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Annarchy, My prayers for you and hubby continue. Go ahead and cry your eyes out. Once he's home you'll be too busy! When my DH was unexpectedly diagnosed with a brain tumor (that was successfully removed) for the two weeks between diagnosis and surgery I worked a flexible schedule so that I could be home before DS went to his evening classes. I was getting no work done as I spent all my time at the office crying so I could put on a brave face for DH when I got home. 


And we could FEEL all the prayers being said for him - for us. I hope you feel our prayers for you and your husband. :hug3:

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Still praying for you and your DH, Ann!  How is he doing today?


I walked first.
Walked dogs.
Went to hardware store.
Fenced potato patch. I don't know that it will keep anything out, but I feel like I did something.
Going to hard boil some more eggs today to put in pickle juice.
Also making venison teriyaki in the instant pot to put over cauliflower rice for me. The venison has been in marinade since yesterday.
Yesterday, I made chicken and pasta in the instant pot for DH.

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A couple of stints, but they were unable to clear the other one.  His heart is healthy, his artery at the base of the heart is blocked.  Back to the Dr. as soon as he recovers. 

Home, sleeping, apts & meds ordered…



“Heart healthy” diet… time to learn to cook differently….  Lol

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Thanks for letting us know, Annarchy.  I will continue to pray for you all, including learning to cook the heart healthy diet.  :grouphug:

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Today's game plan was to can beef stew. I have canned chicken for years but this is my first try at stew. 7/7 sealed. We will see how it tastes. 

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Fire department woke us up at 11:30 last night. The vacant house next door was on fire. It burned down and is out now. The wind was away from our house, thank God! It's supposed to start raining again in about an hour. That should help. We are thankful to be ok and still have our home! The vacant house was in the process of being sold.  I have to wonder how many goals that God accomplished with that one act.  I know He always does multiple things at the same time (just in my life)!

Didn't get much sleep last night so aside from walking, I am taking the day off except for Bible study tonight.

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He’s doing well, just sore from the cath, stint, IV’s & bruising.


Doc asked, “Ever have high BP?”  No… “… you do now..”. 
But, all things considered, he’s going to learn to enjoy olive oil, no fatty meats, no… anything he likes to eat… at least until MIL goes home..  Good grief!  She’s on him about everything!  Insisting on seeing ALL the paperwork, med reports, medicine paperwork…. Looking over my shoulder… All.the.time.  And you wonder why I’m stressed?  

Went to get his, most important, meds… 10 miles there & back.  Road work, 5 mph for 2 miles.  I get to the pharmacy, which, yesterday I called, on hold an half an hour, hung up, decided to drive over, just as much time…. Someone cut the phone & internet connection… construction..  They wrote down his meds, from the paperwork I brought.  I get there, their debit card system still wasn’t working… ATM in the front of the store, NP… I asked, “How much? “. $300.00!!!!  I swear, I had a minor heart attack!  Still, his life is more important to me than money.  So, after waiting in line for my turn, I get the $$ go back to the pharmacy, and wait in line…. Got the meds, honestly, with tears in my eyes..,  so, long story short…WM is right there. I needed to pick up a couple of thing…usual 20 mile round trip, I picked it up.  Plus my truck driving bro, needed something we had, was here in AZ, and asked if I could get some stuff he needed..  got it all.  Got in the car & headed home… 


Got home & got yelled at.  “Where were you?”  We texted & called!   I left my phone in the car.  MIL’s phone message was extremely stressful, “ Ann, where are you? You should’ve left him alone.  Get home NOW!”  

Then, I get constantly asked if I can do this, then, that…. “Yes, it’s on my ToDo list, yes, I will do it now…..”. 

I had made plans to meet my baby brother, a week ago while he was here.  I refused to change it.  I promised him.  DH was ok with it, but he forgot…. So, because the pharmacy hadn’t filled two other scripts this morning, he told her I had errands to do & would pick up the other scripts on the way home.  

That gave me “alone” time, listening to the Christian music station, rushing 45 miles, one way, to meet my brother at the truck stop, before he has to pick up his next load, and head for Michigan..his home base.


Got home, cooked…making sure I mentioned to MIL, it was a “heart healthy” meal.  

I swear,she’s called every single person she knows, & told them he had a “major horrible” heart attack!  I’m getting calls from the CoC and Woman’s club in TX!  Really?  Sigh….


This too, shall pass…


Sorry for my rant… just letting it out… tomorrow is another day, God willing, it will be less stressful…..

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Oh my, Miki.  BTDT.


 I woke up one night, odd sound, got my robe on, went outside… the vacant house across the street seemed to have flickering light from one if the back windows, then a flaming mattress flew out the window. I was getting ready to call, but a police officer happened to be patrolling, saw it, and turned on his lights.  1/2 hour later, the house was engulfed, and you could finally hear the fire trucks coming from 5 miles away…. I had my garden hoses ready, just in case.  Sadly it was a squatter, trying to build a fire to keep warm, caught the mattress on fire…. 

5 years later, someone from Canada bought the lot & leveled it…then Covid hit….. vacant lot..rodents…and trashy people throwing their garbage in the lot…. Wind blows, trash in my yard…..  


Hopefully, someone will clean the burnt mess up quickly for you.  


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Please do let it out here.  We understand.  I wish there was an easy away around these stress filled times but this is one of those times in life where you really do just need to keep repeating,,,, This too, shall pass.  :grouphug:

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I'm so glad you are okay Miki! I'll bet you were really scared. I know I would have been.  :hug3:


Ugh Annarchy, you come here and let it out any time! This is a safe place with no judgements. You have a lot more patience than I have. Or probably you are just nicer than I am. I own it.  

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the drawer for my desk fell off, hit my bad hand.  lots of pain yesterday.  baby did not nap and acted like she found coffee. DD14 home on spring break so i had help.  she is the kindest soul.


yesterday i went to cook dinner of baked chicken.  discovered i had thawed enough for a stirfry but not enough to bake.  sighs.  got out another pack moved menu up a day.  decided to make a chicken casserole from my southern plate cookbook that id been wanting to try.  got 80% done making it only to realize it had to marinate overnight.  sigh.  finished putting it together and stuck in fridge for next day.   We ended up having soup and sandwiches.  I was in such a bad mood and pain at this point that i got into an argument with my husband on the right way to slice bread.


I had some vodka, pain went down, apologies were made and everyone ended on a good note as i went up to bed early.  

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Annarchy I lived this with DH for years.  It is amazing how well he did with an unfixable damaged heart. I pray that you and your DH can manage and have a decent life. They attempted bypasses on DH a few times but he had so much scar tissue on his arteries etc. that they gave up on doing them. Somehow his body made adjustments and created new pathways for circulation.  It wasn't ideal but it was enough to keep him alive for way longer than we expected. He would not eat the heart healthy diet so he never did.  He said he wanted to eat what he wanted to and that was that. Upsetting to me but he was an adult so it was his choice. I hope you both find your best way to deal with this!  I am praying for you both.


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15 hours ago, Annarchy said:

Oh my, Miki.  BTDT.


 I woke up one night, odd sound, got my robe on, went outside… the vacant house across the street seemed to have flickering light from one if the back windows, then a flaming mattress flew out the window. I was getting ready to call, but a police officer happened to be patrolling, saw it, and turned on his lights.  1/2 hour later, the house was engulfed, and you could finally hear the fire trucks coming from 5 miles away…. I had my garden hoses ready, just in case.  Sadly it was a squatter, trying to build a fire to keep warm, caught the mattress on fire…. 

5 years later, someone from Canada bought the lot & leveled it…then Covid hit….. vacant lot..rodents…and trashy people throwing their garbage in the lot…. Wind blows, trash in my yard…..  


Hopefully, someone will clean the burnt mess up quickly for you.  


I'm hoping that the owner will have it cleaned up and no one will buy it for quite awhile!  I don't want more neighbors.



14 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I'm so glad you are okay Miki! I'll bet you were really scared. I know I would have been.  :hug3:


Ugh Annarchy, you come here and let it out any time! This is a safe place with no judgements. You have a lot more patience than I have. Or probably you are just nicer than I am. I own it.  

I think I was kind of in shock for awhile.  I just got the dogs ready and got everything in our tornado room.  They ended up saying we were ok to stay so I just stood around outside and watched them work.  Walked the next morning like nothing had happened.  Shock.


Walked first and walked dogs this morning, too.
Went to local grocery for pork sale. Good deals!
Stopped at a couple other stores.
Went to thrift store--Got the deal of the century!!! 9 tray Excaliber dehydrator with book and inserts for trays for $30!!!
Going to do some apples in a few minutes since I had a bag sitting around.

Yes, I was dancing around at the thrift store!!!

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Miki, congratulations.  What a buy.  By the way. Even if it doesn’t work they can be repaired.  I have had a verrrrrrry old plastic four tray that hadn’t worked for years but I couldn’t bring myself to toss it.  My son replaced some parts and it works as good as new. 

You got a steal.  Let us know how it works.  :hapydancsmil:Just dancing with you….

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I turned my back for a few days and all sorts of stuff has happened to so many of you! I am definitely glad that things seem to be improving and hope that they continue to do so. It sounds as though we could all stand to partake in some stress-relieving activities. (Maybe, I will start a post about it!)


So far, this has been another hectic week. I am changing jobs and don't quite know when I am supposed to start my new position. It is with the same employer but in a different department and building. My current job has been pretty stressful and doesn't come with a lot of support. That should change with the new job. (At least my fingers are crossed!)


I haven't done a whole lot of stocking and storing. Last weekend, we celebrated Dad's birthday and this weekend is Easter. It is pretty difficult to prepare a full holiday meal for the whole family in mom's apartment, so we are going to have more of an Easter party. Mom loves it when everyone gathers together. She still is not quite as healthy as I'd like her to be, but we did manage to avoid the hospital so far. I have to work a half-day tomorrow and get her to an appointment. There is sunshine in our forecast, so I feel pretty good about that!


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