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What are you canning today? Part 8

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  • 2 weeks later...

Small Batch of Pickled Beets. Decided to try preparing the beets in my new Electric Pressure Cooker. A couple experiments and it seems that 15 minutes is ideal for my cooker and skin almost fell off. Never again will I prepare beets using the *long* methods and I'm encouraged now to buy beets more often when they show up at my Farmers Market.

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Small Batch of Pickled Beets. Decided to try preparing the beets in my new Electric Pressure Cooker. A couple experiments and it seems that 15 minutes is ideal for my cooker and skin almost fell off. Never again will I prepare beets using the *long* methods and I'm encouraged now to buy beets more often when they show up at my Farmers Market.


Congratulations on finding a better method for beets! I did them last summer for DH and I told him if he wanted them he could do them. YUCK! What a big purple mess!!!:yuk:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey citygirl, I love pear mincemeat! I plan to make pear honey and pear mincemeat this week end. BTW, a couple spoonfulls of the mincemeat mixed in a bowl of oatmeal is very tasty! I put up 30 pints of pear preserves, 14 pints of pears in juice, 14 pints in light syrup, and 13 half pints of pear butter last week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

9 pints of chicken breasts, but one didn't seal. :P


When I read about people who are able to do 44 pints in a day, I'm flummoxed...it seems to take so long for my little canner to do 9 pints!!! <_< I think I need to get one of those big monster canners that are out there...mine only fits 9 pints or 7 quarts at one time. Then you've got to get it up to heat, let it steam, process, and let it cool...doing all that for 44 pints would probably take two days! LOL


Way to go on the amazing canning, everyone! :)

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busy weekend here canning up a storm!

2 canners going on Kitchen stove,

One big one in Summer Kitchen,

and then I ran out of room to cook the tomatoes before going in Vic. press?

So I went out and started a fire in our outdoor wood stove and get them going!


string beans, corn, pasta sauce, pizza sauce, and something else(?)


started cooking tomatoes on friday night to cook down for sauce and finished up saturday night making pizza sauce the whole time while that cooked we were cutting up beans or corn and canning them as well as finishing up other cooking jobs.

BUT man did the house smell good!

and all the windows were steamed up!

The cat was winning at her wondow that she couldn't see out! BUT then she would rub her nose over a small spot until she could see 'her birds'. BUT then the clear area would steam over again and we heard a meow and then her rubbing her nose against the window again= this went on for about 20 minutes until I went and wiped the window for her.


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AH - What is your summer kitchen like? I have heard of them, but I have never seen one. Sounds interesting!


here it is just a rom off the Kitchen but you can close the door and all the heat goes out the windows NOT into the rest of the house. In the winter we want the heat but NOT NOW!


Most of our Amish Friends have them too and some are seperate buildings so no heating up the main house (no AC) when canning, cooking big meals or doing wash where you need to heat up the water.


We also have a old woodstove/cooker outside by the side patio and we can cook out there in summer (like when canning).


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My husband and I canned 19 half pints of seedless Blackberry Jam today. Yum! Love our Squeezo machine (and since DH is an engineer he likes to work it - yahoo!)


I guess you use the berry screen? I've been thinking about getting one and wondering if it really worked!


AH, that's funny about the cat wiping the steam off the window with her nose!

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  • 2 weeks later...

candy apple jelly-its a good seller for me at the farmers market. Its the one where you use cinnamon red hots candy in the apple juice.

That sounds really good! I'm gonna have to try it. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

AH - What is your summer kitchen like? I have heard of them, but I have never seen one. Sounds interesting!


My house has an 'ex' summer kitchen. Originally it was an attached enclosed porch, with electrical hookups for stove and running water hookup. As said earlier, it was to cook in during summer months to keep house cooler. Some elder folk have told me they had even used outdoor set ups if they could not spare a room to set up. One of many things done pre-air-conditioning that were actually pretty good ideas.

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