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An awful day


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Yesterday was a terrible day for me. My best friend for 30 years has died. She had warned me that she didn't care what the Dr's said, she knew she wouldn't be around much longer.


She was fine until she had a gastric bypass last summer. I had talked her out of the surgery once, but she talked herself back into it. After her surgery she struggled to take in 200-400 calories a day. She lost her hair, her looks and then her heart started acting up. Now she is gone and I miss her so.


I am so grateful that we had such a good relationship. Even though I am devastated, I know we were always honest. I have no regrets or I wish I had said/done this to feel guilty over.


She always told me I was the sister she never had.


Good bye Sis!

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bighug {{{{{Momo}}}} bighug I am so very sorry for the loss of your "Sis". I know words enough are not able to comfort, so I said a prayer for you. I wish I could give you a real hug, a cup of coffee and an ear for you to bend and tell great stories about the fun yall must have had over the years. God bless you girl. We are here for you.



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I'm so very sorry to hear this; I'll keep you in prayer bighug


I have a friend like that too; two "only children" who adopted one another as "sisters." Can't imagine not being able to pick up the phone to talk...


Your memories will keep her close to your heart always; you were blessed to have a friend like that.

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((((Momo))))) Praying for your loss of a dear friend and for those that loved her.


There is great pearls of wisdom in your post for all of us to take heed in our relationships. True lasting friendships require honesty and persistant sisterhood. I'm calling my lifelong friend today as you've encouraged me to make the most of every moment with the friendships I have.

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I will beprayingfor you these days. I am sorry about your loss of this friend. I lost my best friend also 5 years ago on the 6th. She found out 6 years ago that she had cancer and they told her if she took the treatments she would live 1 year and if she did't she may have 6 months. She took the treatments and passed exactly 1 year to the day. Her only daughter had her 18th birthday January 1st (a new year's child), and my friend passed away on the 6th. Still bothers me especially on my birthday when she always called and sung to me and wish me happy birthday.

God be with you through this time.

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I am just coming off my "Lost weekend". I've kind of been in a daze but I am dealing with this as well as can be expected.


Thanks for all your kind wishes.


I am grateful for the wonderful years we had...she was there at some of the hardest times of our lives. We were 2 poor struggling single mothers working lots of overtime with little time or money for fun. We made our own good times with our weird senses of humor! We would pack all four of our kids in the back of my jalopy and go to picnics, parks etc. We would occasionally buy a milkshake and split it 3 or 4 ways. If we had an extra 5 bucks it was a big deal. When you go through things like that with someone there is a bond that will never be broken.

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MOMO, My Father told me many times that if I was a fortunate person I might have five true friends in my life. Seems you had at least one in your "Sis". Friends are often closer than kin because they choose to be. Glad she chose you and you she. May her passing be filled with wonderful memories for you. Thanks for sharing your heart during this tough time, wc

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Well it's been over a week since my phone has rang late at night with a crazy call..I sure do miss my friend.


On the other hand, yesterday was the first day I did not cry.


I guess I am in the "acceptance" phase now.

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So sorry to learn of your loss. Hearing the sadness but also understanding of what a precious gift in the sharing of so many experiences and happy times with her. Some never know the bond and connection you speak of and I’m so glad you did! It sure is hard to lose a "sis". May those happy memories grow sweeter for you as time goes on. Sending love your way during this difficult time. mecry



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((((Momo)))) I understand the feelings you are having all too well. Though it has been years since I lost my 'soul' sister at the age of 46 to an asthma attack the memories still linger.


Someone once told me that as long as a person is remembered they are never truly gone. Your friend, like mine, will be with you a long long time yet. What I find interesting is that so many times I still hear some words of advice that my friend gave me years ago that apply to some situation today, or I will be reminded of some shared joy and will smile when I most need it. Your friend is not truly gone, just moved on. She'll be there when you are ready to move on also.


I will be praying you find the peace that I have finally been able to find.



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