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Thank You Miki. :hug3:   I sort of needed to hear that right about now.


I'm still waiting to hear from the insurance company concerning the payout. They extended my stay here through June 30th. I got a receipt where they paid the hotel $4,182.49 for last month. Why spend all of that money when they are just sitting on the reconstruction money to get me out of here. That money doesn't go to me. It goes straight to the hotel. 



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Glad to hear Kappy and Chainsaw Mary and the critters are alright!  :amen:   Not happy to hear about your repaired back coming "undone"..  Go thru that again?  What choice but somebody should have anticipated that problem!  :(   Rotten!  


Glad to see Jeepers back and with such enthusiasm for her Indy projects.  Lovely to look at the new....moving forward!  Cuz as of yet, what's in Ohio seems to be stuck in the mud.  :(   You're gonna make this move happen, Jeepers!!  Then you can spoil enjoy that GrSon all you want.  


Becca Anne...Too bad you're going into such a bad neighbor situation.  :(   But what can you do if one side isn't going to give what you legally have the right to.....no dog ruining your grand garden project of 2023......  :lois:   We'll need pics, of course!


My prayer request in the Blue Couch :behindsofa:   forum from this morning is coming out much better than expected.  :amen:    .....however, we got word later today about something closer to home that can be serious.  :pray:   I'll add that to Blue Couch too.  :pray:  



It's been a long, arduous day.   So....I want my bed pretty sooon!   Hope you can sleep well, LittleSister...with help with sore body.  Take it easier, friend! 


MtRider  .....  :pray:  

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I'm doing a walking video this morning and battening down the hatches.  Big rain and storms starting shortly.

Here is the Chicken and dumpling casserole recipe for anyone interested.  It turned out great and was very easy to make!



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Miki, those chicken and dumplings look good. I will have to try that one. 


Kappy, glad to see you and Mary are doing ok. I am sure the two of you have been very busy.  Sorry to see that you are having issues with your repaired back.  Maybe you can find a better doctor to redo the surgery if it is coming to that.  I hope and pray everything will turn out better this time around. 


Becca Anne I am sorry to see you are having issues with bad neighbors.  At least mine are gone now and things are much better in this neighborhood. We had 4 bad neighbors with one using a slingshot hitting peoples dogs with it. Dogs would be in their on yards and he would hit them. He hit our dogs only once while DH was in the yard and caught him. I won't say what DH told him as it was not good. But that neighbor moved out a month later.  He was the first problem to go. The other 3 were gone about 3 or 4 years later. 


Jeepers, You are really getting it together at the Indy house. Seems you have a really good plan for that house.  With all you are going through with the construction on the Ohio house you are really keeping it together. As Miki said you are a really tough girl. You can do this. Things are coming along for you and before you know it you will be in Indy for good and enjoying your GS. 


The muscle relaxer helped me a lot. The muscles are better but still slow to get up and down.  GS was a trip. He started his new job last night and got home around 1:30 this morning. I was sound asleep when I heard a loud knock on my bedroom door. Grandma I need to talk to you. Think you GS. I was in a deep sleep. But I got up to hear how his job went.  Seems he loves this job. I am so glad of that. He will get paid every 2 weeks like his other job. This job is totally different from what he is used to doing. He is learning to cut countertops. The machines he uses is hard to maneuver, but he will learn as he gets stronger holding the equipment for that. And it was only his first day. I have never seen him this excited about any job he has had. I really hope this works out for him. He can move up the ladder and he gets yearly raises. That will help him with apt. and such. He may be moving by end of next month. I sure hope so because I am done living in his messes. Yes the kitchen floor was sticky this morning and I had to mop it all up. I just mopped the floor yesterday.  I did anything I could do that didn't require squatting down. Squatting down was a killer. Still a bit sore today but much better.  After talking with GS half the night I fell asleep on couch. He did finally calm down and went to bed. 


I might work on garden area later this afternoon when the sun is not on it. It is almost done now. Just need to finish cleaning it up and expanding it a bit more.  I didn't get much done on it yesterday and I need to get it all finished by Sat. as I am about ready to start planting. Going to get GS to help me Sat. as he is off work on weekends now and he gets up much earlier than with that last job. Need to move the wood pile and set up the greenhouse to a more permanent location which is where the wood pile is now. 


I told GS that he needs to stop using vending machines for munchies  as that is costing him a fortune. He said he needs to pack a lunch but the fridge they have there is small and doesn't hold much. So I told him about a lunch box with an ice pack. So might run out this weekend and get him one. Then teach him how to pack his lunch. 





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I'm glad your G-son had a good experience at his new job. I think he will learn more about 'adulting' when he gets out there on his own and realizes he doesn't have that safety net under him doing everything for him and doing the worrying for him. I think then he will see how the real world works. I hope that for both of your sakes. 


He needs to learn to budget and you can show him that. I've heard the old Dave Ramsey way of using envelopes to divide your money into works well for some people. That way you can actually see where your money goes and when it's gone...it's gone. Not sure how that will work now that we don't use cash to pay most bills now though. Money orders? Don't know.

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One of the ways I am spending my "spare" time is by researching the weeds in my "meadow" lawn and their medicinal or food uses.  I knew them all in Wisconsin but they are all different here in the southland.  I have finally found info on the majority of the unknown (to me) weeds and their uses....goose

grass or cleavers, wild geranium, lyreleaf sage, orange trumpet vine...all have medicinal uses, so I will have to save a wild area so they can live there just in case.  Even blue-eyed grass has uses.  Not to mention the patches of plantain and the blackberry bushes so prolific in my yard.  So I am beginning to figure out the local survival plants - for each one I find a wild patch of I need not plant seeds to cover those particular medicinals. I'm very pleased to find so many useful wild medicinals in my yard!

I have planted a few herbs, sage, oregano, thyme an mint and I have an ongoing perennial lemon balm plant.  I guess I am going to have to order my tea tree however, as none of the local plant sources will order one for me, in fact they dont even know what I am talking about.  (Hmmmf.  Some "experts" they are....) I guess nobody learns the latin names for cultivars any more.  

We weeded the strawberries and onions and garlic yesterday.  All are looking good except the bunching onion seeds did not come up.  Oh well, I have lots of walking onions, around 50 regular onion sets and 50 garlic plants coming up nicely.  Strawberries are looking great, blooming away, and the apple trees are getting nice and big.  I am impatiently waiting for them to start bearing, but they take years to do so, so all I can do is wait until they decide they are ready.  Blueberries are getting bigger, too, and starting to bear some fruits.  But the wild blakberries are still the most prolific...and thorny....

Its a good thing the leaves and roots are medicinal, it kind of makes keeping those thorny things a little more worthwhile.  I think I'll do tinctures this year, they last longer, and are a good way to preserve their medicinal value.


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Blackberry hedges - kept tamed and trained- make great barrier fences.  So I've heard.  Like cactus?  :lol:  


My friend does the same thing in Missouri - going thru the wild and open spaces.  She uses an app on her phone that will I.D. when she takes a picture.  Told me to remember that of the umbel family, Queen Anne has hairy legs  [stems].  Not hairy,  might be hemlock.  :shrug:   


I think I might be a little better with fatigue on the new med.  Too soon to tell and I double it on Sunday.  We'll see what that does.  I have an uncomfortable habit of reacting sideways to meds.  :scratchhead:   Have done pretty good today...but there's been a bit of anxious adrenaline. 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:




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Mt. Rider I do hope this new medicine works for you.  I am still trying to figure out where my energy is coming from to do all the extra work I do around here. 


Kappy, you have a good thing going on your property.  And all for the good. 


GS left for work at 3pm and he best not wake me up tonight. I am not as sore today but still a bit hard to get up and down but it didn't stop me from doing what all I needed to do today.  


Got the garden cleaned up and almost ready to start planting next week. The area for the tomato plants is ready for planting now. Next week maybe Tuesday, I will be able to plant everything. I really hope so. I already have herbs planted. And almost finished up the weeding of the flower beds in front of house. Don't know if I will plant more herbs, flowers or something else but I need to make it look better than it has been. DD told me to plant azaleas across the front of house but I want something that I don't have to keep working with. Don't want anything I have to trim every year like on the one side of house as well as my neighbor's bushes that keeps growing on my side of fence.  I need to cut them off the fence and I am not as strong as I once was to do that. DH always did it so he wouldn't keep getting hit in the face and arms when cutting the grass. But I am going to cut them way in one the other side of fence. Hoping that will take care of it for a while at least. 


Jeepers, I have been trying to teach GS how to do a budget but it won't sink in. He orders his food online for home delivery.  Everything he does is on line. I have only gotten him to a store twice since he moved here. I have been teaching him about sales and coupons at the stores. He did finally get it that in order to get the sale items he needs to get a kroger card, Harris Teeter card and a food lion card in order to get the sale price.  Now he says he needs to buy cargo pants for his job. Told him what stores to go to for that and he said he will just order online as he knows his size. That might be true but he might not like the way they fit without trying them on first. Either way I will leave that up to his mother. 


After working in garden, I washed the car finally. It was nasty. Then came in and cleaned up whatever GS spilled on floor and washed his dishes. Can't stand a dirty kitchen and he will not clean up his middle of the night raids. 

Note to self. Don't walk in kitchen barefooted. Yes my feet were sticking to the floor. No idea what he spilled but was saved for me like always.  The good news is that he may be moving out by end of May. I love him but he is unteachable, does what he wants and will not clean up behind himself.  I will be fumigating the house when he leaves. manly his bedroom. Once the bedroom suit is out of there, I will be scrubbing it down, airing it out as it smells of cigarettes and or pot as well. I will also be painting the room after I get the walls scrubbed down. He was told when he moved back here that he best not have pot on my property. So much for that rule. 


I am hoping I can finish up outside tomorrow but I think we are in for some rain. If so I will work on garage. I worked on it a little this evening and saw that the hot water tank was leaking. So need to call my plumber to check on it for me. If it is going bad, I have a brand new one in shed.  So at least that will save me some money but I am thinking it might just need draining and cleaned out and then refilled again. It's still working fine but I don't know where the water came from as it is under the tank. Will be checking it out more in the morning.






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I didn't really didn't do much today. Not much to do here. Sigh. I'm going to the house tomorrow and hopefully do some more packing up. I probably have enough stuff to fill the back of the Jeep for a dumpster run again. I'm glad for any piece I get hauled out of there. Problem is there is still a lot of big things left in there like 3 big bathroom vanities and three sink tops etc. so I can't really get around them. Of course they parked them in the two spare bedrooms where I have the most junk to get to. It's hard for me to move things from upstairs then downstairs and out to the garage. Especially with no walls to balance against. I get the palpations. And as Annarchy says, 'the vapors'.  :D 


I bought all kinds of stuff to get the Jeep cleaned out last week in Indiana. Like I thought I was going to actually take time out to clean the Jeep over there. Not to mention it turned very cold. So I plan to FINALLY get that done this coming week. It is filthy. I'm glad no one needed a ride anywhere. :sEm_blush:


Tonight I got the cross stitch stuff out but it is hard to read. Light writing on light graph type paper. So, before I start I'm going to need to get a magnifying glass. Honestly it is probably my old eyes and dim lights here. Makes me mad because I know I have 2-3 of them...someplace. 


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I must have forgotten to log off last night.  


Didn't do much this morning outside as it was so windy it was hard to do things I needed to do. And we are suppose to have a bad storm this afternoon.  


GS started screaming this morning and got up and told me to close the window. He stuck a book up in the blinds thinking it would stop the wind from blowing the binds and making a noise. So he bent up my blinds. I am going to close both windows and he won't be able to open them again. I am so tired of him breaking stuff around here. Want to know what alcohol does to furniture?  Yep he ruined my kitchen table. And nope not even an apology. 


Hoping that after Church tomorrow I can get some things done outside. Hope it won't still be raining. But will see. GS was suppose to help me this morning but that didn't happen either. But I had to clean his mess up in kitchen this morning. All I can say is he best be moving out by end of May because I have things in house I need to do and can't till he moves out. I can't keep cleaning up behind him and do other things in house as well. Mopping den, kitchen and living room floors is now becoming a daily choir. 

I'm tired already. And need to work on garage some more.

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Here and there, remember to take a phone-picture of the mess before you start cleaning.  This will come in really handy when they start hounding you again about letting him stay another month (and then another, and another).  You know this is going to happen.

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Ambergris, His mother said he wanted to move now but he just started a new job Thursday. I have some pictures of his damage to my things now.  His mother told him to wait till end of May so that he would be working at least a month. After the end of May there will be no trying to keep me from kicking him out. This is not the same Grandson that I knew. He has become very inconsiderate, refuses to apologize for the damage he has done to my house. he choses jobs where he can smoke weed. My constantly cleaning up behind him. I tried a couple of times to out wait him to see if he would clean up his messes but no luck. That is why I clean up behind him. I don't need ants and roaches in the house. Sticky messes on floor and counters as well as the stove would cause that if I leave his mess. It would sit there for days one end. 

If he's not out by the end of May, I don't care what his parents say is going to be living on the streets. He can go back to living in his car. 


He did stop trying the scare tactic on me.  First I had ghost in my house and it was haunted. Told him this isn't halloween and there is no such thing as ghost. He kept it up to the point I told him his grandfather is about to kill him. Of course his GF has passed away and that did stop him from the ghost trick. Then it was a truck driving by house several times really slow during the night. So I stayed up and sat outside a few nights waiting to see this truck. It never happened. Stopped that one also. He said the house was being cased. told him I had what I needed to take care of intruders. Then it was someone is walking around my yard. I would not pull out my protection.  But told him here is the bat. Go have fun as your tricks will not scare me. So move out if you have any issues with ghost, break-ins  or anything else. Because if I decide to sell the house for the reasons he keeps telling me thinking he will scare me so he can permanently live with me, it would not work because If I do sell the house he would be on the street a lot sooner than he thinks.  That worked like a charm.  He stopped trying to use the scare tactic on me. 


His mother is finally helping him to find an apartment as she is finding out I have had enough. None of my family will be living with me as I am selling or giving him the bedroom suit that he is using. I will no longer have a guest bedroom as the grandchildren think I am a permanent hotel.  This is the second G. child that has moved in on me and I am waiting for the 3ed if she and her husband don't make it in Washington State. As her DH got out of the Navy and not working now. They will be moving in with her mother.  After GS she will not talk me into letting another child live with me. Told her I am selling the house and buying a one bedroom house. No room for boarders.

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What he was trying is spelled S_C_A_M, not S_C_A_R_E.

My last ex-husband started going through those kinds of tactics after he got to smoking "K2," which he described as artificial weed and which is apparently a lot closer to ice/meth.  Prepare for things to get a lot worse in his last weeks.  Cornered rats, you know.

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On 4/21/2023 at 6:39 PM, snapshotmiki said:

@kappydell, I bought a  pair of  berry picking  gloves for my blackberries. They are a thicker  rubber? glove and now I am much faster and  not  torn up. 

 Like heavy cleaning gloves? hazmat (LOL) gloves?  I have to get me a pair of those.  Oh yes, I forgot the prunella vulgaris or "heal all" patch near the apple trees.  Pretty little thing, too.  I tried potting some up but it did not like being moved, so it just roams free now.  


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Well, we got a storm. Looks like it might be over now. But to wet to work outside now.


This is really getting to be a bad day. Hot water tank is rusting out and leaking. It will hold till Monday. At least I already have a spare hot water tank in shed. The rusted out one is 12 years old, so guess it is time. Then I looked out the living room window and it is cracked all the way across. But at least it is lifetime warranty so that will be free windows.  One in bedroom lost it's aragon gas and I need to replace that one as well. And even worse it comes in 3's. 

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((((Littlesister)))I don't blame you it's quite enough and you deserve to have peace in your space and not have your house made a mess all the time. A shame about the window hope you can get it replaced quickly.


Mt Rider hope the med does help and that the anxiety goes away. I have bad anxiety so I understand how uncomfortable that is.


Kappy your yard sounds wonderful and glad you are getting to know what grows in your area. We have some kind of wild onion growing in our yard it makes small bunches and is all over the place. We have some plants in my yard that I Id'd as snakeberry which looks just like a wild strawberry. The birds love them. I am sure it is the Potentilla Indica variety. So has some medicinal uses. Otherwise some violets, dandelions and peoney and hosta plants. I didn't know until this year that Peoney flowers and hosta shoots are edible. I really want to learn more about edible wild plants. And domestic ones that I will be growing :)


I got all my 100 strawberry plants in the ground today (some in Greenstalk planters and some in the soil) and 10 asparagus plants. I had to dig a trench and spent 5 hrs in the garden today broadforking and with my son using the tiller we got it cleared and ready to plant. It's supposed to be a frost advisory on sunday so I'll wait until after that's over to put in my hardened off transplants. I'm just barely going to have enough room to get some of everything in, but most likely will be donating a bunch of tomato starts to the community garden as I planted a lot and not sure if they will all fit. I will pick the best ones to plant. I will plant another 10 asparagus plants tomorrow but I was too tired to dig another trench today :imoksmiley:Ibuprofen is my friend tonight

I also got all the laundry done and put away and made dinner. Now I'm going to work on the baby quilt binding :wub:

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Woke up to 22* cloudy....then sunny....then cloudy....  B)   


Wore my winter coveralls, underlayers for riding today.  Oversized boots [formerly my dad's] with ankle supports and thick wool sox [reason for oversized boots!].  Stayed warm tho we'd gotten 5" of snow in the night and it was still snowing periodically.  Dodging snow-laden pine branches again!!!   Forgot my yellow lens sun/snow glasses.  Rats!  My eyes were tearing and barely open.  Then, blessedly, the clouds came over and I could see.  We just haven't had a lot of snow this year...forgot the sun glare. 


:amen:   for the moisture tho!!!  :hapydancsmil:


Tired after the ride but managed not to take a nap......heading for bed very soon!  Why am I always ready for bed at the wrong time....like 5pm? 


MtRider  :offtobed: 

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You are not going to believe this!


Around 2:30 AM I got up to use the bathroom. The carpet in the room was soaked. :o  There was standing water on it and the water was running behind the bed soaking both sides of the carpet of the king size bed. Water was pouring out of the bathroom vent in the ceiling. Sounds familiar. :rolleyes:  Long story short, I had to pack up everything in my room and move down the hall. At 3:00 in the morning. The entire hallways on the first and second floor are a mess. Water is still pouring out of the hall ceilings. They have already taken most of the ceiling tiles from the hallway. It's even in the lobby. 


It seems that some adults rented a room for their kids. Or else they rented the room and are coming later. At any rate the hotel can't locate them. I don't know how many kids or their ages. I assume older teens. According to Partick the front desk dude, the boys were wrestling around and tore the bathroom sink off of the wall. He showed me pictures on his phone. Oh boy. It is as bad as it sounds. 


Tore. The. Sink. Off. Of. The. Wall.:faint3:


Water is gushing all over the place. Of course they had the room right above mine. Figures, huh. Doesn't really matter though because it is gushing all over the first and second floor hallways and in many of the rooms. Boy are their parents in for a big surprise. This will cost them a fortune. I can't imagine what is going through their mind. 


The irony of why I'm staying here in the first place hasn't been lost on the staff and me.  


I'd like to say I've never seen such a mess. But we all know I have. Why do these things seem to happen to me. Seems like I always have a story to tell. Crimony,


They offered to help me move but you know me. "I can do it"  It really sent my blood pressure and my heart rate soaring. Not the disaster but the actual moving part. I only know one speed to work at...fast. I'm my own worst enemy. Luckily I still had three small boxes in the Jeep from Indiana and I save my grocery bags to pack in. I used one of those luggage carts and made two trips. But it was still laborious for a 70 year old. At three in the morning! . 


I'm glad I wasn't in Indiana again. They would have had to go through my stuff and moved me out. Nothing nefarious in here but still...



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Oh no, Jeepers.  You do not need more stress, physical or otherwise.  Please, try not to get sick again.  (((((((Jeepers)))))))

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OH Jeepers!!!    I am soooo sorry ALL this is happening to you!  I do well KNOW the life stories that repeatedly have the phrase:  AND THEN THIS HAPPENED......     :blink:  :faint3:so......... :hug3:      :shakinghead:    :pray:    Sheeeeeesh!



That said....  :whistling:   I think I can relate to this tooooooo much.   Cuz the IRONY of it struck me as hilarious......as in......when you tell this story from the safety of years from now....it's going to be a great Grandma story.   It would make a great magazine article or book.  (that's what I keep hearing in my life )  :buttercup:


So I'll admit that in relating to you in this insanity, I laughed til I was coughing/choking.  I was reading it to DH.  Not everyone sees humor but it's BECAUSE I can SO relate to the complete absurdity of these types of situations.   Can't count how many times I've :gaah: said NOW WHAT?  YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!     :motz_6:


Reading your life here for all these years, Jeepers, you're one of the few people I know, that has so often has these completely bizarre You Have GOT To Be Kidding Me Situations!  I've even learned to be sure someone knows me well before I even tell some of my stories.  Really...you can't even make this stuff up!  Too bizarre for fiction!  Which is exactly what you're asking yourself in the middle of the night.  "WHAT?  Did I go to my Ohio house instead of the hotel by mistake?:sassing: 


OK, sorry.  I'll be serious now.  I am praying that you didn't get any more of your stuff water-damaged.  I can't imagine how much you've already lost and have to just keep on.  Give yourself some time to absorb this cuz it really is another blow to you....and more so cuz it's similar to the trauma you've been living in.  Most people probably respond...at some point...with tears.   But tough gals like us get the situation handled FIRST!   You said you can move your own stuff down the hall...and DID!  Then the emotions come.  I do respond with laughter at my situations too.  At the absurdity. 


But what I'm trying to say.....and I'm presenting this all backwards....go easy on yourself for the next days.  You SHOULD pamper yourself.  You've had a wonderful visit with your new home...and family ....and then THIS.  :banghead:     I think it makes it more shocking to get this WATER THING slammed in your face..  AGAIN...at 2:30 AM no less!  :imoksmiley:


Just know that however you respond to this, is PERFECTLY REASONABLE....... { unless you're only being perfectly reasonable, KWIM? }  Let out the frustration/sorrow/anger/whatever.  This is beyond normal and yet.....God has this!  And HE has you!  Yeah, you can look up and say, 'really?' ..... but have no doubt that HE is there for you and will guard you from real harm.  But you sure are being pressed right now!  :blink:    :pray:   :amen:  :pray:  


I agree that moving to Indy can't come soon enough!  Do you have to keep the hotel until the house is done or lose the free hotel?  Can you take frequent short trips to Indy to move things but retain the hotel....cuz you do have to keep an eye on Ohio end too.  SO frustrating for you... 


:pray:  GOD, we're praying for protection and strength for Jeepers.  And wisdom to make decisions in this turmoil.   And to protect her and her properties and family from more of this craziness.  We've all had a time of long-lasting strain and it's horrid.  Give her a time of ease within the events that need to happen with two houses.  Give a push for the Ohio house to be finished and sell well.  :amen: 


MtRider   :amen: 

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Jeepers that is really bad. And yes those parents will have to pay for the damages. Glad you were able to get another room but at 3 am. That's rough.  I pray that you get that house in Ohio finished up and it sells fast.  I know you are ready to move permanently to Indy.  Try to relax and treat yourself to something fun to get things off your mind for a while.  Like mountain rider said we are all praying for you for strength and protection.  Also for the Ohio house to be finished as soon as possible and it be sold fast.


I was talking with my DD and just like I figured no help from them. SIL is controlled by DD and he won't be coming down to replace the hot water tank. She keeps him so busy at home he has no time to himself. So I will have to fork out more money for a plumber an then when the window replacements come I will have to fork out more money to have someone put them in. Right now they will both have to be on hold because all I have done is fork out money for high taxes.  Real estate taxes will be due June 5th. Till I know for sure if that will be 46% higher than in December. The hot water tank will be on hold. I have the tank replacement but need to find a plumber. Seems all I do around here is clean up behind GS and pay taxes. And now repairs are starting. Why do I feel so broke. June can't get here fast enough so I can redo my retirement plan.  When DH passed away my financial planner decided without my knowledge dropped one of our retirement income. That is one of the things I am going after him about and looking for a new financial company.  This one is Equitable and the financial advisor whom used to be really good is not looking out for my interest any longer. I think his 4th or 5th divorce is playing on him and he has 10 kids with the last marriage having twins. Most of his kids are grown now but I am sure he is having to pay out to all the ex's that are not remarried as well as child support to the younger kids. So time to change things. I am thinking he has a lot on his plate and not looking out for anyone's interest any longer. 


We got a hard rain last night and everything is to wet to work outside today. I was planning on finishing up the garden so I can start planting on Tuesday. Will see how tomorrow goes. Hopefully dry enough to finish up outside. So just going through a few boxes and getting things where they belong. Going out to garage in a bit to work on the mess out there. Still a lot to get rid of still. Going to fill up more boxes to put in car and take to Goodwill.  But on the bright side the construction took care of all the corroded pipes and now I won't have pipes bursting and flooding everything.

All this is just another bump in the road that I can hopefully look back on and laugh at. But the taxes are going to kill me financially. Thinking I might sell out and move to a lower tax state. VA has gone off the deep end for taxes, not to mention the IRS.

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5 hours ago, euphrasyne said:

Jeepers, I think the universe is telling you to move to Indiana permanently.  

I think you are correct. Just as soon as the house is finished it is going on the market and then I'm out of here! It can't happen for me soon enough. 


Mt. Rider, I think my sense of humor is the only thing that is getting me through these past 4 months. Can you believe all of this has happened to me in less than a 4 month period?  House destroyed, wrecked car in a blizzard, covid, bronchitis and a reaction to the meds and I was robbed...


My sense of humor is the only earthly thing getting me through this. I KNOW God is holding me up and keeping me together! I still haven’t broken down and cried. If I was younger I would probably be sitting in a corner sucking my thumb in a fetal position. But I’m not…yet. Thank you for all of your kind and encouraging words! They really do help.


Nothing of mine got damaged here. I keep everything up off of the floor except for my shoes and sometimes my jeans. It’s small here so I keep it tidy. Plus there are lots of drawers, counter tops and cubbies to keep things in.


I can come and go here as I please. Last time I went away I told the staff I would be gone a couple of days as a courtesy, but I didn’t have to. I did just for an event like this one. Or worse. They are used to seeing me pass by the lobby or chatting briefly, so they might wonder if I came up missing. My insurance policy says they have to provide me with a working kitchenette and a bathroom. I’m staying here and not giving up my space because I’d have to go through the company and file a new housing claim and whatever else they could come up with. Things seem to get messed up in computers. They don’t seem in any hurry to get me out of here and they don’t seem to mind paying so I’m keeping my reservation. I used to not feel that way about other people’s money but in this case, I don’t care.


I stopped my mail this time for a week and had it delivered all at once on a designated day. I still have mail and bills going to the house that I have to keep up on. I don’t want the mailbox over flowing and chance my mail blowing all over the neighborhood. That was a big stress reliever to not worry about.   


I plan to go back to Indy next month for furniture. I hope there are no snags with that one. Sigh. And in a couple of months to PA, for a weeks vacation while I’m on this side of the state. Probably my last visit over there since it’s too far to drive from Indiana without stopping overnight both ways. I want to do a day trip here in Amish country. If I remember correctly, Wednesday is senior citizen day at Lehman’s and I want to pick up a clothes drying rack. I really enjoy being down there. Also a couple of quilt stores there. I’m on the hunt for a “fan” quilt pattern to use for scraps…sometime. I’m trying to get all of my potential crafting needs bought up while I’m in this area. One of my cousins jokingly calls the Amish ‘my people’. She jokes but is pretty much correct on that one. Not necessarily the people but the ambiance.


I am learning some lessons along the way. I am adaptable and resilient. And there are a lot of nice people out there that have helped guide me with resources and have kept me warm and dry. AKA, off the streets. I’m kinda tired of learning lessons though. Know what I mean.


I do thank each and everyone of you ladies for your kind words and for keeping me encouraged. And for letting me vent through all of this. Seriously, I don’t know where I would be without Mrs. S. right now.  :grouphug:


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