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Miki, glad your blood work turned out good!  :cele:


I have some shopping to do tomorrow. I'm finally getting to Ollies. I need more books like I need another hole in the head but it keeps calling me so I'll go. Hopefully I'll walk out with nothing. :D


Right next door is Michaels. They have tee shirts on sale for $3.33. I need more tee shirts like I need ......  :rolleyes:. But I wear them literally all of the time so I can justify the purchase. Especially since they are on sale And right next door to where I'll be.  Gildan® Short Sleeve Adult T-Shirt | Michaels


Then over to Old Time Pottery. Don't know why they call it that. Its mostly kitchen and household goods. I don't remember seeing any pottery. Nice store with nice prices. Anyway, I need some small spatulas that aren't Teflon. I seem to have developed a habit of burning the non-metal ones in two by resting them on the side of the hot skillet. I also need one of those Teflon basting brushes for a craft project for you-know-who. We are going to play archeologist in his sandbox next summer. I have the sand, the box, a little trowel and dinosaur eggs. I'll get the brush now while its still in my memory bank. Oh, and a little hammer to crack the eggs.


JoAnn fabric is across the street and I want to drop in there for some quilting thread. I have plenty of regular thread but need some stronger quilting thread. Last year when I thought to stock up on it they were out. I just remembered it so will try again. I only use black and cream color so stocking it up won't break the bank too bad. Will look at their flannel material for some more 'family' cloths. Don't know why they call it family cloth. I'm not sharing those with anyone. Another misnomer...in my opinion. 


Over to Home Depot for some special shape light bulbs like the ones that are already in the Indy house kitchen. They sort of flare out and are recessed. Six lights and four are burned out. Nice. Wal-Mart was sold out last time I remembered to look. H.D. has them. And a boot tray for the garage to keep snowy boots from coming into the house. Theoretically. I saw a picture where someone put rocks in the bottom of the tray to allow the water to drain off of the boots easier. Seemed like a good idea. [1]


Up the road to the ATM and over to Dollar Tree. I need some more of those paper lunch bags to vacuum seal some dusty stuff in. The paper bags go in the Food Saver plastic bags to hopefully keep the fine particles out of the F.S. machine. Then across the parking lot to the gas station for a fill up.


I need to go someplace a little more upscale for some blankets. It's a small hole in my preps. I want some with a little weight to them. It's too hard to judge them online. I want to actually feel them. Maybe Sears, Penney's or Kohl's etc? That's upscale to me. 


Lastly to Taco Bell for a lemonade. Why am I telling you all of this? I'm not really. I'm typing it out so I can print it and take it with me so I don't forget everything. BTDT often. 


Sounds like a lot of running around but it's all in less than a 8-10 mile radius. Shopping over here is easy. I will really miss that. 




Boot Tray.jpg

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16 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Why am I telling you all of this? I'm not really. I'm typing it out so I can print it and take it with me so I don't forget everything. BTDT often. 




MtRider  ....that was cute, Jeepers.....and a novel idea! 

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Jeepers, that is a lot of shopping. But good that everything is right there. I should be going through more stuff right now, but just can't get myself moving today. Waiting on plumber to come hook up furnance.  Don't know what the problem is but he better get here soon. He was suppose to come back Tuesday after he measured for a pipe, but didn't show. Called him yesterday and he is going to try to get out today. :gaah: I am betting I don't see him today. But again I am stuck home waiting on him. Time to take action and call DH's cousin. He always jumps on them and then they get things done. Things you have to do to get action around here. 


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Okay, y'all.  I'm back. 


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your concern and prayers.  :grouphug: 


Sorry.....I didn't mean to disappear for this long.  Didn't realize it HAD been a week.  WHERE did this week go?  :sigh: 


Yes, we did have to say goodbye to our dear Koa on Monday morning.  She was getting worse and worse.  In some pain but drinking the pain med in her water all weekend.  The last thing she was taking in.  When the vet saw her, he said: Whoa, this is not the same issues we thot we were dealing with 2 wks ago.  You've made the right decision.    He saw her distended belly and said 'more like a cancer or something'.  :sad-smiley-012:


We wanted at least a couple more years with her.  But the vet said something we hadn't considered.  He sees something up here in the high altitude - above 8,500' - with a lot less oxygen.  Particularly in large dogs.....and they're often active/running up and down our steep mountain hills....that they have a shorter lifespan.  :o   I hadn't heard that before.  We hear that for some people, it can shorten their lifespan.  OTOH...my folks are in their 90's, both with heart -pulmonary congestion and they're still going.  With supplemental O2, however. 


Anyway, our dearest is gone.....peacefully with me on the floor beside her, scratching her head and ears.  DH's back injury meant he was standing nearby.  We'd planned out what to do when we drove away.......we went to one of the many parks nearby.  Just to cry and mourn and settle.  We walked a bit and discovered something we hadn't seen before.  Big tall rounded mounds of red sandstone.....with all sorts of interesting cracks, crevices, mini caves.  Like God had played with red modeling clay.  So we puttered around there for a while.  DH mostly stood and watched me cuz he can't move that much on uneven terrain.  :sigh:   Of course we were both thinking of how much fun Koa would have had sniffing and exploring with us.  We'll go back some time to take pics...left phone in car.  Then DH laid down in back of the car....I leaned the front seat back......and we read books for a while.   :sigh:    It was calming.....but sad.  


The rest of the day was getting a check cashed - finally cuz DH really shouldn't/doesn't drive right now with his back injury.  It's not good....a rerun of an old injury.  Compression fractures of 2 vertebrae.  But he had 'scripts to fill and wait for.  We grabbed burgers and mini-malts at Sonic and brought lunch to my mom.  Her B-day celebration at a restaurant over the weekend was postponed, of course.  DH was able to lay down at her house for a while....rest the back again.  Then we dropped my mom off to see my dad and me next door for a medical apt.  DH returned to the store for veggies, eggs, and his 'scripts.  I went up to see my dad for a short time....DH's back was hurting so stayed in the car.  I gave my folks an anniversary card.....73 yrs.  He kept that card and she has her B-day card.  It was pouring down rain/ice chips as my mom and I got in the car.  Took her home and finally got DH home to lay down.


:(  and...... I expected to hear a 'greeting' on the other side of the door when I unlocked it.........  Man, this hurts. 


This week has been a mess of other things that have been distracting from the main pain.  DH had a long ride in Uber to the city doctor.  He's written that DH cannot stand/work more than 2 hrs before laying down and resting.  It's what he has to do here at home. But THAT is for his work who keeps offering him "imaginary work offers" so they can get rid of him if he refuses.  He keeps saying yes and then asking the doc if that's reasonable for him at this point of recovery.  Doc keeps being more specific on what he CANNOT DO.  Like drive 50 min. and work 4 hours and drive home 50 min.  <_<  


DH is also trying to get in to our primary doc.  As an Osteopath, she does manipulations [similar to chiro] so he'd love to get that.  All things related to Workman's Comp are....complicated and take time.  He MIGHT actually get W-C payment into his bank account by Monday.....just complicated.  :sigh:  


Meanwhile, trying to keep me riding:  with all that has gone on in Aug/Sept, I'm kinda a mess too.  I missed 3 wks of rides for various frustrating reasons in Aug....including having a summer cold.  :fever:  NEEEED to play catch-up but.....DH can't [SHOULDN'T] drive me in and I can't drive highway speeds.  Taxi would cost nearly $100 round trip.  Thus our Senior transportation has saved our necks.  The Ranch is going off-season so if I'm the only one on the schedule, the ride is canceled.  They're trying to move me to wherever they have other riders but......then I have to give Sr transportation 48 hrs notice.  I canceled my Sr transport to medical apt. on Monday cuz we were already going to be in there....[Koa] ....with DH driving, unfortunately. 


:twister3:      ......our brains are whirling......our bodies are weary and in pain.......and our hearts hurt.   No wonder I didn't even realize time was passing. 


I thank all of you so much for prayer.  I knew you were all there....standing behind me this week. 

MtRider  ....we'll be okay.  Just ....miss her so much tho... 

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I'm so sorry to hear about Koa! When you were away I feared that is what happened. I know it is so hard. As Carlene says, "You give them a good life and then let them sleep." Or something like that. Easier said than done. I know.


Hope you and your DH can start to feel better soon. I think he is wise to stay on the records at work. Let them fire him instead of him quitting. It looks better on paper. Hope you can both get some much needed rest. Not only for your body but for your mental health. Not that you are mental but a stress break would be nice.   :hug3:

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Mt. R.  My heart cries with you.  I have been where you are and it’s a tough place. I want to say all kinds of words to you to help it get easier but there doesn’t seem to be enough or the right ones.  So I’ll just send 🙏 and a :bighug2:   

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4 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

Yes, we did have to say goodbye to our dear Koa on Monday morning.  She was getting worse and worse.  In some pain but drinking the pain med in her water all weekend.  The last thing she was taking in.  When the vet saw her, he said: Whoa, this is not the same issues we thot we were dealing with 2 wks ago.  You've made the right decision.    He saw her distended belly and said 'more like a cancer or something'.  :sad-smiley-012:



Anyway, our dearest is gone.....peacefully with me on the floor beside her, scratching her head and ears.

I am so sorry to hear about your dear Koa. 


d06dc4857701c1ba4eca4ef890fa0c7e.jpg.1bc00dc44ffdde2065694c31d2c83020.jpg      750450558_alwaysbesideyou.thumb.jpg.95666e9771262c0f11a50b22d8e5c87b.jpg   



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Mt. Rider, I am so sorry about Koa. We said goodbye to our dear Lady in Nov of 2019 so I sure understand how you feel. It takes some time to heal, as you know. Lady was 17 years and 9 months old. You love them like part of the family. Which they are of course.

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As we become older, our pets become our kids.   :sad-smiley-012:  We gave away our last pet when we started international travel. It took years not to feel guilty as he was the most loyal of all our dogs.  :blush:  Praying for you guys and all your different kind of pains.  :hug3:

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I got most of my shopping done today. Will finish up tomorrow. I got frustrated and came home. My credit card was denied. I hate when that happens. Makes me feel like a loser in front of the cashier and the people behind me. I was at Meijers. I tried to run the chip through three times and tried to scan it once. I knew nothing was wrong on my part. I even have a small negative balance. I thought maybe they put a hold on it for possible scam. Luckily I have a different card. 


I came home and called the card company. Nothing wrong with the card and no suspicious activity. Except they didn't see where I tried to use it and was denied. That should have shown up. I asked for a replacement card for the same account number. No problem. They can do that. But, I can't use this card until the new card arrives. Normally that wouldn't be an issue but I'm going to Indiana in a couple of days and that's the card I use over there because it has the highest credit line and I want to do some furniture shopping and I'll have to pay the painters$$$. 


I fell asleep and now I have to wait until tomorrow to try again. The rest of the story...I just remembered that Taco Bell is open until 3:00am. The card worked there! So now I'm eating a steak salad at 1:00am. At least the card is working now. Their lemonade is still good with no after bitter taste. 


That same card was denied at an Indy gas station. They said it was from a power outage they had earlier in the day and something about the pumps resetting. But other customers were pumping their gas. It was accepted at a different station down the road. Conspiracy theory or faulty chip?  Either way it's a return trip shopping today. I still have my notes though. 


Moral of the story is to learn not to rely on computers in a SHTF situation. Have some ready cash available if you can.



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I'm so sorry about Koa, Mt Rider.  It's so hard to lose a friend!  And so hard to adjust to living without her!


I'm slowing down today.

Sunday School and Church this morning.
Walk dogs.
Set up my vitamins for the month.
Grill some pork steaks.
Otherwise, just phone calls and play on the computer.
Relaxing day!

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Jeepers, I had that happen twice to me.  The first time my card was worn out and they sent a replacement. The second time it was not my card but the card reader at store was going bad. It would work one time and then the next time it would not. So the cashier took a plastic bag and took the card and covered it with a piece of the plastic and it worked when he put it through the reader. He said something in the card reader is not working but using plastic over the card and then swiping it makes it work. And it did. 

Didn't make it to church today as it was cold this early morning and no heat. I have been sneezing and sniffling from allergies as well and don't want to go to church with that.  Plumber did not show up again. I am really getting mad over this. So now I will be calling Dh's cousin to get him on them. It will be 51* tomorrow night. Betting I won't have any heat. Might be calling a new plumber. These guys are suppose to be friends, we have known them for years and they would come out for Dh, but not always. Dh would get on them. So I guess I will be looking for a new plumber as I just cannot depend on the one I have now. 


Getting things ready for what furniture is coming on the 30th. At least I will have one dresser, nightstand, and tv stand. Will have to wait till Feb. for other dresser. But at least I can get my clothes back into my bedroom before granddaughter and her Dh move in. Trying to get that room cleared out for them. Lots going on first week in Oct. Contractors for fireplace, awning going up, and new fridge will be here on the 8th.. So after that I hopefully can get a lot more done after all this is finished up.  Going to call the well people tomorrow. Need to get that done as soon as I can. Should have already called them. Ordered some more freeze dried and dehydrated foods about a week or so ago. Mostly for back up incase garden does not do well on any given year. We have had that happen before. Would get some food from it but not enough to get us through winter. So the long term foods is great for back ups in that situation. Thinking of buying some of the fruits or dehydrating some myself if I can get the time to do it with everything going on. They say fruit will be hard to get soon. I am thinking do to high prices more so than shortages. Anything that is fresh will soon and I am thinking maybe next year will be very hard to come by. 

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Hi y'all.  Just going to give you a heads up.  My laptop stopped working some months ago and we haven't had it in for repair [IF it can be] yet.  DH and I have been sharing this tiny laptop with not a lot of memory, processing, etc.  The past week or so it's been fritzing out.  Going blank.  Knocking off the Firefox.  Etc.  So far, we can get it back up.


Trying to get thru this period of LOTS AND LOTS OF OUT-OF-THE-ORDINARY EXPENSES.  <_<   If this will just hold on a bit longers.....


However....might be it just rolls over and dies....  :sigh:     .....if so, I'll be back whenever we fix something or buy something else.  :buttercup:  


MtRider  ....have a safe Indy trip, Jeepers. 

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Praying for you, DH and your laptop!  Seems to come in waves for us and some are bigger than others.


Already walked.
Waiting for fellow with chainsaw to help me cut up some tree limbs from last hurricane.
Laundry- some today.
Ebay photos.
Grill pork steaks as I didn't get that far yesterday.
Make a couple of calls.

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Good grief!!!


Went to the PO and got a sweet card from SnapshotMiki….  Thank you …Yikes I didn’t realize I was absent for so long.  :sigh:  Turned everything off, to work on an intricate crochet pattern, DH asked me to do.  I didn’t realize it took so much concentration to finish the project.


Turned on my phone & devices…..   MIL showed up as calling! Called her, nope, she hadn’t called. Goodness! Then, why did my phone say she did?  

And, messages… good grief!  Usually, all I ever get is spam…. :shakinghead:  


All is well, I am planning a trip to visit my other brother in the next week or so… working on the garden & yard, house, dogs & business company has kept me unfocused on the net.  :sigh:

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Annarchy so glad to hear you are doing good.  We were all worried about you. Have a safe trip to your brother's. You have been a busy girl. 


Got the furnace hooked back up this afternoon. This morning went to pick up shoes at foot doctor, then to lidl's to pick up a few groceries.  Went to fill up gas tank.  2.89 at the new 7-11 and right across street that 7-11 was 2.95. Dropped all the books I was getting rid of at the Good Will. By then I needed to get home before the guys came over to hook up furnace. Neighbor called and asked me to watch for her grandson. Wreck on James River Bridge and she wasn't going to make it home before him, so I went and got him off bus and stayed with him till she could get home. Didn't get much done around house today and tomorrow and friend and I are going to see another friend for a couple of hours. Then we are going out to lunch before heading back home.  Maybe I can get some things done later in the afternoon. I have more stuff to go through and get out of house.  

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Annarchy! You sure are a sight for sore eyes. I was so worried about you. Dang it girl, you know how we Mrs. S mother hens worry about our chicks here. Glad you are all doing fine though! A break away from electronics is a good thing once in awhile. I get a good dose of that when I'm in Indy. I don't have cable or internet over there yet. Just my cell phone and only son, DIL and D-ex have the number to that. Ya know, after a couple of days I really don't miss it at all. I have other forms of entertainment over there in the evening. Books, Kindle, some off line games on the Fire, DVD movies, Old Time Radio MP3's and music galore. As long as the electricity stays on I'm fine.  :sEm_blush:  


Being in a relatively empty house has reminded me of just how little I really need. A bed and a lawn chair has really served me well. Of course I'm going to furnish the place but seeing wants vs. needs has helped me see things in another perspective. That does not include my preps. I just need to get a better handle on those and make better use of the garage. 

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