… If you use too much salt it can actually inhibit the fermentation process. Using the right amount of salt helps encourage the fermentation process by tamping down the bad bacteria but not preventing the good bacteria from proliferating. Hope this helps.

Q: Can I use canning/pickling salt to my fermented? And for these pickles how much salt would I need for a half gallon jar? And how long to let ferment? And one more how much of the spices would you add to it?...thanks so much in advance.

A: When it comes to ferments, sea salt works best because the minerals in the sea salt help with the fermentation process. Canning salt is more processed and may or may not work. If you make this in a half gallon, you will want to double the amount of salt. As to the spices, there is really flexibility. You can double the amount of spices or not. And keep in mind, initially the brine will taste salty but once it reaches a level of fermentation in terms of texture that you like, you will want to refrigerate your ferment. In the refrigerator the fermentation process continues just at a much slower rate. The cucumbers will absorb more of the brine and become tastier and the brine will become less salty. As to how long you want to leave it to ferment on the counter, much depends on the temperature in your kitchen. Ferments like to be around 75°F. In warm weather, I recommend not keeping them on the counter for more than a few days. In cooler months you can go about one week. But then I recommend refrigerating them.



Q: Hi Mary... always enjoy your thorough videos... question regarding fermenting cucumbers: are you using fresh bay leaves/grape leaves?  Can dry be used if only available?

A: Hi Gina, great question! Fresh or dried are both fine. They will both work. 

Q: Do dry bay leaves have the same tannin effect as fresh bay leaves? 

A: Yes, you can use dry or fresh.  Keep in mind that there's no real opinion on how many bay leaves are enough.  Using the tea bag imparts little or no flavor whereas the bay leaves do impart some flavor.  So you have to like bay. :-) As to the right amount, some people say 1 while others say as many as 4 or 5.  I have used about three...I think...when I fermented carrots and that seemed to work well.  But fermenting is an adventure.  The more you ferment though, the more familiar you will become with what you like and what you don't like and what works best.  Keep in mind, the pickles will be salty in the beginning but overtime they will mellow in the fridge.


Q: Do you have any advice on making your ferment more sour?
A: Great question. To increase the sour flavor, you want to increase the lactic acid. This is the end stage of fermentation. So, I would recommend leaving it on your counter for a few more days before you refrigerated. Hope this helps.

(Making Sweet Pickles): All you need to do is empty the brine into a bowl - after the fermentation process is complete - and add your sweetener of choice until you reach the desired flavor - then add the brine back into the jar with the fermented pickles and then refrigerate them. 


(Related comment from a viewer): Hi Mary. Thanks again for a great video. I have used bay leaves for tannins and also pomegranate leaves will work, along with banana leaves. I also read that oak leaves will work. I recently tried the oak leaves and pomegranate and so far so good.

(Related comment from a viewer): My favorite item to make them crisp is oak leaves which also have tannins.

(Related comment from a viewer): Thank u for shedding light on the secret to crisp pickles!! Grape leaves have been working GREAT for me! 1st crisp pickles I have EVER been able to make!


(Viewer comment): A few tips I've picked up elsewhere: Yogurt whey isn't ideal for room-temperature fermentation because it's fermented warm, and the different environment selects for different ("thermophilic") bacteria species (just as the salt and acid prevent some bad bacteria from growing in pickles). Whey from room-temperature milk fermentation ("clabbered milk") can do the job, though.


(Viewer comments re: chlorine): 

~ You're right to worry a little about chlorinated water, but in fact there isn't enough residual chlorine in your tap water (in the 5 parts per million neighborhood) to cause much problem--there's just too much organic matter in your pickles to react with. Any water you would drink is fine.

~ Regarding tap water and chlorine:  Many municipalities now use chloromine (sp?) instead of chlorine.  I believe it's chlorine bonded to some other chemical.  The reason for that is so the chlorine WON'T evaporate out.  Letting the tap water sit on the counter won't get rid of the chlorine, in that case.  Not to mention fluoride and who knows what else.  If you live in a municipality of any size, it'd be best to just forget about tap water.

~ Quick tip from a homebrewer. Leaving water to sit in the open will not gas off the chlorine. Most utlities now add chloromines to the water instead of the pure chlorine that they used to use. It will not vaporize very quickly from the water. One of the few options is to add campden to the water. It binds with the chloromines and drops it out of suspension, but because campden can be very toxic in its undiluted form it only takes a tiny amount to do the job. About have an aspirin sized tablet per 5 gallons. So unless you brew or make wine just stick to jugs of distilled water from walmart.







Edited by Midnightmom
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Great info. Thank you Midnightmom.  


Got valance hung up at kitchen window. Didn't get to the chicken as GS decided in middle of night to cook him a meal. Don't mind him doing that but he left me a big mess this morning. Spaghetti sauce everywhere and a sink full of dirty dishes. Counters were a mess as well. He has never done that before, but I am guessing after a 13-hour shift and heavy lifting he was just still tired though he went to bed almost as soon as he got home. So, I had all that to clean up. Will be getting chicken canned hopefully this evening or as soon as I get home from Church. 

Need to get out and finish weeding. Seems every time I start to get back to it, something pulls me away again. And now it looks like it is going to rain. 

Need to get to my cookbooks so I can get all those back on shelve. That would be another box emptied. Moved GS out of master bath and into the main bathroom. We can use it now though it still needs the door, mirror and towel rack. Otherwise, it is usable. I put up a shower curtain for him. So that works for now. The old bathroom only had a shower curtain, anyway, so will do for a while till the shower door comes in. He just had to go out of my bathroom. That room is just too small for 2 people to use.  DH and I used the shower in there as it were a standup shower verses a tub with shower. But as for everything else there was no room for his stuff and mine. But still that is also my bedroom and GS just needed to get out. Now he has the main bathroom and I have mine. Much better situation. 

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I went to an Estate sale first thing this morning. Bought 2 old cook books. A BH&G that says First Edition 1953 and a Household Discoveries book Copyright and printed 1914. First one is in fairly good condition. The second is fairly rough but seems to be all there. I will probably be selling them. I'm looking for old canning books for me, but there were none this morning.

Came home, then went and got a haircut.
Came home and walked myself, then walked the dogs.
Re-staked a couple of tomatoes and a sunchoke blown down by the rain and wind yesterday.
Came in and washed all 3 dogs.
I think I am done for the day--at least feel like it!

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Tomorrow is my birthday, and I am depressed because yet another year or crazy without me feeling like I've accomplished anything useful.   We went shopping on Friday and it was a comedy or errors.  Dollar tree was self check out only and the squirt bottles were all missing tops, BJs didn't have the diapers we needed to return for being the wrong size,  Once upon a child didn't want 90% of the items I'd hoped to exchange for store credit, Ihop server took 20m to get our order, and I forgot to go by the bank to deposit garage sale $.   


I did manage to get all the swimsuits and dresses River will need through summer so that is a bonus.  I got really good second hand store clearance prices too.  It will be dresses only for the summer as I cannot do pants with my wrist.  She is so cute.   


Today I did a lot of nothing.  Played with the baby, computer, and phone games.   It was very relaxing.  

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1 hour ago, euphrasyne said:

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I am depressed because yet another year or crazy without me feeling like I've accomplished anything useful.


You've survived two major physical calamities! :wacko:   Be kind to yourself. :wub:

And, Happy Birthday!


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Euphrasyne, don't beat yourself up. You have been through two major issues that may have set you back but is only temporary. You will bounce back. You've done well for what you have been through. I know playing with baby and doing computer and phone games are fun things to do.  You have a wonderful birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday! :balloons::bdaycake::happyBD:

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1 hour ago, euphrasyne said:

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I am depressed because yet another year or crazy without me feeling like I've accomplished anything useful.

Ahhh, Euphrasyne,  You truly have had a crazy year but from what I’ve been reading in your posts you really have been accomplishing a whole lot despite your set backs.  Why not go back and read your posts here for the last year and I would bet you will be able to see just how much.  Plus, don’t forget how much you have helped all of us with your knowledge, your recipes, and your encouragement.  :hug3:  Happy birthday, Euphrasyne.  Celebrate it with your head held high.  You have earned it. 🌹

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Euphrasyne, I think we have all felt like that lately. But you have come through so much and I think you should be very proud of yourself!


You are correct about one thing though...

That River is so darn stinking cute!!!  :wub:

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